Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1224: Curfew

"This Xiaohua... It seems that the surname is not the blood disciple of Yu Leizong, and it was sent at the beginning of the war. It seems that there is no background, but he... but he insisted on it unscathed. Now...he must have any background! Even, he has come to the battlefield before, but also for the experience..., Chang has made friends with this well-prepared Yu Leizong disciple, and will certainly be used in the future!"

On time, Xiao Hua became the kind of deep-rooted generation of Di Diheng in Changyi’s eyes.

"Oh, Changdaoyou?" Seeing Chang Hao actually has some distraction, Xiao Huaqi said, "Do you have anything to do with Daoyou?"

Chang Hao hurriedly compensated and said: "Where is there something to be blamed? This bidding secret is often heard by others. I have never thought about participating. If there is no Xiaodaoyou, Chang does not know where the bidding secret is. Held here!"

“Oh, huh~” Xiao Hua smiled. “Don’t you remember it in the jade? You can see it.”

"Where!" Chang Hao hurriedly waved. "The things in this jade can only be seen once with God. It will automatically disappear. Chang may not delay the Xiaodaoyou!"

Then it was regrettable: "Unfortunately, if this tiger character can only be entered by a monk, and often can not leave the job at a certain night, Changmou really wants to open his eyes with Xiao Daoyou!"

"There will always be opportunities!" Xiao Hua did not care. "If you talk about this competition, you can't open your eyes!"

"Yes, Xiao Daoyou pointed out the extreme!" Chang Hao is actually sitting on the idea of ​​Xiao Hua with a background, respectful hand. Leave in a hurry.

Xiao Hua didn't care about the changes in Chang's attitude. In his opinion, all the performances were normal, because the monks who can attract his attention can only be Jin Dan Xiu!

It was three days, and the time was near. Xiao Hua was very casual to take the jade out of it, and he was immersed in it, waiting for him to see the place inside, not feeling awkward. Then the face actually hangs a smile!

Come out from the refining Dandong. It is rare to see that the scenes that are slightly more lively outside are gone, and they are similar to the earliest loneliness, and the snow falls in the sky. Hit the face of Xiao Hua.

"Hey? What is the late-stage disciple of the foundation?" Xiao Hua blinked his eyes. Nature is very easy to think of the situation in the past few days. "Oh, I am afraid that I have already been sent to the forefront!"

"Hey, they have seen the fierce battle too simple! Maybe they are coming back from the battlefield. You can change your attitude and respect the disciples who can survive!"

Xiao Hua sighed and flew outside the station.

I know, all the way is quiet, not seeing a disciple!

"Bad!" Xiao Hua suddenly felt a trace of bad, "Is there something happening?"

"Where is the disciple?? Don't do it in the quiet room. It's hard to be... Don't know the ban in the Zongmen?" Sure enough, Xiaohua's figure has just appeared in the station, and there are several buildings at once. The mid-term patrol disciple flew over from the dark and stopped it!

"Hey, what ban?" Xiao Hua screamed, and hurriedly said, "The disciple is the first squad of Yu Leizong, Xiao Hua, and has not received any ban!"

"Ah? The first team? Are you Xiaohua?" The leading disciple is equally ambitious. "How are you still in the Sky City? All the disciples of my first team of Royal Leizon have returned to Leifeng!"

"It turns out!" Xiao Hua understood something. He handed out his own token and handed it to the disciple. He laughed. "The disciple is indeed Xiao Hua. However, because he was recruited by the brother of Li Lezong Li Zongbao, he could not leave the survey for the time being. city!"

"This way!" The disciple took Xiaohua's token and looked at it again and gave it to Xiao Hua. He laughed. "The ban of my Royal Leizong was issued by the captains of tongguo... Oh, it is not right. This ban was issued after the assassination of the predecessor of the Tiancheng City, and the captain of the first team should inform Xiao Shidi!"

Hearing that the disciple finally had some inquiries, Xiao Hua was also a bitter smile, nonsense. At that time, Cui Hongyi was not keeping his house, thinking about his own happiness, and immediately after he returned, he took him and went to the alchemy hole and went out. Then he followed the thunder boat and returned to Lei Feng. Not to mention that he knew the ban. Even if he knew the ban, he was afraid that he would not have the opportunity to talk to himself.

"Oh, Captain Cui has returned to Yan Leifeng at this time, and the younger brother knows why!" Xiao Hua lost his smile. "But at this time, the younger brother received a message from the brother Li Zongbao, and the disciple went to a place in the Sky City. It seems that there is I am in a hurry! I wonder if the younger brother can go out?"

The disciple had a trace of embarrassment on his face and shook his head. "Xie Shidi, although you have not received the ban, you don't know that you can't go out at night, but it doesn't mean you can violate the ban! For the brother can't let you go out!"

"Grandma's!" Xiaohua scratched his head, not to mention that he could not participate in the bidding secret meeting, but he paid a lot of expensive Lingshi, which is all about simmering!

The next thing the disciple made him jump.

"And, even if the brothers will let you out, the monks in the Sky City will not allow the monks to travel at night, and you are equally difficult to move!"

"Hey, Xiaoye understands!" Xiaohua finally knows the reason why the bidding secret will pay Lingshi, and even knows why they put the bidding secret in the middle of the night.

Xiao Hua wanted to turn back to refining the Dandong, but he changed his mind again and handed the token to the disciples. He smiled and said: "This brother, you will look at the younger brother’s token, but there is a court charter. The imprint of the order, the ban on my Royal Leizong, and the ban on the Sky City... Can it be convenient?"

"Oh? Is it?" The disciple was embarrassed to take over Xiaohua's token again. God read it carefully and lost his smile. "For the brother, I have a big idea. I just can't see qingchu! Since Xiao Shidi has it turned out to be The franchise order, then the ban on my Royal Leizong can be ignored! However, the ban on the Sky City...that is not for the brother to know!"

Xiao Hua took the token from the disciple and smiled; "The brothers will release the younger brother to the Royal Leizong. If the disciple of the Sky City does not recognize it, the younger brother has to say sorry to the brother Li Zongbao. Who will let his concession What about the city’s ban?"

"Ha ha ha ~" The disciple laughed. "Although this place is a patrolling city, the arrondissement hall is the head of my Taoist priest. Which patrol city disciple dares not to give the face of the mosque? You can rest assured!"

After that, the disciple raised his hand: "Xiao Shidi please!"

"Don't dare!" Xiao Hua arched his hand, and the disciples flew out of the Royal Leizong station.

Sure enough, the streets of the Sky City are so quiet, cold and clear, almost the sound of falling snow can be heard, the thick clouds above the sky will block the moonlight, and Xiao Hua’s eyes are dark except dark! ! !

"The sun is always dark after the sun. If there is no darkness, how do you know the preciousness of the sun?" Xiao Hua sighed, his figure flew up and slowly flew away in the distance!

"Hey, this snowy real person is really a good calculation. If Xiaoye does not have the concession order of this forum, in order to participate in this competition secret, I am afraid to use the technique of the demon world. If he has any secret technique, Xiaoye Isn't it going to fall into his calculations?" Xiao Hua snorted, and he said in his heart that he couldn't get the ban on the patrolling city, and he could listen to the words of Yu Leizong's patrolling disciples. It is also a bottom.

It was exactly what he thought, but for a moment, Xiao Hua was stopped by the visiting disciples of the Sky City. Of course, with the imprint of the imperial court order, plus Xiao Hua’s pretense, it’s not too difficult. Xiao Hua is here. It is where the bidding secret is.

When he saw the tea house that he met with the night, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. If there was no jade briefing, he knew that this ordinary tea house was actually the place where the Sky City bidding secret meeting was!

The door of the tea house was closed, far from the bright look of the night. Xiao Hua walked through several steps and reached out and slammed the wooden door.

Nine sounds of different rhythm sounded, and a hoarse voice came from the wooden door: "Which friend is visiting? What is it?"

Xiao Hua smiled in his heart: "The younger brothers have knocked out the sound of the voice, and what are they doing?"

However, he still said in accordance with the jade: "The poor road has a strange copper charm, want to appreciate the treasure of the treasurer!"

"Oh, this way!" As the sound rang, a small hole in the square was pulled out of the wooden door. The hole showed a fat face, and the small eyes on the big face were squeezed into mung beans. Xiao Hua’s viewing is just that Xiao Hua is already confused at this time. What can he see?

Xiao Hua took a shot, and the bronze tiger's hand was handed in. After a chubby big hand took over, he closed the small hole. After half a cup of tea, the sound of "knowing" sounded, and the wooden door saw a seam. The hoarse voice sounded: "The Taoist friend invited!"

"Thank you!" Xiao Hua arched his hand and stepped inside.

Seeing the layout inside the tea house is no different from the daytime. Every case is cleaned on the top of the case, but the noise is missing!

"Why did the Taoist friend come at this time?" The tall and obese foundation-based monk covered the door and asked strangely.

"Hey? Is the old man late?" Xiao Hua was a little bit stunned. "Isn't the jade on the beginning of the night?"

"Oh!" The monk once again swept Xiaohua with God, and there was a trace of respect on his face. "Daoyou can come here late in the afternoon under the curfew of the city. The poor road is really admired!"

"Oh? Is it the only time that the old man is coming at this time?" Xiao Hua suddenly realized.

"Oh, it's not the only one, but there are only a handful of them!" The monk said, leading his hand to lead the way. (To be continued...)

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