Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1406: Hard to pick up

It’s all crystallized in the sky!

Seeing the crystal is increasing to the size of the fist! Even the crystallization of the size of the fist is still wrapped around a huge whirlpool, and the golden name of the whirlpool is constantly gathering;

Seeing that the crystals are still increasing, the silver-white crystals of the big ones gradually condense, floating in the air above the swords, and the crystals are in the shape of polygons, which looks extremely beautiful!

At this time, the jade system, the look is even more shocking!

However, this big silvery white crystal did not stop condensing and spreading, or it was extremely stable and extended in the distance!

"This...what is this guru!! Actually..." I didn't wait for his " actually" to say it, but listened to "咔嚓", the height of the hundred and ten miles, the sword Thunder that has never appeared before...

"This...this...this is thunder...the thunderbolt?" Seeing the golden light of the heavens and thunders at the heights, it is completely different from the ordinary ones. The jade system has changed its face. "It seems that... still The beast's...three...three golden robbers???"

"Grandma's, this Feng Ying is actually ... actually is a beast-like form!!!! He also repaired the pregnant baby!" Yu Tong's eyes are stunned, his body shape is trembling, where to dare to stay in the first half engraved? The figure is shaking, where is the faraway escape! However, his nearby Jin’s name and the aura of the world were completely condensed. At one time, there was really not enough aura for him to use the technique of performing the golden scorpion. The jade system had to fly the martial arts and flew out 200 miles. In addition, the crystal clear silver-white crystal gradually disappeared!

This advanced power, in addition to pregnant infants... can there be other?

However, he still has some doubts in his heart!

First of all, this kind of premature baby, who is probably the demon-like form of the guru, is amazingly powerful, but...it seems to be different from the normal baby’s condition. Especially, the pressure...how to deal with Jin Dan the same? Even, the spirit of Yuan Ying did not appear!

Of course, these questions have passed away. After all, Feng Ying is a monster-shaped figure, which is estimated to be somewhat different from ordinary monks. //High speed update //.

Secondly, within a hundred miles, it is Xiao Hua’s thoughts. Why... Is Xiao Hua’s means not chased out? Even if this is the key to pregnant infants, you can take advantage of this heavenly imprisonment. It is not too difficult to kill yourself!

Of course, these doubts have finally turned into the luck of Yutong. Without these flaws, can he escape his surname?

In fact, it’s not that Xiao Hua doesn’t want to chase after Yutong. After all, Yu Tong knows his bottom line. He doesn’t want this person to live in Xiaoyu’s mainland, but when Xiao Hua wants to use the advanced prohibition, his next There was a tearing pain in Dantian, and the whole Dantian seemed to be torn open.

Xiao Hua was shocked and stunned, and quickly divided the thoughts into a trace of internal vision. After Xiaohua’s gods sank into the lower dantian, they couldn’t hold it tight, scared the three souls to lose the second soul, and they didn’t know what to do... he Where can I still kill the jade system?

In the northeast direction of Xiaohua Ningdan, Lv Ruochang could not restrain his ecstasy, and the Ming dynasty circulated, and saw many magical swordsmen who were also surprised. They did not hide their joy, loudly: "All the swordsmen, The sky is not up to the layout of my swordsman warriors, now... finally it’s my turn to win the sword! Go..."

After that, Lu Ruochang first flew up and flew in the distance.

"Lü Shimei!" Ruo Ling is naturally happy, and looked at the others. The figure was unfolding and shouting at the same time. "The monks of Daozong have already chased them, and they will soon fall into the palm of the sisters! But, I wait. The disciples have suffered too much. There are only 70,000 disciples here, and I have injuries, and I may not be able to fight with the monks! In your earlier layout... I don’t know if there are any arrangements for me?"

"If the spirit teacher is relieved!" Lu Ruochang proudly said, "Small sisters will put you and me in the early arrangement, and even the Skyscraper, Lingfeng Jianmen, and even the group. The Qipeng Valley of the valley is mainly placed in it. But later the battle situation has changed. The younger sister has already made some arrangements. Now, although the power of the sword array will not be huge, the younger sister can guarantee that even without you and me. These hundreds of thousands of Taoist monks, even one don’t want to escape from the Great Four Swords!"

"Hey!" Zhu Chengye is also flying over, laughing. "The old man does not seek to completely kill these monks, but only kills them seven or eighty-eight, revenge for Cangyuan swordsmen!"

"In addition, Lu Jianyou~" Mu Ting is also proposing, "This sword does not know how powerful this big square sword array is. However, this sword feels that... it is better to leave a life path if it is not there, otherwise the Taoist The monks broke through the boat and died, and I was afraid that there would be more damage to the swordsman!"

Lv Ruo-Shu’s foot under the sword, flying in the air, thin lips slightly sneak, sneer: "Mu Jianyou's words are correct, can the monks kill me how many swordsmen warriors! This sword can not wait to put them one by one The stabbing of death! And, of course, this sword is exhausted by the heart of the four-party sword array is to want to kill the monk one net! If you want to open the net again, it is difficult!"

"Mu Jianyou does not want you to open the net!" If Ling smiled, "She just saw the weakness of the Taoist monk in the arrangement, reminding you not to kill, to guard against the dog's dog jumped to the wall!"

"Oh, Xiaomei understands!" Lu Ruochang is very respectful to Ruo Ling and laughs. "In this big square sword array, where is there any weakness, there is no way to live. If the monks have the means, then they can make Will come out, this sword is picked one by one!"

Seeing that Lu Ruochang is so confident, everyone will not say more. They, like Lu Ruochang’s mind, can’t wait for the monks to die cleanly, kill 10,000, and never kill only nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

Another flight of half a meal, seeing a swordsman dressed in a black sword appeared in the air, the pouring rain seems to directly rush into the body of the swordsman, and it seems like the swordsman’s sword array In the end, in general, people feel that this person is just a virtual shadow!

"Night swordsman?" Lu Ruochang seems to be not sure about this swordsman, some temptations ask.

"Lv Jianyou!" The swordsman's sword costume is very weird, hiding the face of this person in it, even the eyes of everyone can not penetrate. The man listened to Lu Ruochang and replied, "This sword is waiting for a long time!"

"There are laborers and swordsmen!" Lu Ruochang is very respectful to this swordsman, and he said, "After this battle, Lu’s commitment to the swordsman must be honored!"

"Well, I hope so!" The night-name swordsman was not respectful because of Lu Ruo-chang's respectfulness, but he waved his hand and said casually.

Lv Ruochang did not care, but also asked: "The night swordsman thing... I don't know what the arrangement is?"

"It’s the intention to see you at night!" The swordsman did not answer positively. "I don't know if you promised something... Can you start it?"

"Good!" Lu Ruochang nodded. "According to your previous appointment, the night swordsman can see the signal of this sword and can act!"

"A word is fixed!" The night surname swordsman said in the mouth, the body shape actually dissipated, as if washed by the rain, disappeared!

"Lv Jianyou... this person..." Ruo Ling was very surprised to see the night surname swordsman disappeared, whispered.

However, Lu Ruochang did not answer, but smiled slightly, and the smile was full of mystery.

Everyone was flying in front, and it was half a meal. A figure flew from a distance, and it was a sharp-mouthed old man who fell in front of everyone. This old man is familiar with everyone, and it is the Qingfeng of the Lushan School.

"I have seen Lu Jianyou!" Qingfeng said, and he looked up again.

"I have seen Qingfeng swordsman!" Lu Ruochang faced Qingfeng. Obviously, he did not face the respect of the night swordsman. Some said faintly, "You have arranged your big battle, you have arranged it properly?"

"Good teacher Lu Jianyou and all the swordsmen know!" Qingfeng had some bitterness on his face. I don't know if it was his original look, or some unspeakable, saying, "This sword is completely arranged according to Lu Jianyou, everything is appropriate!"

"Good! After this war, your Lushan faction is a great achievement!" Lu Ruochang nodded.

"Cang Yuan brother..." Qingfeng apparently did not find the whereabouts of Cangyuan, had to ask.

"Hey, Cangyuan swordsmen fell into the sect of Daozong!" Lv Ruo sighed and said, "You will arrange the Defence, and kill more monks, naturally it is for Cangyuan swordsmen." revenge"

"Yes, I know it!" Qingfeng nodded a little, arched his hand, and his body shape flew again. The hunchback was more camel.

"The devouring big battle?" Mu Ting's eyes turned sharply. She had already heard that she had to arrange a devouring array. Even the worms used in this battle had many twists and turns because of the horror of the phoenix. But she couldn’t think of this big array. It was here that the Qingfeng School’s Qingfeng was laid out. Just when she was about to ask, Lu Ruochang and Ruo Ling flew again, and Mu Ting turned to look behind him. The Taobao monk’s magic weapon was almost skyrocketing. The night sky behind them is all rendered, so I dare not stop and rush to catch up.

Subsequently, two swordsmen were waiting in front of them. One was the day of the Three Swordsmen, and the other was the Xiujie of Kun Jianmen. They were all the repairs of the two swords. After they saw Lu Ruochang The first sentence of Lu Ruochang is: "Would you like to wait for the sword array?"

The words of both of them are also general: "I have been waiting for a long time!"

If Ruo Ling and others saw the Qingfeng of the Lushan School, they would be familiar. You can see the swords and swords in the Jiandao War, which did not reveal their whereabouts in the Kendo War. These second-rate swordsmen have been dispatched by Lu Ruochang to this place. It is no wonder that Lu Ruochang is so frustrated when he is trapped in a squad, and there are many arrangements in the sword. As for the kind of monk killed, she... can you be willing? (To be continued.

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