Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1689: Xiao Mao’s confusing life experience

"Hey, it's best for the old man to talk to you alone!" After the Tu Zhai old did not want to publicize Xiao Mao's affairs, after all, he was not sure what happened to the luxury.

"My 12 Wuzhai villages have always been rest and co-existence, and I have nothing to say about the extravagant villages!" The extravagant said that the old villagers had taken a Taoist monk. Even with this kind of seedlings to coerce the old man, the old man would like to ask, jealous, even the Witch King can not interfere with the housework of Twelve Villages, why are you so interested in my house? ?"

"Hey, hey, you thought so!" After the Tuzi village, the old man sneered, "The old man wanted to help you, but since you misunderstood the old man, then I am only open and honest!"

The extravagance of the old village is also a depressing anomaly at this time. The extravagance is not as good as that of the village. The blood in the village is getting weaker and thinner, and there are many forces in the village, which are internal consumption. Too much care, but also some scratching heads, especially this time, the drought in Mengshan is very serious, and thus the lead, the various forces frequently shot, not only the conflict increased, but the means is also intensified!

Extravagant than the old witch from the Witch King, immediately heard the difference between the village, there are extravagant characters than the great blood of the gods, and this person is still a monk of the Tao, and then listen, this person actually Together with the post-earth Zhaizi Ming, Wu Lao’s anger is the origin of no reason, thinking that this is the extravagant village that wants to get rid of it!

Waiting for today, after he saw the old village of Wuzhai, he actually took out the life-saving millet. And this kind of millet...Wu’s old man did not promptly sue, obviously it was the inspiration of the old Tu Zhai old man, to make it difficult at this time, to use this kind of seed to marry himself, he could not help but jump up .

"Jealous, let these little dolls go down first!" The face of the blue-colored 蓐 寨 巫 巫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫

"Good!" After the Tu Zhai old nod, turned his head, "Ji Man, Zi Ming. You waited with the back of the Tuzhai and the extravagance of the old village to go to the back of the earth hall. These silage were distributed. In addition, Let the bungee pay attention to the matter, and how to plant it, tell them about it! My Mt. Meng's miliary has always been born naturally, they really don't necessarily know how to sow!"

"All you know!" Ji Man nodded. I greeted the hundreds of witches who slowly walked out of the ancestors.

“What about these monks?” asked a young Wu Lao. "This is my rarity. They don't know witchcraft, they shouldn't stay here!"

"Lee brother and Hong Xia can leave, but ... my older brother can not leave!" Xiao Mao faces eleven witches. My heart is also imaginary, and I rushed to argue.

"Oh ???" The old Wuzong of the Xuanmuzhai heard the Xiaomao's witch language, and the eyes were bright. It was quite a weird look at the luxury than the old witch, and everyone else understood it.

The extravagant face of the old witch's face... is even more gloomy and terrible. His eyes are slightly stunned. Looking at the back of the old village, it is obvious that he has attributed the culprits of the matter to the back of the old village.

Waiting for Hongxia Fairy and Li Zongbao to leave, the whole ancestors were quiet for a while, no one spoke.

"Jealous, you don't want to explain something to the old man?"

"The old man doesn't want to explain anything!" After the Tutu village, the old man said faintly, "Look at the young man's appearance and see if there is any impression!"

"The old man has never seen him!" The extravagant answer is that the old witch and the old man replied.

"Is it similar to him? Or his ancestors?" After the Tujie Wu old brow wrinkled.

"What do you want to say? Jealousy!" The extravagance is colder than the old witch. "Do you think he is a descendant of a vulgar old man?"

This "feeling" is extravagant than the old witch.

Poor Xiao Hua, at this time, completely unable to understand, and Xiao Mao's face is also panic, and dare not say anything to him.

"Isn't he a luxury of the descendants of the village?" After the Tuzhai Wu Lao is also somewhat anxious. "Did you not hear his witch? If it is extravagant than the blood of the great god, how can he speak so fluently? Hear..."

Speaking of this, Wu Lao swept Xiao Mao, and actually turned to the luxury of the old witch.

Although the ten great old witches are standing there, they can not look at the storage bag or look at the statue of the **** of the earth behind the earth. It seems that the mind is obviously not here!

After listening to the voice of the old Tu Zhai old, the extravagant face of the old witch is obviously red, and then it is refuted a few words. After the Tuzhai Wu Lao laughed: "It seems that the old man is wrong! I thought that Xiaomou was the man! However, if he was not the one, he would have something to do with your luxury!"

"Hey, I am more expensive than the people who have a relationship with the village..." The extravagance is colder than the old witch.

"There can be such a pure **** person... I am afraid that there is absolutely nothing?" After the Tuzai Wu Lao faintly persuaded, "Now you are extravagant than the real smoke, what sword repair, what monk made with his sword field The old man sent your message? How? Is it true?"

The extravagant than the old man of the village hesitated, nodded: "Things are true, and even some of the trend of spreading, the old man killed more than 20,000 people! Thank you for this matter!"

"Twenty thousand people??" After the Tu Zhai Wu Lao was a bit stunned, "the old man did not seem to get so much information?"

"Hey, it’s all the people of the old man. How much killing the old man loves to kill!" The extravagance is a colder than the old witch. "You yourself killed 5,000 people? It’s a fifty-step laugh!" ”

"嘿嘿..." After the Tuzai Wu Lao laughed, "If this matter does not involve me, the old man can be so hot? In addition, the old witch, their goal is my Mongolian people, the communication of the previous husband I also said that I have to care about it!"

"Well, I know!" Several of the old-fashioned eyes of the old man had their own gods, and they did not have a bite to promise.

"Okay, jealous, this little doll has nothing to do with the old man..." The extravagant than the old witch seems to hate Xiao Mao and waved. "If you have nothing, the old man will return to the luxury than the village!"

"Mo rush ~" After the Tu Zhai Wu can be so simple, he let go? Look up, "Xiao Mao, the portrait inside your jade slip out to show him! Maybe he can find something!"

"Yes!" Xiao Mao bit his lip and took out the jade slip hidden in the body. He respectfully handed it to the old man.

Wu Lao faintly glanced at the jade slip on the ground, grabbed his hand, and did not pick it up at all.

Xiao Mao looked at this old Wu, who was extremely unfriendly to himself. He did not take a step back. This jade is very important to him. He must take it back.

That extravagance looked at Yu Jian than the old witch of the village, and he returned it to Xiao Mao, and said faintly: "Sorry, jealous, or let you down, this woman I don't know!"

"That's weird!" After the Tu Zhai Wu Lao is really strange, if it is a luxury than the Zhai old people do not know, how can it be extravagant people?

He turned his head and looked at Xiao Mao: "Do you have any other tokens?"

"This..." Xiao Mao's close-knit, naturally there is the jade that the mother left to him, but looking at the attitude of the extravagant than the old witch, and the kind of love that can be helped by the old villagers, he dare not take it. Come out, this is the only relic left by the mother, and he would rather not find his own life than to lose this jade! He does not want to make another mistake of Jingbocheng.

"Nothing!" Xiao Mao decisively refused.

"Oh, then there is no way!" After the Tu Zhai old man sighed, "Looks..."

"Oh, wait a minute~" Just after the old Tuzhai Wu gave up, Xiao Mao also gave up, the luxury seems to think of what the old Wu Zhai Lao, and he will stretch his hand. "Take the jade to the old man." ......"

"Yes~" Xiao Mao was overjoyed and hurriedly took the jade from his arms and handed it over.

This time, the luxury has been seen for a long time than the old witch. The brow is slightly wrinkled. After waiting for the jade, it is returned to Xiao Mao. "This female husband has some impressions!"

"She..." Xiao Mao only felt that he was dry in his mouth, and he opened his mouth and looked at the extravagance.

"The old man can tell you who she is?" The extravagant than the old witch, the old man turned his eyes, cold and cold. "But before that, you have to tell the old man, who will let you come to Mengshan? What purpose do you come to Mengshan? ?"

"No one wants the younger generation to come to Mengshan!" Xiaomao understands the meaning of the extravagant than the old witch, and laughs with laughter. "And the younger generation came to Mengshan to accompany them to their older brothers! Even...coming to Mengshan, encountering 闳Before the old Wuzong, the younger generation did not know that they had the blood of Mengshan!"

"哼~" Luxury is a colder than the old witch, where would you believe?

"Predecessors..." Xiao Mao did not care, and he made his own impressions of Yan Niang, and he said carefully with Xiao Hua and others about the millions of Mengshan. Finally, "If it was the night rain, it would kill." The younger generation, the younger generation still don’t know that they have an enemy in the extravagant village! Of course, I think... the witch in the village is afraid to make the wrong person!"

"Night rain??" Luxury is more frowning than the old man of the village, "He is a sword repaired, and I am extravagant than the wallet, with you ... what kind of complaints?"

"The younger generation doesn't know~" Xiao Mao honestly replied, "The younger generation is now confused!"

"Hey... Hey, can't you see such a simple thing?" A young man with a red face sneered. "If the old man guessed it well, this little baby's mother must be a luxury one." The unnamed woman, even you haven't noticed it. And this little baby's jealousy...should also be a swordsman. Although this little baby doesn't know the night rain, the little baby looks exactly like him, let the night rain look. I recognized the birth of this little baby! However, why should the night rain kill this baby? Is it the secret of Xiaowa’s shackles and night rains?” (To be continued.) )

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