Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1884: Moving stone

"Master..." Yuanya is looking up and shouting, as if to say something.

These two words Xiaohua understand, and my heart is a bit of acid. I haven’t heard the word "Master" for a long time. He couldn’t help but think of helplessness! Think of nothing but help for yourself!

Although helpless, it is now the soul of the soul, and as the second soul of the space, his future is second only to Xue Xue, but... he is no longer a living person after all!

However, the old man seems to be as helpless as he is, and he does not care about this place. He simply does not care about the meaning of the world, and even the answer does not answer. Yuanya also seems to get used to it all, shouting a word, and picking up a big hammer, hammering Xiaohua out of the ochre spar! I have to say that the craftsmanship of the world is really good. It is not inferior to the sardines. The sallow-colored spar is a solid anomaly, and the end of the world will be carved out of the spar, fearing that it will not be hit with a sledgehammer. Hundreds of times? In addition to the first hammer, I don’t know that Xiao Hua is inside, and the other is in the middle. The other hundred hammers are carefully, and they don’t touch Xiaohua’s skin at all! Even, Xiao Hua's waist and other places, Yuan Ya also carefully left some not to be smashed, and after Xiao Hua's legs can move, he took a set of worn robes and handed it to Xiao Hua, and turned and left.

The robe is very worn, but the washing is clean, and there is no smell of bad smell. Xiao Hua glanced at it. Some difficult hands raised him and peeled off the already thin layer of spar left on his body. Put this robe on! Xiao Hua’s tall and thin, far beyond the boundaries and the old man, this robe is worn on it, hands and arms, as well as legs and feet.

"Hey, what's going on here!" Xiao Hua just raised her hand. I feel that my arm is sore, it seems that this arm is heavy, even slightly lifting the leg, the leg is extremely heavy, and can not move at all.

Trying to take a few steps that seem to be stiff. Xiao Hua understands it! The origin of the soil is different from the origin of the fire. Before Xiao Hua was in a coma, a lot of earthy aura has been born, and Xiaohua’s meridians and flesh are completely blocked. If it is not accidental, it is the extremely pure earthy aura inside the flesh that causes the heavy and stiff body of Xiao Hua.

"Well, these earthy auras are directly born from the origin of the soil. It is purer than the earthen crystals, even more pure than the earthworms. If Xiaomou refines these auras, it will definitely take it to the next level." The toughness of the flesh and the meridians is equally remarkable!" I want to understand, Xiao Hua’s heart is dark again! This is not only a disaster, but even a chance. Speaking of disaster. Xiao Hua is also looking at the spar on the ground. Obviously, this is also something that overflows from his body. In the tiny whirlpool, if there is any danger, these spar will also block themselves.

"If it is a tidal country in the Tibetan continent, it should be opposite the West Sea. The direction of Zhengdong. The sea eye of the West Sea does not know how many millions of miles! That sea eye... Oh, it is really amazing!" Xiao Hua secretly It’s awkward, "However, it’s not necessarily the brook country of the Tibetan celestial continent. Xiaomou is still rushing to practice the clearing of the eye at this moment! It is not necessary to learn the words of the three continents early!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua heard the footsteps, and it was the end of the world.

Seeing that Xiao Hua had already dressed in a robe, he was smiling at Xiaohua. Yuanya is a young man in his twenties, except that his skin is black. The hair is a bit sparse and there are some scars on the face. It can be said to be an extremely handsome guy. In particular, the smile of the heart is very infectious, and that laughs. In the round eyes, there is a kind of affinity, so that people do not come to give birth to a kind! However, there were a lot of scars on the face of the heart, and even a few of them were particularly deep, and they suddenly cut off his handsomeness. Moreover, when the world does not laugh, the eyes flashed a kind of vigilance and a kind of alert from time to time, and even a kind of threat, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

This makes Xiao Hua very confusing, and I don't understand why the two different feelings are so obvious when one person's mood is different.

Xiaoya smiled, the fierceness in the eyes flashed a little, and said a few words, but unfortunately these words Xiaohua did understand a few words, the whole sentence did not understand. Xiao Hua shook his head in a hurry, that is, Xiao Hua also felt a little difficult.

It is not strange that Yuanya is beckoning at Xiaohua, pointing to the broken spar on the ground. He has taken a head-sized one and left.

Xiao Hua understood, so he also had a tough stoop, and wanted to hold a large spar, but tried it, his hands were weak and sore, and he had to smile and smashed two fist-sized spar. In the hands, step by step and follow the edge of the road to the high slope.

Xiaohua is located on the side of a steep mountain road. It is a flat land of several feet. There are dozens of places below the flat. It is the end of the mountain road. It is a boulevard. There are some people on the avenue. On the other side of the avenue, about half a mile away, there is a big river that can't see the side at a glance. The waves above the river are rolling, and the water is very urgent.

Xiao Hua went up the mountain with the high slopes, and went up to the mountain road. Looking up, at the end of the mountain road, there are about a few dozen feet. There is a small building. The faint blue brick and tile is hidden in Between green pines and cypresses.

Look at the buildings in the distance, look at the mountain roads at the foot, and then look at the miles along the mountain roads. Xiao Hua understands that Yuanya is going to move the spar into the building.

"Silk ~" Xiao Hua did not feel a cold breath, if it is ordinary, it is said that it is dozens of feet, that is, Wanzhang... Xiao Hua will not be afraid, not to fly, to go, there is no problem ! But today is different, my meridians and the body are all soil and milk, it is very heavy, and then climb the peak of dozens of feet, tired and tired?

"Come on, go, what?" When the old man was impatient, he was born from Xiaohua’s back. When he saw Xiaohua’s two fist-sized spar, he was sneer. “It’s not honest at first glance. The goods! Actually, they will be lazy! How can they send you over?? You remember, this is the old man who gives you the opportunity, you have to spend such a big price... If you want to complete the task, you must work honestly. You are so sloppy, can you move these spars to the Taoist temple? If these things are known to others, not to mention the old man, you just want to live! Well, you will not move these spar to the Taoist Temple today. Do not want to have dinner!"

Said, not waiting for Xiao Hua to answer, the old man hurriedly passed by Xiao Hua, and hurried away.

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. The old man’s words are exactly the opposite of Yuan Ya’s words. He can understand most of them. Only a small part does not know. Of course, the main meaning can still be understood.

"Is this person wrong? What mission? What... With what, it seems that he suspects that Xiao is deliberately approaching him? And... What is Taoist?" Xiao Hua’s heart gave birth to a doubtful cloud, facing the old man and the Yuan Ya also has curiosity, "Forget it, you can't go anywhere near Xiaomou. It's better to stay here! Let's refine the meridians and the soil in the flesh, and wait for the freedom to recover, then go to the world of bliss. Let's go!"

Xiao Hua thought, and relieved, step by step toward the high point of the Taoist temple, every step of the way in the body to run the dragon and heaven and earth.

"Hey?" Just when Xiao Hua had just run these two secret techniques, he was surprised to discover that not only did Tian Man’s filling technique have entered a new stage, but also the long-term movement of the dragon was also entered. The second layer of cultivation. Xiao Hua is delighted and carefully appreciates the changes.

After the cultivation of the Dragon and the Heavenly Man, the cultivation of the second layer has undergone significant changes. No matter what kind of secret technique, it is to refine the aura, and transform this aura into true gas and even true yuan for use by the next Dantian Jindan. Nowadays, the two secret techniques are also quenching the aura, but these auras no longer flow into the meridians and dantian, but for the meridians and the flesh themselves! Or, at this time, the dragon scorpion is used for meridian quenching, and the heavenly body filling technique is used for physical body quenching!

"Good~" Xiao Hua is even more pleased. "This dragon is used by the demon to repair the dragon. If you practice it to the extreme, you will be able to turn the dragon! Xiaomou does not have to let the meridian dragon, but if it can be the meridian of the whole body. They all get through and practiced as a whole. Together with Zhong Dantian and Xia Dantian, did Xiao’s cultivation not reach a new realm? Moreover, although Xiao’s body has been tempered, he always feels weak. Is there a physical reinforcement of the body? I think about the experience of Xu Zhuoliang and others, this body is really important on the three continents!"

Although Xiao Hua’s thoughts are excellent, taking advantage of this opportunity can be cultivated. But it is extremely difficult to do it! There is no **** and Buddhist knowledge. There is no infuriating and true element. It is difficult to complete the soil crystal milk that completely blocks the meridians and the body by the quenching of two secret techniques.

Xiao Hua is either stingy or easy to be soft. The biggest advantage is that there is perseverance, and the things that are recognized are always the best. Waiting for him to step by step, walked to the middle of the mountain road, the depths of the people have turned back, his meridians and the body of the body finally refining the first aura. This aura is very weird, not an ordinary instinct, but an inexplicable detail. It is very easy to enter the meridians and the flesh, and then find them again.

Seeing that Xiao Hua was holding two spar in his hand, he was still so difficult, and his brows were wrinkled, but he did not say anything. When Xiaohua was approaching Taoist temple, the end of the world was catching up. However, his shoulder is exactly a spar that is similar to his hammer.

"Yes, this has a lot of strength!" Xiao Hua glanced at him, and slightly praised...

Ps: Thank you for your support, thank you "Sichuan Little Fatty" for the reward, today's three more

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