Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1229: Morning faint

But what surprised Xiao Hua is that these two things are faintly connected in the edge of Xiao Hua's space. Their respective brilliance is intertwined. Not only is Taiyi Qingguang and Taiwei Qingguang much more, it is congenital and innate. There is a lot more real water. And these two things are also entangled with each other, seemingly calling themselves yiti! Of course, these golden gas and real water are also scattered throughout the space, but far from the previous power.

"Oh, according to the old man's knowledge, there is something in the country that seems to have this thing! But the time is too long, the old man can't remember it!" The first monk who got Huichun Dan said with a smile.

"Hey, the old man is also faintly aware of this matter!" The monk who needed the first natural wood sighed, "Just came to the Sky City for a long time without any eyebrows, the auction has never seen it, it is the reason to come here. Try your luck!"

Obviously, the luck of this monk could not be reached by Xiao Hua, and no one was waiting for a moment. He had to sit down.

It was the turn of the last front row of monks. The monk took a hand and took out a jade slip and handed it to Bai Xingdao: "Bai Daoyou, the poor road needs this thing, don't you know if you have a Sky Tea House?"

"Well, since the Taoist friends are prepared, then Baimou will look at it!" Bai Xing took over the jade, and the gods immersed in it, and the face immediately showed a horror, but this horror was changed between moments. I was puzzled. He looked up and was embarrassed. "This friend waits a little, you are the spiritual tea inside this jade... Bai is really not familiar with it, Bai asked the younger brother to come and see it!"

"Ha ha ha ~ Bai Daoyou, this ... is not a spiritual tea!" The monk said with a big smile.

"Oh? This is not what Lingcha is?" White Star is a bit confused. “Bai’s operation of this patrolling tea house is also a few decades. The Sky Tea House is a thousand years of operation. This spirit tea is naturally recognized!”

"Oh, well, if the Sky Tea House has this spirit tea, the old man will buy it!" The monk nodded.

Then a monk who was older than the white star flew up and rushed to the crowd. After picking up the jade, he looked at it for a moment and shook his head slightly: "This spirit tea... looks very familiar, but carefully look at it. All the spiritual teas in the door are different. The poor roads have never been seen. I don’t have this thing in the Sky Tea House!"

Speaking of this, the old man said sincerely: "I don't know what the name of this spiritual tea is called? The poor road is very curious!"

"Teacher, this Taoist friend said... This thing is not a spiritual tea!" Bai Xing explained.

"Oh? It's not a spiritual tea!" The old man's face showed disappointment and he arched his hand. "That's a poor road. Don't have to say the name of this thing!"

After talking about the old man, he fell down. It seems that it is not a spiritual tea that has no half-stones with him. It is very embarrassing.

“Can you show them to your friends?” Bai Xing tempted.

"Of course~" The monk nodded. "It is for the friends of the road to see. Can you have the news of this thing, or have this thing!"

"Khan! This is something that I am looking for is similar to Lingcha, so I found the Sky Tree Restaurant. I don't know anyone!" Xiao Hua sat at the end, watching everyone look at it one by one, some bored thinking, "I want to find some to leave Dan, but obviously, these monks certainly do not have this thing, even if there is, there will not be too much, and Xiaoye has been seen as a disciple of Yu Leizong, and today is I smashed the ban on the Sky City. If there is too much to do from Dan, it will definitely attract the attention of others. They will follow the map... Maybe they can find Xiaoye, it seems..."

Thinking about it, the jade slip was passed to the end of Xiao Hua’s hand.

Seeing that everyone is not talking, the monk has long thought of it, only to wait for Xiao Hua to take it back.

I know, Xiao Hua took over the jade slip, and the gods immersed in it. This looked at some... It’s on the spot!

It’s just that he knows this thing, it’s just familiar, just inside his space, a large piece of Lingcao has planted this thing!

It’s the tea of ​​the fragrant man who sent him in the middle of the night! ! !

"This... Isn't this the same as the fragrant tea? The Ming is exactly the same. How can the monk say that it is not a spiritual tea?" Xiao Hua was very strange, looked and looked!

Seeing Xiao Hua holding the jade Jane, the monk was somewhat surprised, whispered: "This friend... you... do you have this thing?"

"Oh, don't worry about the Taoist friends, there are really a few pieces in the poor road!" Xiao Hua thought for a smile.

"Ah? Do you really have a friend, how many pieces?" The monk almost surprised and cried.

"Oh, probably three or four films!" Xiao Hua said with a dismay. "The old man thought this was a spiritual tea. He had already drunk twice. Only the last three or four films thought it was too little, and they haven't drank it yet!"

"You...do you really drink tea?" the monk exclaimed almost incredibly.

Xiao Huaqi said: "Isn't this the Lingcha? The old man is not used to drink tea, but what?"

"You...you...you are really violent!" The monk almost jumped up and said, "Fast, take the four tablets to the old man, how many Lingshi you want, the old man promises you!"

Looking at the monk rushing over, the hand that reached out to his eyes Xiao Hua smiled, at this time, don’t you wait for it?

"Hey, Daoyou!" Xiao Hua said, "What is this thing? Can you tell the old man not to others?"

"This..." The monk calmed down and hesitated. "The old man can tell the origin of the material to the Taoist friend. However, the Taoist friend must swear to give this property to the old man!"

"No problem!" Xiao Hua made an oath, saying only that the four pieces of the fragrant tea of ​​the fragrant man would be handed over to the monk. The monk would be relieved and said, "In fact, this thing should have no effect on the friends. In the hands of the Taoist friends... it can only be used as a spiritual tea!"

"Haha, the Taoist friend will hurry and say it!" Xiao Hua smiled. "The old man promised to give it to you, and he also promised that the lion would never open his mouth. Are you still not satisfied?"

"Oh, no!" The monk only woke up at this time. If Xiaohua listened to him, he would have to have a lot of Lingshi. He might not be able to afford it. Didn't he fall into Xiaohua's trap?

"Oh, I blame the old man for being too surprised!" The monk lost his smile. "Thank you for your kindness! This is only for the secrets of the old man who are related to the soul. The old man has been searching for this for decades. I have only recently learned from some teachers that this is something in the millions of Mengshan! And even in the hands of the soul, this thing is absolutely rare!"

"Ah?? Soul repair?" Xiao Hua was shocked, and the image of the night of the night appeared in his mind. How to see it, he is not like the soul of the barbarians!

"I must have been a friend of the sword to get this thing!" The monk laughed. "Only the swordsman and the soul can kill and kill, it is possible to get this rare thing!"

"The Taoist friends will not know how to get this thing, you can just say the origin of this thing!" Xiao Hua said with some absent-mindedness.

Seeing that the two actually heard the sound, the other monks naturally knew that the object involved the secret of the monk, and only sat quietly, waiting for the two to complete the transaction.

Waiting for the monk to finish it briefly, Xiao Hua understands that this name is 曰 曰 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The month is even more precious.

"Oh, that's it!" Xiaohua understood something, and her heart was also awkward. "Midnight is not necessarily a soul repair. He may be like a other person. Think of this morning faint month as a spiritual tea! Otherwise, how can he taste this in the tea house?" Is it a treasure of rare and unusual in the eyes of the soul?"

Then Xiao Hua asked the monk about the usage of the morning faint month. The monk was a singer. He only said that he was involved in his own secret technique and did not want to say it!

"Okay!" Xiao Hua nodded. "Since the Taoist friend does not want to say, the old man is not forced. The old man does not change other things with four pieces of spiritual tea. He just wants to change the Danfang from Dan. I don't know the friend. Can it be there?"

"What? You... what do you want to do from Dan's Dan?" The monk was surprised. "You said it before, it is not a hard-working old man here!"

Xiao Hua shrugged and smiled: "The old man is not really embarrassing you! This is indeed what the old man thought first! Even if you don't tell the origin of this thing, the old man still has to ask you for it!"

"How can the old man have a Dan Fang who is away from Dan!" The monk smiled bitterly. "The old man is not good at alchemy!"

"Then I have to see if there are any other friends!" Xiaohua said.

"Okay!" The monk was helpless. When he really wanted to speak, he shook his head. "This friend... You are four insane months for the old man, but it is worthless for others. Dan Dan from Dan... I’m afraid it’s not so easy to get! The old man... I’m not sure! I won’t let you and I deliver with Lingshi. How do you find yourself in this way?”

"Hey, Daoyou, old man's statement is naturally justified. You can ask! No matter how many Lingshi, the old man can promise!" Xiao Hua only thought about it.

"Well, the old man tried, the old man is not an alchemy teacher after all, I don't know what the result is!" The monk heard that Xiao Hua did not show his head and only let him help him bid, but he was puzzled, but he could only hold his nose. Instigated by Xiao Hua.

The result is still as expected by Xiao Hua. These dozens of fruit really have an alchemy teacher. After the monk’s voice has been negotiated for a long time, after paying a lot of spiritual stones and the secret of the morning glory, the monk got a jade. simple.

"This Taoist friend..." The monk took Yu Jian to Xiao Hua, and when he took over the four faint sacred moons from Xiao Hua, he said helplessly. "You are really poor, actually. You can do your own trade with Lingshi. Why do you have to bid for the poor road?" (To be continued...)

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