Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1318: Finally revealing a trace of flaws

"The city owner believes or disbelieves... The monk who is in the Chamber of Defence is convinced! The disciple waits for the master of the city to make a decision, and arbitrarily sends the reward of the previous promise to the House of Representatives!" Fang Leng did not hesitate, "This involves The case of Tu Hong’s younger brother, the disciples did not dare to delay too much, afraid of hurting the heart of my disciples in the Sky City!!!”

"Hey~ There must be awkwardness in this!" The snowy real person said coldly, "The swordsman who stabbed Tu Hong is not Qin Jian at all! The old man was quoted by a sword on the same day, and was on the day when Tu Hong was stabbed. After the Sky City, the old man saw Qin Jian in the hundreds of miles away from the Sky City! If he can rob the Tuo in front of the old man, he is the sword.

"Ah?" Fang is not surprised. "So, the assassination of the teacher in the Sky City must not be Qin Jian? Then... Who is this fake Qin sword?" According to all the monks present. This fake Qin sword is the face of Qin Jian, and it is also the skill of flying sword!! Especially... is the sword array, definitely not the flying sword of my Tao!"

"Flying swords and swords are not surprising!" The real face of the snowy area is gloomy. "There are two key points! First, what kind of means does this murderer escape from the Sky City! Second, the murderer's sword array has something special, actually let Tu Hong, who has always been steady, is crazy!!"

"Silk ~" Fang cold does not suddenly think of a possibility, sucking a cold breath, shocked, "Is not... the master of the city..."

"Not bad!" The real snowy voice of the snowy people, "the old man calculated these days, I feel that the murderer ... Perhaps there is no sky city, the old man is not effective in the gates and transmissions of the hands and feet! And, the murderer Can pretend to be Qin Jian. Naturally can pretend to be someone else, it is the reason to escape the old man's eyes and ears! Also, in the sword array... I am afraid that there is something to repair the soul, the only one that disturbs the mind!"

"Soul repair??" Fang cold, don't bite his lips, "Is it difficult to be a soul repairer?"

"There is this possibility!" The real snow in the snowy field was slightly stunned, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. Then he raised his brow and raised his voice. "Golden? Why are you so panicked?"

Don't listen to it, but he laughed with a smile: "Golden brother is anxious. There is no time for a long time outside the temple. He has been here a few times! Today, I saw the owner of the city open the temple, afraid that there are some things?"

"Dr. Jin Jin met with the Lord of the City!" Jin Jin walked to the main hall and sang.

"Well, get up!" Snowy real people shouted. "When you enter the old man's house, you rush into the hall. Is there anything important?"

"Exactly!" said Jin Hao. I took out a jade slip from my arms and handed it forward, saying. "The villain cleaned up Jade Jane yesterday and found that there was a period of time before Tu Honglin went to the House of the House and he did not send it to the house. So the villain went to the Tuhong House and found this jade in the closed study! ”

"Oh? Is there anything special?" The snowy real people did not worry about viewing, but asked patiently.

"Hmmm?" Kim Min Jong is also a glimpse. Looking up at the real people in the snowy area, he is not the same as the party. He immediately noticed that the real people in the snowy area are in a good mood, and they look at the cold side and look at it. The disciples congratulate the master of the city for making progress and progress!"

"Ha ha ha!" The snowy real people laughed and said, "Talk about what you found?"

"This..." Jin Yu bite his lip and hesitated a little. "The disciple looked at this jade slip and found some embarrassing places! There are some cases of the deliberation hall under the days of Tu Hong, among them, the celestial Li Zongbao and the royal family. Lei Zongxiaohua’s business..."

"Oh? Is there Xiaomao who teaches Yan Yan?" Fang Leng asked without surprise.

"Well, yes, it is the three people who killed Qin Jian!" Jin Hao apparently knew the matter and nodded. "However, the record inside Yu Jian, Xiao Mao has just been Xiao Hua from Yin Yang. Recovering from the two springs! Oh, or bring it back!"

The snowy realm of the snowy field is rising, there is no wind, and suddenly there is a bad feeling in my heart.

"In this jade, a series of battles of Li Zongbao and Xiao Hua were recorded. The disciples saw it as incredible. These two monks, who only built the foundations, did a lot of things that the Jindan monks could not do. The specific disciple will not say it. There are records in this jade, and the master of the city knows it at a glance!" Jin Yuyan said succinctly, "What surprised the disciples most is that at the end of the jade, Tu Hong wrote Such a sentence!"

"What?" Fang is not very strange to interject.

"According to the disciples, Li Zongbao and Xiao Hua must have a person who is secretive. They can be improved in a short period of time! Moreover, this person has a deep mind and seems to be secretive! If it is Li Zongbao, then he is arrogant. Behind it is a kind of aggressive domineering. If it is Xiao Hua, then he is behind the humility with the murderous spirit! However, according to the observations of the disciples from the court of the Jindan monks, they seem to be aware of them, only they It’s not broken, presumably these monks are some tricks, or want to suppress my Sky City, or want to demonstrate to my Sky City! Of course, Li Zongbao’s composition is mostly because he is always at a critical time. Helping Li Zongbao to cover up, and Xiao Hua’s credit, the disciples think it is also given to him by Li Zongbao and Xiao Mao!”

"This... is nothing?" Fang Leng said, "The relationship between the three monks is very good, otherwise they will not join forces to kill Qin Jian!"

"Fang Shidi is anxious!" Jin Yu was cold and cold. "Golden hasn't finished yet. Tu Hong's teacher finally said, 'If this person is Xiao Hua, then... it would be terrible... Also ask the city owner to pay more attention. !!!'"

"嗡~~" A burst of sound immediately rang from the hall, and a hurricane moment swept the entire hall! The hurricane will blow the cold robe and the golden robe's robe, and it will be both pale!

The two hurriedly bowed their heads and didn't dare to say anything. Obviously they knew... the snowy real people are angry! ! !

After a while, the real people in the snowland will take back the mind from the jade, and coldly said: "Tu Hong is so dying! It’s good to die!! He actually died in the hands of the Taoist monks!!!"

"The master of the city..." Jin Hao’s face also showed a hint of incomprehension.

"Golden brother... I just said that the master of the city has said that the master of the slaughter is definitely not Qin Jian! His old man saw Qin Jian outside the city on the same day!"

"Silk~ Could it be this Xiaohua?" Jin Hao naturally knew that Tu Hong and the nightmare thing, immediately pointed out Xiao Hua, "This ... this is unlikely?"

"Are the list of those who entered and exited the Sky City in those days?" The snowy area is cold and cold.

"At, in the ~ cold, don't rush to take out a jade, this thing is very important, he is always with him.

The snowy real people look at it carefully and throw it at the party. "You look at it yourself! On the same day, Li Zongbao, Xiao Mao and Xiao Hua returned to the Sky City!"

"Yes~" Fang Leng didn't just look at it, it was a change of color. "Xiao Hua and Cui Hongyi and the nightmare are both the first team of Yu Leizong. He returned to the Sky City and knew that Tu Hong and the nightmare had to be double repaired. When I got back to the Royal Leizong station, I saw that Cui Hongyi was shackled, or if he was also under house arrest, he would mourn and confuse him into the house of the sergeant..."

"It seems that... There is nothing too much to do with the dreams of Xiao Hua! Cui Hongyi is not a fateful relationship with Xiao Hua? It is also impossible to kill the Tu brothers..." Jin Hao is somewhat puzzled.

"Hey, do you know why Tu Hong didn't dare to send this thing to you in time?" The snowy real person snorted. "He may be too late, but the biggest reason, he can't believe it! Jade Why is the last sentence of Jane saying that Xiao Hua is terrible? He thinks that the surviving of the first team of Yu Leizong may be Xiao Hua’s first hand!!!”

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It’s safe and sound!

"Of course, this is only his suspicion. Tu Hong is afraid to mention the Spring Mountain to provoke the old man to hate, but he does not dare not report it... It is a little hesitant! It is this hesitation, let Xiaohua have time to His life!" The snowy real people said faintly, his anger has gradually subsided.

"Of course... If the big man of the city said, this Xiaohua is close to the strength of Yuan Ying, then his merits, even his return to the Sky City to assassinate Tu Hong, and even kill Qin Jian, are also easy things, They are all extremely reasonable!" Fang Leng asked not to understand, "Can Xiao Hua be so repaired, why don't you know what? Why do the Jindan monks in the House of Parliament do not know? Why are they... not clear? ?"

"First of all... they don't know that the assassination of the teacher's brother is not Qin Jian! Even the day the city master is not suspected of being a soul repairer? Even his old man has never doubted the Taoist monks, they will think?" "And, even if they see what they are, then Xiao Hua is a disciple of Yu Leizong. What are they doing with them? The thing that makes a strange appearance is a blind eye, and he is afraid that he really can’t see it! Those Why should King Jindan remind me?"

"The younger brother still disagrees! This is just the case of nothing! Of course, it is also the most ideal inference!" Fang Leng is very stubborn and disagree.

"Hey, what if you don't have this, how can the old man repair Yuan Ying? If you don't have this, how can you wait for it?" The snowy real people laughed. "The old man has a hunch, this Xiaohua... I am afraid that is the main force to kill Qin Jian!!!"

When you see the snowy real people, don’t dare to say more.

"Where is Xiao Hua today?" asked the snowy real person.

"Give the owner of the city!" Fang Leng said in a hurry. "According to the council, he did not return to the Sky City, and he was sent to Li Zongbao on the other side of the road!"


"This...the temple is not said! The disciple does not know!"

Ps: This chapter adds more, thanks to the "szyoou1" reward, and of course, the "Flying Essence", "Break the Meiwenhua" and other friends who are rewarding... (To be continued...)

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