Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1252: Gu Yu's understanding

Gu Yu blinked his eyes, and the bend was like a half-moon eye flashing a glimpse of the invisible look. He said: "The younger generation used the invisible sword to count the horror phoenix on the same day. After he discovered it, the use of the treasure would cut off the right arm of the younger generation! ”

"Oh?" When everyone listened, they looked at the right arm of Gu Yu, which was intact. They were all shocked!

"唉~" Gu Yu sighed, "The younger generation is desperate, knowing that they have met the nemesis, they must be degraded! However, just after the younger generation has screamed out, showing the figure, then the invisible sword and broken arm Switched to the younger generation, and even took advantage of the younger generation to catch up with an inexplicable spirit to the younger generation!"

"Hey ~ Horror Phoenix... know you?" Rhyme sneer.

Gu Yu shook his head: "The younger generation certainly doesn't know! Even after fleeing, thinking about his appearance, and the news of the blast, I know that he is a phoenix!"

"Then why did he let you go? Give you the spirit? If it is not his spirit, you may not be able to keep your right arm?"

Gu Yu silent, but the eyes are unyielding!

"Hey, Gu Yu, if your right arm is broken, even if it is this sword, I will see the pity, let alone the phoenix phoenix, a man repaired!" Yun Bai is not polite.

"The younger generation was confused at the time, just thinking about escaping, and didn't think much!" Gu Yu replied, "However, according to the thoughts of the younger generation, the horror phoenix may not think so!"

"So how does he think?" Even if it was a resentment, it was a bit curious, and asked.

"The younger generation only thinks that the horror phoenix is ​​not a sultry generation, or even a kind-hearted person. If someone else is forced into a desperate situation, it will definitely have to be spared and forgiving, and will not kill people!" Gu Yu said, "even In the war of Taoism, he did not kill people from time to time. What kind of situation was mentioned by the predecessors? Which one is not a phoenix, the phoenix independence resists my sword repair, when did the seniors see the horror of the phoenix and collaborate with others to kill me? ”

"This..." rhyme has some knots.

"After the younger generation escaped their lives, they thought deeply! The fault is not in the phoenix phoenix. It is not in the predecessors such as Ling Yunwu. The wrong thing is the war between Daozong and the swordsman!" Gu Yu’s eyes widened and he said, "I The swordsman controls the sword field. It has already been free. Why bother to compile the Three Kingdoms? Even if there is no Lingshi. Can I also exchange things with the three countries? There is no need to make such a big move, and take the lives of thousands of swordsmen! It is a kendo war, and the horror phoenix does not exist. Lingyunwu predecessors and others do not have to fall ~!"

"Hey, what do you know!" Joshua sneered, "The kendo war is far from being known to you by the bright swords!"

"Yeah, the younger generations are naturally unaware!" Gu Yu said with emotion. "The younger generation only knows... Feijian is based on Zhongchong, and it is not bent to be a sword. It is full of passion to cultivate the soul sword in the heart! But now In the midst of the war, you swindle, you kill me, I killed you, the spiritual sword in my heart has long been blinded by hatred, and I have lost spirituality! What is the difference between this and the flying sword of Dao Zong? Sword, it is necessary to have no scale in the heart, clear-minded, and able to become a great success. After the younger generation participated in the war, it is always a deliberate attack on the monk. The heart has already fallen, and the heart has long been dusty. Where can I still disappear? Where can I still? Invisible? I am afraid that the phoenix phoenix is ​​also seeing the whereabouts of the younger generation!"

"After the elders escaped, it was fortunate that there was a clear understanding, and the true meaning of the invisible sword was found. This only broke through to the six swords in a short time!" Seeing the rhyme and wanting to say something, Gu Yu does not give her a chance to speak. Then he said, "The invisible sword of the younger generation is in the heart, not in the hand, and the invisible sword in the body is seen through, and can not be killed!"

"This is your understanding?" Yun Bai sneered, "You are just being let go of a horse, and you are grateful to the monk? No longer raise the flying sword in your hand? That sword can tell you that you are wrong." You are just Xiaoyi, you forgot the righteousness of the Taoist war for the sake of this area, and forgot the meaning of my sword and death! If you are an invisible sword, you will not be successful, never Magic Sword! Because you have forgotten, the sword is the sword, which is the weapon that my swordsman used to dedicate himself. It is the weapon used to take the life of the monk!!!"

Said, rhyme will be a mouth, a string of ice-clear jade lotus flies out, in the mid-air through the extremely sharp sword gas is falling on the top of the valley rain, the sword is swaying, has already cut the rain of the rain "In the face of such a flying sword, you can stick to your heart, can you let it be slaughtered?"

"Predecessors!" Gu Yu no fear, calmly said, "In the face of threats, the younger generation will naturally not wait, but the younger generation said that the swords of the younger generation are now in the heart, not in the hands!"

"The ridiculous! I can't think of the virtual swordsmanship. Since Qin Xiqin, who is able to kill Tu Hong, can still have you out..." Yun Bai is going to swear again, and next to Ruo will put his hand on it. Stop her: "No need! Since the Xiaotianjian sent a small friend to support, naturally you can not do it! They just have this intention! Besides, I have more than 30,000 swordsmen and one less swordsman." What's the matter?"

Hearing the decision, the rhyme is unwilling, but only the mouth! Even at this time, the female swordsman who has been repaired by this magic sword does not seem to understand why he is suddenly embarrassed. This is only a beautiful swordsman with six swords!

Li Chun listened to this words and it was a long sigh of relief. Some helplessly look at Gu Yu! He said that he listened to Gu Yu on the same day. His heart was even more surprised than Yun Bai and others. Although this discourse reveals a deep understanding of the sword, and Gu Yu really has to advance with this realization! However, this is the Taoist war, whoever manages what you know, you only contribute to the sword field, and a lot of killing monks! Not only do you not kill the monks, but you point out that the martial arts war is not right, this... Isn’t this a clear way to go with the sword field?

Fortunately, Qin Jian’s reputation has always been extremely loud. In particular, Tu Hong is said to have been killed by Qin Jian. Although Qin Jian denied it in the sword field, he did not know the truth and calculated this credit to Qin. On the head of the sword. Although the invisible sword valley rain is famous, but it is quite a lot compared with her, far from the arrogance that Yun Yun said, and the change of Gu Yu is just recently, Gu Yu does not say, how do people know? Even if you know it, it will be like Qin Jian.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Gu Yu is very generous and polite.

Seeing the rain of Gu Yu, the rhyme of the heart can not help but be awkward!

Within the Dongfu, other swordsmen of the sword are also somewhat surprised, and they don’t feel the face, not only for the words of Gu Yu, but also for the rhyme!

At this time, the sound of the "squeaky" sword was sent out from the place where the communication was just sent out. A Jianguang suddenly flew out!

"Hey? Is it difficult to have other swordsmen come over to support?" If Ruth apparently wants to shift the topic, smile and hold his hand, the sword light flies in the air, the red-red brilliance is just bursting, and It’s a few dozen swords...

"Not good!" If the face of the face changes, one hand grabs it, and a few red brilliances fly in the air!

"Open!" But if you listen to it, the swords are completely bursting, and the mirrors of several squares are scattered in the middle of the house!

"Silver~ So many... Monks?" Waiting to see the mirror, the dense monks flew over from a distance, and even a dozen large flying instruments, Ruth’s eyes My heart is full of horror!

"Sister ~" rhyme is even more puzzled. "When is it... I am so high in the seven mountains? Look at the monks coming, I am afraid there are tens of thousands?"

"Why stop", if you bite your lips, cold and cold, "I can stimulate the seven-way flying swords. If there is no 20,000, how is it possible?"

"These monks... seem to be the disciples of the Huanhua School?" Li Chun was hesitant, and he asked if he was not sure.

"Yes, it is the disciples of the Huanhua School!" Yun Bai sneered. "In the Taoist monks, only the scented flower school of the Xi State likes to sway, and there are flying instruments everywhere, even if they go out to attack, they are dressed up. Follow the marriage!"

"Ha ha ~" A swordsman with a bright sword couldn't help but cover his mouth and laughed, and Li Chun was also dumbfounded. It seemed to describe the disciples of the Huanhua School. He was also the first to hear, and he also faintly understood the rhyme. Previous blame for Gu Yu!

Just when everyone looked at it carefully, dozens of Guanghua self-proclaimed disciples were sent out. It was the late disciple who built the road in front of the road. The swordsmen only felt a sharp sway in front of them, and the mirror was black. All the images are gone, and then the "砰砰" sounds a few crisp sounds, and the mirror is split and turned into a little fluorescent light! Apparently, the disciples of the Huanhua School discovered the flying sword of the communication and destroyed it!

"The Huanhua faction has come up in a big way, and this is really not good!" Although Ruth looked at the broken air in the air, although it was very serious, but the look on his face did not change much!

"Hey~ these little scorpions are really tired!" Yun Bai is also sneer, "That 20,000 disciples want to capture my seven mountains? Nothing else, my sword repairs in the spring are all invested in nearly four Wan disci!"

"Good to teach the two predecessors to know, now the Huanhua faction has approached three hundred miles, I am waiting to meet the enemy at this moment?" Li Chun said, "I am waiting for the virtual disciples to be the first defense!" ”

"Haha~ It's okay for a while~" Rhyme laughed. "But it's 20,000 disciples. This sword makes them come back..."

"嗡嗡" is another sound of swords, it is very urgent to send out from the place where the communication was just sent out, and a Jianguang suddenly flies out... (to be continued...)

Ps: Yes, swords and wars, what's wrong? Who can make it clear in the bureau?

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