Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1677: Equally confused black

"This 厮..." Lu Ruochang hated that the roots were all itchy, biting a half-small child, only to say these two words!

"Well, go!" 绮 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶

"Yes, the disciple knows! The disciple is looking for the Fenghuang Dancer!" Lu Ruochang did not delay, and he was going to salute, and he was going to go to the flying sword, but at this time she stopped again and whispered softly. Asked, "Diko...the disciple still has a thing, don't you know if it is inappropriate?"

"But it's fine!" Chong too laughed.

"Disciples think that Xiao Hua and others are the heroes of the Taoist monks in this Daojian war. Their maiden trips, whether or not they have their own secrets or the arrangements of Taoist monks, their lives and deaths for the Taoist monks. It is important that I have previously focused on the Daojian War and the Soul Sword War, and I have not distracted them. Now that everything has been settled, it is better to reveal the news of Xiao Hua and others. The monks of the sect, for the sake of their Taoist priests, the monks will send the disciples of Jindan’s late Yuan and even the early Yuan Ying to Mengshan. I will just lay down the ambush and take the opportunity to cover up the Taoist monks!” Lu Ruochang breathed a sigh of relief. I said my calculations and watched the emptiness of the emptiness. She felt that the sword masters would surely promise her one stone and two birds.

It is a pity that Chong Taixu smiled and shook his head. He did not discuss it with the person who loved the butterfly and so on. He denied the scheme of Lu Ruochang: "Lv Shizhen, although this strategy is very good, the Taoist monk may not be able to see through. Liuyun Lake Far in the depths of my sword field, the Taoist monks will go! The focus at this time is not on Xiao Hua and others. It is on the battlefield of the Daojian War, on the Sky City. Do not take the Sky City in one day. The Taoist monk was driven away from the Sky City, and this sword war could not end in one day! This is also the reason why Xiao Hua and others rushed into my sword field when the day, the old man did not kill the life! The most important The Xiaohua is not necessarily Xiaohua. The nameless is unnamed. Who knows what this mysterious person has to me in the sword field and what is the truth about the three countries? Even if I can’t kill Xiaohua and others this time, It is absolutely impossible to let the Taoist monks notice Xiao Hua. The old man has a feeling... Can he be related to certain things?"

"Some things?" Not to mention that Lu Ruochang was awkward. It’s just that if you wait for the day, you will be puzzled.

"I forgot the death of the patrol city Tuohong!!!" Chong Taixu will hand a little, "This Tu Hong is a rare commander in the Taoist monk, when he can fight with Lu Shizhen! But who is he?" Kill it? Qin Jian but admitted it personally, he did not know! Even when Tu Hong was killed, the old man was in the Sky City, and he also saw Tu Hong, he did not recognize the old man’s sword. But the old man recognized He! He absolutely did not kill Tu Hong! Moreover, according to the old man’s knowledge, this person who killed Tu Hong... knows the method of the demon of the Mozong, and even the companion of Tu Hong’s double repair is also a disciple of Yu Leizong. ......"

Speaking of this, the rush is too empty. Smile and look at everyone.

"The younger generation understands!" Lu Ruochang once again revealed the color of awakening, nodded, "This person may be nameless! Only the nameless repair can kill Tu Hong! This is no name...not the disciple of Yu Leizong." , but the disciple of Tian Mo Zong!!"

"Hey, if he is a disciple of Tian Mo Zong. What is the purpose of his mixed into Yu Leizong? This scene is very interesting!" Chong Taixiao smiled.

The love of the butterfly is also awakened: "The unknown name is the killing of Tu Hong, the Taoist monk can be inferior in the Daojian war. The war will be chaotic, the Taoist monks can focus their attention on the war, the demon genius Kaizong Jianpai! Hey, it’s really a smashing of the oriole, and my sword field is fierce with the Taoist sect. The last profit is actually the celestial sect!"

"It is a matter of fact, even if you can't find the nameless, you can't take it or kill it. This thing has to hold on to the Taoist priest!" Chong Taixu finally said, "Let the Tian Mo Zong be in the back of the Taoist monk, and finally benefit. Isn't it like me to wait for a swordsman?"

"Yes, the younger generation understands!" Lu Ruochang was in the body, no longer dare to say more, turned and flew away.

Chong Taixu and others are naturally slightly negotiable, and they all left Cuihu. In the quiet afternoon, the water of the lake reflects the luster of the sky, and the luster is so pale on the windless lake. Compared with the blood flowing in the sword war, it must be a bit bleak, just like the green of such a green lake can not withstand the infinite blood waves between the dozens of swords!

Xiao Hua naturally still does not know that he has been completely acquainted with the sword of the sword domain, and now he is in the quiet room, looking at the black eyes of sleepy eyes, some crying and laughing. Since that day, in the ancestral home of Houtu Village, Xiaohe has been included in the pocket of the soul. Xiaohua has been hiding the green mystery because he discovered the mystery of the cultivation of the green sect. I came back from Wu Lao today and knew that I had more than 80 days of leisure and retreat. I took Xiaohei out and asked for it. But who knows, Xiao Hei has become such a look!

Xiao Hei’s appearance is very familiar, and Xiao Huang has swallowed up the soul!

Thinking of Xiao Huang, Xiao Hua’s mouth glimpsed and pulled Xiao Huang out of the space! Sure enough, Xiao Huang’s sleepy eyes were blurred, and he barely opened a small slit and closed it, as if he had a heavy weight on his eyelids! Xiao Hua did not send Xiao Huang into the space, but eagerly said in his heart: "Little black? This is Xiao Huang, do you know?"

Xiao Hei also barely opened a trace of eyelids. Some of them looked at the left eye slightly, but they just glanced at Xiao Huang. Some oysters said: "Yes, hey, this is Xiao Huang. It turns out that it is with you. together!"

"Oh, you really are black!" Xiao Hua finally confirmed, and sent Xiao Huang into the space.

"Hey? Xiao Huang went... Where?"

"I will send you to find him later!" Xiao Hua asked with a smile. "How do you know how to call Zhang Xiaohua? Why did you let the soul of the Houtu Village look for it in Laos? And... you know where you are from Come? Do you have a family? Who else is there at home?"

"Someone called this arrogant flower? You promised. And is there a thing in your hand? The little girl said it was a flying sword!" The little black eyes were closed, and there was a sentence without a reply, "Home ...What is it? What is there in the family?"

"得得~" Xiao Hua understood, this little black daring and Xiao Huang a virtue, ah, do not understand anything, they can not ask why! However, Xiao He seems to know something better than Xiao Huang. At least he knows that he is Zhang Xiaohua. At least he knows that he has a sword in his hand!

"But, wait until you raise two of them!" Xiao Hua smiled and sent Xiao Hei into the space!

Xiaohei was extremely surprised and opened his eyes to see the strangeness. However, when it saw Xiaohei, it was peace of mind, and the squatting fell down beside Xiao Huang!

The little silver that swayed between the grasses, seeing the little black screaming, scared the "sting" and jumped from the grass, drilling like the root of the grass, waiting for a while to make a sharp The sharp nose and the sneaky mouse eyes stare at the little black, I don't know what happened suddenly...what is sacred!

Sending Xiaohe into the space, Xiao Hua’s detective took out the skeleton of the soul that the Witch King sent him and the bones sent by the old Turk.

Xiao Hua first opened the soul nest, and the soul was swept away. Xiaohua was stunned when he arrived.

This soul nest doesn't look too big, but the space inside is ten times larger than the usual storage bag. Within this soul nest are a myriad of weird plants piled up. Some of these plants look like grasses, some look like dead branches and leaves, and many are simply seeds, and they don't see anything at all. In addition to these plants, there are some weird things, some look like the material of the refiner, and some look like a broken Dan furnace. In short, Xiao Hua can see the way!

"Grandma's, what does this witch mean? Really treat Xiaoye as junk?" Xiaohua was crying and sullen after the shock. "Not strange things are these! You got some bones, the bones are taken Come over? The bones in Xiaoye’s space have not been collected yet!”

However, it is obvious that Xiao Hua wants to find this bone in a million mega-mountains should be insane! There are some green essays in this bone. Of course, it is something that people can discover. So the Witch King understands how people can give these things to Xiao Hua?

"But it, nothing!" Xiao Hua has been accepting this extreme helplessness for the second time, and the soul nest is also sent into the space. At this time, those cockroaches have stopped, no longer planting and harvesting the millet, day and night, and Xiao Hua will send these cockroaches and soul nests to another remote edge in the space, so that the singularity inside the soul nest Plants, one by one, are planted on the ground. Xiao Hua’s space is already more than a thousand miles away. Although it’s far less than a million mountains, it’s more than enough to plant these things.

Of course, Xiao Hua didn't even think about it. The Witch King, who is a **** of magic, can figure out his biggest secret, but he still feels that the technique of divination like the nine summers can only know some clues. I may know that this does not belong to the space of Xiaoyu's mainland. If the Wuwang even knows this, does he still use the horoscope of the millions of Mengshan?

Arranged all of this, Xiao Hua explored the soul into the bone festival, and carefully read the contents of this green essay, and I already had a belly case for practicing this green essay! Although this green essay is not the same as the Yunyu sect's green essay "rain", even the essence of the record is very different, but after all, he has already slashed the sorcerer through the green scorpion, and practiced the practice of cloud and rain. Therefore, it is not unfamiliar to this witchcraft that does not know the effect. Just follow this record and display the green essays that make up the spell!

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