Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1414: Two divisions

He was hesitant and almost stopped. Hesitantly asked: "Is it difficult? I will not wait to break the line?"

"Master!" Li Zongbao is not far from where he is, seeing hesitation and rushing to convey the voice. "At this time, you can’t hesitate. Even if there are many means in Jianxiu, I have to wait for this situation. See the move, the water comes to earth! Let's break this line and say it!"

"Not bad!" I was also a sigh in my heart. My heart screamed that I was confused. I hurriedly added, "Even if Jian Jian has such arrangements, I have to break this Yin Yang sword array at this time. The disciple rushed out and said!"

"Good!" A group of monks saw the decision, which is known to be the only way to speed up the flight.

"Zongbao!" He has a lingering ambiguity and whispers in a voice. "Because the teacher is now in a mess, if you have any thoughts, you should remind the teacher earlier. This battle is not only about the success of my Taoist school, but also It’s about the transport of my bliss..."

"The disciple understands!" Li Zongbao hurriedly answered, and then it was another voice. "In addition, the disciples still have an idea..."

"You said!" I hurriedly asked, "In the future, if you have an idea, immediately talk to the teacher!"

"Yes!" Li Zongbao did not dare to scorn and said, "There is always a flaw in the way of breaking the line. It was this way that Lu Ruo broke the ruin of Jin Jin."

"Not bad!" He was surprised again. He turned his head slightly and looked at the sword pillar that was far behind him. He said, "Zong Bao, you said these two swords... When it was this yin and yang sword array The most powerful place, then... should they be the eye of this yin and yang sword?"

"Yes!" Li Zongbao replied honestly. "The disciple thinks that this sword column must be a glimpse of the eye. I think that Master Jin Dan is also understanding! However, that Xiu Jie and others will start this sword post at the beginning. A Jindan master uncle killed, people feel that these two swords are extremely powerful, not easy to defeat, and their eyes are on the edge of the distance! Even they have grasped what I want to escape from the sword array It is possible to build the edge of the sword array to be extremely strong, but the most sinister sword-sword... the sword is scattered all around, and it may be the weakness of the sword array!"

"It's reasonable!" 珩洺 nodded slightly, "However, the yin and yang sword light was born from the sword column, from the most zhongyang to the edge of the surrounding. These two swords are not necessarily the weakest place... even the strongest Where it is!"

At this time, a magic weapon like a moon protects one person, and the man who is offering the blue water of the real water protects more than ten people, flies to the left of the 珩洺, and so on, the woman who sacrificed the magic moon Shouted: "Xing Ming brother, the younger sister has a rush in the moon!"

珩洺 珩洺 珩洺 见 见 见 见 见 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这Open, lest you fall into the illusion of true water.

Xiang Ming slightly frowned, sighed: "Mingyue, what are you in a hurry?"

At this time, Mingyue collected the magic weapon, and Hongxia Fairy blocked the real water behind the crowd. The body shape of Ji Mingxiu and other Huanhua disciples was revealed in the real water.

Mingyue swears in the court: "I am a singer-study disciple, Cai Hongxia, and I find that the sword array is different, especially to tell you!"

"What is abnormal, tell you quickly!" Xiang Ming also had an impression on Hongxia Fairy, but at this time the situation was urgent. Look at the red water fairy who sacrificed the true water to protect the disciples of the Panhua School. The look on his face was a little slow. Urged the road.

Hongxia Fairy did not dare to neglect, hurriedly said what he wanted to do, and added: "The disciple thinks that although this yin and yang sword column is strong, it must be issued by the swords of the array, but after all, it is the eye, is The key to the swordsmanship of the swordsman is definitely not the swordsmanship around you! In contrast, the Jianguang of the surrounding area must be the swordsman of Xiujie and so on. The tens of thousands of swordsmen are the swordsmen that are driven by dozens of swordsmen. It is to stop me from waiting for the monks to break through, and it must be extremely powerful! Instead of breaking on the edge, it is better to simply face the sword and directly defeat the swords of the eye!"

"Good!" Don't wait for Xiang Ming to speak, and swear by the palm of his hand, "The disciples of the Huanhua School are extremely! Just the poor disciple Li Zongbao also reminded the poor, to break the strongest sword in the sword array! His place I didn’t think about the disciples, and the disciples’ words supplemented what Li Zongbao said!”

After listening to this statement, Xiang Ming’s face was somewhat unpleasant, and it was obvious that there were some suspicions of winning the power. However, there were some contemplations on the faces of the people next to them. Xiang Ming’s slight turn of thoughts, knowing what he said should be true. Li Zongbao is afraid that this is really capable!

"Do you say this way, is it... I also advised my disciples?" Xiang Ming asked.

"Not bad!" He nodded and looked at the crowd and said, "The poor road was just thinking about how to break this battle! Since the disciples made this suggestion, then... I will divide it into two. A friend who is still led by the poor road to the edge of the sword array, half led by the Minghua Dao of the Huanhua School to the zhongyang of the Jianzheng, my little apprentice Zongbao, assisting the Jindan Taoist friends to break the Yin Yang sword Zhu, the smugglers sent the disciples to follow the old man to the edge of the big squad! As for which buddy to go to the big zhongyang, you must also choose the Taoist friends to choose!"

After listening to this, Xiang Ming looked at it with some helplessness. In fact, everyone understands that although Hongxia Fairy and Li Zongbao and others have said that it is reasonable, it can be ... the two swordsmen must be broken. Everyone just came out from there, and at this time they have to turn around. If the two people are expected to be correct, then it will be fine. If it is not right, this is to re-enter the tiger hole! It is very likely that Xiang Ming will bring the person back to death!

Where did Xiang Ming find trouble for himself, and hurriedly smiled: "Hey, hey, laughter, the Taoist is the control of this war, where is it the turn of the class? Although Xiangmou’s words because of the disciples must be If you turn around, you can only be selected by your friends!"

After listening to this, Hongxia Fairy suddenly realized that his own words actually dragged Xiang Ming into a quagmire that might be, and immediately said: "Xiang Shibo, since the disciple has this, the disciple must take up Responsibility, the disciple is willing to accompany Shi Bo to the sword zhongyang!"

"Well, very good!" Xiang Ming nodded slightly, but he couldn't see anything.

The moon is also a sigh. She didn't think so much. At this time, she saw the decisive choice of Hongxia Fairy. She did not speak any more. She flew to the side of Hongxia Fairy and expressed her support for Xiang Ming.

Ji Mingxiu and other disciples of the Huanhua School are all seven generations of exquisite people. I know that there is nothing to hesitate at this time, and immediately spurred the body shape alongside the Hongxia fairy.

"You wait to follow the Taoist friends to the edge of the big battle!" Xiang Ming saw many disciples making such a decision, and my heart was happy. I will go to a disciple other than Mingyue and Hongxia Fairy. "You wait for the shallow." If you go back, you can't help anything. You wait for your thoughts... The old man knows!"

"Yes!" Ji Mingxiu and others did not dare to refute, flying to the side of the 珩洺.

And Li Zongbao added a little bit of indulgence, look at the red glow fairy and the bright moon, but also the hands of the smashed fairy whip flew to the left of the two.

"Ha ha ha! The old man volunteered!" De Xun laughed a few times, put his hand in a pen, and several Taiqing disciples flew to Li Zongbao near him and said, "You don't blame!"

"Yes, the old body also went to the big zhongyang!" Ji Hong also thought of a sharp turn, without a point, it is flying to the side of Dexun.

"Since you want to break the battle, look for the weakness of the Yin and Yang sword array, how can you reduce the old man?" Xiong Huasong is also chic, smiling and flying out.

Then there are a few people waiting for the name to fly out, it is the high-dimensional and other people who teach Yan Yan!

"Big good!" Although I saw that the Jindan monks who took the initiative to turn around were not half as much, they were also very similar. They smiled and said, "You are high-clean, poor-minded, and when you break the sword and repair the yin-yang sword, I will be on the merits." At the time of the reward! All the friends please!"

Said, when the first flight, with the rest of the monks flying to the edge of the Yin Yang sword array, and Xiang Ming took De Xun and others to the big zhongyang!

Just flew for a moment, Li Zongbao just heard the red Xia fairy voice: "Master Li! Little sister asked, Xiao Hua... Where did you go?"

"Xiao Huazhi's whereabouts...someone doesn't know!" Li Zongbao knew what Hongxia Fairy thought, and frowned slightly. "You can know that he is not in this sword, but he is not in this sword." !"

"Hey~" Hongxia fairy sighed and asked no more.

"Hong Xia ... Shimei" Li Zongbao hesitated a little, he said, "If Xiao Shidi is here, he is repaired as excellent, but... when he really wants to shoot, he is not stretched, and may not have any achievements. It’s the sword array against the squad, and the role of a single monk is a lot smaller. He is not here as well!”

"Hmm~!" Hongxia Fairy apparently did not hear the meaning of Li Zongbao's "Red Xia Shimei", but did not hear the reason why Xiao Hua was not here, only casually responded, and Li Zongbao also did not know Hongxia Fairy’s understanding of Xiao Hua is therefore no longer said.

Speaking of the green and red color of the sword column, straight into the sky, and the blue-red sword light outside the dozens of miles, formed the entire Yin Yang sword array. Just above the sword pillar, Xiujie of Kun Jianmen, Yang Jiuding of Taihe Jianzong, Meng Changshou of Feiyumen and Li Ying of Qungu Valley, watching the **** slaughter in the sword array coldly, There is a hint of excitement in my eyes!

But see Xiu Jie look at the number of swords in the left and right circle, are the refining disciples of the corpse and the early disciples of the foundation, and turned to Yang Jiuding and said: "Yang Jianyou, the fruit is as Lu Shizhen said! The monks of this sect have been chilling, and they are all fleeing, and no one has noticed these two yin and yang swords!" (Go..)

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