Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1351: Xiao Hua’s chance

Of course, on the other hand, if all the exercises of Xiao Hua's cultivation can be bypassed, it is also very useful for Xiao Hua's cultivation!

If you don't say anything, take Feijian, Xiaohua himself knows how to play the sword, and he will fly the sword to shape the sword. Then he touches the sword of the sword repair, and the repair of the flying sword is a thousand miles away. It is not the ordinary swordsman who can look forward to it!

Just when Xiao Hua had some understanding, suddenly felt that there had been some changes in the cabin, and it began to vibrate slightly, an inexplicable fluctuation in the entire house!

“咦~” Xiao Hua’s slight visit to God’s mind immediately understood that “this is not the fluctuation mentioned in the secret law? It’s hard to be... This is the so-called point stone into gold. Is this Jinshan jade home Expanding your own power, even for the opening of the school... has spent a lot of money?"

"Well, if this is the case, then the little man really swears that the family is jade, even this Jinshan jade family!" Xiao Hua quite can change the mistake, and my heart is quite lucky. When he entered the hut, there was no sudden Disappeared or suddenly started, causing some trouble for this point!

"If Xiaoye can benefit from it, I am afraid that I will help others in the future!"

"But... is there a building in the world that has been left out of the air?" However, Xiaohua’s heart was a smile again. "There is no way to ban the little man here. It’s not difficult for Xiaoye to get out of here. Look at the decomposition!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua transported the secret technique within the jade, a small suction from his body rushed out, passed to the fluctuations, through this fluctuation, a small plaque gave birth to a suction Above the space!

"Brush~" A rich golden heaven and earth aura through the hut, filled Xiaohua's surroundings!

"Well~" Xiao Hua secretly nodded and urged the secret technique. The golden heaven and earth aura was actually introduced into the body, but it was here. Xiao Hua stopped again, and said in the dark, "If it is a neighbor, this kind of adjustment, qi into the body, must be repaired as considerable. Just like this is like a trickle of gold and heaven and earth, what good is it?" Xiaoye only needs to mobilize the heavenly body to fill the body, fearing that the golden heaven and earth aura of that room is all sucked in!"

"But it~" Xiao Hua laughed. "And use this secret to see if there is anything special!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua is also urging the stop of the practice, the day the spirit of the spirit into the body, was gradually tempered by Xiao Huagong, and sure enough. A trace of the real yuan slowly gave birth, this real element is not as violent as Xiao Hua thought, the same as the real thing of ordinary heaven and earth aura!

"Oh? The original secret of this jade family has such a miraculous effect?" Xiao Hua smiled, he knows that this sword is the tomb of Wan Jian, the inner sword is mournful, like a soul, the golden world Most of the aura is attracted and transformed by these swords. They are tyrannical and unbearable, otherwise there will be sword repairs and monks who have cultivated here!

However, the Jinshan jade family can open up such a large scale here, and do what it is like to make gold and gold. This mystery can degenerate the aura of the golden heaven and earth, and restore it to the ordinary golden heaven and earth. Too many surprises!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Hua’s smile has just been hung up. I don’t know it is solidified!

With the influx of golden heaven and earth, there are some broken swords that are mixed with the golden spirit of the aura. It is also swarming into the hut. Xiaohua’s skin is exposed to this sharp sword. There is quite a familiar sword, a very cold feeling born out of his skin, straight into his heart, this cold like a lightning bolt in his mind...

"No... no... this secret... far... not only!" Xiaohua’s smiling face was instantly crushed. It’s a horror to change... even a surprise!

However, he couldn't think too much, and hurriedly urged the secret technique to inhale the little sword and the sword gas into the body. It is also the use of mystery to start refining, but that is, just to turn this sword into a real element, Xiao Hua is a move in the heart, the last part of this mystery is converted into a real part, replaced by a sword Repair the sword of the Jianyuan!

Sure enough, it is extremely difficult to turn the sword into a real element, but it is not only easy to turn it into a sword, but the number is also much more than the real yuan!

"啪~~" Xiao Hua deposited the silky sword into the body. I didn't feel a fist in the hand, and I stroked it with one hand. The two hands hit one place, and the face showed ecstasy!

"Grandma's! This... This jade house in Jinshan is not an ordinary comprehension family! So strange mystery! How could it be an ordinary family of comprehension?" Xiao Hua was almost exclaimed, " This sword is the swordsman's understanding of the flying sword! It is the soul of the flying sword in the swordsman's heart! When the swordsman tempered the sword, he gradually condensed his soul into the sword, which is within the sword. Countless swords, or pregnant swords, or bright swords, or magic swords, these swords are all broken, but they are all deeply rooted in the soul of the former swordsmen. These swords are usually not used by swordsmen. And this Jinshan jade home can crush this sword, and kill the soul's mark, leaving only the pure sword. For the swordsman, the sword and the sword are more or less integrated. And this sword is also with the spirit of the sword, these swords are inevitable is to condense the heavens and the earth with aura of spirits! And this sword gas ... through this secret, can be converted into sword yuan!! Especially the swordsmanship with swords and pieces is more like refining medicinal herbs! ! "

"The monk should take this medicinal medicine, can only absorb a small part, can the swordsman? It should be able to absorb it! Xiaoye has never been able to generate swords, because there is no sword yuan! Now there are ready-made opportunities, others To be converted into a real yuan, but the young master is not used, directly absorbed ... generate sword yuan! This ... is really a dog!! Thinking, Xiao Hua's mind is active, can not help but deviate again "But, why are there no secrets of the swordsmanship of the Shu Kingdom? And, the little deer sword of Mingjian real people..."

"But, I want to do so much?" Xiao Hua hurriedly curbed his curiosity and urged the secret technique to begin to introduce the fragments of sword and sword!

Of course, just after a moment, Xiao Hua is also taking a forehead, and the heavenly man's body is displayed, and an extremely powerful suction is born from him. What is the golden heaven and earth aura, what is the broken sword, what sword Qi, no matter what, like a cockroach like a big mouth, inhaled in the body, and that sorcerer is transported that sword Yuan's birth is very fast!

Xiao Hua’s man-in-the-hole technique was displayed. The suction of the small lattice was naturally much larger. More sword fragments and swords were robbed! However, this suction is not enough to see the overall suction of the complete small lattice. It does not cause any change at all, nor can it be noticed by Yu Qingtian or Zhang Yuhe!

The swordsmanship and swordsmanship in the swordsmanship seem to be endless. Zhang Yuhe’s sword spirit has been retracted for a long time, and the infuriating swords and swords are still incessant, and the jade sword’s silver tiger is sprinkled in the sky. That silver grid is not supported! Moreover, doing such a big movement in the sword, it is easy to attract the attention of others, Yu Qingtian will grab the hand, the silver brilliance flashed on the right hand, the silver tiger slammed, rushed In the sky, the whole body of Guanghua masterpiece, a virtual shadow of a silver tiger, slowly flew to the grid, the life will block the flying sword and other things, waiting to be flush with the grid, The virtual shadow is made into a brilliance into the grid, and the time is also to fill the gaps of the big array!

"Giggle ~" above the Qing Guang's light group, Zhang Yuhe's smile is flashing again, "Yu Zongzhu, but just a few hours, the real element you absorbed is not enough to enhance what realm? Why is it so early? Turn off?"

"Oh, this time is no more than normal!" Yu Qingtian does not care about Zhang Yuhe's ridicule. "The Taoist war is here. The swordsmen and the city guards of the Sky City often pass the edge of the sword. It is best not to make any movements!"

Said, Yu Qingtian will stretch his hand, the silver tiger will fall in his hands, and see his silver flashing around him, from the silver tiger's body, a lot of light beams, playing in the sky, respectively, the big array The silver light on the first violent flashing, followed by the start of the rotation, waiting for a bag of smoke, this will stop!

On the top of the Zhanqing color group, Zhang Yuhe’s face showed a hint of dignity. She knew in her heart that the Van Gogh squad controlled by the silver tiger was changing. Even if there were swordsmen passing through this place, they would never find the array. Mark of!

It is precisely, as Xiao Hua’s thoughts, there is such a mysterious family of secretive secrets, how can this hidden big array not be wonderful?

However, the dignity was only flashed on the face of Zhang Yuhe, and was immediately replaced by sneer, and Zhang Yuhe’s shadow disappeared from the blue light group.

Re-masking the big array seems to have cost a lot of mana for Yu Qingtian. When Yu Qingtian swallowed a medicinal herb, it was warm: "Zhang Xiaoyou, now everything is ready, can I start the last blood sacrifice? ”

"This sword has already been prepared, you still have to ask your child's home-based baby!" Zhang Yuhe did not show his head, only sent the voice out!

"Yeah" Yu Qingtian is looking at the red light group. The light group is generally the same as the brilliance of the blue color. There are many swords on the top, and the swords are layered and do not know how many layers are there. How many!

"Yade, can you get ready?" Yu Qingtian fluttered to the red-red light group, but saw the Jianguang above the light group, a faint figure revealed, Yutong seems to be weak, but It is also a strong self-supporting way, saying, "Uncle, the child can barely control the sword spirit, when it can withstand a blood sacrifice, if the blood sacrifice can be successful, the child's repair will be able to step into the peak of the late base. Can also control the sword spirit..."

Ps: Thanks to the "szyoou1" reward, already seen, waiting for your lord, for you ten. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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