Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1296: confusing

"Oh, no problem, there are my disciples in the ice-cold valley, my disciples, and the younger brothers of Changbaizong, and the younger brothers of the poor roads, there will be no problem!" Xiaoxiao said, "And, the ice valley again Not a special place, what can be a big fight?"

I have to say, or the previous sentence, the monks who are high-educated will not necessarily be in a good position. If you are here, it’s not necessary to say that! Well, even if he said so, many monks would not agree. After all, this ice valley was previously the Lingshi vein of the Sky City! Who knows whether Tu Hong has selfishness?

"In addition, the friends of the dry road and the friends of Peng Die have not yet returned!" Cheng Yezong's season red reminded.

Qi Xiangling of Yi Yimen is also a martyr: "I am a disciple of Yimen, a disciple of Mosangshan, and a disciple of Yu Leizong and the Huanhua School. There is no message to the Seven Ridges!"

"The two Lingshi veins of the Sky City are far from the Sky City!" He smiled bitterly. "These two are just a few Lingshi veins... How many swordsmen can you have?"

Just saying, but seeing the hall of the chamber flashed in the air!

"Oh, let's talk to the cadres, and the cadres will arrive!" 珩洺 珩洺 拂 拂 那 那 那 那 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"The two friends have worked hard!" Seeing the stranger's face is not good, and even some frowning, screaming in his heart, said in his mouth, but in his heart is: "Mr. ?"

"It's hard to talk about it! Unfortunately, I still can't make meritorious deeds!" Ganmo looked at Pengdie and they both sat back on the futon. Said, "I have only found the place where Li Chengxu fell. How did Li Daoyou fall and who was killed? There is no clue!"

"Oh? Where is Li Daoyou's whereabouts?" The brow wrinkled and hurriedly asked, "Is there a trace of left-handedness?"

"Li Daoyou fell in the northwest of the Sky City, the name of the prisoner Longling, there is no stronghold in the left, there is no Lingshi vein!" Peng Die looked at the dry strange answer. "If it is strong, it is said. There is a Lingshi Zong's Lingshi vein in the west, and there is a seven-ridge in the north. It is a Lingshi vein. There are more than a dozen sword repair bases in the northwest! Only. These strongholds and the Lingshi mines are too far away from the place where Li Daoyou was fallen! There are swordsmen who may have three swords in that place!"

"Can Peng Daoyou say something in detail?" Hearing is inexplicable.

"Good teaching and learning friends know!" Peng Die looked at the dry stranger. "The poor road and the cadres have a deliberation order. In the patrol city transmission line, there is no record of Li Daoyou's transmission. It seems that Li Daoyou should go out through the city gate, but the Taoist friends should know. The city of the patrol city. The doorkeeper did not record it. I asked a lot of city guards, and finally got some clues. I just found out from the north gate! However, after I flew out, I did not find Li Daoyou’s left. Any mark. Later, it was still a mere friend, using the secret technique of Yu Leizong, and found the spirit of Li Daoyou in the prison dragons through the guards of the guards of the gates!"

"As for Li Daoyou's fallen place, it is between the peaks of the prisoner's ridge, where the destruction is extremely serious, and because of Li Daoyou's self-destruction, the traces of the spells are all gone, there is no way to find..." Peng But the butterfly is simple and clear. "If there is a secret technique of Xianle School, it may be able to find traces from Li Daoyou's breath. But now there is no Xianlepai disciple in the late Jintian, not to mention Yuan Ying. Teacher, I can only find out here!"

"Is there any special place?" Dexun couldn't help but ask, "If this is the case, I am afraid that it is not good to confess to the fairy goddess!"

"It's a special place, but it's still said by the friends of the dry road!" Peng Die said with a look at the dry stranger.

"Oh?" Everyone was very surprised, they all looked at the dry.

The dry sigh said: "There is a trace of the law in Li Daoyou's fallen place. It seems that Li Daoyou was killed by the ambush of others. If it is purely from here, it should be the sword Jian Qin sword!"

"Qin Jian actually killed Li Daoyou?" He took a sip of cold air. "Is this too arrogant?"

"Dan is just saying that it is possible!" Do not be okay, "In addition to the traces of the array, it is the aura of the water-based world and the aura of the fire world. If it is not unexpected, it should be congenital water or congenital fire. The magic weapon appeared, but Li Daoyou has blew himself up. His magic weapon... does not understand, but perhaps this innate fire and congenital water are all his magic weapons. Of course, it is also possible that these two innate things are tempered. Flying sword!"

"So, there should be two swordsmen of the magic sword to kill Li Daoyou!" Somewhat awkward, "But otherwise, with the charms that I have given to the division, Li Daoyou has escaped from the swordsmanship!"

"It's not just this!" Gan Mo said, "There is another kind of charm in Li Daoyou's fallen place, as if it was from the hands of Yuan Ying's monk!"

"Li Daoyou has two magical charms made by Yuan Yingxiu? This...this can't escape the killing of Qin Jian!" He really sighed. "I just don't know Li Daoyou going out to the prisoner." What is Ling?"

"Hey, friends, things don't seem so simple!" Gan Mo did not answer, but said, "I just said that the prisoner has a trace of the law, not a sword array, indicating that this array is Li Daoyou is laid down! Perhaps he wants to kill Qin Jian!"

"Yeah!" Mo said that it was Li Chengxu, that is, the Jindan monks who are full of the discussion hall want to kill Qin Jian. If Li Chengxu is sure, it is set, but it is possible!

“What else?” he asked.

“Yes!” No one nodded. “There is one more thing that makes you feel incredible!”

"What?" Everyone came to the mood.

"In the place where the prisoner Longling Li Daoyou fell, the old man... also found the trace of my Royal Leizong disciple!" said the dry stranger.

"Yu Leizong disciple? Where did he go?" Qi Qidao, but then some awakened, "Oh, Yu Leizong disciple went to the Seven Ridges, afraid to pass by?"

“When the old man returned to the Sky City, he had already gone to the station. Although many disciples had already sent out, they still found a trace of embarrassment!” Gan Mo looked at Peng Die and said, “I’m the Kundan disciple of Kun’s Palace. It is also a magical disappearance. According to the connection between the old man and the sect, his life card has been broken! And he left the station at the same time as Li Chengxu’s friend left the Sky City!"

"Is there a corpse or other trace of Kun Shuai in the prison dragon?"

"No! However, the old man can perceive the strength of the disciples of the Jindan period through the secret method of this door!" Qianmo shook his head. "In addition, I found that the time was too late, and it has passed ten days, otherwise it can still Know more!"

"So, it should be that Li Chengxu’s friends joined forces with Kun Shuai’s friends, and they were in the prison of Longling, and they lured Qin Jian, um, or other swordsmen. The result was that they had weak mana, in two or more swordsmen. Under the killing... Fallen?" He frowned and thought, tempted.

"Well, it really should be like this!" No stranger nodded. "The place where the prisoner Longling Li Daoyou fell, there are traces of flying swords, especially Peng Daoyou's careful discovery of the peaks around Li Daoyou's fall of about a hundred feet, some flying The trace of the sword piercing! This flying sword penetrates into the deep, when it is in the fight with Li Daoyou, or when Fei Daoyou blew himself to fly the sword! But anyway, That is the flying sword of Jian Xiu!"

"It is also possible that I am waiting for the monk's flying sword!" A Jindan monk whispered.

"This Taoist friend is right!" Ganmo said without hesitation. "It is also possible that the Tao Dan monks who have some grievances with Li Chengxu and Li Daoyou are set there!"

Li Jijie’s face is not easy to read. When it comes to this, except for Jian Xiu, they are famous for their flying swords. The other disciples are of flying swords, but since they are talking about the temple, it is natural. Alluding to Changbai Zong.

"Li himself believes that there is no grudge with Li Chengxu's friends!" Li Jijie said coldly, "And my Changbai sect is afraid that there is no Li Daoyou's opponent!"

"Oh, Li Daoyou thinks a lot!" He said with a smile. "These are all speculations. It must be true. If you have a monk who killed Li Chengxu, how many other people in the Sky City are his rivals?" Can you all be the opponents of his opponents sitting in the Chamber of Deliberations?"

"哼~" Li Jijie snorted and stopped talking.

"Just... there is still a little bit, the old man has some Nahan!" said the dry stranger. "The old man never heard of Kun Shuai and Li Chengxu's friends! And... Kun Shuai just got to the Sky City!"

"It's no surprise!" He whispered, "How can each monk make a good friend to know how to be known? Perhaps Kun Shuai has already known Li Chengxu? Or Kun Shuai has Qin Jian's news. ...Is notified Li Chengxu who made a good deal with myself?"

Speaking of this, everyone basically understands, afraid that only such speculation can be the closest to reality!

"Right, dry friends, you go to the prison dragons seems to be not far from the seven mountains. Your Royal Leizong disciple went to the seven mountains to find out the truth, you did not go see?" What did you think of, Whispered.

"The old man naturally knows that the disciples under the door go to the Seven Ridges!" No stranger nodded, "It should be the leader of Kansheng! But how can you investigate the affairs of Li Chengxu's friends? How can you ruin it?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Mo wakes up and realizes: "What? There is no message in the Seven Mountains?"

“There are no questions for the returning friends to return to the station?” He was even more surprised. (To be continued...)

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