Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1754: ruthless

It is impossible to bring this kind of thunderbolt back to Yu Leizong. However, the most dramatic situation has emerged. In the most urgent situation, Xiao Hua discovered Xiao Hua and sealed it in the Xiaohua meridian. Ming Huadan, forced Xiao Hua to come to Yu Leizong, and brought him the Thunderbolt to Zongmen for him; and Xiao Hua really did, and therefore went to Yu Leizong; after several decades, Xiao Hua discovered the self-enclosed dry fire, and even sent it back to Yu Leizong. This series of causes and effects finally arrived, and finally ended in the hands of Xiao Hua, it can be said that the life of the green fire is also saved by Xiao Hua!

In this way, Xiao Hua’s credit... can be great!

Especially at this time, Hyun Hua Fairy wants to describe Xiao Hua’s “gong” as “over”, and let him put the responsibility of Yu Leizong’s disciples into the Sky City, and Xiao Hua puts this credit out. It is really "ci luo" naked face! Compared with Xiaohua’s tough decision to reject the giant thunder hall, the Thunder must be refreshed!

Thunder Real Man is really proud of his disciple of the Thunder Palace, and he feels wronged, but he is only one of the Eight Thunder Palaces, and he is one of the eight thundering palaces. At that point, even if he argued with Hyun Hua Fairy and others, how can he be hostile to public opinion and public opinion?

"Grandma's ~" Thunder really sneered in the heart of the man, looking at a few flustered temple owners, "The head of this dazzling fairy is being shit! This is clearly the main palace of Gan Lei or Kun Lei Palace. I am dissatisfied with the fact that I have taken all the credits from the Thunder Palace, and she can still believe that she can think of it!"

Yes, it’s said that the Thunder is a real person, that is, Xiao Hua, who stepped out of the giant thunder hall, is equally incomprehensible. The scene just happened is too strange. Anyone with a slightly normal thinking can’t think so. , to make your credits a mistake! Really telling him that this world has always been cruel and never impossible. Even a weird thing will become normal in the eyes and hands of some people.

"Hyunhua Fairy is also a Yuanying monk! Even if the heart is simple..." Xiao Hua thought to himself, "She can't think of such an incredible idea!"

"Hey~ she may be so simple!" Xiao Hua secretly groaned. "I don't know how many years old the woman has lived. If she is simple, the lord dares to hand over the power of Yu Leizong to her! Hey. Laozi understands... ..."

Thinking of the many temples under the eight futons, Xiao Hua’s idea is to keep up with the Thunder real people. Since I thought of it here, Xiao Hua thought of the other, since there are other thunder palaces, then... There must also be the Lord of the Thunder Palace. It seems that in the Great Thunder, in addition to the Thunder real rebuttal, the other Lord of the Thunder Palace did not speak? In addition to not dare to speak, is there any other reason?

"Forget it, forget it..." At the thought of this, Xiao Hua was a little bit bored. "There is such a little thought. It is better to put it on cultivation! I have no time to deal with you! Hey, Lao Tzu Seal, Laozi’s life experience, and the sexual blessings of Laozi..."

Thinking of Xiao Hua is flying out of Lei Xianfeng, although the Ju Lei Temple is heavily guarded, but Xiao Hua’s face is the passing token. He came out of the temple, although he was not accompanied by a guard. There is no guard to block. Moreover, one by one, looking at Xiao Hua’s eyes, they are all respectful and envious, as if they were also superficial and have no job, the more simple the mind is.

"The righteous father..." Xiao Hua just came out, a few gods are sweeping, after touching Xiao Hua. Immediately it was retracted, and then it was a loud voice coming from far away!

"Oh? Ceremony?" Can be called Xiaohua's father, it seems that there is only such a person, Xiao Hua is happy. Look up.

"Ah?" Looking at the sound, Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed, because the voice came from, and did not see any figures. Obviously, the ceremony did not fly to Xiaohua’s vision! And the other gods except one are vaguely Cui Hongjun, others are quite strange!

"Hey, righteous father, you wait for a while, the baby and the three divisions and the four divisions have not arrived..." The voice of the ceremony was laughter and came!

"Four Masters?" Xiao Hua said, "The Master is not a retreat? How do you accept a disciple? I am afraid that the reputation of Wan Lei Gu is now rising. Is it the master of the Master?" Thunder Valley is now thriving!"

Thinking about the coldness of the previous Thunder Valley, Xiao Hua had an impulse to fly back to Wanlei Valley, and wanted to see what happened to Wanlei Valley today.

Xiao Hua did not release the thoughts of God. He only flew a few miles away from Lei Xianfeng, and he was in the air.

However, for a long time, I saw a dozen monks flying quickly from the direction of the Jinglei Palace. The current one is Cui Hongyi, and Cui Hongyi is a thin and tall monk. It looks like only twenty years old, although it is like a sunny sun. It is similar, but the youth on the face, the jump in the eyes, and even the kind of jump between the eyebrows. Where is the old rivalry of the sun?

"Haha, this is a gift!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I don't think the son of the master is actually like him...not like!"

"Hey? Who is this?" Xiao Hua took a closer look and held a seven- or eight-year-old child in his hand. This child is similar to the height of the ceremony when Xiaohua left Wanlei Valley. This child seems to have some childishness in the eyebrows, but the eyes are translucent, the small mouth is tight, and there is an unspeakable calm! As for the child's appearance, Xiao Hua did not find out who was similar to him for a while!

"Hey~" Suddenly, Xiao Hua thought of the "four uncles" who had just said to him. "How can I forget it? This is not the ruthlessness that I have never seen before. It is Master and my wife." Child..."

When I think of it here, Xiao Hua can see the shadow of the 阎 涟 从 from the eyebrows, and the ruthless face is similar to helplessness!

"Oh..." Recognized the ruthlessness, Xiao Hua slightly added the feeling, and found that the ruthlessness is actually six layers of refining, and it is a slap in the face. "When he saw the ceremony at the beginning of the year, he was only about ten years old. It’s already seven layers of refining. I think it’s incredible, but it’s ruthless... It’s just seven or eight years old, it’s already six layers of refining! Grandma’s, I’m really a generation better than a generation! Is there a great relationship with the aura of heaven and earth?"

It is a pity that Xiao Hua at this time is the repair of the inductive ritual. He has forgotten it, but he is ruthless.

"This guy...hehe, actually only refining nine layers, just two layers higher than ruthless. But he was seven layers of refining gas more than ten years ago, and now he has nine layers of refining, whoever believes it! I want to cover the meaning of the glory! It is more stable than the master... It’s not like it!” Xiao Hua saw the old man, and his thoughts mixed, and he thought a lot in a moment. As for the dozens of people who were extremely strange to the face behind the ceremony, Xiao Hua did not look at it.

"Two brothers!" Cui Hongyi saw Xiao Hua, smiled and opened, and urged the mana to cross the crowd, flying toward Xiao Hua, far away is the gift of the whole body, seeing that respectful even if you see helpless, but this is not the case!

"Oh, Cui Shidi up!" Xiao Hua slammed Cui Hongyi out of thin air. After the war, Cui Hongyi had a completely different attitude, which really made Xiao Hua happy.

I felt that the surrounding area was as strong as the iron wall, and I couldn't help it. Cui Hongyi didn't take it for granted. She got up and looked up at Xiao Hua. She smiled and said: "The two brothers are still in style, with the number... no difference between decades ago!"

"For the brothers to be free and happy outside, but it is not comparable to your work for my Thunder Valley! For the brothers are a little embarrassed!" Looking at Cui Hongyi's slightly tired face, Xiao Hua sighed in his heart, and also courtesy.

"If there is no merit for the two brothers, even if the younger brother is busy with the four feet in the Zong, it is impossible to have the prosperity of Wanlei Valley today!" Cui Hongyi hurriedly answered, at this time, the ceremony and others have been near.

Ruthlessly dismissed the hand of the ceremony, the same respectful approach to the court: "I have seen the two brothers ruthlessly!"

Xiao Hua raised his ruthlessness. It was natural to take a shot with his hand. If you want to take out some things, you can think about it. You will receive the hand without a trace. Smile: "Get up, little brother. You can meet for the first time. Really let the brothers scare, the young age is actually refining seven layers, I think when the brother is so big with you, even the four layers of refining have never existed!"

"The second brother is a big latecomer, although the younger brother started early, it is difficult to have the second brother's repair is deep and exquisite!" There is a ruthless answer, the face does not change, that city government ... is helpless!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua was surprised and secretly, "This is ruthless... The future is immeasurable! How big is it now, how good is it?"

"Hey, my father is good!" Waiting for the ruthlessness, standing next to the rules, without saying anything, hurriedly to the front, hippie smiley body.

"Hey, I haven't seen it for more than ten years, only to refine the nine layers!" Xiao Hua said coldly, faintly said, "Do you want to see the righteous father? Don't you feel sorry for the righteous father's previous guidance?"

"Hey, righteous father, the ritual practice is slow! But this is... the foundation is solid!" Naturally, he is not afraid of it. He does not believe that Xiao Hua does not know the difficulty of passing the voice so far, and still laughs and says "When you were old, you failed to build a foundation, and it was only after many years of cultivation that you have built a foundation. If there is any setback at that time, can you have the current repair? Can you have the reputation of the current Megatron? What?"

"Oh, it’s more than a master's fangs!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that Wan Leigu will not be bullied again!"

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