Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1700: Forced to ask

"Anonymous predecessor..." Lu Ruochang is in the distance, and seems to know that he is not an adversary, not flying close, and only with sarcasm in his tone, said "unexpected things can not be done again and again! You Mo I thought that the swordsmen in my sword field are all fools. You have done so many things, I don’t know anyone in the sword field?"

"Hey..." Xiao Hua saw three swordsmen slowly falling down, and behind Lu Ruochang, there were dozens of swordsmen flying out, although they were not swords, but at least they were also swords. The repair of the second product, knowing that today is not easy to escape, so his face sneered, got up and flew to Hongxia fairy.

As for the Xiao Mao who just reacted, the rush has also spurred the flying clouds to fly to the two people!

"What's wrong? Don't brag??" The young swordsman stood in the air and said faintly. "On your own, you still want to kill the Yuan Ying monk? Really ridiculous! But, to be honest, although the old man Your strength is estimated, but... still a little bit of you! You actually forced the old man to turn the sword!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua's sneer did not speak.

However, the young monk still said: "It is no harm to you not to speak. It can only represent your guilty conscience. But from your speech, the old man is somewhat puzzled! I wonder if you can give the old man trouble?"

"Say..." Xiao Hua replied faintly.

"The old man knows that you are a phoenix phoenix, and you know that you are nameless. You know that you dare to kill the swordsman of the magic sword. Even the old man knows that you will be a rare bandit in the monks! But... Unexpectedly, you even dare to kill the Yuanying monks! The old man wants to ask you. Where are you... sacred?"

"Who is Laozi, you don't already know?" Although Xiaohua's face was pale, his eyes turned sharply, he still wanted to escape, but he still refused to accept the loss. He did not admit it. He said, "I am waiting for you." One is the swordsman of the three swords of the magic sword, and the three are the swordsmen of the sword. They are surrounded by four small foundations, regardless of their faces. Are you still shameless?"

"Hey. Xiaohua, do you know the face?" Lu Ruochang sneered. "If you know the face, how can you repair the Yuan Ying repairing in the foundation of the monk? Killing my countless swordsmen warriors? Now this sword Let me tell you. You...the death...the time...there is this! This is the Qin Hengshi of the virtual swords. It is the master of Qin Jian’s brother! You killed Qin with Yuan Yingxiu. Sword brother. It is the taboo of my sword field. Today Qin Heng Shibo is revenge for Qin Jian!"

Then, Lu Ruochang's fingers rushed away from the young swordsman. It is also pointing to the old man and said: "You are in the spring of the mountain, killing Ling Yunwu and Yu Yu couples and so on, and collected the swords of my sword field. Now the blood of the Lingfeng Jianmen is also the sword. The disciple of the door revenge!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sneered. "There are more swordsmen who died in Xiao’s hands. If you want to take revenge, you don’t have to register one by one. Xiaomou knows that the swords of the country are more Deceive the younger generation, this situation is not once or twice!"

"Hey~" The young female swordsman smirked, it was really swaying, and the sword on her body was almost wiped out. "The little brother is quite arrogant! The whole body is like it! It is the phoenix dance of Xuanfeng Jianpai. I heard that the horror phoenix in the Daojian War is actually Yuanying’s nameless, and the strength of the sword is long gone. Nowadays, it’s even more famous, you still have it. I am pregnant with the sword of the Nine Stars! If the younger brother is interested in my sword domain, I can help myself with the self-recommendation.

At this time, Qin Heng slightly frowned, reminding: "Feng Feng Dance, Jiuxing Ling is the secret of the Yan Jian Jian School..."

"Know that Xiao Xiaoge is willing ~" Feng Bing dance extremely charming and stunned Xiao Hua and smiled. "Isn't I afraid of what the Yan Jian Jian faction is, how can I manage it?"

"Invisible sword... Sure enough!" Xiao Hua's eyes swept over everyone, and I knew that today I was afraid that there was no life, I felt anxious, and I heard that this phoenix dance laughed so much, licking my lips and laughing. "Oh... old devil, how old are you, actually still remembering the young master? This legendary old cow eats young grass, isn't that true?"

"嘻嘻" The phoenix dance is not angry, smiles full of face, "I am an old witch, where can you be worse? You coveted the young beauty of Hongxia fairy is not the same as the old cow to eat young grass? Good Little brother, you have been from the whole body! As long as you have said the matter, you will show your identity, can you not fly with you? Uh huh... and this red glow fairy, 妾Can you be a sister when you are? Do you say that you have a few good sisters, even if there are more, you won’t care about it? You don’t like the nine-star transit? How about the eight sisters? ?"

"Hey~" Red Xia Fairy appeared flushed on his face, took a sip, and roared, "Old Devil!"

"贱人~" Feng Chou dance sneer, finger micro-bomb, an ice flower is stabbing to Hongxia fairy, Xiao Hua dare to scorn, a wave in his hand, Ruyi stick, "Peng" hits the ice, that The ice is turned into a broken mang, and it is once again rushed to the red glow fairy at the moment of the fall.

"Hey!" The phoenix that had been pinched in the hands of Hongxia Fairy hurriedly waved out, and a brilliance of five colors fell in front of her.

"噗噗噗噗~" successively sounded, the broken mans are just above the Guanghua, and the brilliance of this defense is broken in an instant.

Fortunately, those shattered swordsmen were shattered by Xiao Hua, and after the defense of the phoenix, they were able to stab the body of Hongxia Fairy, and they could not break through the brilliance of Hongxia Fairy, and they fell from midair.

"Little girl!" Feng Bing dance cold and cold, "I don't think you can stop the sword's sword, this sword is just afraid of hurting Xiao Xiaoge's heart, this is not a hot hand."

The red miracle fairy muttered a few words in the mouth. After all, there was no more noise. Obviously, she did not have the power to fight against the swordsman of the second sword.

"No name..." Qin Heng said faintly, "Feng Jianyou said that it is extremely! You are in the arms of my sword, why do you mix into the royal army of the Xi State? Are you a disciple of my swordsman? You can make the reason for the matter clear, I will never be embarrassed, or even... I will help you from it!"

"Have you seen Jian Xiu's disciple's Yuan Xiu repair? Do you have seen the disciples of Jian Xiu killing Jian Xiu?" Xiao Hua coldly said, "Moreover, Qin Jian's life, Ling Yunwu and Yu Your life... Are you waiting for it? And... the lives of these Taoist disciples..."

"Oh, it is the unnamed predecessors who have both the cultivation of Tao Zongyuan and the cultivation of my Jianjian sword. The swordsman of my sword field is so extra to you!" Lu Ruochang chuckled The channel, "A swordsman who can hold the sword of the Xiguo Royal Leizong ear is not more important than the entire Sky City?"

"Watching the Sky City?" Xiao Hua brows a pick, cold and cold, "The Sky City is afraid that it is already under the heavy guard of my Taoist disciples, you wait for the attack..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua was shocked and knew that he could not go on any more. He said that he might expose the nine summers.

"Oh? Unnamed predecessors actually know that Sky City is the target of this battle in my sword field?" Lu Ruochang is naturally a glimpse, but then laughs again, "I can see this in such a complicated battle." One point, the unnamed predecessors really got it. As a result, my sword field has to ask the unnamed predecessors to go back! Moreover, the younger generation also revealed some with the predecessors, even the Taoist monks and the predecessors generally spy on the goal of the sword domain. That Sky City... It’s the same in the hands of my sword field. There will be no any change! Well, if the seniors go back with the younger generation, maybe you can see how the warriors in my sword field have captured the Sky City!"

"Don't go..." Xiao Hua didn't believe Lu Ruochang's words. He had already passed the message to Yu Leizong. He didn't believe in such important news. Yuan Ying, the teacher of the House of Representatives, would not pay attention! Moreover, originally wanted to be one and the other, you can look at Qin Jian’s master, Ling Yunwu’s Shi Bo, all bloody, how can you back down?

"No name for the predecessors do not have to worry, my sword field is full of rivers and rivers, not only there are beast repairs, repairs, but also the soul repairing souls. On that day, the soul of the sword is placed... It is the soul of Mengshan. Naturally, this soul I also have some relationship with my sword field. Since the soul can be accommodated in the sword field, why can't the sword field be accommodated by a monk in the district?" Lu Ruochang is persuading, "Moreover, within your three countries, How many thousands of monks are attached to my sword field? There are not many unknown predecessors. Why should the seniors care?"

"Hey, I am afraid that none of those thousands of monks are Yuan Ying repairs?" Xiao Hua said coldly. "Since there is not much more, there is one less and one more! If the old man returns today, the road to repair I am afraid that it is at the end, and the old brother’s brother... can you give up?”

Xiao Hua understands that if Lv Ruochang and others are attacking themselves, Hongxia Fairy and others will have vitality; if they are surrendered, Hongxia Fairy and others will not survive!

"A little brother, can't you really not plan to die?" Feng Chuan danced and smiled. "I don't want to pity the slaves at all?"

"Old devil!" Xiao Hua snorted, not wanting to say a word.

"Things can only be done now!" The **** morning that has not been spoken has been a faint hand in the morning. "The old man said that unless he took it, he would not know his bottom. !"

Lv Ruochang is also sighing, a living unknown, the death of Xiao Hua, the value of Xiao Hua is much greater, a nameless living tiger is more useful than a demented Xiao Hua, but if you take it, you may not be able to What is the turn? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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