Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1616: dead

Xiao Hua looked at the red glow fairy, the faint blood red on the white face, it looked quite strange, an unspeakable wild flash from the dark red!

"Silk~" Xiao Hua took a breath of cold, frowned slightly, and took a closer look. It was discovered that the face of Hongxia Fairy was very calm, and the look in his eyes was also indifferent, but it was the blood red color. It was only in the black scorpion that this illusion came into being.

Even Xiao Hua looks at Zi Ming again, it is also general.

"In addition to the sacrifice night of the great **** of the earth, what role does this month have to cry?" Xiao Hua asked in a slight movement.

"This..." Zi Ming added hesitation and said, "The ancient saying is that this month's weeping is the **** of the great earth god. Under the blood, it is not a grudge to check the Mengshan. Wipe the blood wash. I will choose a lot of rituals in the back of the village to be held at the time of the night! Even if the body lights of the whole body are to be lit at this time, it will be easy to get the blessings of the great gods, even Don't use the old man!"

"Well, my sister said this, I also thought of the ghost festival of my Taoist priest!" Hongxia fairy inserted. "On the day of the ghost festival, the door of the nine secluded opens, the hundred ghosts travel to the mountains, everything avoids 讳~"

Zi Ming listened, and some were displeased. You can look at Xiao Hua and say nothing. After a while, he said: "When the **** of the earth is opened, it is also the time when the big gods open their arms. If you can invest in the embrace of the great **** of the earth, you will surely gain the mercy of the great gods of the earth. Keeping the sons of these mountains and mountains will not be destroyed. The day of reincarnation will still retain the memory of this life..."

"Oh?" Xiao Hua Wei Wei, Qi Dao, "This... This is not like my Taoist... Condensation treasure is somewhat similar?"

"What is the condensed treasure?" Zi Ming is puzzled.

After Xiao Hua explained, Zi Ming smiled and said: "The condensation of the treasures is the work of the Gong and other things. My Mongolian people are left with all the memories. Therefore, some old souls, perceive If you don’t have much life, you will sort out your clothes and wait for the night of the great gods. So that you can return to the embrace of the great gods in peace and peace, waiting to keep all memories and reincarnate in the future!"

"Sister, this festival night is not necessarily for ten years, is it not necessarily? Isn't that white prepared?" Hongxia fairy smiled.

"Oh, yeah, where are the things that are so close?" Zi Ming also laughed. "According to the witchcraft. Can really meet, there is no one in the middle! Of course, as the saying goes, there is nothing to worry about!" If any one has the grace of the great god, then..."

"Hey~ I understand~" Just when Ziming explained, Xiao Hua suddenly realized. Can't help but scream!

"Xiao Gongzi?" Zi Ming looked at Xiao Hua with some surprise.

It is the Hongxia fairy who is also a big sister.

Xiao Hua’s sinister situation is rare!

"Hey Master..." Xiao Hua frowned, and some aphasiad, "He is an old man...but it is still not right!!"

"Xiao Gongzi, what the **** is going on?" Zi Ming listened to the master of the scorpion and hurriedly asked, "What happened to the master?"

“Hey. Master 说 说 萧 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补 修补Although the master did not say that Xiaohua kept secrets, Xiao Hua explained it vaguely. "The master of the sorrow is afraid that he knows that tonight is the sacrifice night of the great **** of the earth. It has already existed... the death ambition must be Return to the embrace of the great gods tonight!"

"Impossible!!" Zi Ming listened and immediately smashed the railroad. "There is no law in the festival of the great gods after the earth, and no one can know in advance that the night of the sacrifice is coming! Moreover, the master took the rejuvenation, even if it can not restore youth, it can never be tonight. Just return to the back of the earth!"

"But..." Xiao Hua naturally felt that this explanation was somewhat ridiculous, but if he wanted other reasons, he really wanted to break his scalp and couldn't think of it!

"But it~" Xiao Hua waved his hand. Said, "I don't mention it at this time!"

"No~" Zi Ming suddenly cried, "Li Gongzi, you stopped the boat. It feels a little bad!"

"What's wrong?" Li Zongbao has been driving the boat, but he listened to it. After all, the soul repair is different from the Daoist. The interpretation of this blood moon is different. He is not close to Zi Ming, or is not good. .

"Before I was twice asked to take the master, I didn't agree with the old man twice!" Zi Ming explained. "However, every time I stay in the valley for a few days, it is abnormal today, although he is an old man. Some tired, but I don't want to send me out immediately! Especially, since his old man is tired, why did he personally send me to the Welcome Desk?"

Xiao Hua is a belly of Nahan. At this time, he even nodded. If he had to worry about Xiao Mao, he would rush to find the prostitute of Zi Ming. He would never easily come out of the valley!

"And, I felt that the prostitutes had never come to find out because they had encountered droughts and floods..." Zi Ming continued. "You can think about it now. If they encounter droughts and floods, they will be in the first place." Sending a message, even if they are all harmed by droughts and floods, they will definitely be aware of them..."

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked and thought about it carefully. It was so.

"It is a matter of fact, you can't go back to the valley, and carefully calculate with the masters..." Zi Ming said, "you still need to use the sorcerer's soul device to find the place where the prostitutes are!"

"Brother, fast... go back!" Xiao Hua nodded, and he also gave birth to a bad feeling in his heart. I don't know if it was because of the strangeness of the master, or the moonlight of this blood, but since the master of the 对He is so, he will inevitably report to the spring.

"Good~" Li Zongbao said that he had transferred the flying boat and flew to the place under the **** moon.

Just before the flying boat, hundreds of miles, the same is also a **** piece, within a cave, is standing a dozen of natives dressed in weird costumes, these natives’ faces are covered, only revealing two Eyes.

In the innermost part of the cave, there are nine straight people standing in black. These people are wrapped in black clothes, and they can't see any face at all. They can't see whether they are souls or natives.

The cave is covered with black mist, just in the black mist, under the **** moonlight, a sinuous water surface is revealing a looming orange-red spot, this spot Slowly moving, then suddenly stopped, and then it faded again...

"叽咕叽咕~" It was the face of this fog that an indigenous person hurriedly waved a soul-like device in his hand, and then recited a spell in his mouth. As a green light fell, the spot was clear again.

"Hey, how... how turned?" A hoarse voice was very alarming.

"Oh... oh, the Lord, subordinates... I don't know! Maybe... because it happened to be the night of the sacrifice, the subordinate souls failed?" The natives hurriedly argued, "Or she found it bad... ..."

"Nothing~" Waiting for the natives to finish the words, the hoarse voice will sway and tell, "Wherever she went, she is dead and dead! If she returns... she will die." Go faster! Go..."

With the same disguise of the body of the main body out of the cave, a dozen natives quickly followed, and after the Turkish people left, the nine black talents set off, the weird thing is that these nine people are stepping together, neatly, Although they were covered with black cloth, they easily walked out of the cave...

Like the night of blood... Gradually gone, the moon like the snow slowly came, and if the same time came to wake up, when the flying boat was far away from the refining hole, Xiao Hua could not endure. Living to release the Buddha’s knowledge, seeing the situation on the welcome desk, and everything in the valley, he... finally understood the meaning of the master’s words, and finally understood why the master invited him to observe his repair. The soul lamp, at the same time, finally understands that the master has given his own clothes to his own pains and helplessness.

"Hey master...how?" Ziming may have a soul, but she obviously knows that she is better than Xiao Hua. She is always watching Xiao Hua’s look. Seeing Xiao Hua’s brow, she immediately asked. .

"Zi Ming..." Xiao Hua didn't know how to explain it. He only sighed and said, "Hey, look at it yourself!"

Xiao Hua’s sigh, he has said everything that is said, and the child’s heart is cold, and the beriberi bites on the lips! There was a hint of cool color in the eyes.

You can see it from a long distance. Under the moonlight that has fallen down, a small body squats and slantes down on the welcoming platform. Around the body, there are also several corpses, and these corpses. There is no blood in the left, and those who are pale in the snow, after the reflection of the welcoming platform, shine on the Mengshan people who have already returned to the earth after the sacrifice night, the blood on the top of the head, There are also crooked cracks on the skull and the dark holes between the cracks, which makes people look shocking.

Li Zongbao parked the flying boat in the air, not waiting for the flying boat to fall. Zi Ming was flying out of the flying boat. There was some faint white mist around his feet, and he flew to the front of the master.

"Master ~" Zi Ming sighed and fell down.

Xiao Hua’s heart is also awkward, and his body shape falls behind him.

However, seeing the masters' eyes are not eye-catching, but the eyes are not unbelief or horror. It is a calm anomaly. It seems to be an insight, a kind of image.

"This..." Look at the grief of Zi Ming, Xiao Hua is also looking around, and the other disciples are far from the detachment of the master, or face-to-face, or panic, or overwhelmed. It seems that I didn’t even think about my death...

Ps: Thanks for the reward of "Flowing water and falling flowers e", adding more to him today and tomorrow! According to the convention, it should be today's tenth, but because there is not a single word written during the Spring Festival, there are not many papers, so it is a steal, five times a day. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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