Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1202: Woman heart under the sea needle

"And let the snow ghosts go to the old ghosts!" Xiao Hua smiled in the quiet room, immediately sitting on the knees, like nothing else. The encounter with him this evening is really a surprise to him. Although he wants to kill Tu Hong, there are so many twists and turns in the middle, and even the last easy, like the stabbing of a sword, killing Tu Hong is to make him dream. Unexpected!

"What kind of Jindan monk you are, under the karma of tens of thousands of souls, it is just a common man!" Xiao Hua’s heart has not been calmed down, he even has some feelings, his feeling in the Quanji Mountain array. Maybe it’s not Xiao Mao, maybe it’s not a nightmare, maybe it’s the swordsman who was killed by Tu Hong, even the monk’s soul!

"The way of cause and effect ah ~ really wonderful!" Xiao Hua thought, the mind into the space, but see the silk **** in the hands of cause and effect, although not very strong, but it is extremely clear, almost silk stripes are in sight!

Xiao Hua felt a little, and he did not hesitate to put his heart into the **** of silk. It was a kind of cool and incomparable. A feeling of being full of words filled the mind of Xiao Hua. It seems that he is a fish. It seems that he is the silk. It seems that he is the dust of the earth, the brilliance above the retrospective is also more and more splendid, the sky and the sky are also slightly rumbling, Xiaohua’s heart swims across the vast sea, swims through the innocent land, swims The long river of time, swimming through the red dust of flowers...

Different from Xiao Hua’s unloading burden, the Jindan monks on the Tudanhong House are all face to face, and their hearts are heavy, I don’t know how to be good!

"Poor road...but it’s just to come to the government to give him a happy, but... I just want to pat the snowy real thing! Really... I really didn’t expect to encounter such a situation!” Almost every The monks are so bitter. "The guardian-stricken Sky City was broken by Qin Jian. A monk in the middle of Jindan was killed by Qin Jian! Even the patrol city owner...had not had time to save it! This... ...this is even more terrible than Qin Jian’s earliest provocation!!!"

Moreover, the monks of the Jindan Dan are suddenly afraid of each other after thinking about it!

Yes, how did Xiao Hua kill Tu Hong? It is in a group of Jindan monks and magical weapons, and the pursuit of Xiaohua at the end of the title; that is, Tu Hong has completely motivated the mana, and the mandarin of the mid-Jindan monk issued a dozen brilliance; that is, within the shack of Tu Hong When the defensive array wants to kill Xiao Hua! Xiao Hua offered a sword array! ! ! Not to mention that Xiao Hua’s figure is like a ghost, and in many magical treasures, he is like a shadow, killing Tu Hong is not awkward, nor saying that a magic sword swordsman can actually display a sword array. Nor does it say that the sword array has been sacrificed. In the trapping of Tu Hong, Tu Hong has no resistance! Speaking of being trapped in the sword array, Tu Hong’s incredible madness makes a monk fearful!

This is what it is like! Almost a blow to kill the mid-Mindan monk! This "Qin Jian" has been repaired far beyond the ordinary magic sword three products, has already set foot on the edge of the sword! A group of Jindan monks actually besieged the swords and swordsmen, and now they want to come to fear. If not "Qin Jian" fears the real people in the snow. I am afraid... I am afraid that they will also fall into the sword array of "Qin Jian". That horrible sword array is simply a killer! The green and red flying swords are really like the bladeless years. Without any hindrance, the young girl’s youth was silently cut off. Tu Hong’s defensive tactics could not help the sharpness of the flying sword. Tu Hong’s ambition, Tu Hong’s infatuated fingers were gone with the wind!

However, the Jindan monks were only a moment of fear, and then they saw the real people in the snowy field, and the method of driving the Sky City began to search for "Qin Jian". The face was white, and the heart began to be afraid!

However, although they are afraid, but no one dares to move, one by one quietly stay in the middle of the Tuhong House, waiting for the real people in the snow!

There was only one person, and there was extreme horror on his face. There was still some blushing face that was now pale and abnormal. This person is a dream, a kind of sorrow, a kind of remorse, a kind of enlightenment in her eyes.

At the same time, she looked at the same corpse in her hand with an extreme incomprehension!

Not far from the nightmare, nature is self-righteous, and his face is extremely embarrassing. Although Tu Hong did not admit it to death, the low voice of the speech does not mean that "Qin Jian" is not true. What? Since Tu Hong is preparing to take the soul of a nightmare, what role does he play? If this matter is known, how can he behave himself?

Sure enough, it was the time of half a cup of tea. The entire glory of the glory that fell in the sky in the sky was gradually disappearing. This brilliance has already led countless monks flying out of Hume, and they want to fly in the air to see what happened, just The real pressure of the snowy area will cover the entire Sky City. They only explore their heads, they lose their interest, and they stay in the rest place, no longer dare to move!

Waiting for the body shape of the snowy domain to disappear, the pressure is completely gone, the disciples of the Sky City have already appeared in the team, and all the streets in the Sky City are inspected, that is, some Jindan disciples in the Sky City are also flying in the air, face With a quirky look, I urge my disciples to focus on the search, while they themselves...there are some monks who ordinary disciples can't cope with!

Look at the snowy real people, the body shape of the rainbow fell by the pagoda, the hand grabbed the hand, the entire pagoda was taken up by him, "banging up", the pagoda fell, the array is also shattered, revealing Originally filled with crystal enamel space.

Only in this space, except for the corpse of the blue dragonfly, it is already empty, and there is no trace at all.

The snowy real people will take a trick, the blue corpse's corpse flies in the air, the snowy real people squint for a moment, and it is a trick, Tu Hong's corpse also flew over, with the blue corpse's corpse ......

It was a moment, the snowy real people will wave their sleeves, the bodies of the two fell into the dust, but his eyes were to look at the battle of Jindan monks.

"What is going on here?" The snowy real people finally spoke, but this was the first time after the snowy real people returned to the Sky City, and the voice was filled with anger.

Qingbi and Yunchen and others looked at each other and did not dare to speak out. This is Tu Hong’s ugly thing. Who knows how the snowy real people are planning? If he listens to resentment, who dares to speak out... Who is the one who died first?

Seeing that everyone did not dare to speak out, the snowy real people laughed and said: "It seems, the old man..."

"Good teaching predecessors know that things are like this!" A soft, clear-sounding voice sounded, and it was the dream of still holding a corpse in his hand.

In the eyes of the snowy real people, there is a glimmer of sorrow, as if you could dig a piece of meat from the nightmare!

Of course, this is in the case that he does not understand the reason, waiting for him to hear the dream of the matter, the original book, the original book, the dripping water is not leaked out, the eyes are almost the sword! It seems that I will slap the nightmare with Tu Hong, and stab out sixty deadly sword marks!

In the face of the real sight of the snowy area, there is also a murderous murder in the eyes. It is very calm against the nightmare. She is full of worship and sighs. She said: "The younger generation is an ominous person who originally loved me. Disciple Cui Hongyi, but Cui Lang went to Quanji Mountain with his younger generation and was buried in a large array! The younger generation was ashamed at the time, and he didn’t want to commit himself to others. But...the younger generations were in the middle of the Tuo’s predecessors, and they were also in the spring. Lushan killed the swordsman of the country, and it was the revenge for Cui Lang. It was also the fulfillment of the wishes of the younger generation. It was the younger generation who agreed to hold a double ceremony with the predecessors. The things tonight are too sudden, the younger generation... ...the younger generation does not know if this is true!"

"However, watching the embarrassment of the younger generation, the younger generation is very emotional. Although she is already dead, there is Tu Hong who cares for her, for her resurrection... Unscrupulous, can the younger generation? Lonely bitter, helpless, even The corpse of Cui Lang can't be found! The actions of Tu Hong's predecessors may be a big rebellion in the eyes of others. It may also be a sinful sin. It can be a real lover in the eyes of the younger generation and so on! To be honest, this Even if it is true, the younger generation has no resentment! The younger generation does not blame Tu Hong!!"

"Actually, if he directly said this matter to the younger generation, the younger generation would not hesitate to answer, because the heart of the younger generation had already died, and he had already gone with Cui Lang, instead of letting the body of the younger generation It’s better to give Tu Hong a living cockroach!

"So, the younger generation pleaded, allowing the younger generation to bury the corpse of the corpse with Tu Hong, and the younger generation... also asked the seniors to start the disciples and bury the younger generations in Quanji Mountain. Even if the younger generation could not be buried with Cui Lang, But also watched Cui Lang’s body sleep!”

"Silk~" A group of Jindan monks listened to the words of Du Fu's blood, and they couldn't help but take a breath. They thought that the most hated of Tu Hong was against the dream! I don’t know if people are resentful to Tu Hong, and they simply think of it as a cloud!

This... this is simply incredible! This is simply no reason! !

The monks of Jindan are all surprised. A long-standing saying goes to their minds at the same time: "The needle of the woman's heart under the sea!!!"

Among the monks of Jindan, there are also female practitioners. Qingbi is one of them. She listens to her feelings, but when she sees the thoughtful look of the snowy realm, there is a hint of vitality in her heart. I didn’t dare to say a word at all, I was afraid that I would anger the real snowy people who have just moved!

"Little girl! Is this true?" The snowy real people said coldly.

"Hey~" is a bitter smile to the nightmare. "The younger generation is ashamed, and the seniors should accept this. The younger generation will go after Cuilang!"

Said, against the nightmare, he waved his hand, and the scorpion’s corpse flew in the air, and his own hand, such as the jade’s palm hit his forehead, cried in his mouth: “Cui Lang, Cui Lang, looking for you Coming..." (To be continued...)

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