Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1355: Initially

"Zhang Xiaoyou is sincerely going to do the right thing with the old man?" Yu Qingtian sneered. High quality update

"Jokes, this sword has now turned the sword, you a little Jindan monk, can you take this sword?" Zhang Yuhe's body is full of endless azure color sword light, the sword light straight to the body numerous innumerable Silver light chain!

"Disease ~" Yu Qingtian did not dare to neglect, and the law of his hand was moved and hit again on the silver tiger. The fluctuations on the silver tiger changed again, but the silver chain that bound Zhang Yuhe accelerated the rotation, even On top of the chain, there is a jagged scratch...

Another cry of heartbreaking screams from the mouth of Zhang Yuhe, her face has been extremely embarrassing!

"嗡~~~" Zhang Yuhe couldn't stand it anymore. The sword was so strong that a flying sword of the same size as her gradually became illusory from her body, and her figure slowly disappeared into the flying sword!

However, with the illusion of the flying sword, the lotus sword that has been reduced to three feet in size is stagnant and contracted, and the crystal of the blue color is gradually faded!

The flying sword just changed, and an overwhelming sword sent out from the flying sword. It was like the pressure of the Yuan Ying monk. Trembling, not very stable, obviously Zhang Yuhe has not completely destroyed the sword!

Yu Qingtian did not dare to scorn, and took a hand to the forehead, and Jin Dan was released at the same time, and it was able to resist this immature sword.

But at this time, the "brush" sounded softly, and a sword light flashed, almost let Yu Qing Tian could not prevent it. The sword light of the blue color has already reached the body of the volatility of the silver tiger!

"Swords are really good!" I felt that the sword light was almost a sly sword, and that the golden aura of the week was scrolling. Yu Qingtian’s eyes were miniature. "There is a real sword than the essence." The difference!"

Even so, Yu Qingtian’s face did not see any surprise!

Sure enough, the stunned swordsmanship, the silver tiger is like a virtual shadow, and did not receive any harm! Instead, the silver tiger looked up and angered, and the silver chain above the flying sword once again blew the ray of light. The high-quality update is in the light of the silk wrapped around the flying sword. Actually, the sword of the flying sword will be corroded!

"Zhang Yuhe, in this Van Gogh big squad to destroy the silver tiger, you... dream!" Yu Qingtian sneered, and did not hesitate to spur the silver tiger again. I saw that the **** filaments turned into blossoming blood. Crazy burning Zhang Yuhe incarnation of flying sword!

“吼~” seems to be the roar from the throat. The sword gradually collapsed under the entanglement of silver light and the burning of blood flowers. Zhang Yuhe’s body shape is invisible in Jianguang!

At this time, Zhang Yuhe was not as arrogant as it was just now, or even miserable. The silver-like jagged chain was deeply embedded in her body, and there were countless tiny blood marks flowing out of her sword-like skin, and the burning of the blood blossomed straight into her body. Inside, it seems that the entire skin is reflected in blood red!

The blood red and the sword light always show the real bloody!

Zhang Yuhe's eyes are round and open, and the beautiful face is not only deformed long ago, but also the silver chain is spread all over, even her hands and arms struggle, and are also bound by the silver chain. Far from being able to display the magical power of her sword!

"This sword fights with you!" Zhang Yuhe was so helpless, a hysterical scream, a mouth, a small sword spurted out of the mouth, instantly is the rainbow, swearing jade qingtian's eyebrows!

"Hey! Imagine!!" Yu Qingtian sees Zhang Yuhe dying and struggling, squirting the sword and screaming, screaming, and throwing his hand, the magic weapon that has been prepared for a long time, this is a palm-sized silver shield! It has already flown out and immediately turned into a piece of sparkling crystal, which is in front of Yu Qingtian!

"噗噗噗噗~" A series of sounds of sounds rang from the shield, and the little sword was sharp and sharp, and instantly penetrated dozens of shields!

However, the sparkling shield seems to be endless, the small sword pierces several layers and it is several layers!

"Hey..." Seeing the shield blocking the little sword, Yu Qingtian mouth hangs a smile, but this smile just gave birth, his heart suddenly felt cold, a kind of Jindan monk instinct, perceive an incomparable crisis Born from his feet, almost without thinking, the body shape, you have to flash elsewhere!

It’s a pity that he’s still late, or the two blue-red swords that flew from the **** spar are too fast. His figure is just flashing, and the two swords are flying, on his left. When the leg is twisted, the entire left leg is twisted into blood, and the blood is infiltrated into the Jianguang and disappears!

"Ah!!!" Until this time, Yuqing genius wakes up, himself... seems to have completely ignored the sword spirit!

Even he looked incredulously and looked up at his "Jade System". There was no pity in the eyes of this ** Yang Ling, and some were just cold!

Yu Qingtian's body was damaged, and he did not dare to delay. He hurriedly clap his hands, and a spirited suit, several methods hit the wound in the left leg, and stopped the blood that rushed out...

However, before he stood still in midair, he felt a huge wind in the space. High quality updates are in

"嗡~" At the same time, Zhang Yuhe in the distance once again showed a bright sword light, and the sound of the great swordsman reappeared... Zhang Yuhe’s figure with a strange smile on his face was hidden inside the flying sword, and the whole In the space, all the heavens and auras were suddenly rolled up by her, and a violent airflow rushed into the flying sword!

Even Yu Qingtian himself can't stand still in midair!

"Silk ~" Yu Qingtian sucked a bit of cold, hurriedly imaginary, it is the direction of the silver tiger!

It is a pity that the silver tiger is strong and self-issued, and the aura around the world is unable to gather. I want to grab the suction of the sword!

Yu Qingtian was in a hurry, regardless of his one-legged standing in the air, his hands waved, and several more embarrassing tactics hit, dozens of light wires from his hands, it was the six directions to the Van Gogh array. !

"嗡~" Light filament disappeared in the sky, and six places that were invisible to the naked eye suddenly screamed, and a huge amount of golden heaven and earth aura came out and was involved in the silver tiger!

However, at this time, the sound of "咔...咔咔..." disappeared with the appearance of Zhang Yuhe, and the expansion of the giant sword was uploaded from Feijian!

Yuqing Tianshen read it, but see that the layer of the road bound Zhang Yuhe's sacral silver wire has been forced out of the flying sword by the burning sword light, whether it is the jagged silver or the **** spark, now floating in In addition to Jianguang, even a few silver wires are under the cover of Jianguang. Under the expansion of the giant sword, the inch is broken!

Yu Qingtian understood that the original Zhang Yuhe was not without room for rebellion. Instead, he took the silver bone of the sacrum as a bait to attract his attention and use this sword to hurt himself!

"This woman is too cunning!" Yu Qingtian is a little chilling, but seeing the fracture of the tibia silver wire is like an avalanche. From the beginning, it gradually expands, and all the silver wires are in a tendency to break. "The sound of the sound continues!"

"But it!" Yu Qingtian's eyes flashed a trace of remorse, and glanced at the giant sword and looked at the swordsman who was swallowing the **** spar with Jianguang, which was already thin and papery, and shouted. Even if you are an old man, you can't make you happy!"

Said, Yu Qingtian mouth in the mouth of the strange mouth, and that blood and dark fog from his place is also issued!

"Ha ha ha ~" Zhang Yuhe's arrogance is swaying in the entire space, at this time she has indeed won the victory!

"Hey!" A soft, extremely slight, a group of blood fog sounded in the left arm of Yu Qingtian, Yu Qingtian's left arm has disappeared completely, this blood fog is the flesh and blood of his left arm!

Yu Qingtian’s face was white, and his successive left and left legs were badly damaged, but he still stood in the air and tried his best, because he knew that Yutong was finished, but this Vatican’s array There are thousands of Jinshan Yujia children in it! These disciples are now waiting for Zhang Yuhe's knife! ! !

You are the only one who saved them! ! !

"Go ~" With Yu Qingtian's hand pointing, the blood atomized as a blood arrow into the **** spar, now Zhang Yuhe is breaking free of the bone silver, ** sword spirit did not get Zhang Yuhe's instructions, this The blood fog falls untouched in the spar!

"Brush ~", the color of the spar is bright! But the blood color is extremely embarrassing, almost stabbing two sword spirits a little retreat!

"咔嚓~" is another whisper, and a crack cracked in the spar.

"Well? What do you want to do?" Zhang Yuhe sounded like a golden drum. At this time, the silver-stained silver wire was completely covered by Jianguang, and it was taken out from the giant sword...

"Peng ~" a loud noise, a thick black blood fog from the spar, and the entire spar is also divided and scattered in the air!

With the rupture of this spar, the thousands of blood is also disappearing, and the small lattice hanging above the blood light slowly stops, and it is the same as the earliest time, and the messy drift in the silver light!

"Damn!!!" Zhang Yuhe was furious, but seeing her body shocked, the shadow of a giant sword is that the scorpion will come out, crossed the air, and suddenly it is in front of Yu Qingtian!

Yu Qingtian naturally has been prepared for a stroke, and the silver shield once again blocks the giant sword!

"Big rumbling ~" The loud sound is emitted from the shield, just like a machete to open a cabbage, even if there is a complete vegetable leaf, there is always a time to open, and that cabbage is not a machet Sharp!

Seeing that the shield was so easily opened, Yu Qingtian was so disheartened that the strength of the sword swordsman was far from being able to resist it! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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