Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1799: Self-respect

Xiao Hua is naturally hurried to open his eyes and look around the situation, and then use God to swept away, I don’t think it’s stupid in the air!

Because, like the rain-falling thunder, there is no one now; the previous roar can not be heard now; the thundering thunder peak is like an ordinary mountain, standing quietly; together with the previous The abyss washed by Thunderwater is only dark at this time, and there is no shining thunder!

"This... what is going on here?" Xiao Hua scratched his head. "Xiao Mou... Xiaomou seems to have done nothing! How can all the thunders disappear here? No. Thunder Valley of Thunder... is it Wanlei Valley?"

Immediately, Xiao Hua couldn't believe the general, broke into Leifeng, and it was straight and deep in the abyss, but there was no trace of thunder in any place! It’s like Wanlei Valley... There’s never been a Thunder of Thunder!

Xiao Hua was dumbfounded and reached out to scratch his head. At this moment, he suddenly turned his eyes and blurted out: "Grandma's, no..."

In an instant, Xiao Hua will sink his heart into the space. When the mind enters the space, Xiao Hua’s heart will suddenly be cold.

No, in this space, the thunder and lightning, the thunder of the four, just next to the retrospective, a weird shape of the ring is surrounded by retrospective rotation, the side of the platform is two gold The general big characters are only one word is complete, and one word is obviously half. The thunder in the space is born out of the ring and then falls on the platform. Look at the platform, it seems that only half of it, in the shape of the four corners of the irregular, in particular, has a broken edge. Some jagged cracks, only half of the words are broken from the crack.

Looking at the head of this thing, there are three bumps like tentacles. After the thunder water fell into the ring, some of it oozes out from the broken edge and forms a thick lightning again. It fell on the huge white bone in the space, and among the white bones, the thunder of a little change did not accept the fallen thunder!

Looking around the platform, the thunder that came out of the same way as Wan Leigu, and the purple of the platform, how did Xiao Hua not know what he had encountered in Wanlei Valley? How do you not know what can cause Thunder Valley to thunder?

"Grandma~ You can always be in any place in Yu Leizong. But don't be in a small space!" Xiao Hua almost wants to cry. Although he understands that this thing is extremely cherished, how dare he want? I hurriedly covered this thing with my heart and wanted to send out the space!

Can be a heart, Xiao Hua is stupid! Although the thing is not like the retrospective, the mind can be perceived. But the thing is heavy and incomparable. It is not that the mind can move, and the thing surrounds the slow rotation of the retrospective. Similarly, there are a lot of thunderwaters falling into the retrospective. Xiaohua’s mind does not disturb the thing at all. Any rotation!

"Grandma, I beg you!" Xiao Hua tried again and again thousands of times, and the thing is much bigger than the Thunder Peak of Wanlei Valley. Nothing can move, it seems like iron to settle down in Xiaohua’s space!

"You can hurt Xiaoye!" What can Xiaohua do? The mind is extremely decadent and withdraws from the space!

The mind has just withdrawn, Xiao Hua feels that there is a strong movement outside the prohibition of Wan Leigu. It is inevitable that Zhuo Minghui and others will come and explore. Xiao Hua is extremely reluctant to open the ban, but what can he do? Just before he opened the ban, it was the last time he tried to take the squat out of the space and then had to fly before the ban.

Xiao Hua opened the ban, and all the disciples of Wan Leigu were on the head. Zhuo Minghui almost rushed in. The same incredible look at the entire completely changed Wanlei Valley, loud voice: "Xiao Hua, you ... what have you done?"

After Zhuo Minghui, Yan Qingying, Cui Hongjun and Fu Mengmeng also flew in, after God read them. The same shocked look at Xiao Hua.

"Disciple... Disciple..." What can Xiao Hua say? I can only support my way. "The disciple did nothing, but when the disciple retired, Wan Leigu suddenly became like this. When the disciple was viewing, the teacher was coming!"

“Really?” Zhuo Minghui stared at Xiao Hua and asked, “Xiao Hua, you must tell the truth!”

"Really!" Xiao Hua is also unable to say anything. Can he say that he is a problem in his own space?

"To..." Zhuo Minghui habitually turned and shouted, but when she saw that there was no sun behind her, it was a bit strange. "Where is the sun going?"

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"Don't worry about the sun!" Zhuo Minghui waved his hand, "Hong Hao, you are also on this turn, with a nightmare and your disciples, hurry to the depths of Lei Yuan to find; Qingyi, you go to the top of Leifeng with the old man, Let's see what's wrong with the heights! In any case, be sure to find out the reason before the earthquake in the thunder palace!"

"Yes~" Everyone answered, and each flew up.

"Shi Niang..." Xiao Hua hurried.

"You are all around!" Zhuo Minghui obviously didn't bother to talk to him. "You have a short time on the wheel and you are not familiar with it. Just look around!"

"Yes~" Xiao Hua nodded helplessly. He knew that the disciples of Wan Leigu were doing nothing. It is impossible to find a reason, but what can he say? The platform has already taken root in the space. In a short period of time, before it is tempered, it is impossible to take it out of space!

Looking straight for half an hour, although I did not find the reason for the disappearance of the thunder, the disciples of the thundering palace that Zhuo Minghui was worried about did not come. Everyone slowly returned, and Xiao Hua asked some questions: "Shi Niang, listen to Master, we said that Wan Leigu... has gradually been forgotten by Ju Lei Temple, that is to say, this Thunder Valley The importance of this is not great! This day Thunder, disappeared will disappear, report to the Thunder Palace, at most, remember one disciple is a fault!"

"Hey, boy! You are in my Wanlei Valley. Although the time is not short, you can teach your Master less!" Zhuo Minghui sighed. "My Wanlei Valley is now without the glory of the past. The effect is small." However, it still involves the defensive faction of my Royal Leizong! Just after the Thunder Valley has a strong thunderstorm, the ban in the old Dongfu House has been broken by this shock. Presumably other places will be affected! Let’s not talk about the shock of this thunder. The disappearance of Thunder Valley Thunder and the lack of thunder water can directly affect the supply of the raids of the FDC, even under the strong and weak force of the entire Lemo Mountain Range. The law is threatened! We are very small, but the face can be very wide!"

"This... so serious!" Xiao Hua complained in his heart, but he was asked again. "Since it is so important, why don't you pay attention to me?"

"My ruins of the Royal Leizong are all relying on the Leichi! And the place where the thunderwater can be born, except for the Thunder Valley, is the Thunder Mountain and the Royal Thunder Sea. As for other magic weapons, the old body is not too clear! In three places, I am the smallest in the Thunder Valley, and the thunder water is the least, and today the earth's aura is changing. The Sovereign Master must have already started, like the tiny place of my Thunder Valley, the natural effect is getting smaller and smaller!"

"It can be proved that the role of Wanlei Valley is not small!" Xiao Hua bit his lip.

"Yeah, it is because it is not small, your punishment...the heavier!" Zhuo Minghui smiled bitterly. "Remember that your master once said that if there is any change in Wanlei Valley, then the punishment of the giant thunder temple is extremely Heavy! Even in the previous ancestral training, there are records!"

"Bad things!" Xiao Hua was crying and sullen, "The disciple got into trouble!"

"Two brothers, this thing is not what you made..." Cui Hongyu hurried.

Zhuo Minghui shook his head: "Although this Xiaohua has nothing to do, Xiaohua is on duty today, he can't take it off..."

At this time, a powerful **** swept over the Thunder Valley, and a horrified voice was also introduced into the ears of everyone: "Ah?? It is actually a Thunder Valley accident!!"

Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly flew out of Wanlei Valley, respectfully staying in the air, but for a long time, against the distance from the distance, the face with anger!

Zhuo Minghui and others saw it and his face changed! They have always been lucky, want to find the reason for the disappearance of Wanlei Valley Wanlei before the earthquake in the Thunder Palace, in order to make up for it, but they never think of it, it is still coming, and it is actually against the palace the Lord!

Although the thunder palace is at the end of the eight thunder palaces, it can be compared with the thunder palace, and anyone will wake up to the seriousness of the incident.

But when everyone saw the slightest sigh, Cui Hongyi suddenly mobilized the mana, flew to the front of the match, his face looked flustered, and said: "Wan Honggu disciple Cui Hongyi has seen the palace master, just the younger generation is in the Wanlei Valley, one I accidentally encountered a ban. This prohibition was unusual. Previously, the younger generation had encountered it. I don’t know what happened today, Wan Leigu’s thunder and lightning, and then completely annihilated! I have a different disciple in Wan Leigu. It’s all here, but I’ve been looking for it for so long... I still can’t find the place where I am! If it’s because of the Thunder Valley’s things, the younger generation is committed!”

"Hey ~ Wan Leigu's punishment, have you undertaken a foundation child?" A sneer, look at the near, asked, "Wan Leigu's helplessness?"

"Dr. Zhuo Minghui has seen the Lord!" Zhuo Minghui hurried forward and whispered. "I have no choice but to go through a decade of retreat in order to impact the realm of Jin Dan."

"Hey, he's a good retreat!" He squinted at his eyes. "But even so, he can't escape the responsibilities."

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