Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1310: misfortune

"Hao Ran~" Xiao Hua was suddenly pushed to the altar by others. It was really uncomfortable and smiled bitterly. "You don't feel that worship is a monk who is similar to yourself... is it unnatural? And, Xiaomou After the cultivation is higher, after you are also organic cultivation to Xiaomou's cultivation at this time, it is even possible to surpass Xiaomou! At that time, will everyone worship you?"

"Xiao Zhenren!" Zhong Haoran said sincerely, "The villain cultivated here, completely relying on the power of Xiaozhenren! The villain knows that if there is no Xiaozhen, the villain is still a refining monk, absolutely no way to build a foundation. Not only that, even if the villain has the cultivation of Xiaozheng, the villain does not have the heart of Xiaozheng, and does not have the compassion of the world, but also does not save the magical power of the people in the water... Therefore, the villain can assert that This world is afraid that only Xiaozhen people can worship, even if Xiaozheng is only a base monk! And other monks, even Yuan Ying, are just the teachers of me, not the real people I should worship!"

"Xiao Zhenren!!" Qin Ji and Fei Yunshu shouted, "Please accept the villain!"

It is a pity that these four people were restrained by Xiao Hua’s sleeves. Although they can talk, they want to worship and can’t!

The ear heard five people saying this, Xiao Hua’s heart is also shocked, and the Buddha’s fire in the Buddha’s heart is slightly flickering. It seems to be echoing. “It’s hard to be... This is really a magical power?” Xiao Hua After the induction, some surprises, after a little thought, there is a decision: "Grandma's, if the young master is detached, it is really a bit of a suspicion of selling dog meat! If the young man does not want to engage in these imaginary brains Fame, when the former secular people wanted to worship. [Queen of the Queen] Do not tell your name to others! Even when you let the Chung Ling Villa and the Tian Mo Zong sprinkle the spirits, Moti’s own The name is now! Now the name of Xiao Zhenren has already gone out. Someone really wants to worship the younger master. The younger man has to pretend to push others out, this...what is it?"

"But it!" Xiao Hua had a decision. He immediately waved the robes and laughed. "Xiao is poor, and the people have the most backs. The people are the heavens. Since Tiandao borrowed Xiao’s hand to save the people. That Xiao Someone who claims to be a real person... What's the matter?"

"Thank you Xiaozhen!" Seeing Xiao Hua agree, Zhong Haoran and other five people are all overjoyed, and the sturdy gimmicks are nine, this is getting up!

"Good" Xiao Hua raised his hand, took a hand and took out five jade bottles and handed it to Zhong Haoran. "You can't wait for Xiao to see it. This is a supplement to Tiandan. You wait for one person!"

"Thank you real people!" Zhong Haoran was overjoyed, respectfully stepped forward and then distributed to everyone.

What is the supplement of Tiandan, how can the four people like Fei Yunshu not know? Seeing that Xiao Yan, who is like a god, is giving a spirit, and my heart is full of gratitude! In the whimper, even the word "Xie" can't be said!

Seeing Fei Yunshu's four people so grateful, Xiao Hua has some bitter smiles. But immediately, there is a hint of pride in his heart! No, Xiao Hua rarely gives things to others, but once he is given to others, it is also a very good thing. If you are thinking about it, which monk can be as grateful as the four?

This is not just a simple "grateful zero." It is a degree of really worshipping Xiao Hua as a god!

On the entire Xiaoyu continent, how many monks can do this?

Xiao Hua... naturally has a reason for pride!

Suddenly, Xiao Hua’s heart was a move, with a thought he had never thought of before!

"Thank you a real person!" Fei Yunshu woke up and shouted out!

"Cloud Book!" Xiao Hua said faintly, "Since it is the gift of the real person, you should have it, and you will have to give another thank you later!"

"Yes, real people! Little understand!" Fei Yunshu sighed and replied hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua swept a few other people and asked, "You just waited to say, for example, if you have eaten the genius of this real person, the babies born are excellent?"

"Good to teach real people know!" Qin Ji said quickly. "Smallly inquired, all the babies who have eaten the genus are flexible and younger than the small ones they have seen before, but it is good to say that the qualifications are good. It is not necessarily, just like the little nephew, the constitution is not suitable for cultivation, but his exercises are far-reaching and ordinary people! Maybe..."

Speaking of this, Qin Ji is somewhat hesitant.

That Zhong Haoran interface said: "Real people, small feelings, may be the method of my family's test of physical fitness can not measure the physical physique of the immortal breed to cultivate the baby!"

"Not bad! This is the case!" Xiao Hua instantly understands that, as today's aura is changing, this kind of good breed has been able to adapt to the current aura of the heavens and earth through the cultivation of space, and the baby who eats these rice and grass also adapts to the aura of this world! In this aura of change, it is more suitable for cultivation! Of course, the original method of testing babies is no longer suitable! There is also a need for a test method that is more suitable for these babies to practice!

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua thought of himself when he was in Yu Leizong. He said that when he chose a disciple, he often found a disciple with great potential. After the income, there was no special progress. Some of the time The poorly performing disciple, after the income of the door, has leaps and bounds, fearing that it is the reason!

"Well, Xiaomou understands!" Xiaohua nodded, and asked again, "Is there like you, etc....and other monks?"

"This..." Zhong Haoran looked at the four people and shook his head. "The matter is small and I don't know! The small has been in the valley for a long time. If they are not talking about them, how can they think that they still eat rice?"

"Small people wait for the other person to eat, and eat it after worshiping the real person!" Fei Yunshu whispered.

"I am waiting!" Zhong Zhan and others all answered this question.

Although Xiao Hua is somewhat strange, this worship has something to do with eating rice, but think about the worldly people doing this, they are afraid to do the same! As for why the refining monks are so religious, Xiao Hua can only attribute it to... magic!

"But it!" Xiao Hua will put his hand on it. "After this matter, you will wait for the Zhongling Villa to check it carefully! There are a lot of good varieties there. According to Xiao, I am afraid that all the rice and grass have been improved. Replace it!"

Hearing the shackles on Zhong Haoran’s face, he bowed his head and said: “The real person said that, with the support of real people, and the arrangement of Zhongling Mountain Villa, with Yuncheng, Zhicheng and Fancheng as the center, Meng The rice in the country is being replaced by the fine species! Moreover, in the secular, this kind of good has been called the genus, and there are so many...the worldly tycoons, all kinds of forces are also gathered in Yuncheng, in order to seek from Xianjiamou to Xianxian. The clock is also so profitable!"

“Zhong Ling Villa? Zhong Jia?” Xiao Hua listened to Zhong Haoran’s words, and suddenly found that something was not appropriate. It seems that he is not the “My Zhong Ling Villa” that he often hears, “I am a family”, and Xiao Hua is noticing. The sound of Zhong Haoran’s face.

Sure enough, next to Zhong Haoran is a low voice: "The real people said that if you want to investigate in the vicinity of Zhongling Mountain Villa, the small fear is not good! However, the fairy species near the Yuncheng City have become popular, small It can be done even in Zhongling Mountain Villa!"

"Hey? Haoran, how is this going?" Xiaohua brows up and looks at the four people next to him. The four people are also excited to see a trace of unwillingness. I don’t know, "I saw you Xiaomou just now." The five lonely ones are strange around this sword. Now it is the Taoist war. How can you wait for such a dangerous place? Zhong Zhan and others are just ten layers of refining, and a sword can bring you a sword. Waiting to kill!"

Zhong Haoran bites his teeth and is extremely guilty: "It is good to teach real people to know, in fact... small is not a disciple of Zhongling Mountain Villa! Previously... Previously with the female sword repair, it was only for the small and others. face!"

“Hey? How is it possible?” Xiao Hua was even more astonished. “You are now the beginning of the foundation building. This is also a good realm in your Zhongling Mountain Villa. Moreover, you are still associated with Xiaomou. How could you expel you from the Chung Ling Villa??"

"This...has nothing to do with the family!" Zhong Haoran hesitated and said the reason for the matter!

It turned out that Xiaohua killed Fei Siqing, the owner of the Feicheng Feijia, and took away Qin Kai, the owner of the Fancheng Qin family. Although Zhong Tianyi, the owner of the Yuncheng Zhongjia, was poisonous, he could detoxify in Xiaohua. Under the skill, it will soon be restored to its original state! When Xiao Hua enlightened the technique of the ancient refiner, the strategizing Zhong Tianqi dispatched troops to attack the Qin family in Fancheng! Yes, it is Fan City, not Zhicheng! The Qin family’s owner was scared enough by Qin Kai. When he saw that Zhong Tianqi did not go to Zhicheng, he attacked himself first. He was even more frightened and thought that it was Xiao Hua’s inspiration. As a result, under Zhong Tian’s bluff, he only resisted for a few days and hurried. After the withdrawal, nearly half of the scope of his family was given to Zhong Tianyi, in exchange for Xiaohua's understanding!

And Zhong Tianqi naturally wants to accept it, and then sends his disciple to Zhicheng!

Without the owner's branch city, it is almost an empty city without a city gate. The disciples of the Zhong family are not rushing to attack the Red Crane Mountain. They just set up the mountain peaks and sent the squad to the upper class to persuade them. Before the Zhongjialai Red Crane Mountain, the Qin family had sent disciples to come, not only to inform Feijia of the news that Fei Siqing had died, but also to expose the fierce face, to redee the Red Crane Mountain into the pocket of the Qin family.

However, the Qin family has not succeeded, they themselves are not guaranteed, and this has been hurriedly withdrawn. Now, the Zhong family, who has defeated the Qin family, has come again. The elders of the Fei family have slightly negotiated and reached an "agreement" with the Zhong family. The content of the agreement is naturally not known to Zhong Haoran! But since then, Qin Jiachen has served in Zhongjia, and all two disciples in Yuncheng and Zhicheng are aware of it! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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