Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1475: I don’t know if I don’t know

Speaking of this, the yin deliberately stopped, and looked at Zhang Qingxiao with a cold eye. It is exactly like Xiao Hua’s worry. Zhang Qingxiao suddenly lost some of his soul, and his eyes flashed with horror, almost blurted out: "Where is the adult? How does the old man say it?"

After that, Zhang Qingxiao was conscious of it, his eyes were slightly stunned, his fists were tight, and some anger was watching the chilly cold and cold road: "There is something to say that there is a fart and let go! Don't be so embarrassed!"

I can hear this when I am stunned. Instead, I wave my hand and collect the magic. I smiled and said: "It’s rare to see the lord being angry. The old man thought that the lord would not be angry!"

"Well~" In the face of the haze, Zhang Qingxiao did not have any pressure, and asked faintly. "While this sect is vain, it will not temper the temper, but it is necessary to play this sect as a monkey. Naturally angry!"

"When the monkey plays? Hahaha~ Zhang Zongzhu, you really have insightfulness, this is very good!!" The yin stunned, and then almost smiled, "Since you know that the subordinates do not Christine, the lord of the lord will be angry! But if someone is not listening to the words of the **** and adults, what is the reason for the old man’s instructions to swear by the yin? **** sluts... will it be angry?"

Zhang Qingxiao's face changed slightly, raising his eyes to look around, cold and cold: "Haze, you... what does this mean?"

"Where does the old man mean?" The face of the haze reveals a mysterious meaning. He glances at Xiaohua Road, standing still. "The old man just wants to ask the **** and adults, and the **** and adults bring you here. And leave you in the three countries of comprehension... What is the purpose. Do you still remember it now? You...have you forgotten that you are a member of the devil?"

Zhang Qingxiao’s face was a bit whitish, but he still reluctantly yelled: “This is the matter of this sect. When the **** ancestors come here, this sect will personally sue with the adults, what is it with you? ”

"There is nothing to do with the old man!" The sorrow still smiles. "The old man still wants to ask the lord, what is Huanghualing?"

"Huanghualing?" Zhang Qingxiao's eyes flashed a glimmer of color, the body shape is involuntarily moved, you can look at the haze... still calm. The figure has never moved a step. It seems that there is no fear!

"How do you know Huanghualing?" Zhang Qingxiao is looking around, and he is strong and self-sufficient in his heart.

"It’s a good thing to say!" The sorrow had a question and answer to Zhang Qingxiao’s words. "The old man was in the Xi State, just happened to meet my disciple who had some impressions. He was vague when he spoke to him. His words. Even the words flashed. The old man had no choice but to ask him..."

"Is the daytime peak killing you?" Zhang Qingxiao suddenly woke up, cold and cold.

"He does not answer the old man's question, that is, he is disrespectful to the deputy of the old man. With the rules of my demon, the old man can't do anything about him!" The sullen smile said, "Moreover, the old man is just searching for his soul." No, he didn't want his life, but he was crazy and fell off the cliff!"

Zhang Qingxiao's face is extremely ugly!

"From the daytime peak... the old man didn't get anything useful!" The yin looked at Zhang Qingxiao, and said with interest, "The old man only knows that the daytime peak is going to Huanghualing! This Huanghualing...and What is it? The old man is curious! The Sovereign Master, you said that in the Xiguo, my demon has already had a foundation. Why do you go to Huanghualing?"

"This sect does... need to tell you why?"

"Yeah, the old man thought... even the old man would ask the lord the adults will not answer, so... the old man had to go and check it out!"

"You went to Huanghualing?" Zhang Qingxiao's eyes have been bent like a falcon.

"The old man has not gone to Huanghualing yet!" Haddy shrugged a little and smiled. "If the old man goes, will the master do not know? Of course, the old man does not want to go, but the old man has not gone to Huanghualing as planned. ...have already discovered the lord's...some secrets..."

"What do you know?" Zhang Qingxiao seems to have been out of his hands.

The sullen, still smiling look, said: "In fact, there is nothing, the old man is to find out, that Huanghualing was not a hundred grass gates before, but a small sect called Yu Huaming. This small martial art has only three and a half disciples, one of whom is called Zhang Qingxiao!"

"But... that Zhang Qingxiao seems to be not the same person as the lord of the lord! There is no such thing as a handsome man, so charming!"

Zhang Qingxiao heard the eyelids picking up slightly, and the arm was lifted, but when he saw the haze, he still had no fear. He didn't care about his actions. He stopped and faintly said, "You go on!" ”

"Actually, even this Qingxiao has the same name as the Sovereign Master! Well, even the Sovereign Master is this Qingxiao is no problem!" The haze said, "It can be said that the old man knows it again. The disciple who never got started is actually called Xiao Hua!!!"

"Master Sovereign, do you not blame it? This Xiaohua is actually the same name as Xiao Lei of Yu Leizong! Even the looks are generally the same!" The tone of the haze is a bit sloppy, "even this Xiao Hua of Yu Huaming is Xiao Hua of Yu Leizong. It is no problem! But Xiao Hua of this royal Leizong seems to be... Xiao Hua, who has taken the big move from Fan Tong’s hands? It seems... The Sovereign said that he did not know this Xiaohua? Let the old man go to Mongolia to find Xiaohua?"

Zhang Qingxiao silently looked at the haze, and I don’t know what to think.

"Actually... whether the Sovereign Master and the Zhang Huaxiao of this Hua Ming are alone, the old man does not care! Even if this Zhang Qingxiao is the one who is Zhang Qingxiao? Isn’t the **** adult not the avatar? It’s normal for his subordinates to be incarnate!”

"More than the situation and the lord of the lord for this day, the demon sect is exhausted, daily work, this meritorious husband is in the eyes! It is precisely for this day the sect, the old man has been assisting the lord!"

"But after the old man knew about Huanhua, he found out that this Huaming was actually disappearing from Huanghualing in the night! The old man was somewhat confused. If he said that the grass was shot, their Is it too big to be courageous? Is the appetite too good? Of course, no one knows how the 殇华冥 was destroyed, even if the old man had a few days, there was no result."

"However, the old man does not want to check it out! Because, regardless of whether there is a presence or not there, there is no relationship with the old man! The purpose of the old man to cultivate the three kingdoms has nothing to do with this musty-sized martial art!" The voice of the cockroach became colder and colder. "But the old man can't help but ask the lord of the lord! Since the lord of the lord knows the whereabouts of Yu Leizong Xiaohua, he also knows that the big 乾 挪 move is in the hands of Xiao Hua, even ...... The Sovereign Master is also in contact with Xiao Hua! Why... I will leave the acquaintance of the 芃 芃 ? ?? Do you not know the true meaning of this big move?"

Speaking of this, although the haze does not point out the true identity of Zhang Qingxiao, Zhang Qingxiao and his Zhang Qingxiao have already been treated as one person!

Immediately, the haze turned to look at Xiaohua, and said: "And this Xiaohua of Xiaohua, the same origin mysterious, in the time of Huanhua, but the boy who is not a three-tiered refining, to the Royal After Lei Zong, Xiu Wei actually swayed straight up. According to the latest battle report, not only did he have a lot of military achievements, but even Qin Jian was killed. Li Zongbao was second only to the philanthropist on the list of merits! You are the master of the lord... Is there any credit for you?"

"This is nothing to do with Laozi!" Zhang Qingxiao said coldly. "I really don't understand. This is the old yellow calendar decades ago. Where did you turn it out?"

"The things in this world, whether it is Xiaoyu mainland, or a million Mengshan, or even the devil world, I want people to know that unless they have nothing to do, people will stay in the name of the geese, as long as they can always find it." "The sullenly said, turned to Xiaohua Road, "Do you say it, Xiaohua Xiaodaoyou?"

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua had long wanted to remove the confusion. At this time, listening to the haze, one is to tear off the confusion, cold and cold, "only the dead people in this world can not reveal the secret!" Friends are really tired!"

"You...you are Xiaohua??" The yin saw Xiaohua's true face, "Old man... seems to have seen you there!"

The haze said that it was a look at Zhang Qingxiao, and suddenly realized: "Ha ha ha, it turns out that when I was in Lingbi Villa, the Sovereign Master has already caught things in the old man! The city of the Sovereign is really deep!"

However, Zhang Qingxiao's figure is slightly moving, has begun to wrap around the other side of the haze, and Xiaohua is the corner!

"How? The Sovereign is this want to leave the old man here?" The haze is not timid, it seems that there is still a smile on the corner of his mouth, faintly said.

"Not bad!" Zhang Qingxiao said calmly. "Xiao Shidi has said very well. Only the dead can keep secrets. Do you know so much, do you want to leave from this Tianzhu Peak?"

"Ha ha ha ha ~ old man is naturally going to leave!" Happily laughed, "This day the Mozong has just been established, no master can lead how to become? The old man is the first deputy of the demon, in the absence of the sovereign, the natural It’s up to the old man to lead the demon!”

"I understand!" Zhang Qingxiao suddenly realized, "The original ... that ... that 芃 芃 芃 芃 的 的 只是 只是 只是 芃 芃 芃 芃 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔(To be continued.)

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