Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1232: level off hilltops

Moreover, this emerald green brilliance contains a thick clear and aroma, and with the brilliance of the entire scent of the sky, combined with the aroma of the previous sapwood, the more intense! Look at Xiao Hua’s silk god, as well as the soul of the little white dragon that accompanied the gods, and dance more, just as the monk took a very powerful panacea! ! !

"Dashan~" sees that his own **** is growing stronger, and the gods swim faster with the soul of this little white dragon, rushing to the peak of the ring of gas at several times before, if not unexpected, I am afraid that within a few years, I will be able to practice the first stage of the soul repair and enter the second stage of Qingtiantian cultivation!

"This is the soul of Xiaobailong on the verge of dissipating, and its soul is naturally strong. This process of solidification naturally also drives the cultivation of my soul!" Xiao Hua naturally understands the truth. "The so-called truth It’s just to get away with you, Amitabha!”

"Grandma's, how come with Buddhism to the same!" Xiao Hua suddenly wakes up again, "This avenue is three thousand... At the end, I am afraid that it is really a return to the sect, maybe the soul and Buddha Zong is also one of the avenues!"

Seeing his most inconspicuous soul practice is a chance, Xiao Hua is very happy, and will withdraw from the mysterious cloud! It is also the sword that Jane sells and sells half a half. The Jian Jian is very serious, and there are no complete sentences that can be connected together. Xiao Hua can only barely use this sword. Read it again and know what it means!

"Hey~ these swords are simple... Naturally, there is no value! The Yuanying monk will not care, the ordinary Jindan monk will never want it. But the business of Baixing is really in the bones, and it is so slick. Oil slippery today saved his life!" Xiao Hua sneered to send Jian Jian into the space, but also secretly thought, "It is exactly what the young master expected, this sword sword is involved in the Yuan Shen Yu The secret method of the sword, even if it reaches the Yuanshen Yujian, can really step into the sword! However, the sword of this sword is a bit weird, actually... actually there is the method of shaping the sword! It is said that the sword spirit and the sword meaning are merged into one, forming the sword heart? This sword heart is also the key to the Yuanshen control of the flying sword?? Grandma's, the little master is confused! This sword is not the sword spirit... ...what is the form of expression? Isn't it similar to the monk's thoughts? How can they still be one? Are they not one? And. Look at the synthesis of the sword heart... It seems...somewhat similar to the condensate Sword repair... How often is it similar to the monk's spell?"

Xiao Hua was somewhat dizzy by this plausible sword. I was thinking about refining a few fire charms or seeing if I could refine Ling Ling. At this time, I simply put them out of the way, and I found out that the swords I collected were taken out. Start with a pregnant sword. Look at each one carefully.

For a few days. Xiao Hua was frowned, until this day, Xiao Hua suddenly shot his own forehead. There was a smile in the corner of the mouth, and all the swords were all income space. I laughed at myself: "It turned out that this sword is only a swordsman's understanding of the flying sword! It is the soul of the sword in the heart of the swordsman! When tempering the sword, he gradually condensed his soul into the sword. The sword spirit is the brand of the swordsman. With the cultivation and gestation, there is spirituality, so the flying sword is also a spirit, but This sword spirit is only a means of swordsman control. The swordsman's cultivation is also divided by the tempering of the tongguo sword, not the Jianling's robustness. If the swordsman wants to enter the realm of the sword, he must plant the sword in In the spirit of the sword, let your soul be combined with the sword spirit, so that you can make yourself and the flying sword together! This...the pregnant baby with the Taoist monk should be similar, not the condensate!! This is also the case, the swordsman's soul can only have one, the sword heart can only have one, so the swordsman can only have one flying sword in his life, and can no longer sacrifice the second one! This is the demise of the Taoist monk The difference! There may be one or two of the monk’s magic weapon. There are even more! As long as the monk’s mind is strong enough!”

But thinking of it here, Xiao Hua is a little confused. "No, Li Xiubao's predecessor has nine flying swords! His sword is the nine-star transit, and this sword must also have the sword heart of his old man, but ... Why did Mingjian and Li Xiubao’s predecessors’ jade slips not mention this? Since Jianmao has no swordsmanship, what about Li Xiubao’s predecessors?

"And, the little deer is obviously the sword of Mingjian, how is it so gentle? Where is the sharpness of Feijian?"

"If this is the case... I still honour the sword of the nine-star transit? It seems that the second sword is already intact. If the brand of the **** is introduced, the sword will be successful!"

It turns out that Xiao Hua doesn't know the mystery of Kendo. He doesn't know the fear at all. He thinks that this sword is the same as the monk's implement. After the sacrifice, it is his own. But now I can see more, know more, and my heart is not growing. Thank you!

"Mighty God is powerful ~~" I thought of this festival, Xiaohua’s eyes flashed a trace of twilight! "Grandma's, if you dare to be stronger than the Yuanshen, there is a little white dragon in the soul of Laozi! Even Mingjian real person and Li Xiubai, but Yuan Ying repair! They have any secret hands, and then What do you do in the sword, and when the old man is in danger, he will call out the little white dragon! Oh, that can face the existence of three yuan infants! I don’t believe it, I still can’t decide these two people! Also, Lao Tzu’s What is the baby! That is... Hey, even if the goddess of the Wanxie world is trembled, who dares to do it to Laozi?"

After the bun, Xiao Hua smiled again: "Moreover, Li Xiubai and Ming Jian, two predecessors, are not arrangements when they are on the verge of extinction. If they want to live, there are ways to do it. There is no need to do these embarrassing things! The poor road is seen in the dark, and it’s more salty. It’s not necessary to be a gentleman’s heart. It’s not necessary to see the real sword of Mingjian. You can know that this is an open-minded Don't worry about the gentleman!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua will take a mouth, the second sword pill flies out of the Buddha fire, the same is green and red, falling in the middle of the air, like a spiritual thing!

"Come out!" Xiao Hua is also a mouth, the nightmare will fly out, in the middle of the sky, a beautiful sword arc is placed next to the sword pill!

When the nightmare came out, the sword pill was more lively. It seemed to see the intimate people, and the rapid turn around the nightmare, as if it was a spoiled person! It seems to be an eager feeling!

"Ha ha ha ~ really is a flying sword! Really different general instruments!" Xiao Hua laughed, it is to display the brand of the gods, suddenly a thought is like a sly in Xiao Hua's mind!

"Grandma's, this flying sword has a sword spirit, oh, no, there is a sword heart in the future, isn't it like a magic weapon in the magic weapon? This... Isn't this the spirit? Just this instrumental spirit It is ... with the monk Yuan Ying general ... Jianxin..." Xiao Hua was a bit stunned, as if ... found an incredible thing.

"No, it's definitely not that simple!" Xiao Hua shook his head again. "If this is the case, how could the Taoist monk not know? How could the Yuan Ying predecessor not be able to cast a spirit? There must be something wrong here! Or, the Yuan Ying monk is not willing to use the body feeder to become an instrumental spirit!"

"Forget it, don't want it, don't want it! I think more, I must go to the fire!" Thinking of this, Xiao Hua hurriedly took back the idea of ​​the horse, and the avenue of cultivation was real and boundless. It’s really dangerous to walk around indiscriminately without pointing!

Xiao Huajing sat for a while, and applied the sword of the gods of Jianshen, and printed the silk **** on the nightmare on the second sword pill. He perceives that the **** is like a budding sleep, Xiao Hua laughs. Now, knowing that after this sleep, there must be a flying sword in this world, and there is a sword light to kill the evil!

"This second sword pill is the starting star for the nine-star transit, but when it is in the hands of Xiaoye, it is not so sinister! The first Jianguang is a nightmare, and the second sword of the young master is Change to Mount Lushan! The strength of the mountain is overwhelming! The young man will open the seat of this world's uneven mountain!!!"

"嗡~~" The sound of a sword is like a nightmare, and there is some sense in the mountains!

Xiao Hua’s gratification was more and more happy. “Haha, Dashan, Xiaoye’s things are going well. It seems that I want to refine some...”

It is a pity that he just thought of this, the ban on the alchemy hole is shaking, it seems that there is a message.

"Which is not long-eyed!" Xiao Hua was a little angry, but then he shrugged again. "You said, who can find me at this time, only Master Li! But, Li Zongbao, brother The summoning must be going to fight! What kind of fire is this, or let's talk about it later!"

Unfortunately, when Xiao Hua opened the ban on the alchemy room, he saw a disciplinary disciple of Yu Leizong standing at the door carefully and saw Xiao Hua immediately respectfully paying a smile: "The younger generation has seen the uncle, I don't know if it is possible. Is Xiao Hua Xiao Shishu?"

"It’s Xiaomou!" Xiao Hua was somewhat inexplicable, but the mind was slightly excited and cautiously asked, "I don't know what the teacher is doing?"

"The younger generation disturbed Xiao Shishu's retreat!" The disciple still said in a whisper, and it seemed to be similar to the female practitioner. "Today is the turn of the younger generation. I saw a foundation in the place where I was in the Royal Leizong station. The predecessors came to visit Xiao Shishu, and the guards at the door guarded the younger generation to inform Xiao Shishu, but the younger generation went through the uncle..." (To be continued...)

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