Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1565: Sing

"咕咕~" The weird temperament was born from the mouth of the souls such as Wu Lao, and their soul devices were once again neatly slashed, dozens of huge beams of light rushed to the sky, but this time the direction was Ji Full instead of the worm.

"嗡~" All the beams of light hit Ji Man, which were absorbed by the full-fledged green essays and rapidly rotated to form a huge ball of light.

This light ball is the color of dark green, and the soul of the blue sky is overflowing everywhere!

Although the Ascaris in the sky is slow, but it is gradually approaching. After the formation of Ji Guang’s bodyball, the worms are densely packed and have already flown into the ball before the countless worms. Move, form a different pattern, really like a weird giant face, smirking and pounce on the ball of light.

"呜~" A great shock, Ji Guang’s light ball rushed out and turned into a light curtain of hundreds of feet. The light curtain spread to the high-altitude worm, and each thin light seemed to kill. The sword, pierced the worm that covers the sun!

A nearly a thousand feet of space is born out of the tide of the knotworm!

"Good!" Xiao Mao saw it, could not help but beat the knot!

Then look at the souls and the natives above the square are also jumping, it seems that has won.

However, they are not allowed to be excited for a while. The remaining A. sinensis not only did not disperse, but the offensive was even more fierce. The worms in the vicinity of the gap were almost three points faster than the tides. Fill!

The revealed skylight soon disappeared again, and the entire village was dark again.

The sound of the noise of the "咕咕嘎嘎" native began to grow. Obviously, this situation exceeded their expectations. It was feared that when the previous fireflies attacked the village, it was defeated by Ji Man and Wu Lao.

Looking at the sky above, Ji Man was unable to stumble on the back of the soul beast. It seems that there is no strength. The soul beast under her body is also exhausted, and it is quite unsatisfactory to sway the wings.

At this time, the infested worms had already reached the head of Ji Man’s head. I don't know if these beetles have intelligence, or because they are surging too fast and too numerous. There are thousands of worms that have been squeezed out of the insects. Straight to the Ji Man.

This is obviously beyond the imagination of Ji Man, she did not pay attention at all, she only saw when the old man shouted. At this time, it is obviously too late. Many of the worms have already rushed to her front.

Ji Man did not think about it. Without hesitation, he jumped from the soul beast. Her soul beast, which was not so powerful, was immediately surrounded by the worm.

When the eyes are full, Xiao Mao still stands, and the mana is surging. The figure is flying fast. However, he was only flying on the ten-footer. The old-fashioned beast of Wu’s old man screamed and rushed to Jiman, and it was just under the physique of Ji Man, the already weak and full of Ji Man. Wu old caught.

Xiao Mao hesitated slightly, it was about to fly, and Xiao Hua’s voice sounded next to him. “Let’s go, let’s see!”

"Yes, big brother!" Xiao Mao should have a voice, followed by Xiao Hua, flying in the air.

"Lord~" Wu Lao saw Xiao Maofei, and his face showed a bitter smile. "It’s all incompetent, and the Lord is worried! Let the Lord reveal the repair!"

"No problem!" Xiao Mao does not care. "Those things are urgent, where can you care for so much? The people of Yi are the people of the people, and the repair of the Auntie is nothing!"

Then, Xiao Mao looked at Ji Man and said: "How is Ji Man now?"

But seeing Ji Man, although his face is white like paper, he doesn't want to use the Yun Teng rain on the same day to exhaust the essence. She whispers: "Thank you for the Lord's memory, you can rest for a while! However, this It’s already the limit that you can do. The Lord still avoids it first!”

Said, Ji Man suddenly violently shakes his body, such as spring water, from the mouth and nose.

"This is..." Xiao Mao was shocked. He didn't wait for him to ask, and a whistling sound came from high altitude.

Xiao Mao and Xiao Hua hurriedly looked up, but after seeing the soul beast covered by the worms, they screamed again, and the wings stopped moving, and the whole body fell from high altitude.

The horror is that the soul beast that has died is falling to the left of Xiao Hua and others. The meat on the body of the soul beast has been reduced a lot. Many places are exposed with white bones, waiting for the corpse to fall with the eyes of Xiao Hua and others. On the ground, the corpse has become a perfect bone!

The whereabouts of the corpse have long been waiting for the soul beast and the soul, and the green light is everywhere. These worms are destroyed one by one, and some natives in the near world are inevitably hurt by the worm!

"Hey~ Lord!" Wu Lao whispered, "You have seen it all the time! This is a lot of insects, it is not something that can be resisted by the Majesty and others! The Lord is still weak now. Avoiding is the best policy!"

"Women~" Xiao Mao is still a little lucky. He asks, "Which weakness can this beetle have? Is it difficult? There is no law of restraint? And... this is a worm." Zhai left to grow up! Is it impossible to kill it before it becomes a worm?"

"Good teacher knows!" Wu Lao knows that Xiao Mao is not dying, look at Ji Man who has passed out, and smiles bitterly. "This is a natural worm, there is a weakness. If the Lord is a great man, you can use the extravagant ratio. The power of the great gods, these worms are not to be said! But if the soul of the Lord is not successful, nothing can resist this worm!"

Then, Wu Lao looked up and looked at the impenes of the worm, saying: "This worm is a grass worm, and it is grassy after midnight. It will not become a worm until noon the next day. It was not terrible at the time, and it was often the food I waited for! Even after the adult worms were moving in the clear sunrise, occasionally the group attacked the witch village, it was not a climate, I just waited until midnight, everything will disappear! Nowadays... Because of the drought, this insect has turned into a dead branch after the grass, and it is extremely powerful to wait for the worm again. Of course, as the Lord sees, the dead branches of these worms can also produce fruit. It’s the food I wait for! I can’t kill them all!”

"The previous worms have had numerous attacks on the village, but under the attack of Ji Man, all of them are scattered! Even if they don't wait for this trick, they are defeated. Who knows why so many today? The attack is so fierce!"

"Now it seems that I can't wait until midnight to kill these grassworms! It is also the reason to ask the Lord to avoid, as long as it is midnight, everything will disappear, and my village is still the same as before!"

Xiao Mao knows that Wu Lao said that he is not fake, but he also understands that the natives of the village are afraid that they will not be able to adhere to the midnight, and they must become the food in this section of the insect!

"What did you say before... What is the cause of the attack on the stag beetle?" Xiao Mao thought for a moment.

"This..." Wu Lao is hesitant, look at Xiao Huadao, "This matter can not be for outsiders, but also for the Lord to understand!"

"This is the big brother of 朕 朕 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Wu Lao still hesitated, but Xiao Hua waved: "Wu old does not say anything! However, Wu Lao just had a sentence, there is some puzzled, please please!"

"Please tell me!" Seeing Xiao Hua does not force himself to ask himself, Wu Lao's face is loose, look at the impending worm, and rush.

"Wooden old said, why did this one-day insect only come out to attack the village on a clear day? Can they not come out when it is cloudy?" Xiao Huaqi said.

"Oh, yes!" said the old man, "These worms are both cordyceps, most afraid of rain and moisture. If it is a rainy day, even if they are insects, they are weak. Where will they come out? Not to mention the attack! Your Excellency is the Lord's... Old knowledge, please take the safety of the Lord as a priority! Please also advise the Lord to avoid it!"

"Ha ha ha! Don't have to hide!" Xiao Hua laughed and said, "This will help you drive the worms! But before that, you have to answer the next question!"

"Ah? You...you please speak!" Wu Lao almost couldn't believe it! This overwhelming stag beetle... He is helpless, can there be any way for this monk's monk?

"Big Brother, can you really do it?" Xiao Mao is also ecstatic.

Xiao Hua ignored Xiao Mao’s eyes and stared at Ji Man. He said, “What did Ji Man sing at the height of the sky? How can she sing it?”

"Oh, this!" Wu Lao thought that Xiao Hua would ask what, but he did not feel relieved and said, "This is the curse used by my descendants of the 12 gods of Mengshan. Almost all Ji Man will sing! What special needs you! You should also want to sing! But as far as I know, only I am waiting for the people of Mengshan, and only a few women can sing! The monks of Taozong... can’t be sung!”

"The following people sing differently from this!" Xiao Hua was disappointed in his heart and said with a finger.

"Well, they are also using the curse, but it is a kind of instinct to sing, not the same as the use of Ji Man! You still die this heart! Previously I have mixed in a lot of monks in the village. And the swordsman, although I am not defending them, but they are impossible to practice the soul!" Wu Lao seems to understand Xiao Hua's thoughts, simply with him through the bottom.

"Oh, I’m afraid of it!" Xiao Hua understands that this is related to the blood. He is not a descendant of the twelve great gods, and certainly cannot sing their witches.

"Hello... If there is any means, please show it!" Wu Lao reminded, "If it doesn't work, there is still a chance to avoid it!"

"Ha ha ha, good! Then let you look at the means of your home!" Xiao Hua, La Xiaomao, flew straight into the sky, secretly gave him something, and said a few words to him.

Ps: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday are all three, and the time is still 15:00 (not to be continued.)

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