Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1828: Futuo Road (eighth, seek rewards, ask for monthly passes)

"Let's go~" Han Zhu urged his body to cast into the Buddha's light, and said in his mouth, "You can only let the mind go out, then the Buddha light will lead you into the bliss!"

"Fortunately!" Xiao Hua followed the bamboo, and secretly screamed in his heart, releasing the extremely weak mind. Han Zhu pays attention to Xiao Hua. Seeing that Xiao Hua’s mind is very weak, it is all there is, and my heart is slightly strange. After all, this is only a few days, and Han Zhu can't think of Xiao Hua actually giving birth.

"When Dangdang..." The faint sound of percussion was born in the ear with rhythm, and the white lotus flower emerged from the Buddha's light, and the whole body of Xiao Hua was protected, and then it was smooth and tenacious. Suction is born, it is like the same hands holding Xiao Hua's body shape, gently pulling Xiao Hua into the Buddha light.

There is a faint sandalwood in the mouth and mouth. Xiao Hua has some streamers in front of him. There are thousands of Buddha statues in the stream, thousands of mountains and rivers, and thousands of believers, like a The space flashed from Xiao Hua’s eyes.

"Three thousand big world?!" Xiao Hua has a kind of sentiment.

There seems to be a ban on the site of the Buddha. The place where Xiao Hua is located is the lowest point of the basin and the beginning of a step. The top of the step is a Buddhist buddha like a white tower.

The bottom of the Buddhist altar is a square, and the four sides of it are carved with Buddha statues. Each Buddha image faces in one direction, which is like looking at the four sides of the world. The top of the Buddha's shrine is an ellipse, like a chicken nest on it. The top of the stairs is under the Buddha's buddha, and I can't see where I am going, but Xiao Hua knows that walking through the steps and passing through the Buddhist temples must be one of those temples!

"The site of the Buddha's ruins! This is the site of the Buddha!!" Xiao Hua looked at the steps. The top-down view of the top down was completely absent. There was no such thing as controlling the overall situation. Some were just a kind of difficult stepping down the mountain. .

"I am afraid that I will only go up step by step. One step at the foot, this way can go to the end!" Xiao Hua thought again, "Think about the glory of the previous Buddha, although Xiao has never seen it, can It’s not worse than today’s Dao Zong. Now it’s actually lost to such a point. 'The Four hundred and Eighty Temples’, the whole Xiaoyu mainland... Xiaomou has never seen any temple! If you don’t come to this Buddha At the site, Xiaomou still doesn’t know that the Buddha statue has a home. This is a temple!”

"What do you think?" Although Han Zhu entered the site one step earlier, he did not land, but stopped in the air, waiting for other people to enter the site, and then fell, watching Xiao Hua whispered.

"The disciple feels strange!" Xiao Hua has always had doubts. At this time, I asked, "Wu Zong Shen Tong is no worse than Dao Zong! Even ... in some respects, it is better than Dao Zong, otherwise Shi Bo may not be able to win in the Taiqing dynasty." ...these behemoths that can be compared to the shoulders, how can they be destroyed when they are destroyed?"

In fact, Xiao Hua’s doubts stop here, he just said half! The other half is naturally Confucianism. Confucianism and Buddhism were actually killed by the Taoist sect, and there were no temples on the Xiaoyu continent. Even more unrecognized Confucianism, even the descendants of Confucianism were cursed by spells, and experienced pains from generation to generation. This is really a bit ridiculous, so Xiaohua is not puzzled.

"Hey..." Han Zhu said coldly, "This is the mystery of the ancients! Who knows? Legend has it that the ancient Dao Zong can be able to raise his hand and open the sky, and it is not difficult to kill the Buddha." Daoist sects are easy to practice. They are good at attacking. The methods of Buddhism are mostly sorrowful and sorrowful, and they are extravagant. The people of Buddhism are more compassionate and not killing. How can they compare with Daozong? This is the innate nature of Buddhism. Short, did you create your own destruction?"

"Maybe?" Xiao Hua knows that Han Zhu’s remarks are quite reasonable, but he feels that it is not entirely appropriate and can only nod slightly.

"Now I am waiting for the rafting road!" Han Zhu is looking at others. With a solemn face on his face, "The old man has already asked you to wait. There must be a choice in the heart of this floatation! This choice is about your achievements. It is also about whether you can pass the float. Of course, this choice is What do you want to know? You don't want to know! You just have to choose for yourself! And if you have a life, if you step on the steps, you will start your first experience of Buddhism! You can be ready. ?"

"The disciple is already ready!" B did not hesitate to answer, "Can the disciples step on this float?"

Xiao Hua’s brow in the confusion is obviously wrinkled. Obviously, this disciple’s victory is too strong. He just takes up this “A”. He occupies a “B”. He has repeatedly provocatively called this. The rafting road is naturally to express itself.

"Nature can!" Han Zhu did not look at Xiao Hua, nodded, "Your Buddha is the highest in cultivation. Now that you are ready, you can naturally set foot on the Buddhism Road!"

"Yes!" The disciple heard it, and as soon as he lifted his leg, he climbed the first step!

"When ~" Muyu sounds like a sinking scream, then "咣" is another sound of a bell, which rang through the entire site, and a faint Buddha light was born at the foot of B, turned into a lotus!

"Step by step lotus!" Xiao Hua's eyes lit up, seeing that every step of the disciple was born with a lotus flower, holding it, and the Buddha light was slowly rising, wrapping the disciple's calves!

"Miao~" Han Zhu saw the shape and stroked the palm. "It really is a good root early, and it has a fate with my Buddha!"

Then the bamboo is facing C: "Are you ready?"

"Disciple... Also ask the brother to go ahead?" C. L. hesitated, indicating Xiao Hua first.

"His Taoist repairs are high, but their ability to read is weak, and Buddhism is better than you can't wait!" Han Zhu said, "And who is the first to go, whoever can go first! If you already have a choice Naturally, you can go first!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" C was not polite, arched his hand, and also lifted his foot. The sound of the bell and the sound of the wooden fish rose again, and it was a step-by-step lotus, slowly moving toward the Buddha.

The night rain is like a note, the darkness is over the sky, between the mountains, under the heavy rain, the original Buddha light gradually fades, and the more and more dim, like the residual candle in the wind. However, even if someone passed the Foshan Mountain at this time, even if they flew over the site of the Buddha, they would not see the situation in the Buddha's light, and they could not see Xiao Hua and others who had become smaller than the ants. The 480 temples are still huge, but there are countless temples on the steps before the temple. There are countless temples in front of the temple. As for Xiao Hua and others, it is more than a thin line. It’s going to be slender.

"Brush~" The Buddha's light flashed, the entire valley basin was annihilated, and the darkness was completely suppressed. The rainwater trail hit the rocks and soil at the bottom of the valley, splashing water and rushing out of the big mud pit of the thumb...

"You...had been ready!" Han Zhu has been sending the other six people to the floating funeral, and then turned to look at Xiao Hua.

"The disciple will try hard. Before the disciples are full of confidence, they can look at other younger brothers. The disciples are really not worth it!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. He actually did not want to come to the Buddha site with the bamboo, even if it was Before arriving at the floating turf road, he was still somewhat unhappy! However, it is obviously tight. He does not pass the rafting road. If he does not enter the Buddha's buddha, the bamboo will not be able to approach the Buddha array inside, and he will not be able to wake up the river with the help of the Buddha. He can only answer with a hard scalp.

"Well, you go up!" Han Zhu nodded. "When you enter this Indigo Temple, the old man can inspire the Buddha array inside and wake up the child! Actually..."

Speaking of this, Han Zhu is somewhat hesitant, hesitating: "In fact, according to the old man's thoughts, let the child stay here, whether it is waking up or silence, this child has a relationship with the Buddha! ”

"Good teacher knows!" Xiao Hua laughed. "This child still has a mother, can't be autonomous at this time, or wait for him to wake up, turn to see her mother, and make a decision no later!"

"Well, what you said is very reasonable!" Han Zhu nodded. "My mother is not far away! I am a cultivator, but I should pay attention to this filial piety! The old man is no longer forced, if you have Decided to come back to Kunlun to find the old man!"

"Thank you, Master!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He is really afraid that Han Zhuqiang will want to leave the river, or leave a hand to wake up.

"Go it~" Han Zhu looked at the floating funeral road. The first B that had gone up was already entangled in the Buddha's light. The hands of B were already in the chest, although they could not see the piety on the face, but the steady pace, The unwavering figure is enough to make the bamboo happy.

"Yes, the disciples obey!" Xiao Hua replied, turned and lifted his legs, but at the moment of the fall, Xiao Hua's heart moved slightly. "Grandma's, Xiaomou has no thoughts, but the Buddha's relic is not small!" I don't know how big the relics of Han Zhu Shi Bo are, Xiao Xiao will not make any jokes?"

Thinking, Xiao Hua gave birth to a weak mind and rushed to his feet!

"When" the sound of the wooden fish, a few white lotuses are also born, although very thin, can hold Xiaohua's feet steady.

"铿" an extremely loud sound of the bell sounded from inside the Buddha's voice, shaking Xiaohua's figure slightly moved.

"Oh?" Seeing Xiao Hua's body shape and micro-motion, as well as the shock of Huang Lu Dazhong, a cold bamboo, looked at Xiaohua's vest with a horrified look, "This..."

Look at Xiao Hua’s body shape and stabilize it. The other foot stepped on the floating funeral road again. It was still a faint white lotus, which was thinner than the raw lotuses of the two refining disciples in front of him. .

"Well~ I am afraid that Xiaohua is the little baby in the soul bag!" Han Zhu is awakened, he is also lifting his legs, the same wooden fish sound, the same bell, but the bell is weaker than Xiao Hua. A lot.

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