Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1379: Unbelievable

"Yes, Mu Shimei said that it is the heart of the sword!" Lu Ruochang smiled and said, "Just this sword is to look at the Jianjian, the sword of this sword is not in the same direction as the sword array, but again It is flush with the sword array. When I fly here, I don’t have to go too far. When I fly the tea again, I will fly to the east, that is, three hundred miles. Can come..."

Lv Ruochang is talking about it here, but within the range of dozens of miles to the left, countless roaring sounds and sounds of screaming are endless, and the glory of the sky is also rushing to the sky. Lu Ruo-hung is black lacquered before, some The twilight scene of the icy raindrops suddenly becomes bright. During the swaying of the light, countless weird scenes flash, golden light, silver light and red light are intertwined, as if all the beams between heaven and earth are falling here!

"Not good!" Lu Ruochang was shocked, but seeing her swords flowing around, the Phoenix sword would fly out immediately, as if to block these brilliance!

However, where Jianguang went, the Guanghua, who had set off the drastic changes, was scattered, just like the Jianguang did not stand side by side, waiting for the phoenix swordsmanship to send out the sound of swords and rushing into the air, the whole sword suddenly stunned. ! ! !

Lv Ruochang was dumbfounded, and the bleak faintness disappeared. In the distance above the sky, a thin layer of light curtain was born from the sky. It was neither pure silver nor pure blue, but ten colors. After the colorful light curtains were born, they rushed straight into the sky, and they gathered in the blink of an eye above the heads of the swordsmen. In the distant and high places, it seemed to be far beyond the reach of the nine gongs. The size of the bowl size!

"The rumble" sounded thundering from the light point, but it did not see any shape of the thunder. With the rare thunder in the sword, the ten brilliances followed the light curtain. Rolling through layers, the entire sky is firmly covered!

Look at the clods and red vegetation that had been smashed before the foot. It has long since disappeared. The huge rocks are piled on the ground, and the mountains and rocks are covered with white sputum. There are countless black lacquered eye holes. It is straight to the air! The earthy green of the stone reflects the whiteness of the hustle and bustle, and it looks really strange, and this strangeness is endless, as if it is overwhelming!

In the past, those scattered flying in the air, the different directions and the same goal of nearly 200,000 sword repairs, can not be seen clearly between each other, the special swordsman's special minds of the swordsmen, is dusk and 凄The rain will block each other's lines of sight. //Welcome to read //..

At this time, the tens of thousands of swordsmen were suddenly highlighted on this weird rock. In the midair, it was almost swept away, and there seemed to be no previous obscuration!

These swordsmen are as stunned as Lu Ruochang, and they are very helpless in the middle of the air. The big eyes and the shackles between the rocks are very the same! But the eye hole is dark, and the eyes of the monk are panicked. All the swordsmen will release their flying swords, and the splendid swords will protect their own shapes. The light of the swallowing swords is extremely glaring, but it is extremely unstable. Obviously, these swordsmen are extremely panicked. match!

"This... Is this the ruin of the swordsmanship?" Mu Ting is more than Lu Ruochang's calm, the reddish sword light sends out a strong heat wave, almost to turn over several bright swordsmen around him. The eyes are wide open, and they are skeptical with doubts that they are not sure.

Lv Ruochang’s heart is like a river! In order to display the square sword array, she mostly learned the swords in the sword field. Even if it was the Taoist sect, she did not have much to hunt, seeing such a big movement in the dozens of miles, where is she not? Know that you have fallen into the well-arranged circle of Taoist rites?

At the same time as Lv Ruoxian’s mouth is bitter, a series of questions arise from his mind!

"Dou Zong's monks... How could you think of being within the swordsmanship?? The Jindan monks who built the cars in the halls of the house... How could they have such wisdom?"

"It’s hard not to become a singer... No death, is the scam of the Sky City?"

"Otherwise... How could they know that the Warriors in my swordfield will surely retreat? And will they retreat to the sword?"

"Moreover, the sword is so big. The dozens of squadrons are just a drop in the ocean. How do they know that the warriors in my swordfield must have retreated to this place?"

"Is it hard to be me... there is a masterpiece in the sword field? Is this a masterpiece also a magic sword?"

"Or also the sword of the sword just now... is it the act of the Taoist monk? This is not possible!"

"The warrior of my sword field has long been laying out a sword array within this sword. This place is not too far from the sword of my sword. It is hard to be... the warrior of my sword field has not found it?"

Thinking of his own hard-working cloth, he can come to the last moment, but when he is doing the trick of tempting the enemy, he will make a false come true and fall within the monk’s legal circle. Lu Ruochang’s throat is sweet. Almost vomiting blood!

And the tens of thousands of swordsmen are even more difficult to adapt to such a sophistry situation. They used to be like a bird of surprise. They thought that they would escape from the sword, but they immediately received a sword order. They knew that they were just bait. The monks introduced the land of eternal annihilation. The joy and excitement just rose, but it was only a moment. They immediately fell into such a huge circle of law. Only then did they wake up and realize that they had entered the land of annihilation. Short-term happiness is nothing but a very short-lived dream.

"Lü Shizhen, this is how it happened!" Mu Ting snorted and hurriedly asked, "Is this a residual law, or..., wouldn't it be the swords of my sword field?"

Lv Ruochang gritted his teeth, and the horror and fear in his eyes went away. He said coldly: "Sisters will let go of God!"

"Not good, God can't leave the body!" Mu Ting was shocked, and then it was natural to mobilize Jian Yuan, until she was naturally relieved by the natural flow of the sword, but she forgot, just... she already has the sword Intention to release the body!

"Can a broken squad have such a large scope? Can a broken sword array have such a great power?" Lu Ruochang said faintly, "This is the law laid by the monk in the sword." Array, I wait... now it has fallen into the ambush of the Taoist monk!"

"This...this is impossible!" Mu Ting said with a bit of anger. "How can the Jindan monks like the singular beast know the route of my defeat? How can they not know what to do within this sword?" Under the cloth, they..."

Mu Ting still has to say, she does not seem to really want to believe that she fell into the trap of the monk, but Lu Ruochang interrupted her coldly: "Mu Shimei, things are now, I need to be calm! You have to know, You are a swordsman of the three swords of the magic sword. You can easily kill the ordinary Jindan monks. Why are you so flustered and in what way? Again, the battlefield is changing rapidly, the enemy and the enemy are always difficult to distinguish, falling into the trap of the monk, I If you kill, you will go out. What are you afraid of?"

After listening to this, Mu Ting was slightly quiet, but she smiled and said: "This sword is not flustered, it is... it is extremely unbelievable! This... this is simply too ridiculous!"

"Oh, yeah, this sword also feels unlikely! But this does happen!" Lu Ruochang snorted, "However, the monks are going to kill me in this sword, etc. Too many whimsical! I waited for only a few tens of thousands of people, but there are all kinds of gold in the sword, all over the sword and the sword, these are the monks can not control! You look at the law, there are counts Ten miles, there must be a sword array in the middle, and I will only find the flaws, and break them one by one!"

After Lu Ruochang finished, he couldn’t answer Mu Ting. He looked around and told him, “You will immediately go to the various Jianmenmen to contact the disciples and explore the general situation of the Faction. Remember, you have to find out, regardless of the price. !"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" A dozen swordsmen of the four swords were ordered to fly around!

And Lu Ruochang is flying again, and a sword of the sky is flying out. The huge phoenix Jianguang hovers over the top of the head. In addition to the swordsmen’s flying swords, there are also dozens of swords in the distance. The sword of the momentum is skyrocketing and flies over here.

However, the time of the tea, the swordsmen who repaired these magic swords all flew to the side of Lu Ruochang. These swordsmen were all without exception. The face was full of incomprehensibility. This is hunting. The hunters suddenly became prey, and they were all extremely powerful swordsmen, and they couldn’t help but reveal their expressions.

"Lv Jianyou, what is going on here?" Xu Jianchong of Xuan Jianzong asked first.

Lv Ruochang’s eyes swept over the crowds, knowing that they were all unwilling, and faintly said: “Is this thing still used in this sword? Can’t you be seen by all the swordsmen? I’m afraid that all the swordsmen can’t believe it. !"

Qu Jianchong looked at other people. The closest to him was Xue Chong of Mingyang Jianpai, a swordsman of the second sword of magical sword. Xue Xue, who was cold and cold, looked at Qu Jianchong and said: "Qu Jianyou, you first Mo asked Lu Jianyou, Xue Mou has a sentence to ask! Just the sword of the sword of the road... Can it be the sword of the sword?"

Qu Jianchong listened to the wrath and cried: "Before entering the sword, Qu Mou had already sue Lu Jianyou. There is indeed the meaning of dazzling swords in the sword. Qu Mou also relies on this sword. That is, the swordsman of my dazzling swordsman is here! But this does not mean that the swordsman of my dazzling swordsman will introduce me into the circle of monks!"

"That... what can you explain? You dazzle the swordsman's swordsman?" Xue Chong retorted his lips.

"Shut up!" Not waiting for Lu Ruoxuan to open, a huge figure, strong body, like a swordsman on a hill roaring, "Now that is when I wait for the outside, how do you wait for the wall?"

This person is the animal of the Lushan School. (To be continued.

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