Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1204: "The wise does not buy rumours"

"Well, add a hand, and quickly explore the news of the demon sect!" Snowy real face swept a trace of anger.

"Yes, the disciples understand that they are all disciples of the disciples!" Kim Jong rushed to plead guilty.

The real people in the snowy field put on their sleeves: "This is also a resentment to you. Nowadays, the Kendo war has made my Sky City ruined. Who will control the Emperor?"

"What does the city owner mean?" Fang cold asked.

"I don't want you to wait, the swordsman seems to be Qin Jian, but his technique is very superb. He can avoid the magic weapon of the Jindan monk. It seems that he is carrying the scorpion of the poultry repair! This is also true, Qin Jian is Swordsman of the Shu State, it is also possible to understand the practice of poultry repair. But in the way of disguising his body shape, there seems to be traces of magic repair. If it is not expected by the old man, this is probably the name of the demon sorcerer. Killing my disciple in the Sky City, I will further beat the contradiction between Daozong and Jianxiu!"

"The lord of the city is wise!" Fang Lengbe and Jin Hao really admire, and respectfully replied. However, they are not clear why the snowy real people suddenly judged that this is not what Qin Jian did.

"It’s just that the old man has some nahans. Although there are traces of the demon sects in the kendo wars, the sects of the sects of the sects are also in a moment of war. At this time, they have already played hot, and how the celestial sects are braved by the old man. The risk is coming out again and again? Are they... not afraid of the stuffing?"

"The disciple doesn't know!" Jin Hao honestly replied, "After the disciples have explored the whereabouts of the demon sect, ask the master of the city to decide!"

"Well," the snowy real person nodded unanimously, and then asked faintly. "Can you know about Tuohong?"

"This..." Jin Hao and Fang Leng are very embarrassed, but they don't know that it is impossible. Although Jin Dan's monk got the warning of the real people in the snowy area, he has already negotiated, and jointly issued an oath, never Reveal a word, but the disciple of the Sky City on Tuhong House? How can Jin Yu and Fang Leng not have a confidant in it?

However, the snowy real people have warned things, they also know that at this time the snowy real people ask again. How do you let them answer?

"The rumor ends in the wise!" The snowy real people looked at the sky outside the hall. Said faintly, "The sky is going to light up, the new day is about to begin, everything yesterday... let it go!"

immediately. The snowy real people closed their eyes and ignored the two.

"Yes. Disciples know!" Jin Hao and Fang Leng don't have a heart. Knowing that the matter about Tu Hong has been characterized as a rumor, and everything about Tu Hong will be forgotten in the books by the Sky City, and all of them will be prayed. Carefully withdrew.

The rising sun drove the darkness away, but where did the dark go? under the tree? Under the roof? In the rice fields? Still in the hearts of people? No one can say it, but the sun is gone, the darkness is coming! The light and darkness of this world will always alternate, and no one knows whether the light has driven away the darkness, or the darkness has driven away the light.

Everyone in the Sky City knows that when the first rays of the sun hit the Sky City, the entire Sky City is... boiling!

Not happy to boil!

It is the boiling of anger, the boiling of anger, the boiling of fear, the boiling of trepidation! !

Tu Hong, the monk of Jindan, who is rising in the Sky City, is a disciple of the Sky City who is considered to be the lord of the city. He has been a hero in the Taoist wars that has been proud of the Sky City for several years. The hero of the main Yan Xifu's House of Deputies is also the mastermind of several battles with swordsmen in the past few years.

Just last night, the sword was repaired by Qin Jian into the Sky City assassination! ! !

No one doubts the reason for this news, because last night, the pressure of the Yuan Ying monk covered the entire Sky City, and every retreat monk, even those who were hiding in the quiet room, was obvious. I feel the anger of the real snow!

What can make a Yuan Ying monk extremely angry?

The people of last night guessed for a long time, only to wait until the early morning, the night went, and got the news that shocked everyone! ! ! Besides this, what else can you do? ? ?

“How did this Qin sword mix into the Sky City?”

"How does this Qin sword kill Tu Hong?"

"What about Tu Hong's double repair ceremony?"

"There is a golden monk who gathers He Xi on Tu Hong House. Are they doing it?"

"How did Qin Jian escape the killing of real people in the snow?"

“Is Sky City still safe?”

One by one, one by one, the guesses are heard among the people, and the stories of each color are passed from the mouth of each monk or unintentional monk to the ears of another monk, and then passed from the mouth of the monk to the ears of another monk. ......

The doubts are getting more and more, and the guessing is getting more and more. These boring things, people are more curious, the real thing is true... no one knows anymore!

The so-called secret of this world, the so-called secret is not the case!

In particular, those Jindan monks who were suspected of going to Tuhong House last night were not jealous of what happened last night. When it comes to the assassination of Tu Hong, they are not concealed, and the description of words and sentences is The indignation of the sword repair, it really makes people feel that it is difficult to write!

This seems to be different from what I think!

Almost every curious monk is asking himself in unison, and this is a matter of damaging the Sky City and detracting from the real face of the snow. They should be jealous, it should be... flashing!

Of course, these doubts are only a moment, and everyone is attracted to the strange swords and the unpredictable means of Qin Jian! The entire Sky City, whether it is the resident of each faction, the tea house wine cellar, or various shops, is talking about the battle between Qin Jian and Tu Hong! ! ! Moreover, the monks who had never participated in the war, the anger in the chest was ignited unprecedentedly. Since Qin Jian can break into the Sky City to assassinate Tu Hong, why can the monks not break into the country to assassinate Qin Jian? Various arrangements, various plans have been all kinds of operations in one shape, and Qin Jian became the enemy of Wan Xiu. If you do not kill Qin Jian, the monks will never have a face!

I heard the news from the disciples of the Sky City, Jin Hao and Fang Leng’s face showed a relaxed, this is exactly what they want to get, just wipe out the things of Tu Hong’s aunt and the sword. How can it be repaired? The face of the Sky City, the face of the real snow? It was lost as early as last night, so I don't have to find it today!

It is different from the boiling of the entire Sky City. Well, it is different from the whole Royal Leizong resident. At this time, within the quiet room of the first squad of Yu Leizong, Cui Hongjun’s anxiety is scratching! He is rarely worried about Xiao Hua once!

This is worried about the emergence of the real pressure from the snowy area last night! The pressure of Yuan Ying’s monks, with the help of the squad of the Sky City, the prohibition of the Royal Leizong resident can not resist, the anger of the real people in the snow is reflected in the hearts of every monk through the pressure, Cui Hongyi is no exception! He is also afraid that the only person in the entire Sky City who knows the cause of realty in the snow!

"This Xiaohua... What did it do? Actually let the snowy real people be so angry?" Cui Hongyi’s heart is like a drum, and he is uneasy. For fear of a moment, the disciple of the Sky City is coming in from outside the quiet room. I will take him away!

"The poor road is just to let him ask the nightmare's mind, why is it causing so many things?" For a time, Cui Hongyi actually had some remorse, and felt that he should not let Xiao Hua go to Tuhong House! It is not only disrupting the happiness of the nightmare, but also introducing yourself into trouble!

This remorse, as well as the worry about Xiao Hua has been entangled with him until the daylight is bright, listening to some whispering voice outside the quiet room, Cui Hongyi sighed, stood up and walked out of the quiet room.

Sure enough, just above the hall, Zhen Minghui and others have gathered together in a low voice.

"Cui Captain!" Seeing Cui Hongyu come out, Zhen Minghui and others are all present.

Although all six have benefits, Cui Hongyi's progress is the biggest, and he has become the leader of the crowd. With the admiration of everyone, Zhen Minghui and others have already regarded Cui Hongyi as the captain of the first team.

“Well~” Cui Hongyi nodded slightly and asked, “But is talking about the pressure of last night?”

"Exactly!" Zhen Minghui's envy of the face, "That is the pressure of the Yuan Ying monk, even if it is inside the quiet room, it can clearly understand the big sense! Under the pressure of the vast sea of ​​smoke, the earthquake Someone really feels like a cock!"

"Yes, that's it!" The fire jumped up and excited. "The younger brother was obsessed with the exercises last night, but the pressure suddenly became almost incompetent, and the younger brother... almost scared. If you don't think that your brothers are resting, the younger brother will definitely run out! It is too scary!"

Seeing that Zhen Minghui and others are ignorant and fearless, Cui Hongyi suddenly felt that he did not know how happy it was!

"Yes, Bai is such an idea! I really wanted to come out from the quiet room! But I am afraid that there is really something, if it is angered by Yuan Ying's predecessors..." Bai Su Gu is also awkward. Said.

At this time, the prohibition outside the hall suddenly became a little fluctuating. Although this fluctuation was not obvious, Cui Hongjun’s heart suddenly became awkward. However, when he saw the people who came in, he couldn't help but be ecstatic, and an unspeakable surprise came to his mind. An inexplicable grief also filled the chest.

"The nightmare..." Cui Hongyu whispered, his footsteps moved two steps and stopped!

"Cui Lang, you are still alive!!!" There is still some pale face on the nightmare, still with unbelief, the strong self-supporting strongness is the moment when I see Cui Hongyi is almost broken, almost flying over, Invest in Cui Hongjun's arms! (To be continued...)

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