Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1343: Zhang Yuhe appeared

"Booming" thunder flashed suddenly burst, although the momentum did not have the strength of the previous Yuan Ying's hand, but this burst is caused by the self-destructive flesh and the self-destructive magic weapon, the goal is very clear, the scope is also concentrated, nearly ten feet The space is shaking violently, and the silent fluctuations will bring everyone to a dozen feet!

Just in this wave, the sword that stabbed Yuan Zhongyu and Ji Hong suddenly stopped, quietly parked in the air!

And where the brilliance of the brilliance, countless thunders burst out, with the thunder, the sword is damaged, the face is pale, and even the faint lumber in the eyes of Lu Ruochang shows the figure!

Apparently, Lu Ruochang was unable to maintain the state of the sword under the attack of the dry-moving life, and was seriously injured!

"哼~" Lu Ruo-Chang's cold voice sounded, "This sword has a letter, and the three strokes mentioned before have passed. You still have two lives. You are waiting for you to escape. This sword will spare you." You wait for it to go back..."

The swordsman who heard the three swords of the magic sword said that the three monks who were waiting in the near left were all showing joy on their faces. The meaning of Lu Ruochang’s sword was too powerful, and he had already scared everyone. Now, when you see life, how can you not be happy? Even the Jindan monk, who is as strong as the season red, is rushing to take a hand. Before the silent sword, seventy heads of the skull screamed that the fly will come back, and the hand will be issued in one fell swoop!

But at this time, Yuan Zhongyu smiled faintly: "It seems that ... the three strokes have not been assembled yet? Just that can only be regarded as the second move of the second move! The old man is not only ... and then the third move!! !"

"What??" Ji Hong was shocked. Although she still has mana in her body, she has already consumed a lot of energy. How can she fight with the swordsman of the three swords?

However, Ji Hong saw Yuan Zhongyu's calm expression, and looked at the Wankou Feijian, which was quietly floating in front of him. His face also showed a thoughtful look and also raised his brow. Cold and cold: "Yes. The dry brothers have helped me and escaped the second move. I am ready to catch your third move!"

"Kill ~" Yuan Zhongyu did not wait for Jihong to finish, and he took the hand, and the sword that turned into a small golden dragon roared, and the seven clouds in the sky above the sky flashed thunder, toward Lu Ruochang is his majesty...

Lv Ruochang saw it, and there was a shy anger in his eyes. The body emits a very weak sword light, and the body shape can no longer be supported in the air. The "hh" sound falls a few more than a while, while at the same time, the Wankou flying sword hanging around her falls. It is like the autumn leaves sweeping the leaves!

"This cockroach has been injured by the brothers and sisters! This is the best way to kill her! Zhonger Lang. For the heroic death of the tyrants, for the sake of my victory in this war! Kill..." Yuan Zhongyu When I saw it, I knew that my guess was right. When the sword pointed out, a few thunders fell, and Lu Ruochang was unable to cope with the thunder that was just easily hit. The figure was shaken again and again, with a lingering thunder on his body, stimulating the flying sword at his feet, and extremely embarrassed to escape to the northwest!

The remaining tens of thousands of swordsmen, seeing their own flying sword fell into the air, they rushed to spur Jianyuan, contact their flying sword! However, many Taoist monks have long been moved by the fall of the unfamiliar. Seeing the opportunity to avenge him, all the emotions sway, and force the real yuan, the magical glory of the magical rush to the unarmed swordsman!

The swordsman is at a disadvantage, and now he is even more embarrassed, and he is able to retrieve his flying sword. The foot is flying with the sword and the sword, and the back of Lu Ruochang’s back escapes. It is shallow and can’t retrieve his flying sword. Can only spur the sword yuan, the little sword of the life flies out, the body shape is also flying out, but their body shape is very slow, the monk's magic weapon has long been degraded, and about 60% The swordsman is falling here!

"Kill ~" Yuan Zhongyu and Ji Hong screamed, first flew up, did not pay attention to the sword repair, each holding a magic weapon, constantly urging mana, want to catch up with Lu Ruochang, kill it on the spot!

However, obviously, the sword's flying technique surpassed the Taoist monk, not to mention the Lv Ruochang of the magic sword. In the blink of an eye, she has only one distant back flashing in the distance, it seems to The speed of Yuan Zhongyu and Ji Hong is afraid that it is difficult to catch up!

However, Yuan Zhong’s brow was very picky, and he was very pleased to say: “Ji Daoyou, you see! Is this Lu Ruo’s direction of escape is not the sword?”

"Yes, it’s the sword!" Ji Hong did not understand the surprise of Yuan Zhongyu. "If sword repair is defeated, it is not to flee to the sword. Is it better to have them better?"

"Ha ha ha ~" Yuan Zhongyu laughed, "Ji Daoyou did not know!"

Immediately, Yuan Zhongyu said the suggestion of the dry mob, and he pointed his hand to the chest. He said: "The dry brother is really a **** man. He really has no choice. This sword repair is only lost to the sword, and my council is earlier by Xuantian. The ten parties that Zong Xionghua Songdao’s friends put down will be able to kill them all!”

"Ah, still...the Taoist friends still have such great powers?" Ji Hong did not know that the dozens of sects on duty in the House of Representatives had such incredible secret hands, could not help but be astonished, "He actually Can you count the defeat of Jian Jian today?"

"This...is also a little thought of the old man of Tu Hong!" Yuan Zhongyu couldn't help but sigh. "It was used by the dry brothers. On the day of the discussion, Yuanmou felt incredible. How can Jianxi be so simple?" Who knows, the plan of the dry brothers today is really useful! If the non-competent brothers humiliated and bear the burden on the day, how can he get along with Tu Hong, how can he have such a layout? Ji Daoyou, I used to be... actually It’s a bit of awkwardness!”

"It’s just awkward to be a stranger, the old man is simply blaming him!" Ji Hong replied without hesitation, "The marriage of Yu Leizong and the Sky City on that day, the old body still ridiculed the dry brother for a long time, has been He is treated as a clown! Even... In the hall of the House of Representatives, the performance of the dry brothers also makes him feel a little pedantic, not worthy of being the representative of Yu Leizong! But today, the old body is wrong. I don’t think I can wait for him to be able to meet the needs of the younger brothers. His wide-mindedness is beyond my imagination!"

Yuan Zhongyu nodded: "People are good or bad. They can't be judged by simple things. They can't be judged from my own eyes. Only at this moment of life and death can you see the moments of the people's heart! The shortcomings, but this shortcoming is compared with the strengths of his murder, and it’s nothing!”

"Exactly!" Between the two answers, Ji Shen rushed out, looked at the near left, smiled, "The death of the dry brother is finally a bit of gain, this swordsman was killed more than half, Lu Ruochang is also a wolverine escape I am now waiting for Lu Ruochang to report the cause of the matter to other friends, so that the ambitions of the brothers are known to everyone!"

"Not bad! If the swordsman is killing the swordsman, Yu Lei Zongdang is the first great work of this battle!" Yuan Zhongyu said, calling out a dozen disciples and recording all the things mentioned in Yu Jian. , handed over to these dozens of disciples, waiting for these disciples to fly away, this commanded the three disciples to form a formation, marching in the direction of the sword! ! !

Within the sword, the huge silver light group reveals a crack, revealing a layer of fascinating brilliance from the inside. When the brilliance comes into contact with the air, there will be a creaking sound when it arrives. If it is a fine look, it is a trace. The thin ice **** slowly falls, and this brilliance is so cold!

As the gap is revealed, the blue filament above the overflowing silver light is flourishing, and a crisp sound is cold and cold from the crack: "Yu Qingtian Sect, you are too anxious. What?"

With this voice, a tall man, a woman dressed in a strange sword costume emerged from the gap, it is the dazzling swordsman Zhang Yuhe who has disappeared for several years! ! !

But seeing Zhang Yuhe’s blue light overflowing at this time, the blue light not only emerged on her body surface, but also oozes from the pores of her body, as if the whole is a flying sword! Even between these gleaming inadvertent overflows, the weird swordsmanship is also hidden from time to time. It is not obvious whether it is inherent in glaucom or unintentional!

"Zhang Xiaoyou~" For Zhang Yuhe's indifference, Yu Qingtian didn't care, just said with awkwardness, "It's not the old man's urgency, just outside the sword, the swordsmen of the Shu Kingdom and the monks of my three countries are fierce. I don't know how many fatal losses have been made here. If you and my cooperation can be completed earlier, wouldn't it be a monk and a swordsman who can die a lot less?"

"When is the jade master so kind of mercy? If the jade lord is really kind, why not remove the sword's ban? This sword only appears in the sword, the warrior in my sword field knows that this sword is still living here. In the world, this war of war is over. Why do you have to wait for the end of your cooperation?" Zhang Yuhe will have the same arm, a few silver crystals appearing above her arm, and the silver brilliance above the crystal Sheng, will cover Zhang Yuhe's arm together with half of his waist!

"The old man naturally wants to let the younger friend go back earlier!" Yu Qingtian didn't seem to feel embarrassed, just smiled. "But the cooperation between you and me has not been completed. How can the old man put a small friend? If it is small Friends went out, never come back, the old man’s decades of hard work is not in vain?"

"This sword can naturally send a sword oath. When the war is over, it will come again to the sword!" Zhang Yuhe replied, "The warriors of my sword field have always said that they are not to be like you." "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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