Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1527: See also escape

"Boom~" Xiao Hua just flew out of the imprisonment, as if a mountain beam fell within the icy lake, and it seems that countless fireballs burst into the ice lake, and the sword shadow flashed over ten feet. The water wave was picked up, and a half-acre space was born in the icy lake. Within this space, Xue Mingcha was like a camel's body, and it seemed that she was always there, and she was still there. The existence of her sword body, all the water is arranged.

"Good insurance!" Xiao Hua is not aware of the sword's incomparable sword potential. After all, the water of the ice lake of half acre is arranged, not only by the sword and the sword, but also by the kendo. It is not that Xiao Hua has just touched the half-hanger of the edge of the sword. If he can stay in this sword for a long time, it will play a vital role in his footsteps. Unfortunately, this effect is as light as a feather!

Xiao Hua’s heart was lucky, and his body shape was strange. With the water waves and air currents picked up by Xue Mingcha, he quickly rushed out of the water, but after listening to a thunderous thunder, Xiao Hua had already rushed out a dozen feet. More than...

"Where to go~" A sharp sword-sounding sound rang behind Xiaohua's body. After a virtual flash of sword shadow, a long and half-flying flying sword rose to the sky, and the glimpse of chasing Xiaohua, the sword The speed of the movie is extremely fast, and it seems that it is no worse than Xiaohua’s Royal Thunder!

"I am going to die!" Xiao Hua saw Xue Ming tea chasing after the end, from his own is just one after the other, his Royal Thunder actually accounted for less than half of the silk cheap, do not feel the soul flying outside, where dare to think more Half silk, desperate to mobilize dragons and heavens. While absorbing the aura of the heavens and the earth, it ignites the real elements in Jindan, and uses the method of Thunder to rush forward!

As mentioned above, when it comes to escape, Xiao Hua is really experienced. However, Xiaohua did not dare to let the silence close, and could only open a distance of several tens of miles. This time, Xue Mingcha, a product of Shanghuajian, and Xiao Hua’s hard hit, can still retreat. He is also proud of it! special. Just after flying half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua did not hesitate to turn the direction, the angle of the strange, changing suddenly. At once, Xue Ming tea will be able to get out of the house. Waiting for Xue Ming tea to turn the direction is to chase. Xiao Hua has already flown hundreds of feet and more!

In the next half day, Xiao Hua turned many times and rushed into the sky numerous times. Rushed into the ground, and even ventured into the bottom of the water, just want to get rid of Xue Ming tea.

It is a pity that Xue Ming tea is different from the quiet person. She only keeps the sword type. Whether it is in the air, underground or in the water, there are no taboos and no influence from the environment!

"Grandma's, this swordsman is really powerful!" Xiao Hua tossed for a long time, the sloshing in his mind gradually disappeared, the feeling of disgusting retching is also missing, seeing that although he can not escape the pursuit of Xue Ming tea, but also not see Xue Mingcha attacked, and he had no life danger for the time being. This brain melon began to think again. "The little Thunder has been able to chase after the thunder of my Royal Lei Zong. Actually, she can't get rid of her. What about an infant monk? Not to mention it! If you really run into this embarrassment, you can’t end up with a slap in the face?”

"However, if I say it again, Xiaoye is only a few hundred feet away from this. If she has the heart to kill... the previous sword, I am afraid that Xiaoye can still not eat it at this time?"

At the same time that Xiao Hua’s heart is secretly surprised, Xue Mingcha’s heart is even more depressed!

In fact, Xiao Hua’s thoughts are not all right! Although the flying sword of Jian Xiu flies very fast, far surpassing the same monk of the same strength, if it is compared with the thunder of Yu Leizong, there are still some gaps. The ordinary swords and swords may not necessarily Chasing Xiaohua! This Xueming tea has a special speed because of flying swords, so the speed of flying is also faster than that of ordinary swordsmen. This is one of the reasons why she has chased Xiaohua in a thousand miles! But she did not expect that Xiaohua's Thunder is so powerful, even if she is fully urging Jianyuan, she can't catch up with half a step!

Now I want to come. Xiaohua’s previous fall on the iceberg is not because he can’t escape, but waiting for her. This kind of waiting is for the purpose of keeping the escape of the other three Zhuji monks, which is consistent with Xiao’s move. - Xiao Hua wants to kill himself.

Thinking of Xiao Hua’s desire to kill himself as a swordsman of this kind of sword, Xue Ming tea is sneer in the heart. If there is no repair in the middle of the Yuan Ying, it is impossible to break the defense of her sword. Otherwise, nothing can be said. Wound! Just a short fight, Xue Mingcha has already proved the strength of Xiao Hua, but it is the cultivation of Yuan Ying in the early days, far from being his own rival!

However, even if Xiao Hua is not the opponent of Xue Mingcha, Xue Ming tea wants to kill Xiao Hua, just like Xiao Hua wants to kill Xue Ming tea... It can only be an idea, but it can't be realized!

Of course, Xiao Hua kills Xue Ming tea, which is more than enough; but Xue Ming tea wants to kill Xiao Hua is more than enough, more power, but ... the timing is not enough!

Yes, Xue Mingcha is following Xiao Hua’s body. Shen Shen also locks Xiao Hua, but her sword element has been fully motivated. Nearly 80% of them are invested in Feijian’s flight. The remaining Jianyuan can even When attacking, Xue Mingcha understands that if she wants to launch an attack, her flight speed must be slowed down. In this slowing process, Xiao Hua must fly far away.

Moreover, whether Xue Mingcha's attack can work, she is not in her heart, did not see the previous hard hit, and there is a very confident blow behind Xue Mingcha, have they been escaped by Xiao Hua?

At this time, Xue Mingcha relied on his own body, Jian Yuan Yuan Chao Xiaohua, she waited for the loss of the real yuan in Xiao Hua, waiting for the real yuan to dry up, Jin Dan was unable to provide mana, Xiao Hua's flight speed slowed down, also It is the moment of Xiao Hua’s commandment!

This idea is naturally a wise move for such high-ranking swordsmen as Xue Mingcha, even for the quiet people of the year! However, in the early days of Yuan Ying’s retreat, real people could not catch Xiao Hua for decades. At this time, Xue Ming tea is OK?

It was like a headless fly that flew for a few days, and Xiao Hua’s heart gradually became generous. He also understands the difficulty of Xue Mingcha. As for himself... there is a heaven and earth aura introduced by the heavens, and there is a refinery and reiki of the dragon, and even, without urging the Jindan of Dantian, but taking the medicinal herbs And Lingcao, Xiao Hua can support this Thunder! Moreover, these crazy urging exercises are also a test for Xiao Hua's new creations. For Xiao Hua, another set of meridians that are not fully mature is also a kind of temper!

Xiao Hua even thought that this will go with Xue Mingcha, and wait until his realm of Jindan is completely stable and then escape.

However, considering the concern of Hongxia Fairy, Xiao Hua decided to take a risk, first to get rid of Xue Ming tea, and then go to the place where the red xia fairy is in advance!

It was a half-day flight, and there was another ice lake in front of it. This icy lake is very similar to the previous icy lake, and the blue waves on the lake surface are very few, even the icebergs are very few, Xiaohua’s heart is moving, suddenly it is To the blue wave!

These tricks Xiao Hua did not use it in the past few days. Then Xue Ming tea **** read a move, and did not go through the brain. The flying sword was also transferred, chasing down the ice lake!

A loud bang of "Boom", Xiao Hua rushed into the clear water, and suddenly the ice water picked up more than a few feet, the water wave rushed into the air, swaying a string of water droplets, the water droplets reflected in the clear day of colorful brilliance .

It’s just that Xue Mingcha didn’t take into account the beauty of this moment. The Jianguang flashed and suddenly rushed into the clear water...

However, she just entered the water wave, even the water wave has not fallen, the gods of Xue Ming tea suddenly disappeared, and the sign of the lock of Xiao Hua is also disappeared! It seems that Xiao Hua has never appeared in general!

Xue Ming tea was shocked, and hurriedly released the mind to search again!

However, her god's thoughts just swept out ten feet immediately and it didn't feel good! Because in her mind, this near is not just ice water, but... there are many things that are inexplicable, or mountains, or scenery, or inexplicable monks, or countless swordsmen... ...

"Not good!" Xue Mingcha did not know where he fell into Xiao Hua's calculations. He rushed to take back the gods. However, she thought of this retracement, and the infinite scenery flashed out like her. God thoughts are extended forward in general! Not what she thought of recycling!

"Broken ~" Xue Mingcha did not dare to hesitate, hurriedly cast a secret surgery, but felt a sharp pain in his mind, the sweeping **** thought has been cut off by her!

At this time, the number of clear waters that Xiao Hua picked up has fallen, but the space inside Xue Ming tea's body is covered by a thin, flap-like congenital water!

"Oh..." Xue Mingcha did not reveal the flesh. The whole body of the sword made a thunder. It was obviously anger. The sword light flashed, and a sword and mans rushed into the congenital water with an angry sword! Xue Ming tea is actually fighting the damage of the sword and also destroying this innocent water!

The sound of "Boom", the first innocent fruit was rushed out of a flaw by Xue Mingcha, and the real water fell on the blade, and it was extremely fast corrosion like a stab sword. In an instant, there were some places where Jianhua was annihilated!

However, not only in this, the gap between the true drops of water, a faint ignorance of the fire is also revealed, falling in the silk of the sword!

"There is a silk..." The sound is also extremely small, and the swordsmanship is actually ignited by the fire...

"Damn!" Xue Ming tea spurred Jian Yuan, trying to resist the erosion of the congenital water for Jianguang, then the gods were swept out, and I have already seen Xiao Hua have flown out a few miles away! (To be continued.)

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