Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1716: Not the truth of the truth

"Good!!!" Chen Yuming couldn't help but hit the road. "Li Xianyu is a good arrogant and not proud, so a good sage!"

"Lee brother, hurry... I will tell you about the heroic deeds of these predecessors, how are they... how they are so passionate about going to death, how to hurt the Qin sword like a demon..." Cried.

Li Zongbao faintly looked at Xiao Hua. Seeing Xiao Hua with a smile, he seemed to be very satisfied with the atmosphere in the hall. He knew that he was willing to take out the battles of the monks in the Ice Valley to encourage everyone, so he said a positive face. : "Things are like this..."

Immediately, Li Zongbao told the story of the ice-cold valley to kill and paint, and Li Zongbao’s talent was first-class. As long as the Temple of the Heavenly City, the Jindan monks would be caught, let alone those monks who simply did not understand the situation. These monks heard one by one, the blood was squirting, the fists were clenched, and the face was full of fainting, as if they were killing themselves in the underwater caves of the Ice Valley.

Of course, the biggest hero in the Battle of Ice Valley is Xiao Hua, but in the mouth of Li Zongbao, Xiao Hua’s credit has been shared by himself and Xiao Mao, and even Xiao Mao’s hard work is more than himself. Therefore, a lot of attention was also transferred from Li Zongbao's body to Xiao Mao's body! However, there is no more attention and no attention.

Hongxia Fairy before going to Million Mengshan is a famous beauty, and its reputation is outside. Now she not only repairs the phoenix body into a congenital spirit, but the congenital five elements are moisturized by the inside and the table. The skin is really like a jade-like moistening; and he has the inheritance of the phoenix, the inheritance of the so-called peacock virginity. The pride is even more from the bones. The first feeling that everyone sees the red glow fairy is self-defeating. And then I want to worship, and treat the red glow fairy as a saint! How can these people not attract attention?

After Li Zongbao finished speaking, some people began to ask about Hongxia Fairy. Although the first team of Hongxia Fairy joined the Senate Hall was very short, there were not many battles. But I couldn’t stand the curiosity of the women, and one person and one sentence, one after another, actually asked for a small half hour. There are even a lot of monks who are clamoring for the red phoenix fairy to release the phoenix. Let them open their eyes! For this request, Hongxia Fairy refused without a trace! If she is really released, what is the difference with a monkey?

Looking at all of this, the man next to the woman's glory, shaking his head, sighed: "Grandma's. Men and women... can never be compared! Although the role played by the woman is very important Can talk about the military exploits, fear that it can only be similar to Xiao Mao! Poor Xiao Mao, no one asked!"

"Two Xiao Shidi!" Xiao Hua was thinking, a monk in the late stage of the building actually opened his mouth and smiled. "I heard that the two younger brothers are the monks of my country. In the war, they are still Xiaohua. It is recommended that Xiao Mao’s younger brother join the first squad of the House of Deliberation, and it’s hard to be two younger brothers...have blood relationship?”

Xiao Hua smiled and did not answer. Xiao Mao nodded and signaled Xiao Mao to answer.

"The brother's words are not correct!" Xiao Mao said calmly, "Under the Xiaohua Xiao brother, there is only some exchanges, but there is no blood relationship between Xiao and Xiao brothers! In fact, when it comes to blood relatives, when it comes to brothers Xiaomou thinks. On the battlefield of the Daojian War, all my monks are brothers, but I don’t know which martial art is, and I don’t know which country is the country. As long as the spell is external, the weapon is killed by sword repair. It’s a brother!"

"Good! Xiao Shidi really said that the poor road is in the heart!" Although Xiao Mao asked some questions, but the monks listened to all the hands.

"Right, Xiaohua Shishu, Hongxia Fairy and Li Shishu's origins are extremely detailed. Only the uncle's experience is only from Yu Leizong, and it is said that the uncle is still in the past. These are all true? Where did the uncle Shim practiced before?” A refining monk who seemed to be a slightly shallower, asked some carefully.

Xiao Hua looked at the monk and smiled and said: "I think this Taoist friend is worried that he is not good at his birth. He does not have the support of a big name. He feels that he can't make earth-shattering things. Is this a question?"

"Yes, yes~" The monk's face was red, and some panicked.

"Well, then Xiaomou will send you a word!" Xiao Hua said one word, "The hero asks the source, the miracle is free! Only you have a heart to the road, as long as you have a tough road to cultivation, then... ...the miracle is in your hands, and the height of the Yuan Ying master is at your feet!"

"Thank you... Thank you, Xiao Shishu for pointing, the younger generation knows!" The monk's excited face was blushing, and he had already thrown his own question about Xiaohua's origins.

Of course, those who want to know about Xiao Hua’s origins also know that Xiao Hua does not want to say more about this aspect, and he will not ask more.

"Xiao Shizhen" was slightly relieved when Xiao Hua was relieved. A somewhat sharp voice was ringing. Xiao Hua looked up and looked at it. It was a tall and tall, and some of the sharp-nosed monkeys looked at him and asked him. "The poor road is the pines of Qingsong Mountain. I have a question to ask!"

"Qingsong Mountain?" Xiao Hua slammed his mouth and thought about it. It didn't seem to have any impression, but he still smiled. "Huo seniors please talk!"

That Hawthorne pointed his hand at the three archways in the distance: "The teacher also saw it. Now there are three big mysteries on the temple, and there is no answer! And this second and third mystery is with you. Regarding the sect, the old man wants to ask you, you said that this horror phoenix and the unnamed predecessor is your Yu Leizong?"

"Hey, I want to come after all!" Xiao Hua sighed in his heart and knew that he could not face it.

Therefore, Xiao Hua told Chen Yu: "Chen predecessors, can you let the younger look before you fly to the archway?"

"Nature is ok!" Chen Yuming smiled a little intriguingly, urging the blue platform to come to the front of the two archways.

But seeing that there are a lot of vines on the second archway, each vine has a different name on it. Unfortunately, Xiao Hua swept it with God, and none of them wrote Xiao Hua.

"嘿嘿~" Xiao Hua will hand a little above this archway, the few flashing green characters "Who is nameless?" said, "This question... Xiaomou is also very rare! Unfortunately, Xiao’s eyes have never been I have never seen an unnamed predecessor, and Xiao Mao is a base disciple in Yu Leizong. He has never known a few teachers in the late Jindan. Even if he is to let Xiaomou guess, Xiaomou does not know who it is. Oh, or... Xiaomou himself casts a piece of Lingshi himself?"

Xiao Mao, who is next to "嘿嘿~", smiled. Yes, Xiaohua can't see himself with his own eyes. He is right!

"Ha ha ha ha ~" Chen Yuming smiled, and took a hand to shoot, "Xiao Xianyu, this bet of the Tonglu City House of Deputies is an encouragement, anyone can participate, if the Yinxian wants to participate, only eliminate Write your own choices on the jade slip, and then put in your own spiritual stone! If the mystery is solved, I will buy the Tonglu City according to the jade bet!

"Oh, since the invitation of Chen's predecessors, the younger generation can't help but give face! Xiaomou has never seen this unnamed predecessor, then... this piece of the next product is as a stone...take it!" Xiao Hua said, come up with one Yu Jian, wrote something, and threw it into a flower bud with a slap in the same piece.

Waiting for the jade to fall, the flower buds, like the previous ones, turned into a very thin vine hanging on the archway, and the writing on it was almost invisible.

Chen Yuming smiled and shook his head: "Xiao Xianyu, but also blame the poor road, did not clear things, the size of this vine is related to the number of Lingshi input, Yinxian this piece of the lower stone, but even the handwriting can not be displayed. !"

"Don't go!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "The younger generation of this stone was originally a meat buns and dogs. There is no return, one is enough, no more!"

"Haha, Xiao Shidi, a family to help you!" Li Zongbao smiled, but also cast a piece of the next product.

"Oh, I will also admit it!" Xiao Mao and Hongxia Fairy are all covering their mouths and laughing, all of them are invested in a lower spirit.

"Hey, I have previously said that the first squad of the House of Defence is now a brother, and the old man does not believe it! But now, look at it, it is true! It is through the baptism of smoke and sweat, this person can become more emotional with people. Solid!" Chen Yuming sighed and sighed.

"Xiao Shizhen, that horrible phoenix... can you know?" The former monk named Huo Songjindan asked some questions about his loss.

"Oh? Did the seniors invest a lot of Lingshi?" Xiao Hua brows his head and wonders.

"Oh, yeah!" Hawthorne answered with some embarrassment.

"Whose seniors voted for me?" said Xiao Hua.

Huo Song hesitated and said: "Huo Mou thinks that everything is like! And there are so many monks in the foundation of your school, Huo Mou is not a good choice?"

"Have you chosen Xiaomou?" Xiao Hua smiled.

"Of course, one of them is Xiao Xianzhen!" Huo Song's eyes lit up and blurted out.

"The original seniors chose a few!" Xiao Hua understood, said with a smile, "the younger generation really wants the seniors to win these spiritual stones! I also want to admit that I am a horror phoenix, but a pity..."

"Is it difficult to become a horror phoenix?" Huo Song was disappointed again, and many people next to him were disappointed.

Xiao Hua shrugged, and some helplessly said: "Xiao Mou... There is no blood and blood, and there is no phoenix body.!!! Therefore, Xiaomou himself admits to be a horror phoenix. Can you believe that all the friends can't believe it?"

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