Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1842: Zhang Jie, the land of loss

As the two men screamed in unison, the thin needle that had just disappeared suddenly appeared in Xiao Hua's vest. Xiao Hua tried to fly out to be a dozen feet away, but in the eyes of the two, it was just a rule! In particular, the good-natured child lifted his hand again, and the large-sized hand of a few feet came out of the air. It was covered in Xiao Hua, and the space around Xiao Hua was immediately rock-solid again.

Xiao Hua is critical! ! !

At this critical moment, an unspeakable, embarrassing volatility emerged from Xiao Hua’s mind. This fluctuation is like a breeze, like a bright moon, a mountain and a river, and Xiao Hua’s figure is in this wave. , suddenly disappeared! The fine needles are empty, the big hands are empty, everything is empty!

"This..." Under the undulations, the Yuan Ying, who is a real person and a good child, is extremely excited. The violent shaking of the long-term unsuccessful situation seems to be collapsed and seems to be reorganized. I don’t know what to expect.

"Master, Heaven..." Duer really seems to think of something suddenly, and the white face appears a blush...

"The old man understands!" The real man thought of it, how can a child be born? The eyes are round and the face is also excited!

"Although the old man does not know what the reason is, you can see that the situation is very obvious. It will be taken by Xiao Hua...not only the teacher of the division, but also the benefit of the Yuan Ying! I am going to catch up. I have already followed him. Under the death of revenge, never let him escape!" Duo really rushed to release the mind, but unfortunately there is no trace within a hundred miles.

"Bohai!" The tone of the child is full of absolute excitement, far from the calmness of the Yuan Ying monk. "The girl said that there is a way to live in the sea! She has pointed out a way for Xiao Hua, and more It is a dead end for Xiao Hua! The old man should look at how Xiao Hua fled to Bohai. Even if he arrived in Bohai, who would dare to help Xiao Hua!"

"Yes, go!" Duo real people can't wait, the body shape of the rainbow, it is necessary to chase the Bohai. The body's mana has just surged, and the real man is shouting, "Damn! This girl's blood curse is really powerful..."

"Hey, how is that? The top speed is not the same as that of Xiao Hua. I have the support of Yuan Ying in my body. I can't catch up with a baby in the body. Is there only a monk who is repaired by Yuan Ying?" Not nervous, follow the rainbow.

The two chased the sea like a meteor.

Similarly, as usual, when Xiao Hua waved the willow branches, it was still the land of the rainy continent, a boiling spring, a seemingly inhuman, light-shadow surrounded by colorful halo around the body. Among them, the situation is slightly changed. With the emergence of the power of life, the light and shadow instantly flew out of the spring water and stopped in the high altitude of hundreds of feet above the soup pool. The colorful halo violently turned, and a cold voice with no feelings sounded again: Sure enough, 'the other side'!!! That's right! This kind of breath of life can't be concealed in any place in this world! This is why... I have waited so much!"

The voice did not fall, and the colorful halo gave birth to a pair of wings of several hundred feet long! The wings are multi-layered, but they are very transparent. At this time, they are clearer than before. They can still be distinguished by several layers. At this time, the face of this light and shadow is also blurred. There is no nose and mouth, and the eyes and ears are not seen. Transparent glass. However, above the face is a flash of sacred brilliance. When it is to cover the face, how can there be no appearance in this world?

But seeing that the wings are slightly, the light and shadow are moving forward quickly, and disappeared instantly!

Waiting for Xiao Hua to swing the willow branch for the second time, the high altitude in the west, only this moment, the light and shadow have already flown thousands of miles away. "Hey? Who?? Actually dare to use the other side twice? Could it be... ”

Having said that, the light and shadow stopped, and he looked at the East with hesitation, and dared not move forward! It seems that it can be motivated once the other side has already gotten, and the other side is urging the other side, so that this light and shadow is also taboo!

It was a little stagnant for a while, then the light and shadow suddenly moved, and the wings spread to the east. Obviously, this light and shadow has already been decided. However, only after tens of thousands of miles, the light and shadow stopped again, and the sacred face swayed like a frown of a secular person. "How is it possible???? This is too ridiculous! The breath of the other side is again It’s gone!! Who is this..."

However, since then, the light and shadow did not give up as before, but flew the wings faster than the meteor to the east! Until I don’t know how many miles, the figure of light and shadow stopped in the air, looking at the clear sky in the distance, and whispered: “Here... how is there a natural ban? It’s not right, although the ban is natural, can... ..."

Speaking of this, the whole body of the light and shadow moved slightly, the skull turned a little, the wings gradually gained into the body, and then the whole light and shadow flooded the holy white light, and a beautiful and calm woman appeared from the white light.

But seeing this woman's face full moon, a pair of dark scorpions flashing cold, cherry mouth is like some blush, straight nose, with a black eyebrow of the crescent moon, an unspeakable silence to live This is the face of the hail. In the left side of the eyebrow, a rice-sized red dragonfly is there. This is the place where you are embarrassed, but it can also give women a kind of flattery. The charm is faint, not only makes people feel uncomfortable out of thin air, but also makes people see the cold eyes of women, but also gives birth. A touch of warmth.

The woman looks beautiful and the clothes are even more weird. The white robe flashes and shines all over the body. If the long hair is covered with the waterfall on the woman's back, the blossoming curl is the ripples.

The woman showed her figure and turned slightly. Just a few hundred miles away from her left side, a man dressed in a cloak came. The man’s **** swept the woman and his face was shocked. , immediately flew to the woman's side.

When I was close, the face of the man's Fengshen, such as jade, was revealed. The long-distance is a smile that can be awkward: "Xiaoke Du Peng, I have seen this friend, who does not know which friend is a disciple?" Or in which Xianshan retreat? It seems that I have never seen it before!"

"The way he is not my way, the road is different, do not have to call a friend!" The woman's voice is extremely cold.

"Oh?" Du Peng brows his head and doesn't get angry. He laughs. "I don't know how the girl is called? What do you do here?"

"My name is Zhang Jie!" the woman replied coldly. "I am waiting for you here, and I want to ask you, where is the natural prohibition? How to pass?"

“Zhang Jie?” Du Peng listened in his ear, slightly pondered, and then accompanied the laughter. “Good teacher Zhang knows that the side of the ban is the Wumen Mountain Range! There is nothing easy to pass this prohibition...”

"Wumeng Mountain?" The woman's expression is unchanged, not waiting for Du Peng to finish, but also asking, "Where is the mountain?"

"Where is Wu Meng? It is the land of my Xianmeng!" Du Peng’s eyes replied

But look at the woman's look like ice, but also to show off the road, "I heard that the place was in the ancient times was the place where the Buddha was entrenched, but after the Buddha was destroyed, it was abandoned by the Xianmeng of my Taoist school! Right. Du Mou is not talented, but also a member of Xianmeng. The specific origin is not convenient to disclose now. If Zhang wants to pass this Wumen Mountain Range, it may be a good idea to follow Du, maybe Du can help Zhang girl find a shortcut!"

"哼~" The woman's dark scorpion swept Du Peng, cold channel, "Bold Shield!"

As the woman's cold eyes swept, a faint white light shot from her body, like a white pigeon rushing to Du Peng.

Du Peng's graceful look suddenly changed, and the mana urged it, as if to dodge, but unfortunately he did not wait for him to move, the pigeon has already rushed into Du Peng's body!

"Holly..." A dry, hoarse voice was born from Du Peng's body, and a glimpse of black gas not only emerged from Du Peng's seven scorpions, but also from the skin under the robes! Gradually, Du Peng was covered, and a vaguely demon figure was outlined in this black gas!

"Oh..." The woman snorted and seemed to be extremely annoying, but the look on her face did not match the emotions. It was still cold and still holy. The look looked at the southwest and then looked around. The white light re-emerged and flew toward the far east, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The woman named Zhang Jie went away. The black gas of Du Peng’s body did not stop the drumming. There was a half-tea time, and the black gas that dispersed in Du Peng’s body gradually converges. Under the black air, Du Peng's horror anomaly was revealed, and at the same time, the face was awe-inspiring. The former Yufeng God had already turned into a wind-scraping!

"This...this...this is...who?? Why is there such a supernatural power?? This should not exist in Xianmeng!" Du Peng looked at the direction in which Zhang Jie disappeared, and he could not believe the whisper, " According to what she said, it is here to wait for me? It is... ask me to cross the passage of the Wumen Mountain Range? And she can actually see through me?? The Wumen Mountain Range is not afraid of hundreds of thousands of millions. In the end, she can see through the innate ban that the thousands of monks can do nothing?"

"But, why haven't I heard of these strangers?" Du Peng thought of something again, hurriedly let go of the mind, and looked around in an inch and a inch. There are still thousands of doubts in his heart. "She goes. What does the Wumen Mountain Range do? If she asks from her mouth, she does not know about Xianmeng, she does not know Xiaoyu mainland, and she does not know what abandoned land? But where does she go?"

After a full fragrant work, Du Peng regained his mind and restored the previous calm. His eyes were slightly stunned and he looked at the far east. The sun was rising just now, and a smile suddenly appeared in his mouth... To be continued.)

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