Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1441: Sword disappears

The strangest thing is that there are a lot of silver objects between these Jindan, Leidan and the granules. These things are like clouds, they are silky, and there are irregular gaps. Rays can easily pass through. And is not affected by any!

These weird Jindan... Even if they are helpless, they can’t believe it! It will surely scream for the hustle and bustle of Xiao Hua after the joy of joy, even if it is a condensate, it will be a mess, unprecedented bizarre! Mo said that he was condensed. On the same day, Xiao Hua built a 18-layered steamed bun at the time of building the foundation. The date of the foundation was delayed for many years. Until now, the real condensed Dan, the refining The hidden dangers of the 18th floor of the gas were revealed, and it was really a special environment such as the sword scorpion. Only then did this stunned and survived. I really don’t know, Xiaohua’s Jindan was at the time of the baby. ...and what will happen to earth-shattering!

Nice, it’s an earth-shattering thing! Waiting for Xiaohua's third and third golden thunders to pass, the body that is rarely damaged is like a thousand knives, and the blood on the surface is dripping! Most of the bloodshot blood is thundered, and the body is healed and re-inhaled. At the same time, some blood is dripping down, and it passes through the residual Van Gogh array and penetrates into the underground of the sword!

However, the sword at this time... can it be called a sword?

"Hey~" The sound of the dragon whistle sounded from the small white dragon mouth under the small bucket. This sound is very loud, and there is actually the momentum of the sound of the four wild! It is obvious that it is completely different from being subjected to thunder.

"Xiao Hua~ Send me back, I have to retreat. You have to bother me! You can taste the harvest of the thunder again!" After the dragon, Xiaobailong was extremely debilitated.

"Good!" Xiao Hua said nothing, but he was so embarrassed, "It’s all like this, but you can’t call it, what is it!”

Thinking, Xiao Hua sent out the soul silk, entangled the little white dragon, Xiao Hua thought that he could easily send the little white dragon into the ring of the sky after the thunder of the soul, the result is that the soul of Xiao Bailong is heavy again. many. He still spent a lot of effort to complete. Naturally, while Xiaohua is sending Xiaobailong, several gods within the sword are returned to their original positions!

Then Xiao Hua followed the instructions of Xiao Bailong and carefully realized it.

Rarely calm. Very rare and extremely comfortable. Xiao Hua closed her eyes. Sitting in the sky, the Van Gogh burst has broken, and his figure has long been revealed. However, he did not move, and he carefully understood the feelings of condensate and thunder, while examining the changes in the body, meridians and bones.

Straight through a fragrant work, Xiao Hua opened his eyes, his face with a happy color, but also a slight frown!

"Quirks, where did the two Leidans in Dantian go? Could it be because of the cause of the robbery... It was with the golden dragon of Xiaoye!" Xiaohua was puzzled. "If this is the case, Xiaoye’s introduction What about Ray's technique?"

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua will stretch his hand and show the technique of thunder!

At this time, Xiao Hua’s head, although the robbery has passed, but the cloud does not dissipate so quickly. If it is normal, Xiao Hua’s law will be released as soon as possible, but this time, his thundering technique Actually invalid!

"Grandma's, there is a problem!" Xiao Hua was a little disappointed in the heart, look at the slowly dissipating clouds and sullen!

"The little me, this meridian seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes. The quenching of the bones has reached 99%. Even the intensity of the flesh has changed drastically. But... Xiaoye is a horror phoenix, no thunder. The skill, Xiaoye can only be a bald tail!"

"Hey, Jin Dan seems to be no small, bigger than the Jin Dan monks who had been killed by the younger brother!"! I thought, Xiao Hua’s golden light suddenly burst into bloom, which is the golden light of the ordinary Jin Dan monk!

"Go ~" Xiao Hua will wave his hand, a fireball will come out, "Boom ~" a loud noise, within a few dozen limits, how many flames sky!

“嘿嘿~” Xiao Hua’s heart has a hint of joy. “This Golden Dan’s method of manipulating the true Yuan is really different from the foundation. Not only is the mana powerful several times, but the speed is also much faster! This golden dan, in the absence of heaven and earth aura, can also cast large spells!"

"Hey? What is this?" Where Xiao Hua’s eyes are, there are actually more than a dozen fist-sized worms flying in the claws, one is the place where Xiaohua’s fireball is just now, and the other is in the left, even There are two more to pounce on Xiao Hua!

"This is a worming!" Xiao Hua suddenly had a happy heart. He saw the worm in the sword. "How can there be a worm? Here, it is estimated that it is sucked!" ”

Thinking, Xiaohua’s robe waved, and the space of several feet was imprisoned. These insects could not move, and they were all included in Xiaohua’s swords!

"Hey, the technique of the sleeves is also refined! Oh... this is again..." Xiao Hua rejoiced in his heart, and he read it out. He wanted to find something missing, but he let go of his mind. Seeing the scented flowers in the sky, and the little "blood spots" in the purple ocean are not big, "Is the aster flower on the edge of the sword?"

"It's hard to be... It's hard to be..." Xiao Hua almost jumped from the sitting place, and some incredulously looked at the little fight on his head!

Since the catastrophe, there has never been a pure gold heaven and earth aura left behind, and the damaged place seems to be repaired now!

"It's hard to be... this thing..." Xiao Hua thought, letting God rush out, waiting for him to see the situation outside the Van Gogh array, and even more open mouth! ! !

Yes, above the clouds, the sun is outcropping, the golden sun is falling down, and the look of the wind and Xuyang is a good time at noon! What sword array, what law array, what silt sword meaning... long ago!

"how can that be???"

"Sword 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 冢 ” ” ” 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧The peculiar gloom has disappeared, and these facts have already indicated that Xiao Hua’s speculation has come true, but he still denies his own guess in his heart. After all, this handwriting is really too big!

Thinking, Xiao Hua is also testing this to release the mind, then the gods are no longer restricted by the sword, and all of a sudden it is going out for nearly a hundred miles!

"Hey? How are there so many Taoist monks here?" When Xiao Hua’s thoughts were swept to the former place where the ten parties were destroyed, it was discovered that there were many Taoist disciples here. These disciples were dressed in various robes. , it seems panicked!

"When is it... my Taoist disciple is coming to the sword?" Xiao Hua was somewhat inexplicable. "But... why didn't you see the sword repair of Laos?"

Xiao Hua’s thoughts immediately aroused the vigilance of the Taoist disciples. Many disciples’ thoughts were released and swept toward Xiao Hua!

However, the disciples of these disciples are only sweeping out of the hundred feet, and immediately wake up and rush to take back the gods! Isn’t the origin of God’s thought just the direction of the head of the pregnant baby? At this time, the calmness is not exactly the birth of the baby teacher, the footsteps of the infant, will this release the mind? Which disciple is too long to find himself uncomfortable?

"There are all disciples, and even the disciples of Yu Leizong!" Xiao Hua became more and more strange. "Is it difficult for me to be a disciple in the sword and fight with the sword? This..."

It’s foggy!

Xiao Hua Shen read all the sweeps, but I can't see any traces of the war. At this time, all the traces have been swept away by Xiaodou. Where can I see the clue?

Xiao Hua hurriedly took back the gods, and the Buddha’s knowledge was released. The Buddha’s knowledge was released for more than two hundred miles. Xiao Hua finally saw some Taoist disciples who had escaped.

"Bad! It really is a war!" Xiao Hua suddenly realized, "The little lady's lady is still there!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua’s sword is shining, and the sword that stands in the air sword in the air is still a two-sword flying sword, seven swords and a sword. When Jian Yuan’s income is in the flesh, Xiao Hua will Nightmare, Lushan and seven swords are also included in the Buddha's fire! The sword is a source of income.

Then, Xiao Hua once again urged 寅 寅 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , These five gold yuan Xinmu are built on the basis of!

If it was before, Xiao Hua would be happy, but at this time he just looked at the income space.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to accept the Buddha's relic, he is also on the mysterious little fight! There is still a heaven and aura inhalation on the small bucket, but this aura is no longer the aura of the previous golden world. It seems that it has already absorbed enough, or because it is in addition to the sword, the sword and the sword. Golden heaven and earth aura, other auras are not good for small fighting, the power of small fighting to inhale the aura of the world is much smaller, far less than the previous monks

Xiao Hua is hesitant. Although this momentum has been greatly reduced, but the vortex still exists, Xiao Hua fears that he will not fall into the previous danger again. If so, does Xiao Hua not find trouble for himself?

However, if you don’t take this small fight, how can Xiao Hua’s heart be sweet? Even though Xiao Hua didn't know the power of this little fight earlier, he couldn't lose it because he fell into his hands. Now he knows that this thing is extraordinary, and Xiao Hua will not throw it away!

"Oh, not good! There seems to be a disciple of the 浣花派!" Xiaohua’s buddhism has always been placed outside, and there are actually disciples who have been chased by the swordsmen, and they feel that they are in a hurry and bite their teeth. Pushing the Royal Thunder to fly toward the small fight, "Rumble" is almost the sound of thunderstorms, more than the previous Royal Thunder! (To be continued.)

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