Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1784: Completely broken

Waiting for the blue cloud to pass through three lonely and bitter Yuan Ying, everything is gone!

Within the blue light... There have never been traces of the existence of the three old flaming mountains! !

It is said that all the Taoist monks, that is, all the swordsmen are also stunned, and no one has ever seen such a fierce sword!

However, things did not end there. When Chong Taixu was about to speak, but seeing the blue light under the blue square, it turned into a whirlpool and rushed toward the sky...

"This is..." Chong Taixu and Xun Yunzi are all a glimpse, but then the look of the two is strange!

But seeing the blue vortex rushing to the sky, it is a rapid expansion. When the blue light is scattered throughout the big array, the blue vortex is already a thousand miles away! Moreover, the edge of the vortex is the place where the two black and white vortexes that have been stagnant are touched by the two squadrons!

"Oh..." The roar of the four sides of the blue light was loud and loud, and it rang through the whole world. The blue light was actually turned upside down against the direction of the previous big squad. Controlled followed by a powerful sound! The gray curtain that has solidified actually gradually reversed in this sound, and once again turned into black and white brilliance... and this brilliance is in the square of the blue color!

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Chong Taixu smiled and laughed. "Looking for Yunzi, how do you say this sword? You have two games that are defeated, and now you have to be me." The sword repair is broken! Your Daozong this war... has lost!!!!"

Looking for Yunzi's face is whitish, and now it is like a death test. Looking at the already cold sky, the sky is cold and cold: "Although this repair is a product of the sword, the strength has exceeded the scope of the sword. She... is not afraid of the predecessors of the gods?"

"You said the right thing! Her old man is a sword, and does not exceed the scope of the sword!" Chong Taixiao smiled, "How can it cause the sword monk's shot? Even if they want to shoot, her old man can let them Looking for a trace? Besides, if her old family violated the rules, then your Taoist Emperor Yaozong’s disciple is not suspected of violating the rules as early as the first stage?"

Looking for Yunzi to frown, it is exactly to say, "Banglong" burst into thunder. The black and white light curtains began to collapse, and the Fallen Fairy actually relied on one's own strength to break the shackles of the two squadrons. The Yunzi did not dare to talk to the taic taic here again. Baizhang’s body disappeared, and the bangs were complicated to see the huge black and white vortex, and the blue light wrapped in the outer layer. Whispering to himself: "Dow Sword Wars... actually ended in this situation! What calculations, what plans are nothing, repaired! Strength!! This is the eternal theme of this world!!! If the sword knows the falling flowers The fairy is so powerful, why is it so... Unfortunately, her old man only promised to shoot once, and the cost of this time is too big for her old man! There are people outside the sky, it’s true!”

Saying, the sword shadow that is too imaginary is gradually disappearing. Also rushed into the blue light sword column.

It was half an hour, and after the disappearance of the gray of the 40-year-old squadron, the black and white brilliance fell, and the vortex generated by the square blue light of the falling flower fairy was also slowly converging, and finally it was Just a cyan human figure. This human form is no longer delayed in the air, and immediately rushed to the direction of Laos. Behind her, the golden light of Tengyi’s real people also flew out, and the two disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye!

This gesture ended the two strangers of the Daojian War, and it was so calm and calm, compared to Xiao Hua of the day!

Looking at the distant Guanghua, the body has been restored to the physical body of Chong Taixu, Cheng Minghua, Yu Liandie, Zuo Ming and Ruo Tian respectful body salute; and looking for Yunzi and 琉崆 real people are gloomy, do not know what I am thinking what!

The Tianyi Qingguang sword array of the Sky City is still pleated, and the Taoist dynasty and the two squadrons have been broken. The big battle has ended, and the bitter fruit has been sent to the mouth of the Taoist monk!

Not to mention that the Three Kingdoms do not know this mournful news, that is, in Tonglu City, the so-called House of the House, everyone is still looking forward to, but there are not many people staying in the gates of the two mysterious, horror phoenix! Compared with the end of the war, these two mysteries are a lot smaller. Although there are not many people, there are still people who are, in particular, a tall, dressed in a blue-green robe, with a beard and a seemingly fierce foundation. The monk is standing in front of the unnamed gatehouse. With those vines, the eyes are falling on one of them, which is not too high, and the name of Xiaohua is written for a long time.

Because the monk's face is fierce, the monks who saw him near him were escaping. This is a small number of people. As a result, there are no monks close to a dozen or so. However, the monk looked at the moment and did not return. He said with a faint voice: "Good son, since the old man found your trace in the Sky City, you have been following the old man. If you are in the Sky City, you can go to the old man." Country, you follow; later, the old man went to Liuyun Lake, you still follow; now the old man is in Tonglu City, you come from the end, the old man is Nahan, what do you do with this old man?"

"Due Erzhen, you finally spoke!" A thin, scholar dressed in ordinary clothes, holding a lupin in his hand, slowly coming out of the crowd, this scholar seems to be just a foundation repair, but if He took the initiative to get out of the crowd. Even Jin Dan’s thoughts could not separate him from the crowd. It seems that he is in the crowd and seems to be out of the crowd. The scholar's voice is not big, and it can be clearly anomalous. "The old man thought that you would break the old man in the sword, but I didn't expect you to endure Tonglu City! Your cultivation is much better than before!"

"Why do you want to break the old man?" The real man still does not return. He replied, "The old man has the old man's business. You have your business. Although you are walking along the way, it may not be the same thing?"

"But... the old man thinks, you and I seem to be doing the same thing!" Shansheng said faintly, "You and I seem to be looking for... the same person!!!"

"Silk ~" Duo really breathed a cold air, slightly sideways, looked at him to the side of his body, a few feet away from the good son, the strange road, "I can't help you to find a fairy..."

Having said that, the real man hesitated, thinking of Master's jealousy.

Shanshengzi seems to understand the scruples of the real people. He smiled and said: "Yes, the specific person you are looking for, the Taoist friend does not have to say it, the old man will not tell you! However, the old man can tell you that according to the analysis of the old man, The old man is looking for... It should be the most mysterious nameless in this sword war!!"

"Not bad!" Duo was shocked. "And, the old man is also trusted by people... Come and look for this mysterious character! But..."

"But this mysterious character suddenly appeared in the Daojian war, and according to the old man's knowledge, the nameless is absolutely unknown before the Daojian war! It is extremely inferior!" said the child-friendly interface. "It's just that this manpower is very big. Some proud achievements in physical training!"

"Yes!" Duo really slammed, "If you rely on these alone, it does not seem to be enough for him to reach the realm of Yuan Ying! I am afraid that there are many hidden secrets that others do not know, so that he has such strength, even It is enough to influence the battle of the sword war!"

"The most terrible, this nameless seems to know swordsmanship, and is in the arms of the sword!" Shanshengzi continued, "Although I don't know what this name is going to be a million Mengshan, but he can live and go in and live, it is enough. Proving that he is not simple!"

"This is an extraordinary figure... It’s exactly what the old man is looking for!" Duo’s eyes were slightly stunned, reminding him, "And the old man first found clues!"

"Yes, this character is exactly what the old man is looking for!" Shanshengzi also nodded and replied, "But this nameless is very embarrassing. Even if the two monks in the mid-infant are chasing after him, he still fled back to the Zongmen. If it is a single person who is first and foremost, I am afraid that he can only let him go again! Duoyou, you said... I should wait for a deal?"

"Transaction?" The real man shook his head slightly. "The old man doesn't want to do anything. The old man just wants to take no name... to get the other person's trust!"

Shanshengzi laughed: "If it was before the war, the Taoist friend refused... The old man can still believe it! But now? The old man wants to ask the friend, the nameless has the initial repair of Yuan Ying, and also knows the technique of Thunder, Daoyou Do you think you can easily take him? If you can't, in the name of no name, then you just have to flee and announce the matter to the public, not to say that you are a friend, that is your party... I am afraid to be a target of the public? Friends... Well, or the opportunity of the old man can only have one! One hit must be!!"

The real person bites his lips, and the eyes look at the vines seem to be thinking about the good child.

"In addition..." Shanshengzi hesitated and tried again. "Do you think about the people who trust you and me, what their identity, what they can do seriously... Is it so simple? If you and I are together, fear is necessary There is a leak!"

"But..." Duo Erzhen said again, "After taking the nameless, is it brought to Xianlepai? Or is it brought to Shengxianmen?"

"Haha~" Shanshengzi smiled and said, "The Taoist friend is too cautious! You think about it, since you and I both come to find this person, then...you and I will also know the matter. I understand each other! The reason for this is because you and I don’t know, and you can’t measure it. You can wait until you have taken the nameless one. You and I will each send a message. This will make you the person I trust you to decide. You and me What do you care about? It’s not a treasure that you can compete for, you’re all in the sky, what can you and me care about?”

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