Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1323: Kill and be killed

Kun Shuai did not tell Xiao Hua to death. Why did he swear to Xiao Hua? Even Kun Shuai did not say that Kun was not smoking. However, since the mouth of the call, Xiao Hua has heard clearly, it must be this.坤 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮 厮Even from the mouth of Huguan, Xiao Hua can still feel it. This is not necessarily a matter of calming the real person to instruct Kun Shuai to start with himself, but the caller who always likes to invite the real person to ask for help, asks Kun Shuai to start with himself. ! What's more, Xiao Hua can also guess that in the past, after the Yuxian Conference, the interception of Yu Leizong's disciples may be the call. . ?

"哼~" has always been a slap in the face of Xiaohua in the eyes of the opponent, flashing a trace of cool color, forced to crush the mind of the call to kill, but also pretend to be like nothing, nod, "Kun knows!"

"Well, Master has explained this matter, I don't want to intervene, and the old man has his own way!" Hu Guanyu did not notice it at all, screaming.

"Know it!" Xiao Hua asked again. "I don't know when the honorable teacher can arrive. Now it is the key to the war. Kunmou is aware that my Taoist monk has to suffer big losses, and he needs Yuan Zhenshi to come to the Sky City as soon as possible." what!"

"Respect...hehe" Huguan 苘 一 一 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼 眼At that time, Kun Daoyou had the opportunity to meet with my master and let his old man give pointers to your technique of refining!"

"Exactly, exactly!" Xiao Hua smiled. "The skill of refining the teacher is the one that Kun is admiring. If he can get some guidance from his old man, he will definitely benefit Kun!"

"Well, let's say!" Hu Guanyu glanced at the messenger, his mouth slightly opened, it seems to be transmitting, the messenger also nodded, the face under the confused can not see any move!

"Let's go~ Kundao friends!" Hu Guanyu put his hand on the road. "Hou and the messenger will accompany you back to the Sky City. I will wait outside the city. You will take out the storage bag!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded. The figure flew up and smiled. "Kun is leading the way!"

"Kun Daoyou please!" The messenger smiled and his body shape also flew. It falls on the right side of Xiao Hua. Huguan also flew up. It is on the left side of Xiao Hua.

"Oh. Right, Kun Daoyou..." With Xiao Hua flying for a moment, Hu Guanzhen suddenly remembered something. I will take a hand to store the bag, "Before I left, my teacher asked me to bring a magic weapon to Kun Daoyou. It was what Kun Daoyou wanted to go! It’s just that the teacher has not been refining until the beginning of the year. It’s a smelt, and it’s a call to a friend!”

"Oh, thank you for your respect!" Xiao Hua was happy. He couldn't think of a magic weapon before he left. Can he be upset? Still said in his mouth, "His old man is really..."

However, his words have not been finished yet, but the hand that sees the customs is taken out from the storage bag. It is not a magic weapon in the hand, but a magical force with a strong fluctuation of mana!

Xiao Hua is very familiar with the mana fluctuations of this charm. Isn’t it the hand of Li Chengxu’s bodyguard Yuan Yuan’s hand?

"Bad! How do you find out the flaws of Xiaoye??" Xiao Hua saw it, and was shocked. He saw that the call was long fortune. Yuan Ying’s hand just took out the storage bag and immediately mobilized the mana. That hurricane was born out of the charm, and the heaven and earth resounding within Baizhang rushed into the spirit!

And the magical symbol is increased by the wind, and suddenly it is a few feet in size, and the big hand flashes Guanghua, a powerful force of imprisonment!

Look at the messenger on the right side of Xiao Hua, and even wave his hand, a red gold color flies out of his hand, a small palm-sized tower flies in the air, the glare of the small tower is unusual, the hand of Yuan Ying’s hand The heaven and earth aura has been scraped from the small tower, and half of it has been absorbed by the small tower. The strips are born from the edge of the small tower. A suction force that is not inferior to the strength of the hand of the Yuan Ying is also born from the bottom of the small tower. That force will rotate and cover Xiaohua!

"Silk~" Xiao Hua was shocked immediately after the shock. I saw that his figure was flashing, almost a shadow appeared behind him. The figure was like a wind, and he called him to deliberately follow him. Pulling the distance of a few feet is just approaching in the blink of an eye!

"呜~" Seeing the distance is near, Xiao Hua will take a hand, and the wishful stick will come out and fight towards the slogan!

Xiao Hua’s style is really too fast. Although Hu Guan’s first action hand can be sent after Xiao Hua’s first arrival, the hand of Yuan Ying’s Yuan Ying has not waved, and the wishful stick has already hit the gate. In front of you!

Huguan 苘 helpless, one hand still motivated the charm, the other hand shot a forehead, a gorgeous Jianguang Fei will come out, is welcoming Xiaohua's wishful stick!

The sound of "咔嚓", the flying sword was hit by a wishful stick, and a crack appeared on the flying sword!

"Silk ~" Hu Guanyin’s face glowed for a while! The figure is rushing back! I want to escape from Xiao Hua's wishfulness.

"Hit ~" Hearing Xiao Hua screamed, the figure did not go backwards, actually flew to the messenger who sacrificed the magic weapon!

"What is he going to do?" Hu Guanyu sighed slightly, but his heart was still loose, and he hurriedly urged the hands of Yuan Ying!

However, just as Xiao Hua turned and attacked the messenger, in the mouth of Xiao Hua, two flying red and blue flying swords flew out, chasing one after the other, chasing each other with great speed, and rushing to the customs!

"Ah? Feijian??" Humeng had no time to take back his flying sword. Seeing that Xiao Hua actually used the flying sword to attack, he could not see the slightest sigh, but he could see two flying swords stabbing themselves at a speed that they could not imagine. Huge 苘 苘 is scared by the liver and gallbladder!

"Flash!" Hu Guanyu is such a thought at this time, even the magical symbols that have just been urged are all unacceptable!

However, his distance from Xiaohua is too close, and the flying speed of the nightmare and Lushan is too fast! Plus, the force on the two flying swords is really too big! The idea that Hohhot wants to avoid has just risen, and two swords have pierced his body!

The sound of "噗", the nightmare is the first to stab, and the golden light of the body of Huguan is only pierced by a nightmare!

"呜~" A flash of brilliance flashed, and the nightmare was blocked by the bodyguards of the slogan. Although the huge impact force made Humeng feel very painful, but the nightmare was blocked!

"Ze ~" Then, the second Jianguang Mountain arrived! Under the echo of the nightmare, Lushan’s strength was greatly increased. It flashed the brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance. It only resisted the number of interest, and immediately annihilated the brilliance and was pierced by Lushan!

"Hey!" A muffled sound, the slanting slanting of the mountain into the chest of the slogan, from the vest where the heart comes out...

Huguan... A monk in the early days of Jindan was so easily killed by Xiao Hua!

The big hand of Yuan Ying fell with the body of Huguan, like a blistered blisters, rapidly shrinking, and finally turned into a charm to fall next to the corpse!

And said that Xiao Hua turned and hit the messenger, and he stopped looking at the customs. He has never let the messenger escape, even if he is now Kun Shuai!

I know, the thing that makes Xiao Hua soul fly out of the sky is happening!

Seeing Xiao Hua’s wishfulness, the eyes of the messenger’s eyes suddenly stunned, and the flash of brilliance in the eyes flashed, and then he was extremely shocked and shouted: “You...who are you? Actually know Easy shape technique???"

During the conversation, the shocked messenger took a hand, and the small tower fell rapidly, and his figure was strangely flying!

Xiao Hua's speed is extremely fast, but the messenger's small tower has long been sacrificed. It is in front of the wishful stick. The suction in the small tower is amazing. Xiao Hua's body shape is a series of vibrations. flash! But wait for the stick to hit the suction, and the little tower will fly out!

At this time, the figure of the messenger is like a smog and it is like a ghost. It only flashes in the air, chasing it toward the small tower, and taking the hand, it is the small tower in the hand, then the head Not going back, there was a trace of blue smoke around the body, and the whole figure disappeared!

"Where to go!" Xiao Hua was shocked, so he was the first to see such a strange flying technique, and this messenger actually broke his easy-to-shape technique! How can this not make him surprised? How can he let this messenger escape?

Xiao Hua yelled, his figure was flashing, and a stick was hitting the place where the messenger disappeared! Unfortunately, the stick actually hit the air, even the messenger did not knock a hair!

Xiao Hua was in a hurry, and his body shape also flashed. It disappeared and disappeared. It seems to be chasing the messenger! However, between a moment, Xiao Hua’s figure was revealed in a single foot, with a deep incomprehension and anxiety on his face!

"Who is this messenger! Actually, there is such a powerful trick!!" Xiao Hua was really impatient. "If you know this, Xiaoye will kill this person first! Or you can show the good traces." !!"

However, now, where is the special medicine to help regret! Even if Xiao Hua opened his eyes, he would look at it all the time, and never found the whereabouts of the messenger!

"哼~!" Xiao Hua snorted coldly, and his heart was still unwilling. He felt that this broken law should be able to see where the messenger fled, but he just didn't know how to view it!

"Even if I know that Xiaoye is posing as Kun Shuai, how about it? I don’t know who is Xiaoye!" Xiao Hua said coldly. "This messenger does not go to the battlefield to help the war. If you run here, there must be something to see. The human thing! This so-called ally, I am afraid that it is also unspeakable! The younger brother is not afraid of even the Yuanying monk, can you be afraid of your **** lord?"

Thinking, Xiao Hua flew back to where he had just killed Hu Guanyu, and he took a hand, and the intact Yuan Ying’s hand charm fell into his hands. Xiao Hua looked at it and carefully earned the income space! (To be continued...)

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