Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1256: Rhyme white injury

A monk in the late Jindan, in the case of a balanced force between the two armies, there is absolutely the power to turn the battle!

Kan Sheng is at ease, but his face can change! Seeing that Kansheng is somewhat distracted, the smile hangs in his mouth, and if his eyes are stunned, Zhou’s body will be strong again, and the gorgeous sword light will force Cancun to involuntarily close his eyes, and wait for Kansheng to When I read it out, I was shocked again: "How...what is it possible? You...you are just a magical sword, how can you turn the sword?"

Sure enough, if the body shape of this thought has disappeared, a group of rich white clouds condensed flying swords appeared in the place where Ruth just stood up, and the swordsman who had previously swayed in Kansheng’s body screamed at this time. All the swordsman's crazy convergence, the swords of the swordsmen who are close to the sword are also sucked over without control!

"Not good!" Kan Sheng saw that Ruth had the secret of the sword, and he was shocked. He almost did not think about it. His body shape rose, and the sword light that screamed at the attack converge, and the purple gold hammered a wave. The thunder of the group does not want to be a stone-like urging. It is a squat to the side, and he himself wants to go away from the seven mountains!

However, he was still a little late, and the flying sword of the white clouds condensed rapidly, and it was a rapid shrinking ww.  鄣 鄣 似 似 u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u

The sound of the bangs of "Rumble" and "Rumble" has tens of thousands of battlefields, and Baihong has passed through all the thunders at an incredible speed. Victory vest...

"Hit ~" Kan Sheng's heart shrinks. Immediately know that the time for a decisive victory has arrived, Jin Dan has turned rapidly, all the real yuan rushed to the meridians, and the mana poured into the Zijin hammer!

"When ~~~" is like the sound of the golden drum, Bai Hong hits the purple gold hammer, and the birth of the purple gold hammer hits a three-inch deep crack, and the white rainbow is not reduced, but the direction is biased by the purple gold hammer," With a bang, you can see that Kansheng’s body is suddenly bright. Then it is annihilation. That white rainbow actually fell into his armpit, wearing it! ! ! !

"Silk ~" Kan Sheng's life magic weapon was damaged, the Yuanshen violently swayed, first received the wound. Bai Hong is breaking through his Jin Dan defense to seriously hurt his body. The blood spewed out at the same time. His figure is also awkward...

"Go ~" Kan Sheng took a breath, and saw that the white rainbow that had passed through his body was slowly stopped after passing through the bodies of several Yu Leizong disciples. I don’t dare to stay for a long time, and I’m reluctant to push the flight to the other side of the Seven Ridges to escape!

As for the thousands of deaths and injuries, there are still more than 10,000 Yu Leizong, Mo Sangshan and Yi Yimen disciples to see, but also the side battle to retreat, toward the other side of the seven mountains!

Besides, the sharp white rainbow slowly stopped in midair, and the Jianguang gradually converges. If the face is bright and red, it will show up! If I think that I am urging the secret law to enter the sword, it will hurt my body very much. Unfortunately, Kansheng’s Zijin Hammer is still too powerful. The Thundernet is indeed arrogant. If I thought it would have been a very confident blow, I couldn’t Jiangong can only hit Kansheng seriously!

Watching Kansheng stumble and fly to the distance, if he waved his hand, he sneered: "Catch!"

"Yes~" This is the swordsman who chased the monks. It is also a high morale. Many of the leaders of the six swords are loudly screaming, commanding thousands of swordsmen to chase the monks!

On the other side of the Seven Ridges, the battle situation is different!

The leader of the Huanhua School is a woman who is dressed in a graceful manner. Ming Mingyue, this Mingyue female is the cultivation of the peak of Jindan's early stage, and the magic weapon in the hands of a round moon is also a famous moon! This round of bright moon in the bright moon under the female mana urged to send out the white brilliance will be the half of the sky inside the Baizhang is bright, that Guanghua is extremely cold, it is the cold wind that fits the snowy plateau, the power is multiplied! The rhyme-white flying sword is a white lotus flower, which also gives off a white sword light!

The killing of the moon and the rhyme of the moon is much better than that of Kansheng and Ruo Si, but the ending of victory and defeat is different!

Just before the icy gods of the Seventh Ridge, the white lotus sword of the rhyme white turned into a white lotus, and the lotus petals circling toward the bright moon. The sword light above the lotus petals is not only a dazzling brilliance, but also a The air pierces the sound of "呲呲", and each piece of lotus petals seems to have a faint silk connection between them. It is not only difficult to distinguish the flight path, but also the speed of flight. The increment is far beyond the ordinary flying sword!

The two have been fighting for a long while, and the moon sees the white lotus sword so powerful, knowing that the rhyme has already exerted its full strength, so take a deep breath and bite the tip of the tongue, and the blood of the "squeaky" is sprayed onto the magic moon! The sound of "呜~" sounded like a wolf in the snow at night, and the magic moon suddenly turned into an ellipse, and the head of the moon in the moon rose sharply!

"Disease ~" tomorrow night, the woman immediately smashed the law, the body of Jin Dan speeded up the rotation, the real yuan poured into the meridians, the mana rushed into the magic moon like a tide...

With the influx of mana into the magic moon, the aura around the world is also a crazy infusion, "Go!" Waiting for the moon in the hands of the woman to fight, the hand will be pointed, the magic moon will fly from the top of the moon in the moon, like a meteor In general, shoot at Bai Lian Sword!

The magical moon around the moon is flashing, but the surrounding heaven and earth aura forms an extremely cold brilliance around the magic weapon!

"咔嚓嚓" With the flying of the moon, the particles in the air are falling and falling...

The moon between the fingertips is close to the lotus petals of Bailian. Although there is still a foot distance, the lotus petals are suddenly condensed. At the same time as the lotus petals condense, the inner voice actually emits the sound of "the 嗡~~~", which sounds positive. It is the sorrow of the condensed sword light, trying to break free from the coldness of the sword field!

But then, a burst of "咔嚓咔嚓", the full moon will cut all the lotus petals, and all the swords are also split in half! ! !

"Peng ~" a loud noise, the magic moon finally hit the bottom of the white lotus sword on the body of the lotus, the white lotus sword's sword heart also gave birth to a sword light like a lotus, hit with the moon The brilliance of the moon is full, and the waves are rushing to the magic!

The face of the moon girl is also a bright red, obviously the **** is somewhat damaged, and then see the white lotus sword, even more unbearable! Fabao Mingyue not only defeated the sword of Bailian to expose the flying sword, but also slashed the flying sword out, and there were several deep cracks on the white sword! !

"Hey!~" White Lotus sword is broken, rhyme white is also created, a blood is sprayed, pale face!

"哼~剑修, but this is the case!" Ming Yue Liu Mei upside down, the small mouth of the cherry mouth spit out such words, the handsome face is even more disdainful! And the red color on the face is even more beautiful in the white!

"You ~" rhyme white is to want to mark a few sword marks on the face of the moon like the moon, this time more shame! But seeing her bite her teeth, although she was seriously injured, she could still force the white lotus sword. The white lotus sword crossed in the air outside the dozens of feet. It was a sudden thorn to the distant man dressed in fiery clothes. Beauty repair...

Isn’t that female repair a red fairy?

Hongxia Fairy is a swordsman who is trained with a magical instrument and a sword. The practice has already entangled the arm of the swordsman. It is precisely when the killing is done. The white lotus sword of the rhyme suddenly comes from the oblique thorn. After rushing over, I won the red-eyed fairy, and I couldn’t even take care of it. The "silk" sounded bluntly, and the white lotus sword crossed the arm of the red-eyed fairy. It was easy to defend her body. Out of the flaws, a deep blood mark is left on the arms of Hongxia Fairy! The blood is pouring out, and the red skin of Hongxia Fairy is dyed with red robes.

Not only that, Bai Lianjian injured the Hongxia fairy, and did not stop, rushed to the swordsman who was hugged and hugged his arms, and suddenly swayed, and cut off the pieces of the red-eyed fairy. A few knots!

The shape of Hongxia Fairy stopped in the air, and the first thing was to take the medicinal herbs. Then the apricot eyes flashed in the twilight, but she saw her hand pat the forehead, and the sound of the phoenix sounded more than ten feet. The phoenix law body flies out of the body!

"Oh?" Seeing the ice phoenix body of Hongxia Fairy appears, the rhyme white is slightly stunned, and the hand can be turned, and the white lotus sword turns into a stream, and the target is the ice phoenix body of Hongxia Fairy!

"嘎~" Bingfeng once again screamed, and the sound shook four wild, while the two wings waved, and the whole figure slightly retreated toward the back. The big phoenix head retracted and then slammed again. The dark blue brilliance spit out from the ice phoenix mouth, like the nine days of water falling in front of the white lotus sword!

Bai Lianjian was hit by the dark blue brilliance. When he was on the road, the sword was light and tightened. He tried to fly forward, but it was like being in a quagmire.

"Congenital water???" Yunbai first was horrified, obviously it was an accident. How can the female repair in the late stage of the foundation have congenital water, but later, when the innocent water seems to be endless, the face is not only It was shocking, but shocked and frightened!

Because, this is like the blue sky of the congenital water not only trapped her white lotus sword, but also quickly blocked around her, as if to trap her! ! !

"Bad, you shouldn't look for this woman to vent your anger!" Yun Bai repented at this time, she knew clearly that if she had provoked the red glow fairy, how could she make a home to challenge the magic sword? Swordsman? But now she does not say that she has been seriously injured, that is, Bai Lianjian was trapped by the innocent water, and he may not be able to fight with others!

"Escape?" The idea of ​​rhyme white immediately gave birth to this idea! Then he tried to push Jianyuan, and the white lotus sword was shot in the sky and rushed into the innate water to fly back to the rhyme! (To be continued...)

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