Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1213: rule

"But it, it's gone~" Xiao Hua was a big head and laughed. "I didn't say that when I grew up, I will know when you grow up!"

"Well, the mother is right, the child is now a bit open, and many things are faintly remembered!" Xiao Huang is not quite the same as before.

"Ha ha ha, great, my mother thought that you should sleep in addition to eating, and there are also ... inheritance!" Xiao Hua was very addicted, and it was natural to say it.

"Mother kisses the baby out to do it?" Xiao Huang looked at the Buddha relics, and looked at the water bottle and looked at the beads, some puzzled.

"Oh, there may be hidden souls in this bead. The mother wants to collect the beads, let you sit in the mother!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

"Well!" Xiao Huang's cheerful tail flicked to the side of the wind.

"It's not for you to eat!" Xiao Hua saw Xiao Huang's nose rushed over and hurriedly shouted.

Xiao Huang listened, raised his small head, two small eyes like black pearls, and its voice was born from the heart of Xiao Hua: "The baby did not expect to eat!"

"Khan~" Xiao Hua said, "This little thing has grown up, it is really naughty!"

I saw Xiao Huang’s nose pressed a few times, and then fiddled with a small claw. He shook his head and said: “Mother, there is nothing to eat in this thing!”

"Haha, good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. "You look at it. If something weird comes out, you will eat it!"

"Yes!" Xiao Huang is still smaller than the little finger, and the red tongue sticks out, like a sly look.

Xiao Hua will have a big sleeve. When the sleeves are covered with the wind, it is precisely when preparing for the sacrifice, Xiao Huang suddenly said: "Mother, the smell of this thing is similar to that of the duck of the family..."

"What? Home?? Duck??" Xiao Hua stunned, as if did not understand.

"It's the big duck that the mother throws into the house!!" Xiao Huangqi said, "It is the duck that smells like the little girl, and there is such a breath in this thing!"

"Oh?" Xiaohua understood something. "Is it difficult to become a fairy, related to the goddess?"

"Go, go home and see!" Xiao Hua said nothing. Send Xiao Huang into the space. My own mind also entered with the wind.

But see the little duck still sleeping, the injury has basically disappeared, but the speed of the injury is too slow, faint or some **** looming.

Xiao Huang fell next to the duck. The big tail swept. It is in the eyes of the ducks. The duck's eyes turned a few times and slowly opened. It was the pair of flexible eyes of the previous nephew!

The shadow of Xiao Huang is reflected on the duckling's scorpion. The little duck smashed his eyes, his flat mouth opened, and he did not make a sound. Immediately, the duck raised his head in a difficult way, his eyes falling on the bead next to Xiao Huang.

"Hey~" is really the sound of the ducks, the little ducks are a little excited, and the hoarse voice is hard to call out!

"This..." Xiao Hua’s mind is next to the bead. I don’t feel hesitant. He wants to use this winddrop to practice the wind, and he wants to use it to make a magic weapon!

"The magic weapon will be there sooner or later, but the life of the child can be ... only one!" Although Xiao Hua knows that the child will not be in danger again, he will still send the balloon to the flat mouth of the child.

The yellow wings of her nephew were slightly fanned, and it seemed to be urgent after all. After Xiao Hua sent the wind beads into her mouth, her wings stopped to flap!

"呜~~" As the winddrops fall into the mouth of the nephew, a faint wind sounds from the body of the nephew! This faint wind swirled around the whole body and gradually increased. Nearly ten feet were absorbed by the wind.

"Hey, this is dry! This is a family!" Xiao Hua was in a hurry, and he looked around and immediately moved her to the middle of the Yinyang Waterhole!

"Hey? How light is nothing!" Xiao Hua found that the child is now a wind, no weight at all, "Go, here you just toss!"

The nephew stopped in the middle of the air, and the hurricane around the body suddenly became big, straight like a huge tornado, the sky fell on the sky, and the blue water fell, and the look of the little duck was gradually blurred.

"What is going on here!" Xiao Hua was puzzled.

"呜~" The tornado brought the water from the water pool and rushed into the air. The water was turned into a raindrop. The "small smashing" hit around the pool, and the surrounding area was planted with a lot of rice, dozens of cockroaches. Planting in the tireless harvest!

"嗡~" In the sky, like the sun's retrospective, at this time it also makes a roaring sound, and the glare of the brilliance gathers, and throws into the already obscured figure!

"Brush~" circle is like a colorful halo in the hurricane, one round and one round from the outside to the inside, as the halo shrinks, the child's body shape is getting smaller and smaller, and finally became a Thumb-sized air mass!

"Hey!" A burst of sound, the Ray Light that should have been smashed on the Thunderbolt actually changed direction, it is within the air mass!

The air mass burst into a splendid brilliance with the annihilation of the thunder, and a naked girl image appeared in the brilliance!

"Grandma's, look at it!" Xiao Hua is rushing to close his eyes, but unfortunately, he is the god, how can he close his eyes?

Also, the image of the girl is just a fleeting moment. Immediately, a white swan with the size of a duckling appears in the light and shadow, the slender neck, the proud eyes, the slightly shivering white feathers. Extremely elegant!

As the little swan opened its wings, Guanghua began to slowly extinguish, and a feather that emitted a holy brilliance fell on the forehead of the little swan, but only half a foot fell and was swallowed into the belly by the little swan.

"I understand!" Xiao Hua saw the curved neck of the little swan and two wings, which was the thought of the wind. "The cockroach's possessive beast is afraid of this thing? His temper... It’s not a magic weapon, or a inner beast of a beast, or something else. It’s not a duckling. She took this wind and grew up!”

However, just when the brilliance of the swan was smashed, the swan that was smashed and wanted to spread its wings, the whole space shook, and a will of incomparable will descend from the sky. It was the body that covered the nephew, in an instant, The swan that has been smashed is not seen, and the little duck appears in front of Xiao Hua!

"This...this is..." Xiao Hua felt that this familiar, somewhat fearful will, was not shocked. "Isn't this the heavenly wave of heaven and earth? It... How does it make a stick?" Going back to the prototype?"

Seeing that the nephew has turned from a duckling to an elegant swan, it seems to be changing. A wave similar to the heavens descends from the sky and drops the nephew with the cloud to the quagmire. It is the restoration of the former furry little yellow duck. Look, Xiaohua is very surprised!

"This is not a starry sky... fluctuations? How do you fall on your nephew?" Xiao Hua’s mind looked at the deep starry sky, thinking about it, but seeing the high, almost within reach of the stars, The stars are drifting leisurely, each star has its own trajectory, and all the stars seem to share the same trajectory!

Looking at it, watching, Xiao Hua’s mind seems to have turned into a cloud, and the rising of the scorpion is getting higher and higher; and as the mind is soaring, the attraction between the stars is getting bigger and bigger!

Perhaps in the blink of an eye, perhaps for a very long time, Xiao Hua’s mind perceives the silk **** that blends into the sky and stars! This Yuanshen is different from the Yuanshen in the hands of cause and effect. It is actually the appearance of a star, and it is also sliding in the stars with other stars. It is also a faint trajectory!

Waiting for Xiao Hua's heart to melt into the silk god, Xiao Hua found himself as a planet in the secret world of Xuehui Island! A thick, one-of-a-kind force came out of him!

"Rules... This is the power of the rules!" Xiaohua, who is transformed into a star, seems to have become slower. After a long time, one is very strange, but some faint thoughts are pouring into his heart!

"Under the heavens is everything, everything is orderly! This order is the rule, and to maintain this rule, there must be a rule!!!! Heaven is... a rule, a rule of initial and regular助!!!" Xiao Hua seems to understand that there is a kind of understanding, and between the stars, among the stars of Xiao Hua's incarnation, this kind of heavy force becomes more and more clear with Xiao Hua's enlightenment. Translucent.

"Even in my sleeves, I use the mana to control the enemy within a certain range. Because the enemy's mana can't reach me, this excess mana can be seen as the power of the rule, using the power of the rules. Control everything in this range!"

"Green 篆 ...... ... looks very mysterious, can be said to be practical, but also the ancient heavens to understand the rules of the heavens, using the green essay to drive the rules, resulting in wind and rain ..."

The more Xiao Hua thinks more, the volatility of the stars is more and more subtle, and it seems to be in line with the heavens in the starry sky...

A deep, long-lasting, and perpetual feeling arises from the center of the stars, gradually spreading the whole mind of Xiaohua!

"Mother Kiss..." Suddenly a panicking voice was born from Xiao Hua’s heart, and it was Xiao Huang’s call.

"Oh?" This voice gave birth to Xiao Hua from meditation, and the fluctuations that coincided with the heavens naturally ended abruptly!

"Good insurance!!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized that his heart immediately came out of the silk god, and the **** was still flying away from the stars. "If you are more enlightened for a while... Oh, it’s a while, maybe For several years, for decades, Xiaoye himself will be transformed into a star, and it will become a glimpse of heaven!"

Xiao Hua’s mind dropped rapidly, and Xiao Huang asked: “Mother, what have you just done? The baby thinks that you are... bigger and bigger, more and more cold, and the baby is very scared!” (To be continued ......)

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