Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1456: The true purpose of Master Tao Zong

"Well~" Dry Leizi sleeves, not much to say a word.

The mad **** is awkward, but he is very stunned and stands there, not asking.

"Hey, it’s hard to be a stranger!" Hyun-Ban fairy is once again sighing and breaking the cold field again. "I can’t think of the old man... He actually has this choice!"

"Yeah, my way, Ren Wuxing, I am lonely, I don't regret it! How hard is this child's heart, and how much I want to make my Royal Leizong rise!" Feeling, "If he had already had this ambition, how can he... say such a thing? How can he make such an admirable thing?"

Jin Yunzi bit his lip slightly, and his face turned red. He blamed himself: "I don't think of it. A dry stranger has such a lofty ambition. There is such a strong line! It is too late! Some things, I feel great, I feel that I have made great efforts for my Royal Lei Zong, but now I am compared with the dry, subordinate... I am really self-satisfied! Please also ask the lord to punish him!"

"But! Everyone has their own talents, everyone has their own goals!" Dry Lei Zi waved his hand, "You also did what you should do, why should this blame you?"

"Hey, in fact, why are you doing nothing? Those who died in the Taoist wars, who are not the heroes of my Royal Leizong? They may not have the ambition of doing nothing, not necessarily without the ambition of being a stranger! But... they don’t even have Gan Mo that waited for the opportunity to say it!” Dry Leizi sighed slightly, looked up and looked at the madman and asked, “How is the nameless thing?”

"禀主主!" "The subordinates have thoroughly investigated the four major thunder palaces, a detailed examination of a disciple and a disciple, but there are no clues yet!"

"Well, you slowly check, you should find this nameless!" Dry Leizi nodded. "Now, in this war, except for the strangers who are respected heroes, the nameless and all the sects are grateful. Hero! I am Royal Leizong... It is the most martial art of the Taoist wars here!"

"Ah? No name... What have you done?" The madman was shocked. "What about the dry... What happened?"

"In order to defeat the sword repair, in order to protect the life of my tens of thousands of disciples, I have abandoned my life. Kunlun sent Yuan Zhongyu to spread the rhetoric before his death, and spread it all over the entire city!"觅 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真Dan and the remaining 100,000 disciples were rescued from the sword!"

"Ah! No name...Becoming a baby?" The madness is horrifying. There is a touch of joy on my face. "I am adding a Yuan Ying to Yu Leizong?"

"Well, I am afraid of it!" Dry Lei nodded. "However, today's plan must first look at the name of the Lei Gong's disciple! Why do you think this is quite awkward!"

"That is!" Thunder really laughed. "There are several Jindan late disciples in this sect. Which one has hope for becoming a baby, you and me... Which one doesn't know? It can be this nameless, with the thunder of surgery, and There is a thundering technique, and it is a late disciple of Jindan. I have never heard of it, it is really embarrassing!"

"That... How many disciples are left in my Royal Leizong?" The madman sneaked a peek at the dry thunder and asked in a low voice.

"My Royal Lei Zong disciples claim to be hundreds of thousands. In fact, they sent out more than 80,000 disciples before and after. They have returned to nearly 10,000 disciples, and now they have lost 60,000. How much do you say?" Say.

"Silk ~" mad God really sucked a sigh of cold, and said, "Only... is there only 10,000 left?"

"This is still good!" Dry Leizi sneered, "I just said clearly, because my martial arts disciple's physique is special, the slashing of the sword repair is a lot less harmful to my Royal Leizong disciples, other sects This sword has a great battle and has been damaged to thousands!"

"Grandma's! This sword repair is too arrogant! The means are too vicious!" The madman couldn't help but swear, but he immediately shut up again.

The hurricane fairy who has never spoken has been saying: "There is something unknown under the genus, and the lord is also explained!"


"Despite the death of the dry stranger! It can be said that it has taken over the great meaning, but the subordinate feels that his ability is not enough, but he is responsible for this task. It is a mistake in itself!" Hurricane Fairy said unceremoniously, "and the average person is obsessed with the rules. Follow the rules, and even some willing to go alone..."

"Sister!" Hyun Huan fairy frowned. "The deceased is big! Although this child has many shortcomings, he has my Royal Lei Zong, who can die for my Royal Leizong, all his shortcomings... It’s nothing!”

"Hey ~ hurricane, this sect knows what you mean!" Gan Leizi sighed and said, "You are blaming this sect, it is the election of this sect, not only pushes the stranger into the dead, but also let Sixty thousand royal sects are buried in the wilderness!"

The hurricane fairy shook his head; "The genius does not dare to blame the lord. After all, the lord can judge the situation, can manage it, and the sects will do it. Naturally, there is a lord's meaning. The subordinates always have this question, and they have never dared to Q. Is this the big battle now, can the lord of the Lord be able to solve his subordinates?"

"This matter... is really secret!" Dry Leizi waved his hand, but saw a thunder hitting the pillars of the Julei Temple. The pillars were thundered, and the rushing rushed to the top of the temple. There were countless thunder purple brilliance. The flash of "噼里啪啦" will cover the entire Thunder Hall!

"Actually, the sects of the sects are fighting... It’s also a last resort!" Dry Leizi spoke up. "And, you may not know, except for my royal prince, who is in the middle of the Jindan mid-term The disciples of the House of Representatives sent by the martial art, at most, are the mid-term repairs of Jin Dan!"

Obviously, Thunder and the real people are clear about this news, and there is no surprise on their faces.

The Hurricane Fairy nodded and said: "Yes, since the Jindan disciples of the House of Representatives are only in the middle of the Golden Dan, even a disciple of the late Jindan has not, why do they fight with the swordsman who repairs the sword with the sword? Kill, why win?"

"This war... I am a sect... I didn't intend to win!" Dry Leizi made everyone shocked!

“Why?” Thunder’s real man hurriedly said, “Since there is no plan to win, why send hundreds of thousands of disciples to millions of disciples? Is it to let them die?”

"Yes, you are right, Thunder, let them die!!" Dry Leizi cold and cold.

"This... how could it be?" The people did not understand at all.

And the madness of the real person is a slight eye, it seems to be thoughtful.

Dry Leizi looked at everyone, and looked at the madman and asked: "Dry, how did you become a baby?"

"The lord of the lord, there are some opportunities under it, and I have a drop of bells and sputum!" The madman did not dare to conceal.

Dry Leizi did not ask, just said: "If you can't get this bell and milk?"

"The subordinates are afraid that it will be the end of the life limit, and it is not good for a baby!" The madman said honestly, "Now the rain and the heavens and the earth are changing aura. I am ten times more difficult than being a child!"

"Yes, the heavens and the earth are changing!" Dry Leizi will hand a little, "But... is this heaven and earth apocalyptic and beneficial to those people?"

Seeing that the people did not answer, and Lei Leizi pointed at himself, the madman had to say: "According to the knowledge of the genus, some disciples of the self-cultivation family in the dry thunder palace are progressing under the aura of this heaven and earth! ”

"Yes! That's it!" Gan Leizi slammed his hand. "The heavens and the earth have changed for decades. The comprehension of the Three Kingdoms has not found the root of the change, and has not yet found a means to deal with the change. However, those who cultivated the true family have inspired their own blood and blood because of the aura of heaven and earth. Most of the disciples are cultivating and leaping forward. There is a great tendency to surpass my cultivating martial art. How do you say that my martial art is good?"

"Kill!" 觅 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真

"Not bad!" Dry Leizi nodded. "The heads of the factions are worried that the forces of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects are soaring and uncontrollable. What they think! It’s not the best thing to send the martial art disciples to the war.”

"But... other sects are good to say! They have chosen a lot of disciples and disciples. Even if they lose 100,000 or 200,000, they may not hurt their blood relatives! But my Royal Leizong is different!" Bitter smile, "My Royal Lei Zong Jiucheng is a blood pro-disciple!"

"This is the embarrassment of this sect!" The dry Leizi is not concealed. "Shang Huazong, Yan Yanjiao, Qi Qiaomen and Yanhua School are all sent disciples, and my Royal Leizong cannot be sent out." Disciples? The number can't be much less than them! Although Benzong knows that this is the means of Shang Huazong and other calculations of my Royal Leizong... But how can this be handled by Benzong? Regardless of the victory or defeat of the war, you can only save all of my Royal Leizong disciples! And the dry stranger...and did!"

"Oh! Royal Leizong is not strong, my not strong, Royal Leizong weak, my weak! I want to kill the sword, I will force the thunder!" Thunder really sighed, some tears in the eyes.

Yes, until this time, a group of Yuan Yingxiong knew the bottom line of this kendo war, only to know the calculations of the heads of the martial art, and had to deplore the 6,000-year-old disciple of Yu Leizong!

Even they know that although Yu Leizong only has 60,000 disciples, it is rare among all the sects. But other sects may not be able to hurt the bones. Most of these 60,000 disciples are Yu Leizong’s own blood pro-disciples, and they are really capable!

Although the war is cruel, the battle for the martial art is not to be underestimated! (To be continued.)

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