Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1235: Tu Hong is killing you! ! !

The two city guards had already seen Li Zongbao coming out of the crowd and glanced at each other. It was also a few steps away from Li Zongbao.

"This elelent sect friend..." At present, a city guard will lift his hand and be cold and cold. "Although the Taoist friends are disciples in the battle, they can follow the rules of my Sky City, or they must line up behind! Please Don't overstep."

Li Zongbao lifted his hand and the concession order of the chamber was held in front of the city guard.

"What is this?" The city guard gave a slight glimpse.

"This is the privilege order of my Yan Xifu House, I will wait for the Sky City, and also ask the friends to pass!" Xiao Mao knows that Li Zongbao is impatient with these patrol city guards, and quickly said.

The city guard's brow wrinkled, and God read the license order. He said faintly: "The charter order of your house is universal in the various martial art schools. Of course, it can be used in my Sky City! However, this time The lord of the city of the Sky City has issued a ban. In order to find a swordsman who stabbed my family's predecessors, I have to strengthen the exploration of the monks in the Sky City. The friend still goes back to the queue!"

“Bold!” Xiao Hua yelled. “Isn’t you patrolling the city’s jurisdiction? Isn’t your city guard’s city guards obeying the rules of my council? If so, Xiaomou will turn around and ask in the past. Asked the teacher of the House of Deputies, when the Sky City ran out of the jurisdiction of the House of Governors?"

"Don't go to the other city guard next to the city guard, paying for laughter," the three Taoist friends are anxious! My family is a disciple of Tu Hong's predecessors, he has counted the swordsmen in order to find the seniors at this time. There is no rest on the 10th, and all the friends of the Tao know. Qin Jian is the public enemy of my Tao. I am looking for Qin Jian for the benefit of everyone, it is..."

"Oh, since this is the case, Xiaomou will understand!" Xiao Hua smiled. "However, I heard that Qin Jian is a swordsman of the magic sword, and can assassinate ... the swordsman of the predecessors, I am afraid that you can wait for it." ?"

"Yes, yes!" The city guard walked two steps and laughed. "This is what I said. But I have to do my best, so I have to let the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer!"

"I am waiting for the trip outside the Sky City, but also for this matter!" Xiao Mao smiled. "I also got the news. I know Qin Jian... somewhere in the country..."

Speaking of it. Xiao Mao’s face showed embarrassment. No, here is the Qin Jian in the Sky City, and Xiao Mao found the news of Qin Jian in Laos. Isn't this saying that the city guards in the Sky City are busy?

"Yes, yes, there are too many news at this time. No one is qingchu. It is true. As long as I have this heart in my heart, I am happy with this generation!" Reaching out to take over Li Zongbao’s franchise order, carefully look at the moment, and lose the smile. “This is really a decree of the House of Governors. It’s not a fake! I don’t even believe in the decree of the House of Representatives. I can’t believe it. Who else? Can you believe? Three friends! Please!"

Said, the city guard will return the concession order to Li Zongbao, and let the hand guards guarding the city gate to let go!

What surprised Xiao Hua was that Li Zongbao, who was very arrogant, did not speak at this time. He took the franchise and took the lead from the gap made by the city guard! Even when passing through the city gate, the faint brilliance between the gates flashed, and Li Zongbao paused for a while, waiting for Guanghua to dissipate. This was accompanied by Xiao Hua and Xiao Mao together!

"Where is the cloud flying?" Li Zongbao called out the city gate.

"Here!" Xiao Hua hurriedly rushed to the clouds.

"Go!" Li Zongbao flew on the flying boat, only said a word, is holding hands, eyes looking at the distance!

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect and spur the flying boat. The three men rushed to the north of the sky, and behind them, several eyes swept over, and this slowly recovered!

Straight for a long time, Li Zongbao did not say a word at all, seeing the flashing thunder in the midair, the pouring ice particles descended from the sky, Li Zongbao turned around and said: "Xiao Mao, you succeed Xiao Hua, there is something to ask Xiao Hua!"

"Yes, the younger brother knows!" Xiao Mao walked quickly to Xiaohua, sitting cross-legged and holding the boat.

Xiao Hua went to Li Zongbao and said in front of him: "Is there anything about Master Li?"

"Tu Hong is killing you!!!" Li Zongbao did not speak, just a voice, but this faint voice, and Li Zongbao's unquestionable tone, is like a straight voice into Xiaohua. In the heart!

"咔嚓" is just a flash of lightning in the clouds and the boat is near to the left, Xiao Hua's nephew slightly shrinks, then the face does not change the color of laughter: "Master Li, do you want to invite meritorious work? Even if you invite, you do not have to find What kind of bait does the younger brother do!"

Although Xiao Hua seems to have nothing to do, but his heart is really like a storm, he never thought that someone would associate himself with the death of Tu Hong, and this person turned out to be Li Zongbao, it is true, this sentence sounds like this. Very calm, but... the words in the words can't stand the scrutiny!

However, Li Zongbao did not pay attention to the improperness of Xiao Hua’s words. He stared straight at Li Zongbao’s eyes and said faintly: “The death of the butcher is very contradictory. On the one hand, he is a rare talent among my Taoist monks. With his command, my Taoist monk should be safe and sound before the arrival of the teacher of Yuan Ying! On the other hand, he regards human life as a mustard, and the lives of tens of thousands of people are destroyed by the fingers! And Xiao Shidi and others are also Under his calculations!"

Xiao Hua did not fear to face Li Zongbao's aggressive gaze. He also looked straight and listened quietly. "Yu Li should protect him and protect him. But in love, a family wants to be hands-on." Kill him!!"

"Of course, Xiao Shidi was counted by him. One person and several people are in danger. You have a murder in your heart. Some people feel normal! However, if this is the case, one person thinks that you may not be so eager to wait so much. It’s best to kill this! But the last thing he should do is to plan for a nightmare! The dream is a double-pair couple of Cui Hongjun. Although most of the monks do not know this thing, they can be in Jindan. It’s not a secret in the ears of the monks! If you don’t kill Tu Hong on that day, you will have a double ceremony with Tuo Hong with the support of the snowy real people! Wait until this double ceremony is held, all of them ... are all late?"

Li Zongbao looked at Xiao Hua’s eyes and flashed a trace of warm color: “Yes, you have to take the risk to shoot, killing Tu Hong before the double ceremony!”

"Hey, Li Xiong can really think about it! These little brothers will never dream of dreaming! And my family Cui Shidi dreams of dreaming things, you can think of it! Really let the younger admire!" How can Xiaohua admit? Naturally, Xiaoxiao’s answer is, “Despite the fact that Tu Hong’s predecessors put me in danger, the younger brother was blessed in disguise. Except for Cui Hongjun’s affairs, the younger brother was grateful that he was too late to come! Of course, the younger brother was angry with the nightmare. However, now I think about it. On the same day, Cui Hongyi was already dead. It’s not a bad thing to fight against a dream. It’s not a bad thing!”

"Moreover, Cui Hongyi has always been unable to go with the younger brother. In Wanlei Valley, he also played against the younger brother. He always asked his younger brother to call him a brother. How would the younger brother care for him?"

"Xie Shidi, you can't say that you don't know the true purpose of Tu Hongying's dreams against the nightmare!" Li Zongbao's meat was slightly beaten, and he was very dissatisfied.

"Oh? What is the purpose? The younger brother really doesn't know?" Xiao Huaqi said, "Even if you think of a dream, it's a much less chance for a nightmare!"

Looking at Xiao Hua's purity is like a natural water-like face. Li Zongbao really wants to punch a fist on this awkward face. However, he still gave up and said what he knew, and asked: "You Think about it, if it is married to Tuo Hong, what consequences can she have? There is absolutely only one!"

"Impossible!" Xiao Hua's face was "excitingly horrified", and then some did not believe in the wave of hands. "If the nightmare is dead, how can I not know the lord of the Royal Leizong? Still in the Jade Temple!"

"Oh, Xiao Shidi! Married into the Sky City with a nightmare, her life card will be handed over to the Sky City. This is a gift that the Gui faction must hand over to the Sky City on the double dream ceremony! It is said that it is a gift! For this matter, the palace of your Royal Leizong against the Thunder Palace is a relative to visit Tiancheng. However, because Tu Hong’s conspiracy has been revealed, her old man has not even had a thunder boat...” Li Zongbao explained, “More, The soul of the nightmare is crossed into the body of the cockroach. How can the sacred card of the nightmare break?"

"This..." Xiao Hua just asked casually. At this time, I had to smile and said, "This Tu Hong... I really can’t think of it. Such a city is deep, the younger brother is definitely not!"

"You really don't know?" Li Zongbao laughed. "The assassin took out the corpses of the scorpion that day, how are these things..."

"That is an assassin. It is a monk of Jindan. It is something you can know when you have a disciple who has a backing. If Li brother is talking about it today, the younger brother did not expect that there will be so many embarrassing things!" Xiao Hua is naturally No recognition.

"Ha ha ha!" Li Zongbao smiled and smiled. "Xiao Shidi, if it is someone else, naturally, I don't think that the swordsman who looks exactly like Qin Jian will be yours! However, you don't forget, some family, but I met with Zhuo Xia! Her secret technique..."

"Silk ~" Xiao Hua took a breath of cold, suddenly thought. "No, Xiao Ye thought that stealing the day to change the secrets of the day only the red Xia fairy knows, but he ignored Li Zongbao, but he has seen Cai Zhuoxia... ...oh, no!!!!"

Xiao Hua suddenly realized that he was awakened. Although Li Zongbao was a couple with Cai Zhuoxia, he only saw Cai Zhuoxi's appearance after Yi Rong. He did not know the true face of Cai Zhuoxia. He was swindling himself!

"Hey~ Li brother!" After Xiao Huazhen, it was a bitter smile. "You don't want to marry the younger brother. As the saying goes, the dragons and sons are different. The red glow of my family looks beautiful." , your home Zhuo Xia... Hey, it’s not bad! You can’t doubt this younger brother!” (To be continued...)

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