Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1541: alertness

This Danfang is divided into six products, the main medicines of each product are similar, except that the age of the main drug and the weight of each main drug are somewhat different. However, when it comes to the drug, it is very different. The most important thing is that Jiuxia also writes the reasons for these differences extremely clearly!

It is not so much a Danying of Feiyingdan, it is better to say that this is a simple Danfang analysis!

"Thank you~" Xiao Hua looked up and whispered.

"嘻嘻~" Nine summers whispered, "I also thank you, this is all ready-made! I just showed it to you! And this Dan has no refining method, it is useless to take it with others. Of course, you can use this Dan, but you can't pass Dan Dan! Otherwise... the consequences are conceited!"

"Well, I have my own size!" Xiao Hua naturally knows the importance of this Danfang. I am afraid that it is a secret biography of Jiuxia Shimen. It is good to refine this Feiyingdan. Where can I dare to leak?

"I believe in you!" Nine summer nodded, and took out a storage bag, "This is the material I collected in my early years, you take it!"

"Don't!" Xiao Hua hurriedly waved. "I still have to look at it! Many of the things you use in Dan's side are things I have never seen before! I still need to ask you..."

"Alright!" Jiuxia Shantou thought for a moment, said, "I don't know if I know it, Xiaohua, you can walk very far!"

Then, Xiao Hua will be inspired by the Stars array, and they will write the array of the Stars array in the three jade slips, throwing two to Li Zongbao and Xiao Mao, blocking the mouths of the two. The last one was handed to Jiu Xia.

So, the four people kept one place and realized the jade.

The Danfang of Feiyingdan is extremely detailed, but it is also very strange, because there is blood in this Danfang!

Before I got Dan Fang before, Jiu Xia had already said the blood! Xiao Hua did not care, even he thought he was listening. When he first got the jade slip, he looked at it and most of them were spirit grass. And the name and shape of the grass. Some spirit grasses have different names, but they look at the shape. There is also space in it. This blood is ignored by him.

Waiting for him to really start watching from a product. This was discovered. Just after the main medicine. There is a kind of blood in each product, and the name of each blood is different!

"Grandma's ~" Xiao Hua suddenly realized some enlightenment, "This flying shadow Dan ... afraid of using the blood as a guide. Inspire the blood of the monk, can generate the body of the body! This ... this is the real family The secret you want!"

"Nine summers ~" Xiao Hua opened his eyes and whispered, "Is the blood in this shadow shadow Dan, can it be used after quenching?"

"Of course!" Nine Summers nodded of course, "How can the unquanted blood be used? You are Dan, you don't know why!"

But then, Jiu Xia suddenly stunned, and some stunned, "It's hard... you don't know how to quench your blood?"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, but he knew how to quench his blood, but... I don’t know that there is also quenching blood in alchemy.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua said: "I will be tempered, but I don't know if it is the same as the quenching you said!"

Jiuxia shook his head: "I only know how to quench blood, how specific... I don't know!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua helpless, had to die as a living horse doctor, the left and right are quenching, the magical world of blood purification should be able to use it!

For most of the day, Xiao Hua and Jiu Xia are almost not idle, and Dan Dan, who is flying shadow Dan, finally feels thorough! It is said that Xiao Hua’s technique of alchemy has been excellent, and he is well aware of the spirit grass that should be used. After all, the spirit grass in Dan’s side is somewhat different from the grass he knows. He has to ask one by one, even There are a small number of Lingcao, Xiaohua himself does not, and Jiuxia did not collect. According to the records in Dan Fang, Xiao Hua found a similar grass from his own space, and discussed the efficacy of this grass with Jiu Xia!

Not to mention, Jiuxia knows very little about the blood, and it has some accomplishments for Lingcao. It is also beneficial to discuss with Xiaohua. In the past half day, Xiao Hua not only has a thorough understanding of this Dan, but also for the cultivation of some grasses. And refining is also a new understanding.

"It’s really alive to learn old!" Xiao Hua sighed, as if the words of Jiu Xia opened a new door to alchemy, "This Xiaoyu mainland's comprehension... is really unfathomable! ”

It’s half a day, Xiao Hua took the spirit grass and the blood collected in the nine summers, compared the Danfang, and the grass in his own space, and collected six materials used in the refining of Feiyingdan. The storage bag was returned to the nine summers.

In the nine summers, I saw the spirit grass and the blood that I had barely moved. My heart was very surprised. However, her face was calm and she did not say anything in her mouth, as if everything was under her calculations.

After collecting the storage bag, Nine Summer asked: "You are ready! Is it alchemy on the flying boat? The difference between the medicinal herbs, you also found the reason?"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. In the past few days, when he was referring to Dan Fang, he was also thinking about the difference between the earliest Qidan and later refining the medicinal herbs. He even thought about the difference between Chundan and Yan Dan. .

Huichun Dan and Yan Yan Dan can also understand, after all, one is refining with the power of Tianlei, one is the refining of ordinary techniques! That day, the power of Lei was the reason for Huichun Dan to rejuvenate; but the unique reason of Qi Dan, Xiao Hua thought before and after all are puzzled! It seems... no different! Until the end, Xiao Hua recalled the details of his alchemy one by one. This is a bit of a look. When refining the shackles, he is keeping himself next to the Dan furnace. When refining other medicinal herbs, he is not completely Stay by the Dan furnace and even leave Dongfu to go anywhere else!

"Maybe because I have a good character, beside the Dan furnace, can Dan medicine be finished?" Xiao Hua can only smear his face like this!

At this time, Jiu Xia asked, he naturally can not tell the reason, just look at the surrounding road: "On the fly boat, naturally can not refine the medicinal herbs, the movement is too big, delay your cultivation! I still find a cave! As for inside I have some thoughts about the difference, I can only try it!"

"You have a drop of spirit in every product... Is it going to refine one of every product?" asked Jiu Xia.

"You can only become a Dan every time?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Oh? Can you still make two remedies?" Nine summers are puzzled.

"Oh, I understand! You are the weight of a flying shadow Dan in this Dan Fang!" Xiao Hua stunned.

"That is!" Nine summer nodded. "If you can refine two flying shadows at a time, this sun should come out from the west!"

"Ha ha ha, if you use two drops of blood, it is natural!" Xiao Hua smiled.

"You can only use a drop of blood!" Jiu Xia nodded seriously. "Can you temper two drops of blood at a time?"

"This..." Xiao Hua was surprised. He once tempered nine drops of blood, but he did not know whether his method of quenching was the same as that described by Jiu Xia.

"You first try to reproduce a product of Feiyingdan!" Jiuxia smiled. "If the refining fails, it will not be tight. If you don't enter the product, you can use it!"

Xiao Hua knows that Feiying Dan, who does not enter the product, is the one that does not need the blood of the spirit. It can only help the red glow fairy to restore and repair the body, and can not achieve the effect of breaking the back.

"For the red glow, I will also make this product fly the shadow of Dan refining success!" Xiao Hua looked at the still comatose Hongxia fairy firmly said.

In fact, when I was taking 梧楬丹, Xiao Hua wanted to wake up the red radish fairy, but Jiu Xia insisted not to let it go. He said that after taking the medicinal herbs, he could not wake up. The longer he was sleeping, the longer he was, and it was also beneficial to the recovery of the body.

Xiao Hua did not quite understand the meaning of this, but still obeyed the arrangement of the nine summers.

"I believe in you!" Jiu Xia smiled and nodded, as if to restore the girl who is all in the chest.

Among the valleys, there are still low caves. Xiao Hua found one in a far distance. After he got into it, he took a hand and took a few shots. He watched the gradual exaggeration of the caves. Xiao Hua is free to take a hand and prepare to take out the three-legged Suzaku phoenix furnace...

But at this time, Xiao Hua suddenly stunned, and the back of the back oozes a stretch of cold sweat, eyes looking at the front of the cockroaches, a burst of horror...

"I... What's wrong with me?" Xiao Hua couldn't help but ask himself in his heart. "This nine summers... so supernatural, it is mysterious, I... I seem to be extremely alert to her!" This has just been made for a dozen days, I... I actually revealed the secret of myself... in front of her eyes! These... these things are not known to the masters and masters! How do I... maybe Trust her like this? Almost unreserved and everything that I know is well-received?"

Yes, since meeting with Jiu Xia, Xiao Hua was somewhat alert at the beginning. Gradually, these warnings are disappearing. Not to mention the beauty of Jiuxia, that is the kind of beauty of Jiuxia. Deeply printed into the heart of Xiao Hua, I only regard Jiuxia as a person I trust! Not to mention Xiao Hua's own Thunder's technique, it is the nightmare and the Lushan Mountain, that is, the Lingling Yuanguang, that is, the Tengyi cuts are all exposed in front of the Nine Summers! There is also the technique of alchemy, the technique of making a character, is not clearly seen by the nine summers!

Even the spirits of the starry array, Xiao Hua almost did not hesitate to answer in the moment of the opening of the nine summers! This is even more incredible for Xiao Hua, who has always been stingy!

Looking back now, Xiao Hua actually wants to refine the flying shadow Dan in the face of the nine summers, and actually took it out!

Everything seems to be uncontrolled by Xiao Hua, and it seems to be mastered by Jiu Xia.

If it is a while, will Jiuxia observe the Xiaohua alchemy?

Does Xiao Hua agree or disagree? (To be continued.)

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