Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1276: blue

“Big good!” A disciple of the bliss was hurriedly saying, “I don’t know how Xiao’s brother explained this poison?”

"I don't want you!" Xiao Huayang said, "Xiaomou has taken the poisoning Dan, it is useless. Of course, Xiao has other methods of detoxification. I have not tried it. I can't say that it will detoxify, can... ... Xiaomou thinks that this poison... I am afraid it is not easy to get rid of, even... this may not be a poison!"

When Xiao Hua’s words came out, everyone was frustrated, but some people were anxious: “If there is still a way for Xiao’s brother, please try it quickly. If it can be done, then it’s best!”

"Well, Xiaomou will try it first!" Xiao Hua said, looking up at the hole in the tall man and asking, "Which Taoist friend can have any disguised squad? How to cover this hole?" ?"

Xiao Hualian asked three times, only a disciple of Qingfenggu whispered: "There is a law in the poor road, but the rough is tight, it may not play any role!"

"Well, this Taoist friend will bring in the array and the battle, Xiaomou will arrange for you!" Xiaohua knows the meaning of the monk, and opens the way.

"So very good!" The disciple heard, hurriedly took out a few arrays and the array and handed it to Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua took over and looked at the jade, and suddenly added the mana to force the mana. I will point my hand to the front, but see Guanghua flash, the hole is really blocked by the law, but Xiaohua’s real consumption is quite a lot.

Then, Xiao Hua sat cross-legged in the hole, took a hand, took out the green scorpion snake venom, and prepared to use the detoxification technique to attack the poison, but he waited for him to beat the venom on the snake venom. Hey, attack with poison, then you have to be poisonous before you become ah, no poison, you take snake venom yourself, isn't you looking for death?

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua will sigh and still collect the snake poison. The disciple of the Qingfeng Valley also makes sense. It is not necessarily what poison itself is how to attack with poison.

However, Xiao Hua still did not get up, slowly urging the exercises, and carefully checking the changes of the real yuan.

But seeing that the real element is slowly circulated in the meridians with the urging of the exercises, the real element in the flow has just begun to disappear, there is no sign at all, or other special conditions!

"Quirks!" Xiao Hua frowned and thought that he did not encounter anything that could devour the infuriating. Isn't the inkstorm in the black forest of Mohlin extremely powerful? Once the ink sand enters the meridians and immediately blocks the meridians, it is to enter Dantian, and the golden Dan will be corroded by the sand! However, the ink sand is a tangible thing after all, where is it like today? There is no clue at all?

At this time, the sound of footsteps sounded outside the hole, which sounded like a lot!

"Xiao Shidi, open the hole, the voice of this footsteps is my Taoist disciple, let them in, the more I wait for the better!" Li Zongbao and others are in trouble, no one knows what the poison is, the entire cave It’s quiet, it’s easy to hear the footsteps outside.

"Yes!" Xiao Hua took out the platoon and urged the mana. On the glory, the hole in the cave was revealed. "Hey, there is a hole here..." A noisy voice came over immediately.

"The friends of all of you come in!" Xiao Hua walked out of the cave and looked at a group of hundreds of people, whispering

"Yu Leizong's brother..." The eyes of the people suddenly recognized Xiaohua, who had just defended the enemy with Li Zongbao, and his face showed a happy color!

Immediately, waiting for everyone to enter the cave, Xiao Hua blocked the hole, but there were many real elements disappeared between the opening and closing.

"Hey, what kind of poison is this?" When Xiao Hua showed his skills, he was very careful to check, but he did not see any abnormalities.

Hundreds of people, like Xiao Hua and others, are also a mixture of bliss, Changbaizong and Qingfenggu disciples, and their ideas are the same as Xiao Hua and others, but they have no purpose and have not found a suitable escape. Where

"Hey, don't say that everyone is stupid, there is no shortage of smart people in this world!" Xiao Hua sighed, and sat down, holding his chin thinking, he had a limited amount of jade from the poisonous door, that is still not a million. What are the most famous characters in the poison door, there is no useful clue in the middle?

"Oh?" Xiao Hua suddenly realized some enlightenment, a slight left hand, will open the eyes of the broken method, this does not look tight, Xiao Hua **** a bit of cool, but see the entire cave is like a 嶈阖The sea is generally blue and a piece of blue!

The blue water-based heaven and earth aura that seems to be extremely faint now seems to be thicker, and the color is much heavier, and this color is the rendering of the cave inside. It seems to be seen on the bottom of the sea!

Xiao Hua then quietly looked into the stone wall, the same blue, deep and tight, it seems that the whole world is this blue!

"Xiao Mao, come over!" Xiao Hua voiced Xiao Mao over, whispered, "You slightly exercise the exercises..."

"Good!" Xiao Mao is very puzzled by Xiao Hua’s words, but he still sports a real yuan.

In the eyes of the law, but see Xiao Mao is not a human form, only some blues that look similar to the meridians, along with the Xiao Mao movement, the blue and the slight movement, and except for these blue, other places, just a touch of blue, but This faint blue is slowly getting heavier! It should be that this special water-based world aura gradually infiltrates into Xiao Mao's body!

"Well, okay!" Xiao Hua whispered

Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Hua, and wanted to ask, I can see that Xiao Hua frowned. If he thought, he didn’t speak, and he still returned to the crowd.

"Dear friends, I have just discussed it. The most important thing now is to find out what is causing me to disappear. I don’t know who the new Taoist friend knows?" After Li Zongbao met with many monks, he still asked. Road

It is a pity that a disciple of a bliss whispered in a low voice: "Lee brother, I have also discussed this matter on the way. I have never heard of such weird things. I have such poisons in the three countries. The break will not be so secretive, let me wait for a little bit of unconsciousness! I feel that this is not necessarily a poison, it may be a secret of sword repair!"

"Well~" Li Zongbao nodded, no matter whether or not

"However, as long as I don't mobilize my mana, there will be nothing for the time being, or wait for the first time, maybe there will be any vitality?" The disciple's plan seems to be similar to Xiao Hua and others.

"Lee brother!" Xiao Hua said, "According to the younger brother, the thoughts I had before may not be useful!"

"What did the younger brother discover?" Li Zongbao was shocked. He knew that Xiao Hua was afraid of panic among others.

"This cave space is the same as the outside, and the water-based heaven and earth aura is polluted!" Xiao Hua explained. "I waited, though not moving, but the flesh is in the aura of the world, and the poisonous things are still coming into my body. After a long time, I don’t know what will happen! Moreover, according to the calculation of Qin Jian, he will not think that I will be hiding here. He must have any other poisonous tricks, forcing me to wait, even waiting for me. Kill it here!"

"Silk~" Li Zongbao also took a breath and sighed. "The teacher said that it is really reasonable. I am comparing with Qin Jian... It is really too much, not only for repair, but for the heart..."

"Oh, Master Li, how do you grow the power of others and destroy your own spirit?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "The younger brother is just guessing, when it is not true."

"Well, what are your plans?" Li Zongbao said not much, asked

"When you are negotiating here, the younger brother goes out for a walk, one can see if you can gather more disciples, and the second one can see if you can find Jin Dan!" Xiao Hua replied, "Of course, if you can meet gold Master Dan, that is the best!"

"Hey, for the brothers, there is a secret connection with the uncle! But at this time, the aura of this world is dyed, not only can't use the mystery, it can be used, and the brothers don't dare to use it!" Li Zongbao sighed, "but The idea of ​​the younger brother is not very much approved by the brother. After all, although you have a strong mana, you can disappear as if it were a real element. You can't add it!"

After listening to this statement, Xiao Hua also turned off the idea of ​​finding Li Zongbao to secretly, and smiled: "Senior brother and rest assured, the younger brother is somewhat sure, if it is not, then come back!"

"Well," Li Zongbao sighed and watched Xiao Hua open the ban and took over the set.

"What is this for Xiao Shixiong?" A Qingfenggu disciple hurriedly asked.

"Oh, Xiaomou went out to see if he could find other brothers and sisters, or find another way out!" Xiao Hua did not hide, said back.

"Too good, there is this idea underneath. I wonder if I can walk with my brother?" The Qingfenggu disciple said happily.

Xiao Hua didn't look at him with a good look, cold and cold: "If you want to go out, I won't stop you, but Xiao may not plan to walk with others!"

Said, turned and left!

"Cough cough~" Li Zongbao saw it and looked at the monk who had nearly a thousand people in the cave. He said, "I am here to avoid it. It is a matter of expediency. It is to be a group of people. If you are a friend and Xiaohua Generally, I have my own ideas. I can go out now. I hope that you can find a suitable method. Of course, for the safety of me, this opportunity is only once. If a friend is going out, go now, there will be some The family is in charge of this battle, only the others come in, no one will go out unless I wait to leave!"

"Okay, go out and try your luck!" The Qingfenggu disciple arched his hand and stepped away.

"Slow!" A disciple of Changbaizong blocked him, cold and cold. "You can go out, but you have to swear a blood swear, you can't reveal where I am waiting, or Jiang will not worry that you will go out!"

"But... Xiaohua of Yu Leizong just left, you...how don't let him make a **** oath?" The Qingfenggu disciple said with some anger and anger (to be continued...)

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