Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: Red fire

"呜" The mace is squatting toward Xiaohua, and the mouth is still crying. "The deity knows that you are the most embarrassed! I have been waiting here!"

Seeing that the mace is covering himself, Xiao Hua seems to be not in a hurry, but he is extremely clever and puts on the mace of the giant arm. The whole figure is facing again. Fly up on your chest...

"Oh??" Qing Yan obviously has never seen such a wonderful stick method, do not feel awkward!

"It’s at this time!" Xiao Hua saw that he was close to the 芃 芃 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , With a wave of hand, the fire of the gods is displayed at the same time. The red fire is instantly smashed into a network by Xiao Hua. It is not awake by the **** or the celebration. The body of nearly five feet is wrapped in the whole body!

Xiao Hua runs out of 50% of the mana, and this is the only way to use the fire to trap the huge body of the cum!

"Red...flame really fire!!!" and the ugly face showed an extreme shock, and his abdomen's celebration was also staying!

Xiao Hua can answer them at all, the precise fire is smashed in succession, and the fire network shrinks rapidly!

"吱吱~" Numerous whispers are born out of the fire net, whether it is black inflammation or **** light, when it comes to the red fire, it is all gone!

At this time, cum芃 didn’t dare to say anything more, and rushed to shrink the body. However, he only shrank to about three feet and could no longer shrink. At this time, the black gas of three feet was mixed with blood. Covered by the net!

The sound of “吱吱~”, countless light black smoke rises from the contact between the fire and the black and blood. The rare screams of **** are also issued immediately!

"呜~~" is like a hurricane blowing, black gas suddenly rises, a group of black inflammation rushes out from the black gas, the fire net will suddenly rush out a few feet high, and at the same time, from the black inflammation It is a dark brown blood spurting on the fire net, and the fire network of the fire is faint.

"Ha ha ha ~" With a sneer, a blood shadow rushed out of the black inflammation, and instantly rushed through the fire network. Although it crossed the fire network. The blood of the blood shadow suddenly flashed and was ignited by the fire. However, immediately after the blood and blood spurted out, the fire was actually extinguished. However, this blood shadow is extremely thin at this time!

Seeing this blood shadow rushed to Zhang Qingxiao, who had gradually begun to manifest human figures. Xiao Hua immediately understood the plan of cum!

"Go!" The **** of the Buddha's relic. Put a hand, the water bottle in the hand, "pour ~" with the Buddha's seal. The innocent water rushed to the Buddha's relics as if it were hanging upside down, and suddenly rushed the blood out of a crack. The innocent water was rushing around Zhang Qingxiao, and he was all around. live!

"Xuan... Xuan Mingzheng water???" The blood shadow stayed in the air, and it was an incredible voice. "How come...how are these treasures...all in your hands?"

"Oh, not good!" Xiao Hua heard that it was a clear voice. He immediately knew the plan and hurriedly looked at the fire net. But at this moment, he was black, and an arrogant voice was born in his mind. "Haha, little bug...you, how is the enemy of the deity?哎哟...you...how is your mudball palace sealed?"

"Good~" Where will Xiao Hua answer him? Not waiting for the other actions of the 芃 , , , , , 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧The blood shadow of the formation is completely shrouded!

"Grandma's!!! You...what are you?? You... are you still a monk? You...how do you still have a soul??" 芃 芃 急 急 , , , 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃 芃Calculating for a long time is just falling into the trap of Xiao Hua!

He... He is not as good as it was to kill Xiaohua in the morning! ! !

"Hey, I want to rely on this half-baked soul to try to leave the deity?" The **** shadow of the 芃 还是 is still struggling, and the soul of Xiao Hua is really not the opponent of this blood shadow, the same, Qingyi The blood shadow is also like a streamer to help out...

"Xiaohuang~" Xiao Hua sneered, and the heart shouted into the space. "There is a beautiful meal outside!"

"Oh..." Xiao Huang's figure is a space, a kind of fear from the heart is born from the mouth of the cum. "The devil is on... the deity... This deity is the demon god? This... This...this seems to be listening?"

Xiao Huang saw two blood shadows, the eyes were bright, and the big tail was shaken. It was the rushing over!

"嗡~~" The blood shadows of the 芃 and Qing dynasty rushed to the blood, and the whole **** hole began to tremble madly. Numerous huge blood palms were born above the hole and caught the little yellow!

"Hey~" Xiao Huang sighed and seemed to be afraid!

"At this time, do you want to fight the trapped beast? And see how Xiaoye destroys you!" Xiao Hua sneered, Buddha relics urging congenital water, and quickly became a huge space in the left, all things It is wrapped inside.

"You have a **** hole, Xiaoye has real water space!" Xiao Hua sneered, facing the little ecliptic, "Go, eat them!"

Xiao Huang once again twirled his tail, and he flew toward the shadow of the blood. The sound of "哼", from the nostrils, has spewed a silver-white brilliance...

芃 芃 and Qing 煊 this time is really a ghost! Although the blood outside the real water does not rush into the blood, some places have penetrated into the blood, but the brilliance of Xiao Huang has covered the blood of two people, a kind of innate fear, an irresistible force has been imprisoned. Both demons will have all the magical powers.

"Wait a minute..." At this moment, a cold voice rang from the side.

Xiao Hua looked up, it was Zhang Qingxiao who was flashing in the body. Although Zhang Qingxiao did not completely transform the adult shape, the entire upper part has been restored.

Xiao Hua frowned, he still can't figure out if this is Zhang Qingxiao or Di Luo! Coldly asked: "What do you want to do?"

"Without him! Laozi wants to swallow this cum!" Zhang Qingxiao is also cold and cold. "This is just a distraction of cum, only the strength of **** 芃 30%, you killed him today, **** will definitely Knowing that he will also rush to the three countries of comprehension, at that time, you are not his opponent! I have swallowed this distraction, not only can eliminate the ban on Laozi, but also let Laozi evolve and become a demon! The choice of Emperor Luo as his own mount is to see the infinite evolution of the Diluo!"

Xiao Hua looked at Zhang Qingxiao and wondered if he should believe him!

However, the blood of the innocent water has already rushed in, and he has no time or judgment!

"Xiaohuang, wait a minute!" Xiao Hua told me that Xiao Huang will stop and Xiaohua will be cold and cold. "If you are Zhang Qingxiao, Xiaoye can naturally let you swallow, but if you are Dilu, Xiaoye How can you make it happen?"

"Believe it or not!" Zhang Qingxiao has always been disdainful.

"Go!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and agreed.

Zhang Qingxiao's four-footed micro-motion is next to Xiaohuang. It is also somewhat fearful to look at Xiao Huang. He will have a mouth and a **** light on the shadow of the cum...

"Ha ha ha ~ a good emperor..." 芃 芃 芃 ! !!

Unfortunately, his laughter has never sounded. Xiao Hua is sneer: "If it was before, Xiaoye couldn't trust the second brother. Now you have this anti-counter, Xiaoye can trust him! The devil is the devil!!"

"Ah??" 芃 芃 芃 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙 拙

The threat of **** is not finished, the blood is to cover him, "吼", Zhang Qingxiao is to swallow him!

Immediately, but seeing Zhang Qingxiao's **** glory, he was completely covered, and the bloodshot that forcibly infiltrated the innate water was suddenly stopped!

"You can taste it!" Xiao Hua faintly told Xiao Huang.

"吼" Xiao Huang was overjoyed, and the nose sucked, and Qing was swallowed into the belly!

"Every" Xiao Huang seems to have been full of a long, stretched a long stretch, "thank you mother!"

"Xiaohuang, you still have to cultivate a lot!" Thinking of the fear of Xiao Huang, Xiao Hua frowned. "The enemies that the mother will encounter will become more and more powerful. You can only protect the mothers by practicing!" ”

Upon hearing the "protection of the mother" Xiao Huang's eyes lit up, he said: "The baby knows, the baby must go back and practice well!"

"Well, this is the good boy of the mother!" Xiao Hua did not know how Xiao Huang practiced. Just praise it and send it back to the space.

Waiting for Xiao Huang to go back, Xiao Hua glanced around, and the innocent water formed a myriad of vortexes to block the surrounding, not clear about the outside situation.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua urged the Buddha relics to open a narrow gap in the innocent water. God walked through carefully, but seeing the real water, it was the original blood hole.

At this time, the walls of the **** cave that had calmed down, the early stretched out, like the blood of the claws and claws, solidified in the air, although they are no longer raging, they can not retreat, these **** , the whole space is full, it looks very strange!

The cave is still closed, and there is no sky and snow falling. Only the **** brilliance reflects the space!

"It’s finally over!” Xiao Hua saw this quiet space, and felt relieved, urging the Buddha relic to collect the innocent water.

Then, Xiao Hua waited a little and took the Buddha's relic, which was already bleak, into the body!

Look at the entire space, the only thing that is swaying is Zhang Qingxiao’s **** body like a cocoon! This **** blood is like a breath, and the rapid undulations, the **** brilliance from time to time, like a swaying lamp, the brilliance lingers around, with the blood of the four walls! (To be continued.)

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