Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1238: Competition

And said that Li Zongbao’s “Hilling my disciples” is a quick rush into the battle group. He has not yet flown to a literary disciple who has screamed “Li Shishu is coming, I am waiting to be saved!”

Time is not only the morale of the philanthropic disciples, but also the martial arts masterpieces such as Huang Fu and the rituals in the hands of the Emperor Leizong.

Since it is a dozen swordsmen in the face of the sword, Li Zongbao’s stamped fairy whip is a wave. Almost twenty whip shadows are displayed with precision. In the snow and rain, the sky is flashing and whistling, completely disturbing the heavens and the earth. It is even more so that the ice particles and snowflakes within a few dozen square feet are flying back. This power is actually much stronger than before he returned to the Sky City!

And Xiao Huafei is behind him, seeing the whip shadows, the mana above each whip shadow is dignified, and the rune of the rune is inhaling the aura of heaven and earth, and the eyes are also slightly shrunk, although they are Within five years, he got the chance, the mana advanced, and the person Li Zongbao seems to be making progress at the moment. He is now at the peak of the late stage of building the foundation, and Li Zongbao is afraid that it is too far away!

"Hit ~" Seeing Li Zongbao's power, the 20 sword repairs were also shocked. Qi Qi abandoned the hostile monks and glanced at each other. The swords in the body flowed, and the flying sword in the hand also greeted Li Zongbao. Fairy whip.

But see or starry, or the rain is falling, or the green bamboo is green, all the flying swords are illusory!

"Bang Long" twenty-way whip shadow is almost at the same time hitting the fairy whip, the aura burst, the flying sword contends, the huge air wave is to rush all the people! In the midst of the air, several flying swords whine. The slanting fall is actually a blow and collapse, no longer fight!

Looking at Li Zongbao, who resisted twenty swordsmen by one person, the same figure suddenly fell back. The robes of the arm that held the swaying whip were completely gone, and the fragments were smashed into the sky. Immediately it was involved in the night sky! Look at Li Zongbao's naked arms, the faint brilliance flashed, it is the prohibition of body protection!

"Silk ~" Li Zongbao's real body around the real thing, almost uncontrollable, he tried his best to exercise the heart to receive the real yuan. I still have some regrets. "A certain family is a lot worse than Xiao Hua..."

It turned out that Li Zongbao hardly spelled twenty bright swordsmen, actually... I want to compare with Xiao Hua!

If Xiao Hua knows what Li Zongbao thinks, isn’t he afraid that he will have to push the little tail to the sky?

"Hey. Brother Lee!" Xiao Hua Shen read. I saw Li Zongbao’s face pale gold. Even the mouth is a little bloody, and some people are shocked. He does not know why Li Zongbao is so arrogant today. Cried in a hurry, "The brothers are flustered, the younger brother will help you!"

At the time of Xiao Hua’s high call, those ecstasy and Yu Leizong disciples who were half a beat slower than the sword repaired the instrument again. The sword repairing to the defeat was attacked, and it was necessary to hit the water dog!

"Nothing!" Li Zongbao took a deep breath and pressed the real yuan to see the Ye Yang fan in Xiao Hua’s hand. Some frowns, obviously not very optimistic about this so-called instrument! "You and I are ten people, see who can kill it first!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua brows a pick, it is to talk, see Li Zongbao is to expand the body shape, poke the fairy whip in the hand, the sound of "呜", like a Huanglong rushed to the nearest two a swordsman!

"What is Li Zongbao doing?" Xiao Hua is even more puzzled. This is somewhat different from the previous Li Zongbao!

However, Xiao Hua also waved Ye Yang fan, a fire dragon rolled up, rushed toward the two swordsmen who attacked Yu Leizong's disciples, and his mouth was also full of arrogance and flying: "If Jun said! Killing people do not blink!"

Yu Leizong disciples and bliss disciples are fighting, perhaps not heard, Xiao Mao, who is driving in the distance and flying high and low, is clearly heard, the body of the chicken skin is screaming: "Grandma's, Big brother is a good poet!! These two sentences are really rhymes!"

The Xiaoyang's Ye Yang fan is just a musical instrument, but the fire dragon is not inferior to the whiplash of the fairy whip. In particular, in this fire, the aura is not ample snow, the fire dragon flies to two The sword repair place has absorbed a lot of heaven and earth aura, and it has risen to a few feet in size, and the two swords are wrapped up at once!

"嗡" The two sword repairs are quite unpredictable. They rushed to take back the flying swords, first protect their body shape, and then counterattack! However, the fire dragon is far more enthusiastic than they think. The tiny flame is like a small tentacles that spreads the sword light completely. The sound of "Zi La La" is like pouring cold water into the hot oil. The sword light is eroded by the fire!

The two swordsmen hurriedly spurred Jian Yuan, trying to resist the fire tongue, and Xiao Hua took a hand to find out a magical stick with a bowl of mouth. The body shape passed through the air and no longer took care of these two. A swordsman, Shantou is the third swordsman!

"This person... is too fierce?" The third monk's sword light is a bit weird, like a big mountain. When the giant sword dances, a sword like Huay is under the arm, and there is a heavy sword. Sharp! He also gave birth to all the thoughts of fighting with Xiao Hua and the swordsman in his heart. At the same time, he also sneered in the same way as all the swordsmen who had fighted with Xiao Hua. The giant sword was on display, and the mountain was mixed with sharp gas. !

"Bang Long" a loud noise, this louder than the previous Li Zongbao against the sound of twenty sword repairs, and this monk also with all the swordsmen fighting with Xiao Hua together! But seeing the seemingly awkward mountain was defeated by a magic wand of Xiao Hua, the white sword light collapsed like an avalanche, and then it was like a thousand dandelions spreading freely from the wings, the giant sword was actually Xiao Hua broke it!

Not the most fierce, only more fierce, this swordsman's giant sword crushed his own **** is also injured, Jian Yuan stagnant, falling from the air!

Seeing that the clever Yu Leizong disciple took a hand, dozens of Lei Guangfu shot, trapped the wounded swordsman, the disciple was even more up, a dark thunder flashed Lei Sihong To the sword's chest, Xiao Hua's heart was a joy, his body shape was a show, his life was high and he was overwhelmed, his left hand was caught, he was tempted to lead the thunder, and he was in the air, "咔嚓嚓" a few big The thunder of light is born out of thin air, and the face of the flashing scorpion is exactly the four bright swordsmen in the front of Xiaohua!

This thunder is really too fast. The swordsman of the sword has not had time to defend. The two foreheads immediately screamed and fell into the air. The other two panic rushed to dodge, barely escaped the key, and the thunder was Hit the back! However, how can Xiaohua’s Tianlei be able to win the past? The thunder light not only pulled away the defenses on their backs, but also deeply penetrated their flesh, and between the skin and the flesh, the countless purple and shining thunder was spread all over them!

"Ah~" The two swords repaired their teeth and seemed to resist this unbearable pain. They tried their best to urge Jianyuan to resist the sword light that eroded Jianyuan. However, they only saw a black shadow in front of them. A dark shadow of the stick flashed, and the magic wand hit their heavenly cover with precision!

With the fall of the two swords, the fire dragon that Xiao Hua previously waved the Ye Yang fan also defeated the swords of the two swords. The powerful mana drove the hot flames to the body of the two swords. The swordsmanship of the two swords only supported the number of interest, and the whole body was completely burned. Although the whole body was never turned into coke, it could lose its balance and fall into the air, and it was the same fate as the last two swordsmen!

The disciples of Yu Leizong boiled, and the disciples of the bliss were also exclaimed. Xiaohua’s killing of these five swords was really beautiful, and he did not say how profound the magic of Xiao Hua’s mana was. It’s said that the clouds are flowing all the way, without stopping. The bodies of the five monks are almost at the same time falling from the air, and the spells used are different. This... simply the first person named Jin Zongbao’s Li Zongbao Compared to it!

Because at this moment, Li Zongbao is also effortlessly killing four sword repairs, although it is not difficult to kill four sword repairs, but the number is worse than Xiaohua, that is, the means are also lacking! The four sword repairs are all a move, poke the fairy whip and wave the hand, the infinite whip shadows are laid down, and the flying swords of the swords repaired by the students will fly, and the body will be smashed by the swords of the swordsmen, except for this... There is nothing else!

"Whering" Xiao Hua killed the fifth person, immediately snorted and took a breath, and turned a handful of medicinal herbs into his mouth, pointing his hand, "You brothers, the following is up to you, Xiaomou already Do your best!"

"Yes!" Many jingshen disciples jingshén Dazhen, there is a brother who can compare Li Zongbao, they naturally can not show weakness, one is more brave than before, mana is under the pressure, one step will be the previous trend Move back, press the sword to repair the attack, kill all the sword repairs, but it is a matter of time!

"Whering" Xiao Hua looked proudly, and the fake face was white, and the figure was slowly flying back. Xiao Mao had already collected the flying clouds, and the magic weapon was in the air. .

"Go to death~" Li Zongbao is different from Xiao Hua. He is extremely hot in his hands. After killing four swords, he still refuses to stop. In the shadow dance, the lives of several swordsmen are lost, and along with The harvest of the life of the road, Li Zongbao's mana is more and more smooth, the whistling of the whistling whip is also happy, even Li Zongbao has been a faint scorpion, but also a few radiance of humanity!

"Lee brother is really powerful!" Xiao Mao also saw the difference, it is very envious. "The younger brother’s master once said that killing is the way to kill, and killing and repairing is the way of cultivation. I haven’t been able to get the best of it, but Li’s brother seems to have mastered this!”

"Let..." Xiao Hua was supposed to say fart, but I thought that it was Xiaomao’s words, and hurriedly disguised, "I don’t want to go on the road that leads to the sky, but what is the path of killing? Li brother... Is it wrong?" (To be continued...)

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