Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1835: Hard to kill

"Not good!" Han Zhu has naturally perceived the thunder of these lightnings, and he was shocked by the horror. He hurriedly urged the body of the glaring King Kong, and refused to absorb the Buddha relic of Xiao Hua, dancing the nine-ring tin cane toward Xiao Hua’s body. Fallen! Today's plan is that only the destruction of Xiao Hua's body can stop the thunder of these lights.

"Puzzle!" Xiaohua's wishful bar has now been shot, his body can not move freely, can only take a hand, and from the space is to take out a mace, arms and arms Force, greeted the nine-ring tin cane that was pressed like a mountain!

"Boom ~" a loud noise, is the sound of tin sticks hitting the mace, it is also the sound of thousands of lightning hit the cold bamboo glare King Kong body!

"Ah~~~" A scream of heartbreaking lungs was sent out from the glare of the cold bamboo, and Xiaohua’s arms were also huge shocks. The mace was actually beaten into two sections, and the two flying to the main hall side! Although Xiao Hua’s flesh was extremely uncomfortable, Xiao Hua’s heart was big!

Because Xiaohua’s Buddha relics had experienced thunderstorms before, every time a thunder robbery would destroy the relics, they could reunite with the thunder every time. When he used the technique of lightning and thunder, he was really embarrassed! I am afraid that I can not only use the thunder to kill the bamboo, but help others! But since the bamboo is so screaming, even if it can rejuvenate the body, you can resist again with this opportunity.

But after seeing the thunder, the glaring of the bamboo of the ruthless ruthlessness of the ruthless body of the ruthless ruthlessness, the anger of the face of the anger! However, the endless stream of thought is washed away. The naked eye can quickly repair this glare! However, the body of the bamboo is still sitting there at the same time. The thick eyebrows are slightly shaking. Although there is a trace of horror in the eyes, although the lightning hits the bamboo, the bamboo body of the bamboo actually emits a faint Buddha light to resist the lightning! Needless to say, the body of Han Zhu must be wearing a lightning protection device, Han Zhu to deal with Xiao Hua ... can be described as a painstaking effort.

"Boom ~" Where does Xiao Hua let the bamboo have a chance to breathe? The soul dances, and the two green essays of "Ray" and "Electricity" are continuously produced. Fortunately, before Xiao Hua left the million mega-mountain, he continued to perform the technique of cloud-cloud rain in front of the old Tuzhai Wu Lao. At this time, the manipulation of the lightning and thunder that had just been practiced was also easy!



The endless thunder flashed with Tianwei. Born from the void in the hall of the Blue Temple. It is like the sword of the sky piercing into the glare of the King Kong body. Although the glare of the King Kong body is also dancing the nine-ring tin cans to resist this thunder, it can be under the thunder of dense rain. The glare of the King Kong body has been thin if paper! and. With the screams of the bamboo. A vague body was stripped from the glaring ruthless body and fell towards the flesh of the bamboo!

"Want to leave?" Xiao Hua sneered, his body shape disappeared with the thunder. When I waited for it to reappear, it was the good left. Xiao Hua is now close to the thunder of the thunder, and can already use the thunder to travel, even within this Buddha's array is the ability to carry out a moment.

"Hit ~" Xiao Hua took the wishful stick and broke into the thunder again. The figure appeared after the glaring King Kong body, and screamed and screamed at the body of the bamboo!

Han Zhu sneered, although the fuss was not too flustered, stood up, urging the glaring King Kong law body to block Xiao Hua's wishful stick, his hands are a Buddha seal, turned into the air...

"When" a ringing sound rushed to the sky, in the top of Wan Lei, it was extremely crisp, Xiao Hua listened to the bell immediately and the bones were soft and numb, and even the wishful stick could not hold it, falling from the air!

"Hey, I don't know children! How do you know about Buddhism?" 寒..." Hanzhu sneered, this is proud, but at this time, "brush..." is like Biquan dumping, Xiaohua Buddha relic The water bottle has finally poured out under the pressure of thousands of Buddhas!

"Innocent water?" Han Zhu was shocked. "You... how do you have so many innate water?"

However, although the innocent water is extremely powerful, it will not fall into the glare of the ruthless body of the bamboo body, and it will rush to the whole body of the bamboo, and the faint Buddha light will block the innocent water! The innate water that is invincible and insoluble, does not corrode the defense of the bamboo!

"Ha ha ~" Han Zhu's face was originally a transient, it can be seen that this situation is a big laugh, watching Xiao Hua, who has fallen, said, "Xiao Hua, you are so poor, or give the Buddha relic to the old man!"

“Is it so simple?” Xiao Hua was also shocked in his heart. He felt the heart of the Buddha’s way, but he still said calmly and faintly.

"How? What other means do you have?" Han Zhu brows a little, some strange.

"Hey, Xiaomou will let you see Xiaomou's power today!" Xiao Hua said, he took a hand, and the sword smashed out, and the sword in his hand slammed his hand, and the two red and white swords fly. Out...

"You... how can you move?" Han Zhu was shocked. "And, can you still use force?"

Han Zhu naturally does not know that Xiao Hua is a sword weapon. It is only a magic weapon for Tao Zong, but even the sword weapon of Jian Xiu can not be used here!

However, when Han Zhu looked up, it immediately changed color! I saw that he and Xiao Hua were only a few feet away, and they were completely a piece of orchid. The whole was covered by the innocent water. He thought that the floating Buddha array had been isolated from the real water by Xiao Hua’s innate water!

"Even if it is more than the test of the Tao, the old man is afraid that you will not be?" Han Zhu looked like a slow-cut Jianguang, cold smile, but unfortunately this laughter is not enough to send out, Ling Ling Yuanguang suddenly accelerated, than Lei Guang They must be swift, suddenly rushing between the necks of the bamboo.

"Ah..." Han Zhu was shocked again, but he saw the Buddha's great light in his body. He wanted to block two Yuanling Yuanguang, but the Lingyuan Yuanguang was slightly stagnant in this Buddha's light, but he could not rush into the Buddha!

"Oh..." At this time, the innocent water was a slap in the face of a sirloin. It was actually a floating Buddha squad attacking the innate water, and the space around Xiaohua and Hanzhu was rapidly shrinking.

"Go ~" Xiao Hua did not hesitate, but also a mouth, a glimpse of the fire did not enter the air, and instantly appeared under the spirit of Yuan Ling!

The "silk" sounded softly, and the two lingering Yuanguang lightly turned into a corner, and a flaw that was instantaneously burned by the Buddha's light was rushed into the neck of the bamboo.

"噗~" is another whisper, and the bamboo with an incredible look rushes into the air, and the blood is also spewed a few feet...

"Boom..." At this time, the innocent water was actually defeated by the Buddha array, and countless splashes of water! However, as the bamboo was killed by Xiao Hua’s Ling Yuanguang, the Buddha’s power of reading was as rapid as the tide!

"It's only between the hairs! It's really thrilling!" Xiao Hua was once again overwhelmed by the power of the mind, and fell on the hall of the wolf. Some did not want to get up, exhausted and glanced around with a sigh of relief. The dark road, "This cold bamboo... Although it is only Jindan's cultivation, it can be prepared to be too full. If Xiaomou uses the innocent water to isolate the Buddha, promptly urge the spirit and the fire, even if Xiao has the strength of Yuan Ying, I am afraid that I will fall into his hands today!"

Then Xiao Hua sat there lazily, watching the Buddha statue that had been destroyed, secretly from Nahan, this means of Buddhism does not seem to have to go where the Tao is worse, how can it be killed by the Taoist sect! And Xiao Hua now understands a bit. This Buddha ruins...not the Taoist do not know, or do not intend to stay here, but the Taoist monks do not dare to enter at will, can not be completely destroyed?

Straight to rest a fragrant work, Xiao Hua only stopped thinking, and stood up, very helpless to see the river sitting there. At that time, the killing of Xiao Hua and Han Zhu had taboos, and they avoided the rivers, and the pressure of the dynamism like the waves of the mountains seemed to have no effect on the rivers that entered the silence. It was the cause of the river that was not affected. .

"This child, hehe..." Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "For a long time, Han Zhu did not awaken it. It was just a bait, so Xiao Xiao was fooled! Xiaomou had to find a way! ......"

Yes, Han Zhu is the only Buddha master known to Xiao Hua. Even the later six disciples who have been cultivated by Buddhism have not seen their appearance until they die. Let Xiao Hua go where to find a Buddha disciple?

Xiao Hua cleaned up the mess on the main hall of the Indigo Temple, leaving the bamboo leaves on the spot, the relics, the small golden bells, the nine-ring tin cane, and a dragonfly wrapped in the cold bamboo corpse are all income. Then I took the storage bag from the body of the bamboo, and then destroyed the body of the bamboo with a fire. Even Xiao Hua is still smashing his feet in the place where the cold bamboo corpse is smashed! This cold bamboo is too sinister, the kindness of an elder, but in the back is thinking about murdering Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua, who has been counted many times, did not realize a trace of embarrassment until the end, and now I want to come to Xiao Hua is also afraid of tight!

Immediately, Xiao Hua was looking at the Buddha's relics that had broken more than half of them, and even the repaired mind was gone! Han Zhu's blood relic, when Xiao Hua did not make trouble to understand the details, absolutely not afraid to use, he is really afraid that there is a back hand left by the bamboo!

There are a lot of things in the bamboo storage bag. Most of the jade Jane Xiaohua’s look is thrown aside. He doesn’t care about the magic weapon of the instrument. He only smashed the golden plaque and the jade briefs that recorded the secrets of the Buddha.

I have been looking at it for a few days. Waiting for the end, Xiao Hua sighed and took out the gods from a dilapidated jade slip. Seeing that the left is already empty, he will hand over the jade. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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