Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1217: Li Zongbao visited

"Good teacher Cui captain knows that the defender is waiting for a long time, but the captain and Xiao brother are not coming over, let go!" Zhen Minghui is also whisper.

"Oh, the earthquake is not waiting!" Cui Hongyi lost his smile. "The younger generation will soon leave the Sky City, but Xiao brother will still stay. The younger ones must first ask Xiao’s brother to rest, in order to hand over the token. come out!"

"哼~" next to a late-stage disciple sneer, "A disciple in the early stage of building a foundation, what do you stay here? It is better to go back to Wanlei Valley when you are a disciple!"

"Oh, Jianfeng Shishu said heavy!" Cui Hongyi apparently also knew this disciple, laughing. "Xiao Shixiong is the most significant person in the first squad of my Royal Leizong. He stayed on the battlefield, absolutely Jian Jian. Nightmare!"

"But it happened to happen! You and I are all Wan Leigu disciples, and those imaginary battles don't have to be shown off!" The Jian Jianfeng sneered, "Zhen can bet with you, I am waiting on the battlefield." When you walk, the merits of any disciple will not be worse than yours! Why do you put gold on yourself? You still have to hand over the tokens, I am lacking, or have to rest quickly. You are going back to clean, I will wait for the battlefield!"

"The teachers and the uncles are a little itch ww. 鄙婕 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖 艋氖  肀 フ フ フ フ フ 爸 爸 爸 爸 爸 爸 爸 ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

"Cui Hongjun!" Zhenshan angered, "This rest of the pavilion, listening to the disciples arranged to say that it is a quiet room of twenty people. Even if you stay behind this brother, it is absolutely impossible to stay here, you push the third gear Fourth, what does this mean? If other Leigong disciples come over, it will be over. Zhenmou is the teacher of your thundering palace. So let me wait here, do I wait for the face?"

Cui Hongyi’s eyes are swept away, and it’s true. The lively scenes on the left are already quiet. Many disciples have entered the pavilion. Nowadays, they are all arranged, and then come out to be familiar with the environment. Only Zhenshan and others have not yet entered the quiet room.

but. Although Cui Hongyi has a hard face on his face. Still shaking his head: "The earthquake is uncle. The younger generation will come and go, it will not be delayed..."

Seeing Cui Hongjun's persistence, Xiao Hua nodded secretly. I feel that everything I have done for him is rewarding. Since his own younger brother is defending himself, Xiao Hua is too lazy to argue with Zhenshan. The alchemy hole is much stronger than here!

When Xiao Hua wants to speak, the two disciples of the early stage of the foundation will fly over, screaming: "Where is the first team of Royal Leizong?"

Cui Hongyi was overjoyed and hurriedly greeted the past. He said: "The first team leader of the Royal Leizong Cui Hongyi has seen two younger brothers!"

"Oh, please ask Captain Cui to check the token!" The current disciple has a smile on his face. "The captain of Cui is excellent in combat. When I am a model for my disciples to follow, I will be rewarded by the lord when I return to Yu Leizong. !"

"Oh, don't dare!" Cui Hongjun took the token out and handed it to the disciple, and said, "Cui and others will return to Lei Feng, but Cui's brother still has to stay in the station, I don't know him. How is the arrangement?"

The disciple took over the token of Cui Hongjun. After checking it, he gave it back to Cui Hongyi. He lost his smile: "This disciple does not know it! The disciple only received the order, and the first team of Yu Leizong and the first team of six people boarded the first character. No. Thunder Boat, as the first feat of returning to Lei Feng, other disciples really don’t know!"

"Captain Cui, I have already been there before, but I can't wait any longer now! Thunder Boat waited for a long time outside the Sky City, not to mention that it was a long time to be discovered by the sword. It would be a little trouble on the way back to the Thunder Boat, that is, let the Lord It is not good for his old man to wait on the Leifeng Peak!" Another Zhuji disciple said with some envy.

"Yeah, Captain Cui, the lord has already stated that his old man is going to meet the first team in the Lei Fengfeng personally. This is the only time of this Taoist war!"

There was a burst of excitement on Cui Hongjun’s face, but then he was calm again. The merits of the first team of Yu Leizong were of great importance. It can be said that they are all Xiao Hua’s credit. He should not be so favored; Others may not know, Cui Hongyi is somewhat aware that the practice of doing this is not only the merits of the first team, but also the reason for Tu Hong.

"Oh, Cui Shidi!" Xiao Hua smiled. "You wait and go, take the ban on the token to Zhenshan and others. Now you are waiting, Xiaomou is too lazy to be with them, um. It’s heartbreaking to think about people!”

"This..." Cui Hongyi shook his head slightly. "Even if the younger brother surrendered the token's ban, let them arrange the rest of the brothers first? The younger brother is afraid that they will forget the brothers!"

"Oh, this is possible!" Xiao Hua realized Cui Hongjun's carefulness and smiled. "However, if they arrange, they are afraid to arrange it with others. It is better to go to the alchemy hole than to be such a brother!"

"Well, the younger brother understands!" Cui Hongyi nodded. "The brothers are people who like themselves and will not know them!"

"Oh, huh~" Xiaohua smiled. He took a handbook and took out the storage bag, but he thought about it and sent it to Cui Hongyi, who was handing the token to Zhenshan. "For the brothers here. Things, but it is not convenient to bring you back to Wanlei Valley. You told Master and Master that after the big battle, let them be happy again! Rest assured, absolutely something they have never seen before!"

Cui Hongjun’s face was quiet and the handover with Zhenshan was completed. Then Zhenshan and others did not look at Cui Hongyi again. They turned and banned the pavilion’s ban, and they sneaked in and banned.

Looking at Zhenshan and other prohibitions, Cui Hongyi turned his head and smiled: "Xiao brother, I am waiting to go back, you have to take care!"

"Hey, rest assured! Master Cui, you are worried about the way we go back!" Zhen Minghui said innocently, "You are always ignorant of the foundation of the building. I can still build the foundation." what!"

Zhen Minghui, um, not only Zhen Minghui, even Bai Sugu and others can't wait for them to be Wan Leigu disciples at this time, although they can't be sure that Cui Hongjun and the nightmare must be Xiaohua's in the middle of the foundation. Handwritten, obviously, although Xiaohua went out, it was only a dozen days, and he came back directly to build a foundation. It’s okay to talk to Xiaohua. Others will believe that they can’t believe that Xiaohua is brave. ! They only believe that if they are Wan Leigu disciples, they may have been a disciple in the middle of the building!

"Oh, it's all opportunities, it's all chances!" Cui Hongxi laughed. "Ming Hui's brother is also at the peak of the initial stage of building the foundation. Sooner or later, it will be in the middle of the foundation..."

"Oh, maybe!" Zhen Minghui replied, but his face was stunned. Yes, although the difference between the middle of the foundation and the initial stage of the foundation was not as big as the initial peak of the refining and the initial stage of the foundation, it is definitely not It’s as simple as Cui Hongjun’s saying. In particular, these few are more frustrated in the cultivation of the birds, there is no gain in the killing, but it is dizzy for several years, and suddenly cultivated as a refined, even they themselves can not touch the mind. And this time back to Lei Leifeng, who knows what is the practice of cultivation?

"You brothers, let's go!" The two disciples are urging.

"Let's go, Xiaomou gives you a ride!" Xiao Hua smiled and waved.

"There are laborers!" Everyone is respectful and praised as a brother, and the earthquake and others are also called uncles.

The two disciples are really puzzled. Xiao Hua’s cultivation seems to be low among the early disciples of several foundations...

"Please~" Although the two disciples are different, they can respect Kui Hongyi and others. However, just after a few people are about to fly, there are several disciples flying over. Everyone looks at it, it is a duty. The disciple led Li Zongbao and Xiao Mao to come in!

Li Zongbao’s fame is too big. Not only does he lead the disciplinary attitude of respecting his disciples, but the two founding disciples who led Cui Hongjun and others saw Xiao Hua’s path as he flew toward himself. They were also surprised, even in mid-air. The stop will come down and he said: "I have seen Li Zongbao, brother Li, I don't know why the brothers came to my Royal Leizong station."

Cui Hongyi and others naturally have the meaning of Li Zongbao, but they also accompany them.

Li Zongbao faintly slammed his disciples and nodded, but he was surprised to see Cui Hongyi: "Cui Hongyi, you actually built a foundation in the middle?"

Li Zongbao's "actual" word is quite random, just like the teacher's guidance to the younger generation. However, Cui Hongyi did not have any inappropriate feelings in his heart, and hurriedly smiled: "The disciples have some chances, but they are barely able to build a base, and they are a bit embarrassed!"

"Well~" Li Zongbao seems to use what magic to watch Cui Hongjun for a moment, flashing a slight multicolored color in his eyes, and nodding his head. "Your foundation is good. Previously, I felt that you rushed into the middle of the foundation, and may be practicing in the future. It’s not good, but... it’s like a certain family has some concerns!”

Li Zongbao said here, no more to say, look up and down the dream: "Is this a dream?"

"I have seen Li Zongbao Li brothers all over the place!" The face of the nightmare is reddish, naturally knowing why Li Zongbao knows himself and sees him again.

"Well~" Li Zongbao nodded. "A family heard that you have a better choice! But at this time you can see you follow Cui Hongyi back to the Zongmen, it is really good! A family can only say... Your choice is wise!"

I bite my lips with a nightmare, and my face is flushed again. I laughed and said: "This is the companion of Cui Lang, even for thousands of years... I must be with Cui Lang!"

"Good~" Li Zongbao stroked his hand, took a hand, took out a message, and handed it to a nightmare, proudly saying, "This is a message of a certain family, just rushing to you, a family should help you." If you have anything difficult to do, you can find someone!" (To be continued...)

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