Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1492: Reappear emergency

"That Xiaohua is a disciple of Yu Leizong. It can be used for thunder.... It is not a problem..." Knowing that Gao Dazhuang did not see Xiao Hua’s sword, even the grass was relieved, and he said with a sigh of relief. .

However, Qi Peng suddenly became awake, and hurriedly said: "You...you said Xiaohua's Thunderbolt... I can't even see you?"

"Yes! If it is a simple Thunder, Gao is still so scared?" The eyes of the tall and powerful eyes flashed a glimmer of color. "Gao can make a chest to the Qigu Lord to guarantee that this horror Phoenix Xiaohua... It’s the nameless name of Yu Leizong!!!”

"How...how is it possible?" Even the first jump of the grass will rise. "No name, but Yuan Ying, he has already returned to Yu Leizong..."

Speaking of this, even the grass seems to think of something, his face changed again, and he looked at Qi Peng with a horrible look!

At this time, Qi Peng, who got the news of Gao Da Zhuang, is almost a fool!

He has the same thoughts as the grass!

Yes, if Xiao Hua is nameless, then... these two faces and images are completely different from the monks who are actually the same person! Then... Xiao Hua, who is wearing a sword and sword, isn’t it possible to become a swordsman of any sword in the sword field?

Although the sword of the sword may not be transformed, but... Since Xiao Hua can morph the face, how could it not be illusory?

This... This is too ridiculous and too horrible? ? ?

In the face of such an adversary, such an incarnation is innumerable, and the strength is almost equal to Yuan Ying and Hua Jian. It is said that the whole sword is not destroyed by him. The swordsman of the sword field has thousands, but who can really be him. The enemy? ?

"Think about it! This is the monk who is repaired by Yuan Ying!" Gao Dazhuang is almost fortunate. "I just didn't kill me in one fell swoop. I am so lucky!"

"Hey, how is it possible!" Qi Peng said coldly. "You don't want to think about it. If Xiaohua is nameless, how could he let me go? Then again, even Jianyou had a fight with Xiaohua. How did he feel that this Xiaohua could not be a Yuanying monk?"

"Yes!" The response has been slowed down for half a shot. Even the grass immediately wakes up and hurriedly said, "If he is a Yuanying monk, how can he compare with a certain force? Only one spell will kill me." What? How can you just hear Xiaohua’s thunderous technique and he is just a name?”

"But...but..." Gao Zhuang was a little anxious. He really thought of the nameless reputation when he heard the thunder, but even at this time, even Xiaocai said that he was somewhat inaccurate.

"Hey, Gao Jianyou, what you said is some truth, but... it is really too far-fetched. If you are so arrogant, you are not based on it... I am afraid that the sword master will feel that I am afraid, or defeated. This is a messy obituary. Is it inappropriate?" Qi Peng thought for a sigh. "It’s better for me to wait for a little negotiation, find a reliable, powerful sword who can definitely live in the scene, and not face to face. How to explain in front of a group of teachers?"

"Yes, it should be like this!" Gao Dazhuang also had no idea, and hurriedly applauded.

At this time, there are dozens of swords in the north, and there are dozens of swords and swords. There are also three swords and three swords, which are attracted by Qi Peng’s previous distress signal!

"Let's go~" Qi Peng didn't have a sigh of excuses. He took Gao Da Zhuang and even the grass, but he was passing by here. He actually encountered such a conspiracy. This is definitely a must, but how to marry him? Ming, who is clear to you is a problem!

Xiao Hua, who is in the thunder, is in a very happy mood. Although he struggles with the grass, he has exhausted his strength, but it has made his heart less depressed. The power of Ling Ling Yuanguang proves him again. It is still the strength to kill the magic sword, not the powerlessness like him in the **** hole!

"Perhaps only killing... can really enhance the strength!" Xiao Hua also believes that Xiao Mao and Li Zongbao have participated in the war.

Xiao Hua is refreshing, but he did not expect that he actually revealed the flaws in front of Qi Peng, even Xiao Cao and Gao Da Zhuang, so that this is mysterious and unnamed has the handle that has been exposed, although this handle is still some If you sway, you can handle the handle. As long as some people see it, it will eventually turn this handle into a fact!

However, this is not the most serious. These are the suspicions of Shu Jian’s sword repair. Even if they know that Xiao Hua is nameless, it can only increase the horror. Only on the name of the horror phoenix has been loud. Plus a heavy stroke! Relative to these, the things that happened in the Sky City at this time... are enough to make Xiao Hua hit the dust and be killed by Yuan Ying!

In the Sky City, in the city's main house, there is a hint of coldness on the face of the snowy realm. It is sitting on the futon, and the head is still standing in front of Fang Lengbe and Jin Yu.

As usual, the two Jindan disciples closed their mouths, their eyes were always on the ground, and they did not dare to look up! Because they know that the snowy real people at this time, although the face is calm, but the heart has already turned over the river, if they say it is not good, afraid that it will immediately attract a disaster.

"Oh..." I don't know how long it took. The snowy real people were cold and scared, and Jinyin and Fang were cold, and they looked at each other. They knew each other and couldn’t help but hurriedly asked: "The owner Adult, you are old... What is this? Didn’t you have a feast in the city’s government to extend the teachers of the various factions? On the table, the teachers have highly evaluated my city, how... how to return to the house, the master of the city So angry?"

"Hey~ a bunch of people, bullying me to the Sky City too!" As the snowy real people roared, but seeing him in the palm of his hand is in the void, "呜~" a whistling wind, like a hurricane blowing, then " A loud bang of Peng, a white burst in the void, countless waves rushing out, scattered to the four walls, Jin Jin and Fang Leng, these Jin Dan disciples are standing in the air and unstable, "Dangdang "There was a few steps back, and it was difficult to stand."

However, at this time, the faces of the two men were relaxed. After all, the real people in the snowy area had anger, and they also clarified the roots of anger. They should be innocent.

Sure enough, I listened to the real snowy voice of the snowy area: "The old man hosted a banquet in the city's main government, and they actually regarded themselves as the masters of this patrol city!"

"Cold, don't you say... How much did the Sky City invest in this war? How many disciples have been damaged?"

In the face of the sudden questioning of the real people in the snowy area, the party was cold, but immediately replied: "The main adult of the city, the direct and indirect damage of the Sky City is really huge, and the Lingshi does not say, several Lingshi veins. They were all taken away by the sword. Even if they won it, the inner stone of the inner stone has long since disappeared. It has been abandoned! The spiritual stone is worth hundreds of millions!"

"What the disciple can say is the loss of my disciples in the Sky City!!!" said Fang Leng, who hates it. "In the past ten years, my disciples who lost in the Sky City have a total of 138,906. People! Among them, Jin Dan disciple..."

Don't wait for the party to stop talking, the snowy real people hear the horrible figure is fire again: "Hey, how many disciples do I have in the Sky City! A Taoist war will die so much! And these are in those What is the eye of the man? You... The Sky City stands in the north of the Xi State, and it is the pioneer of the Taoist National Road! The role of your Sky City is the model of my Taoist dynasty! It is exactly what I learned when I was studying the Three Kingdoms!"

"This sounds like the old man feels really ridiculous! Can I be praised by the Sky City?" The snowy field is really angry. "In addition to such a sentence, the whole banquet, a group of Yuan Yingfu One, one praises one, one says that this battle is excellent, and one says another martial art is brave! He...what are they when I am in the Sky City?"

Fang Lengbei and Jin Min bowed their heads and their eyes narrowed slightly. They could hear that the words just now are what Shang Huazong’s Xun Yunzi said. He only used the Sky City as a chess piece of Shang Huazong, a fortress, and the condescending Praising really makes them listen badly!

"Look at Yu Leizong again, isn't that the Jindan disciple who called Qianmo blew himself? Actually, they are so brave and brave! Even plan to be unparalleled in the world!" Speaking of the real spirit of Yu Leizong Snowland is not to fight As soon as they came out, "they deliberately set up a large array of swords in the sword field. The ten parties are all out of the big squad. There is no such thing as saying hello to the old man! This is... who is guarding against it? It is against the old man! I am guarding my Sky City! The murderer of my Sky City is also falling in the Sword Wars. Which one has it been mentioned?"

"Against! What do you know about the shit? There is no reason to talk about it in the hall of the council. You can make some jokes that make people laugh! What do you know about the marching? The swordsmanship is not all me. Does Tu Hong of the Sky City think about it?"

"噗" is another burst of the emptiness of the void, scared Jin Hao and Fang Leng not shrinking the neck again, not to mention, the real population of the snow domain refers to Tu Hong, and also refers to "Xiao Hua", "Hi Xiao Lei's Xiao Hua for the sake of his own private assassination of Jin Dan disciple does not say, actually still robbed me of the merits of the Sky City! Royal Lei Zong, Royal Leizong, really shameless!"

"No wonder the Thunder did not dare to come to the Sky City, no wonder I came to my Sky City and dare not enter the gates of my Sky City! They are really ghosts!"

Hearing here, Fang Leng did not resist the panic, whispered: "The master of the city, in fact, just above the banquet, you should always directly poke the face of the imperial concubine of Yu Leizong, called Xiao Hua to confront the quality!"

"Hey, what do you know!" The snowy real people screamed coldly. "Yu Leizong doing this kind of thing must be aimed at my Sky City. It must be to expand the power in the northern part of the country! How can they leave flaws, even if The old man proposed in person, the dry thunder is not there, can you recognize the real person? Didn’t see the madman, grandma’s, but just stepped on the baby, the nose is on the top of the head, can he answer the old man’s words? The old man said it... not enough for the old man to lose face!!"

"Actually... the city owner does not use this. As long as he is in the name of rewarding meritorious service, he will enter Xiaohua into the Sky City!" Jin Hao saw the party cold, and he could not stand up, hurried. Introduction.

"Do you think the old man didn't want to say it?" The snowy real people squinted at the two people. It seemed that the air in the heart was a little bit more. It was said, "The old man just opened his mouth, and the madness is a great tribute to how the disciples of Yu Leizong are brave. It seems that in addition to his Royal Leizong, don't send disciples to the rabble! Even... even ask the old man Xiao Hua's whereabouts! It seems that Xiao Hua is not the patrol city is the responsibility of my Sky City!"

"Yes, the subordinates and other people also heard..." Kim said in a hurry. "The Heping people of the Lele sect praised Li Zongbao, Xiao Mao and Xiao Hua, and said that the three men must be the rising stars of the three countries. If it is the next kendo war, it must be three people in the hall of the council!"

"Really" Fang Leng also said, "The Yixuan real person and Jie Qiong fairy who teaches the geese are even more savvy than their own Xiao Mao. If it is Heping, it is very popular..."

"Heping is the head of the bliss, how can you get a general knowledge of them!" said the snowy real people. "The Yingzhuo fairy who teaches this geese has always been a woman who is not afraid of big things. It has always been Love to join in the fun, I don’t know how suddenly I can’t close this time? It’s hard to break through!” (To be continued.

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