Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1222: Sword repairing anger

Not to mention that Xiao Hua returned to Yu Leizong, knowing that he did not have a place to retreat, he had to find Chang Yi, and he took out Lingshi to find an ordinary alchemy hole to practice, only to say that within the Shuguojian domain, that dozens The place where the swordsman gathers, the mountain is still the snow-covered mountain, the water is still the water of the jasper, but the people are much less, only a dozen swordsmen of the three swords stand faceless. Above the water pool!

In addition to these differences, it is the sound of the humming sound of the entire valley.

"Hey~ The old man knows that you are the horror phoenix. Come and come, the old man will fight you for three hundred rounds!"

"Hey~ Why are you going to escape? And eat the old man and grab it..."

It’s not someone else, it’s the rain that wanders from the yin and yang two springs. ?

At this time, the rain was exactly the same as when I escaped from Xiao Hua’s hand. When I said something inexplicable, my body flashed and flew up and down from time to time. The fierce wind rang and attacked the virtual air! And his own body shape is extremely flexible and flashes in the air, as if he really faces Xiao Hua.

"Lian Ying Jianyou!" Lu Ruochang, who stood quietly on the lake, looked at him for a long time, sighing and sighing at his side, ten Zhangzuoyou, a little old man said, "Yu Jianyou... really recalls a little Can't you get up to the situation at the time? Really can't tell who is killing Ming Jianzong's swordsmen on that day?"

The old man was wearing gray clothes and looked gray and whispered: "The rain teacher didn't remember the situation at the time, but he didn't even know who he was. Fortunately, he returned to his memory." Near the mountain. Otherwise he was killed by the monk, I don't know his whereabouts!"

"As for who is killing Ming Jianzong's swordsman, isn't this obvious? Isn't it the horror phoenix of Yu Leizong?" Even the eagle glanced at the figure that was not too far from his body, and his hair was white and Ming Jianzong Zhu Chengye After that, I said another sentence.

Lv Ruochang shook his head slightly: "Terrorist phoenix has a great reputation, but after all, he is the foundation-based monk of Yu Leizong. The top of the day is the late stage of the building, and it is impossible to kill the Ming Jianzong's Zhong Yuxuan swordsman! Even a few magic Swordsman of the second sword!"

"Ling Yunwu of Ling Feng Jianmen and so on more than a dozen fantasy swordsmen... How to say it?" Zhu Chengye did not agree.

"According to this sword, one of Lingyunwu and other swordsmen is a big squad that falls into Tu Hong, not a phoenix phoenix; the second few people Ling Yunwu and other swordsmen can not survive. The horror phoenix must not survive!" If you are sloppy, you can cut the railroad. "If the horror phoenix can survive, he must be the peak of Jindan, even Yuan Ying hope, this is different from the message I got!"

"How do you explain the situation of Yuming?" Zhu Chengye asked. "And. The old man and Qin Jian and other friends are also in the Sky City. It can be proved that the real people in the snowy city of the Sky City did not leave the Sky City!"

"That is Tuohong?" Lu Ruochang also smiled. "The Taoist monk said that Qin Jianjian killed the scorpion, but what about the fact? Is Qin Jian not with Zhu Jianyou?"

Zhu Chengye’s brow is also a group. Very puzzled: "Yes, this is not the case with Qin Jian. It is the old man who feels strange. Which sword former killed Qin Jian? It has not been opened yet!"

"Is there a wind brother in my family?" A sturdy, extremely incomparable animal repairs the cold and cold road. "While the wind teacher seems to be only the repair of the second sword, according to Cang, he is already The cultivation of the three swords of the magic sword, he is mysteriously killed, not who is the real person in the snow?"

Lv Ruochang smiled bitterly and was also puzzled by his face. He said: "Good to teach Cangyuan swordsmen to know that this sword has just come back from the blast, and that place is a mess. If it is a real shot in the snowy area, it will not be so big. But, listen to those who have fled, saying that it is just a monk who is similar to the phoenix phoenix, and the foundation-based monk... isn’t it the enemy of the wind-swordsman?”

"When you see the phoenix phoenix you saw, it is only to build a foundation. It is difficult to ensure that he does not cover up with the wind brother." Maybe he is also the strength of Jin Dan!" Cangyuan cold and cold.

"The problem is here!" Lu Ruochang lost the smile. "If the horror phoenix is ​​Jindan strength, um, if he can attack the savage swordsman, it must be the repair of Jin Dan later? He... how could it be Is it a good time to cover up the beginning of the foundation? Can he hide it from the early days of Jindan?"

"Who knows the strange secrets of the Taoist monks?" Cangyuan was a bit sloppy.

"Well, even if the horror phoenix is ​​Jin Dan later repaired, he ... how can he let Yu Ming Jianyou escape? He should be able to easily kill Yu Ming Jian friends!"

"And, since the horror phoenix was repaired by Jin Dan in the late period, on the Jiming Hill that day, it was not just some swordsmen who died."

"Even if it is a blast, there will not be too many swordsmen to escape."

"But, if the phoenix phoenix did not have Jindan later, then Zhong Yuxuan and other young people could not be killed!" Zhu Chengye also said.

"So, as seen in this sword, there must be two Taoist monks here, one is the late monk of Jindan. He will kill the swordsmen of the wind, and then kill the swordsmen of my Mingjianzong. I walked over the yin and yang swords, and even... did other things that made my sword domain damaged; and the other one, perhaps the phoenix phoenix, he was lucky to escape from the Quanshan battle, of course, maybe that day in the spring There is no phoenix phoenix in the middle of Lushan Mountain. It is just the smashing of Lingyun Wujianyou, and Ling Jianyou has encountered the whistling array of Quanyushan Tuhong..."

"Well, Lu Jianyou said that it is very reasonable!" Zhu Chengye nodded. "There is only such an explanation that can be said! And Yuming Jianyou is afraid that it is a mistake to escape from the late monk in Jindan, and it is a horror." Phoenix, this is the way!"

"Yes!" Even the eagle nodded secretly. "The soul of Yu Ming’s younger brother was damaged. It was related to the blood sacrifice of the soul repair. I was afraid that the Jindan monk would not take his life and let him escape!"

"But, if the horror phoenix is ​​the person of Yu Leizong? I will not have no news?"

"If the horror of the phoenix was on the spring of the mountain, it was a fluke, and the name of the person would be better. It is nothing more than Cui Hongyi, Zhen Minghui, Su Qing, Qiu Yu and Xiao Hua, but specifically Who, because there is no appearance of five people, still can not be sure!" Lu Ruochang said, "Of course, this sword has been looking for the look of these five people, there should be news soon!"

"Lv Jianyou just said that the horror phoenix may have done something that would damage my sword field?" Cangyuan looked very honest, but he was very keenly aware of what.

"This..." Lu Ruochang is also hesitant. "This is also the speculation of this sword. It is only the predecessors of this sword who have obtained some vague news. Later, it was heard that Tu Hong was killed, and this is somewhat clear. Tu Hong was undoubtedly killed by the swordsman, because the swordsman was angry at this time... Well, it seems to be somewhat similar to the thing of Jimingshan!"

"Oh ~" I heard the anger of the swordsman. Everyone dare not ask more.

"And. This sword is based on the meaning of the predecessors of the sword. It has been the same as the Daoist's parliamentary hall, and issued the first reward order of my sword field, but who can kill the terrorist phoenix. All swords in my sword field have many "The reward!" Lu Ruochang said, "Whether he is in the early or late stage of construction, let me wait to see his head!"

"Good! My Ming Jianzong first agreed!" Zhu Chengye nodded.

Others are just as well.

"Actually, today, please come here, except for the rain and the swordsman... This sword has the relationship. The key to this war is to discuss with the swordsmen..." Lu Ruochang glanced at everyone, and said .

"Oh, is Lv Jianyou's sword array?" Zhu Chengye was somewhat worried. "I am a sword sect... and it is a drag on the sword field. Zhu is really uncomfortable in his heart. If Lu Jianyou has anything to send, please explain!"

Lu Ruochang’s face flashed a trace of anger, to tell the truth, her heart’s unspeakable taste at this time, everything was in her plan, but the development of most things was within her control. These small, yet critical places are always biased!

Therefore, her face flashed a trace of anger, but her anger was just a flash of light, coldly replied: "In fact, as early as five years ago, Ling Yunwu was looking for a bug in the insects. At the time, this sword has already been a policeman. Although the Zhongjian Xuanjian of Guimen has only a few months to express his voice, he is still unable to take out the yin and yang sword spirit. Therefore, this sword made another plan at that time. Unsurprisingly, after half a year, the Yin Yang Jian Ling should be able to give birth to success! Zhu Jianyou has nothing to do here, just return to the place where the present is, consolidate the already occupied Lingshi veins, continue to kill the monks, wait for this The sword's swords are formed, and I can kill the Tao Dan of the Taoist priests!"

"Yes, this sword understands!" Zhu Chengye replied.

"Lv Jianyou's sword array... has become so big?" Yuming's brother Cangyuan asked some hesitation, "That is a worm..."

"This sword knows the meaning of Cangyuan swordsman!" Lu Ruochang said, "Ling Yunwu has been in the spring of the mountain, and the Yuanqing swordsmen of Guimen are also degraded in that battle. This sword is not good enough to work again." The Qingfeng swordsman uses the secret technique; therefore, this sword invites the Luoling spirit swordsmen of Qilingshan... and several other swordsmen have used the mystery to get the larvae of the larvae..."

"Hey, that's fine!" Cangyuan waved the palm of his hand and sighed. "There are not many people who know the secrets of the Lushan faction. Cang is here because the Qilingshan swordsmen have made sacrifices." Cang will live for a few days and kill the Taoist monks for them!"

"Not bad~" Lu Ruochang's brows are slightly stunned. "But in the big smashing circle, how to drive the worms, or to prepare for the swordsmen and Qingfeng swordsmen! Everything there can get rid of the Lushan faction. Sword friends!"

Cangyuan listened, his face showed excitement, and his own chest said: "Lv Jianyou rest assured that although it is difficult to drive the spirits, but in order to kill the monks, I will not hesitate!"

"Good!" Lu Ruochang is also in the palm of his hand. "In order to kill the Taoist monks, for the survival of my swordsman warriors, the swordsmen have paid too much! Fortunately, the situation has become clearer now, this time the war is far away. It’s not comparable in the past, my sword repair warrior will set foot on the territory of the monk!”

"Good~" Zhu Chengye couldn't help but caress, "I will listen to Lu Jianyou's good news~"

"But... this sword array... Although it is the key to this war, it is not the end of this war!" Lu Ruochang’s face showed a mystery, and the front turned. "Just said this sword has already said Now, please come to your swordsmen, it is to discuss with you another thing..."

"What... Is there any other arrangement for Lu Jianyou?" Zhu Chengye and others were shocked. In their eyes, Lu Ruochang’s arrangement of such a big array was beyond their reach. He heard that Lu Ruochang had other backhands. How can I not be scared?

"That is nature! In order not to live up to the name of the sword's predecessors, this sword naturally has to be exhausted, and think hard to break the enemy's policy..." Lu Ruochang's face is faint, but his eyes can't help but flash a trace of excitement. Another opening said.

"Terrorist phoenix, you come to kill the old man? Why don't you come?" The sound of the rain sounded again between the rock walls in the distance...

"So to say... I am waiting for the monks who resist the Tao, and the swordsmen used in the swords are much less. Is it afraid that something is wrong?"

"No matter, the sword array has been laid down... and other swordsmen have to be drawn from the sword field..."

The voices of these deliberations are covered by the sound of the rain... (to be continued...)

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