Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1596: Confusion

Xiao Hua didn't kill the night rain, and hurriedly looked back, but when I saw the drought, I didn't know when I had caught up with the people who were less than two miles away!

Although it is two miles, most of the ghosts that Xiao Hua and others have left before disappeared. The green light was also defeated by the heat waves of the drought, and hundreds of chasing souls and soul beasts dare not approach this. Drought and flood, as for the thick Yan who wanted to kill Li Zongbao and Hongxia Fairy, the look on his face is extremely ugly. The ghosts he swayed are still struggling in the heat wave, but they look like ghosts. I am afraid of this masculine drought!

However, all this is nothing. What makes Xiao Hua most uncomfortable is that it is pursuing his own drought and drought. Now his eyes are looking at Xiao Mao. Xiao Mao seems to be imprisoned by something. Shooting the Japanese arrow, but in addition to the exclamation of the body, now you can't move!

Even the dozens of souls who were besieged next to Li Zongbao, nowadays have turned into blossoming blood flowers, slowly falling in the air! Obviously it is the cause of drought and drought far away from two miles away!

"Bad~" Xiao Hua immediately understood, "This drought has been in Xiaomao! I am afraid I will take him to be Mrs. Zhaizhai!!"

Thinking, Xiao Hua glanced at the evil, and looked at Xiao Mao himself. He had already smeared oil under his feet, and he urged the night rain of Jianguang to turn his hand to the yin and yang swords. Yuan Guang immediately flew out, wandering around Xiao Mao, wanting to lift the power of imprisoning Xiao Mao!

I know, the blue-red sword light flashed, Xiao Mao still can't move, as if there is no imprisonment at all!

"哎哟~" Just at this time, Hongxia Fairy screamed and couldn't help but hold his forehead with his hand.

When Xiao Hua saw it, he hurriedly shouted: "Don't let go of God~"

His words just finished. A general feeling of fire is born again. Xiao Hua looks at the drowning that is very close. It is extremely helpless to cover the Haiyin and Yinyang swords. It only leaves the nightmare and the mountain to swim in its own. whole body.

"How can this be good?" Waiting for Xiao Hua is also a good move, and can't hit anything. Xiao Hua is in a hurry! The means of this drought is really strange, he does not know how to deal with it.

Just when Xiao Hua was unable to do anything, the thick-eyed face of the distant face, slightly biting his teeth, looked at the place where the night rain rushed to escape, and pointed the stick. The ghost head immediately fell under his feet, and the ghost screamed, and Yan Yan was also a fast escape. He didn't want to stay here for a moment!

Xiao Hua squinted slightly and saw that Hou Yan also ran away, but he could not take care of it!

And just in this moment. The change was born again, and Xiao Mao’s figure suddenly rushed toward the drought, and the speed of the flight was extremely fast!

"How did this become..." Xiao Hua was shocked and stunned, and the technique of the wind was displayed. It was all over to Xiao Mao's side. He did not hesitate to wave his hand and show his skills in the sleeves. It is necessary to bring Xiao Mao into the space!

At this time, Xiao Mao’s figure suddenly disappeared, and Xiao Hua’s sleeves were actually empty!

"This..." Xiao Hua Wei Wei, do not know whether he will Xiaomao income space, and at this time, the incomparable heat suddenly swelled, Xiao Hua heart rose, as if the whole body must burst!

However, this feeling is fleeting, and the whole left is immediately refreshed!

Look at the distance again. The droughts and floods that have been approached before... are also gone!

At this time, even if Xiao Hua does not look at his own space, how can he not know that Xiao Mao will be left by the drought?

However, Xiao Hua still cautiously took a look at the space. There is no Xiao Mao's figure inside...

"Xiao Lang..."

"Xiao Shidi..." The voices of Hongxia Fairy and Li Zongbao were issued at the same time. The two men were a little dazed and looked like they were still busy. They were suddenly dead and silent. Now they suddenly have a quiet silence. They don’t see the scene of the fourth person. I don’t know what to say. What?

"Where ~" Xiao Hua will slightly open his left hand and quickly look at it. He has been in a direction in the distance. "Fast chase..."

"Go~" Li Zongbao and Hongxia Fairy naturally don't know that Xiao Hua's eyes saw a bright red in the distance. They looked at each other and both spurred the mana and followed Xiaohua in that direction...

Xiao Hua has always been open-minded, and did not dare to go away, lest one accidentally lost the trail of droughts and floods, and Li Zongbao and Hongxia Fairy knew that Xiao Hua had no sense of direction, while watching the direction with Xiao Hua, while paying attention to the direction !

However, Xiao Hua’s Thunder is so fast, where is Li Zongbao and Hongxia Fairy able to catch up? Only a moment later, Xiao Hua’s figure disappeared in the eyes of the two, and Li Zongbao and Hongxia Fairy had to release the gods! Fortunately, with the shape of the drought and flood, the heat of burning and burning is also disappearing, and the two of them can still see Xiao Hua.

I saw that Xiao Hua is not a straight track, but a left and right side, it is like a search for people to hide and seek. It’s also a good thing in Xiaohua’s thunder, and it can be changed in time. direction!

However, it is obvious that even now Li Zongbao and Hongxia Fairy can use the mind to catch up with Xiao Hua, and the speed of Xiao Hua can be rushed out of the scope of God's thoughts sooner or later!

Hongxia Fairy has some bitter smiles. Turning his head to look at Li Zongbao, Li Zongbao’s face is faint, but there is obviously a redness in his eyes. “Go with Xiao’s younger brother!” Li Zongbao’s hand in the hands of Xian Xian whip, “Xiao Mao’s body now At a dangerous situation, Xiao Shidi can't help but save. There is a phoenix in your place, and there is still a singer whip in the place. It is not dangerous at the moment!"

"Well~" Hongxia fairy knows that Li Zongbao said it is reasonable, but my heart is also awkward! Not to mention that she had seen a lot of ghosts before, so she was really frightened, that is, the drought can burn the mind, can separate the means of taking Xiao Mao away, and let her worry about Xiao Hua!

Sure enough, but for a long time, Xiao Hua is out of the two gods, and then find no trace!

Li Zongbao did not dare to go in other directions, only to chase after Xiaohua’s disappearance...

Xiao Hua naturally knows the shackles of Li Zongbao and Hongxia Fairy, but he really can't do both. His gods have been badly hit, not only dare not let out, but also the discomfort of the bursts from the Buddha's relic. He can only release the Buddha's knowledge, but he can't see the traces of the drought and flood in the Buddha's knowledge. At this time, the Buddha's knowledge can only keep track of the traces of Hongxia Fairy and Li Zongbao, and he can only trace the distance with the eye. Vaguely bright red.

It is said that Xiao Hua’s Thunder has been extremely fast. It has already surpassed many droughts and floods earlier, but now it is strange. After chasing for a long time, it is impossible to get close to the group of bright red! It seems that... the previous droughts and droughts did not take Xiaohua seriously!

And the bright red in front of the head has always been shadows, if there is nothing, even from time to time to hide, so Xiaohua did not dare to care about, where to distinguish the direction? Only to the bright red is the end of the chase!

After catching up for more than half a day, I saw that the surrounding scenery changed greatly. The original ridiculousness gradually disappeared, and large pieces of grass began to appear. Of course, these trees also showed extreme yellowness, all on the verge of death and death! The mountain peaks are also more and more steep. Between the mountains and the mountains, the more obvious gullies are formed. The deep pits must be the previous water pools and currents. In the same way, a lot of millet plants are falling on the ground, some are more than one foot high, and some are only one inch long. These millet plants have no heading, and they are no different from the yellow and yellow plants!

If it is a day, Xiao Hua may scatter the miliary, but now his body shape is like a thunder and lightning, and there is no such thing as this!

Even so, after Xiao Hua’s figure crossed a gully, he suddenly stopped. The thunder of the whole body did not stop, and even suddenly made a big fuss. He flew straight forward for hundreds of feet and came again. Another place for the gully!

Immediately, Xiao Hua’s entire body was like a headless fly, flying in the square! Even, several times, Xiao Hua’s figure is broken into the ravine!

However, straightforward tossing a meal, Xiao Hua suddenly stopped in the air, the eyes of the rapid turn, want to find something here!

Yes, just now, the bright red that has been shadowing has suddenly disappeared here, and there is no sign of disappearing. Xiao Hua has been looking for a long time here. Within the eyes of the law, there is no such thing in the knowledge of Buddha. Traces, there is no imprint of the fire, it seems that the drought has never been here!

Until then, how did Xiao Hua not know that he had already chased the droughts and floods, and the droughts and floods were calmly smashed in front of his eyes! Even, Xiao Hua’s heart has some faint feelings, the so-called bright red... It’s not a matter of drought and drought.

But what is Xiao Hua able to say now? He has been flying for a long time, not only has not caught up with Xiao Mao, but also Hongxia Fairy and Li Zongbao behind him are gone!

"Ah~~~" Xiao Hua yelled at the sky, it is really awesome!

However, the voice echoed in the distance, there are many echoes, and each echo seems to be the ridicule of Xiaoshan by the mountains.

"Right, how did Xiao Ye forget it!" Suddenly, Xiao Hua thought of the fire in the storage bag.

Without thinking, Xiao Hua will take a shot and take the fire out of the storage bag!

At this time, the fire is just wearing a crown, it is very shocking to look at the left and right, that look, it is the appearance of the monkey and the crown! Waiting for the fire to see Xiao Hua, both eyes are red, the face of the evil and evil is revealed, the flames above the hands do not hesitate to give birth, toward Xiaohua will attack!

"哼~" Xiao Hua sneered, pointing his hand and talking in the mouth.

"吼吼吼~~" The sun and the moon above the top of the fire smashed the glory of the day, gradually tightening, and the incomparable pain was born from the forehead of the fire. The pain was both biting and heart-wrenching. It is the essence of the fire! The fire screamed and tumbling on the ground, crushing rocks and other things! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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