Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1602: Master

“Oh~” Zi Ming nodded slightly. “It’s easier said than done. It’s hard to do it! It’s a lot of knowledge, but I’ve never found a solution. I’m here to find 轲沁Master, the reason is also here!"

"Actually, Zi Ming still hurry to find Xiao Mao!" Xiao Hua is ready to point out, "He has the ability to solve this big problem!"

"Oh? Is it??" Zi Ming was awkward, and then she suddenly realized that "Yes, the luxury is not in charge of the sky than the great god? Xiao Mao has extravagance than the blood of the great god, there must be a way!"

Thinking, Zi Ming is looking back, smiled bitterly: "The niece of the whole body has not been chased, the previous orders have been passed down, and now I am waiting!"

"Oh, I am afraid that it can only be like this!" If it is midnight, Xiao Hua would not hesitate to hand over the seed to the midnight. After that, Xiao Ming is not a midnight, and Xiao Hua is really afraid that it will affect Xiao Mao.

"Turn to the other side!" Look at the night and take a look at one direction. "Flying more than 20 miles is a beautiful high platform. The flying boat stops there!"

Xiao Hua sees that the near left is almost the same scenery, and he feels in his heart, he can't think of what he is going to turn here!

After flying for a while, I saw a mountain like a high platform, but this mountain has no trace of beauty, except that the whole mountain is a jade color, from a distance it looks like a large piece of Lingshi, Xiao Hua again I can't think of anything surprising about it.

The flying boat landed on the peak of the high platform, and the entire peak was one mile in size, and the flatness was abnormal. It’s like a giant axe cut, no extra stone!

Naturally, there is no trace of such a flat peak. At this time, even the vegetation is gone!

Seeing the incomprehensibility of Xiao Hua and others, Zi Ming laughed; "This is the welcome table, all the people who meet the masters of the ,, are waiting here, waiting for the arrangement of the master!"

"Welcome Taiwan?" Xiao Hua was a bit stunned. "I actually used this peak to make a welcoming station? This master...the real big hand!"

"Yeah, the master of the monk often said. Take the heavens and the earth as the furnace. With the fire of the eternal life, you can refine the device of the world~" said the child's face, said.

"The heavens and the earth can be a furnace, but the life is never a fire!" Xiao Hua listened. Just not happy. Said faintly. "This technique of refining is a blood sacrifice!!!"

"Hey, Xiao Gongzi, I am afraid that the tempering of Mengshan is different from the refining device of your Taoist school!" "I won't say that until you have seen the master's refining technique!"

"Maybe~" Xiao Hua jumped off the top of the boat and looked at the left side and replied.

"Sister is here to find the master refiner?" Hongxia fairy also flew down and asked.

"Oh, that's it!" Zi Ming sighed. "This matter is very important to the whole body, and ... it matters a lot, and can't be leaked, so I don't dare to say anything to you, until I get the master. Everything will be clear!"

"Okay~" Hongxia fairy saw the child is very heavy, and did not dare to ask, with Ziming sitting on the mountain peak.

Li Zongbao accepted the flying clouds and took a look at Xiao Hua. He also sat down.

The faint hot wind blew from time to time, the sun is just like a fireball hanging in the air, the direct sunlight, not only on the four people, but also through the reflection of the mountain to reflect the entire peak. Sitting on top of the four people is like sitting in the fire. Although Xiao Hua and others are monks, it will take a long time, and the state of mind is also somewhat lost!

Nonsense, sitting straight for half a day, the sun is turned into a sunset, no one will be too calm, right?

Xiao Hua sneaked into the sun and sneaked into the sun, slowly repairing the mind, and looking around, just want to see where the so-called 轲沁 master appeared.

Seeing the rising of the moon, the stars flashed, and a long figure walked to the eyes of everyone under the moonlight.

But seeing this figure is a slightly fat old man. The old man's face is hidden in the darkness. The white hair must be flashing in the moonlight. The footsteps are very steady and the sound is very rhythmic.

Seeing this old man in the near future, Zi Ming quickly got up and said: "Dare to ask Master Qing, Master can be in the valley?"

"The villain is the master of the master, you can't be a master, you can only call a green singer!" What makes Xiao Hua and others very surprised is that the old man's tone is very cold, "Master has orders, You are the noble person of the Houtu Village, and you are holding the witchcraft. You don't have to wait here, you can enter the valley yourself!"

After that, I don’t wait for the child to return, and then turn away, just as steady and the same rhythm as when I came.

"Hey, this master's style is not small!" Xiao Hua secretly thought.

Look at Zi Ming, there is no slight discomfort on his face, whispering to Xiao Hua: "Xiao Gongzi, snoring, and seeing the masters with you!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua's low voice.

Zi Ming heard, slightly stunned, and immediately a smile appeared from the corner of his mouth.

Once again, Xiaohua’s expectation, with Ziming’s arrival at the edge of the Welcome Desk, is a step that leads directly to the foot of the mountain. This step is one level after another, as if the end is not visible, the blue that just appeared Go to the foot of the mountain at one step!

"This step is the master's hand-made chisel!" Zi Ming's face is respectful and whispered. "So all the people who come to visit the masters must walk down the valley from this step to show the master. Respect!"

"Cut ~" Xiao Hua is a little sneer, secretly, "I am afraid that it is a famous guy! I am worried that people will rush into it and find a ladder here. It’s the first thing to win, and the other is to grow your face!”

As the saying goes, the peers are the family, and Xiao Hua has never seen the master of the refiner, and he is somewhat speechless to the master.

This step is really very long. Xiao Hua and others went straight for an hour before they came to the foot of the mountain. Then they saw that the step was stretched into the darkness and reached into the valley below the foot of the mountain!

"Grandma's, is there anything wrong!" asked Xiao Hua, "How long is it from the foot of the mountain to the bottom of the valley?"

"Xiao Gongzi Mo Ji!" Zi Ming whispered, "There is still half an hour! The last time I saw the master used it for a half hour!"

"This is not a waste of time!" Xiaohua said coldly. "It’s just a direct flight from the mountain! This is the so-called master... the shelf is too big!"

"Zongzi!" Zi Ming did not mean to complain. "Master knows the meaning of the whole body, can personally meet the whole body... It is already very satisfying! Maybe this time... really hopeful! ”

If Zi Ming is a Taoist monk, Xiao Hua has already asked, but unfortunately Xiao Hua does not understand the refining of the Horcrux. Of course, he will not say anything, he can only pout and express his disdain.

The welcoming station in the day is very hot, and the deep valley of the shadow is cold, and if the sound of the same pine is coming into Xiaohua’s ear, the coldness of the bursts blows up from the bottom! This voice Xiaohua is very familiar. It is the cold wind that blows through the dry treetops in the winter. At this time, the vegetation of millions of Mengshan is dry, the leaves are long gone, and the cold wind is shaking. And only the branches that plugged into the night sky.

I don't know when it happened. A lamp shines in the depths of the valley. The light is small, which makes people feel warm. It seems that there is a goal, and there is hope in the heart.

When I got close, I walked down the steps. Just a few feet away from the steps, I was standing with an old man dressed in soapy clothes. The lights were fired from the candlesticks held by the old man. The lights were small. It is true that the face of the old man is clearly seen!

Sure enough, it was not unexpected that Xiao Hua’s expectation, the old man’s face showed fierceness, not only the deep knife wound on his face, but also the ear that was cut off would be reminiscent of many! However, this is not the most surprised Xiaohua. It is the height of this old man who is attracted by Xiao Hua’s eyes!

This old man is only three feet more than enough, respectfully standing next to him is more than twice as tall as him!

However, Zi Ming did not lose respect because of the height of the old man. He ran quickly from the top of the steps and said to him: "Zi Ming has seen the master!"

"Quirks!" Xiao Hua was a bit strange. He thought that Zi Ming would worship on the ground with millions of Mengshan ceremonies, but it was unexpected that the courtesy of the Ming Dynasty was similar to that of the Taoist monks.

"Zi Ming is the noble person of Houtu Village. How can I make this gift? Please pick up!" The voice of Master Zong is very strange. Some of the husky is a bit sharp, and he stretches out his hand and smiles.

"Don't dare, the master is a senior, the son is a younger generation, dare not respectful!" Ziming took up with the master's hand, and immediately pointed to Xiaohua and other humanities, "This is... ...The few old deities of the younger generations were the monks of the Taoist priests. They were met on the way to the younger generation. They happened to have something to do, so the younger generation brought them over..."

"Oh, no problem!" said the master, laughing and laughing. "There are guests all over the place. I don’t know the guests when I am old. It’s really a long way to meet! Sin, sin!"

"The younger generation has seen the masters!" Hongxia Fairy and others did not dare to neglect, rushed to see the ceremony, and notified the name.

Xiao Hua looked at the master and looked at it with the two.

It’s the opposite of the 悦 轲沁 轲沁 , , , , , , , , , 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青!

Immediately, four people, including Zi Ming, were brought into the cave by the master.

This cave is similar to the Taoist monk Dongfu, except that it is decorated with white bones, rattan, etc. The walls are also filled with some large oil lamps, and there is no ordinary Minghua stone. (To be continued.)

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