Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1894: Life of the world

"Miss~" This is the gimmick who talked to Yuanya immediately. "Did we not just go to Xiaojin Temple in the past few days? The master said..."

"Qinghuan!" The woman sighed with a sigh. "I didn't let you speak. What do you say so much?"

"Yes, Miss!" The girl was helpless. From the purse in her waist, she took out a few coins and shook the empty purse. "Miss, there are so many coins left!"

"Dao Chang..." The woman’s voice came from the sedan chair again. "It’s very embarrassing, it’s left a little..."

"No~" Xiao Daochang put his hand on the road. "The old man’s words are not asking the lady for money! Besides, even if the lady wants to give it, I have to wait for the old man to finish the conversation. The lady looks at the old man and says whether it is in the ear, then Decide if..."

"Let you hold it with you!" Qinghuan is not happy, as if she is talking to Yuanya, and she is not too enthusiastic.

Then Qinghuan threw the copper coins on the table. "Hey," he saw the copper coins falling, and another one rolled on the table and fell to the ground.

Xiao Daochang is very embarrassed. He has some to take, but he doesn't want to kneel down...

"Oh, Xiao Daochang, your old steamed buns are coming!" Xiao Hua just smiled and walked to the front, bent over and picked up the copper coins, and put them on the table together with the oil bag.

Xiao Daochang smelled the scent of the buns, could not help but swallow a spit, although it is very hidden, but the peristalsis in the throat can not get close to the green ring. This girl can't help but grin.

"Oh, the road is long. The little girl will not delay your use of the meal!" The voice in the sedan chair is ringing again. "The money that the little woman brought today is not enough. These coins will be fixed money, and you will always be embarrassed. You can go to the town of Haojia, the little girl listens to the leader and guides me!"

After that, he also told me: "Qinghuan, called the bearer to pick up the car~"

"Yes, Miss!" Qinghua answered with a sigh, and hurriedly greeted the four strong men who were sitting in the shade under the shade. Lift the sedan chair. Going in a hurry.

“哼~” Xiao Daochang glanced at Xiao Hua, but he said that he was not angry. “I don’t go back late, I always fight at the most critical time!”

but. While complaining. Xiao Daochang has been squandering the money in his hands and feet. I even took out a meat buns from the oil bag and took a bite!

Seeing Xiao Daochang eating meat buns, Yuan Ya also took his leftover meat buns out of his arms. Hesitantly handed it to Xiao Hua and saw that Xiao Hua smiled and shook his head. He no longer said more, and ate it carefully.

Ten meat buns, swallowed by Xiao Dao's long wolf, quickly wiped out, and the one who had just finished eating the last bite.

Xiao Daochang himself was embarrassed, and he took a full, long breath, took out a copper coin and threw it to Yuan Yadao: "Ya, buy the buns yourself! Then give Master some tea!"

"Yes, Master~" The end of the field is almost unchanged, it is very agile to take over the copper coins, and quickly went.

“Where did you get the copper coins?” Xiao Daochang looked at Xiao Hua and asked him a full meal. “The old man thought you were gone!”

“Where can Xiaomou go?” Xiao Hua smiled. “Xiao Mou still wants to follow the real person to see the eyes!”

"Where is your copper coin?" Seeing Xiao Hua avoiding the answer, Xiao Daochang asked, he did not believe that the ten meat buns were Xiao Hua.

"Even if Xiaomou stole it, did the Taoist also eat it?" Xiaohua smiled.

“Is it really stolen?” Xiao Daochang’s face changed and his tone was a bit cold.

Xiao Hua was even a glimpse. He didn't even think that he had a big reaction to Xiao Daochang's reaction. Then he smiled and said: "Do you think Xiao is the kind of person?"

"The old man can't see the heart! I don't know who you are!" Who knows, Xiao Daochang's words are even more shocking to Xiao Hua. "Even if many people seem to be very loyal on the surface, doing things is just justice, but who? Do you know if this is right or wrong? The old man used to rumor that he can see through the heart, but even if he sees it, what can he do? Just like the Miss Hao, she is obviously trying to let her bearer rest for a while. I avoided this hot sun, and at the same time I saw no one before the old man’s desk. So I borrowed a look at it and wanted to give a few coins to the old man. Do you think that the old man’s ghosts can believe it? Even if you don’t come back, she will Excuses to leave, she will not let the old man finish the words, because with the words she left, if the old man is in a hurry, there is really no life, you can go to Hao Zhuang to find her for help! However, the old man even Is it through seeing her heart, can those old men not say it? Can the old man not want the money he gave to her? This world is helpless... It’s the shore!”

Xiao Daochang said that Xiao Hua’s heart was leaping. I couldn’t think of leaving it for a while, and actually let this Xiao Zhenren feel so! And listening to the words of Xiao Zhenren, he is really a storyteller!

It is a pity that after Xiao Daochang finished speaking, he actually yawned and stretched out and whispered: "Grandma's, the vultures of Xiaojin Temple were too fierce yesterday, and they didn't sleep well!"

After that, I went to the table, but for a moment, the buzz started again.

Xiao Hua smiled a little bit, and walked to the big tree, leaning against the big tree, and lazily watching it step by step, and it was a small mouthful of meat buns.

It seems to be the habit of the end, when he eats the last meat buns, he is very determined to stop, carefully wrapped the buns with oil bags and put them in his arms. Then he went to Xiao Hua and bit his lip, staring at Xiao Hua.

"Oh? What's wrong? Yuanya..." Xiao Hua was a little worried, laughing. "Are you looking at Qinghuan? Let Xiaomou ask for your way?"

"Why don't you go?" Yuanya was not amused by Xiao Hua's words, faintly asked.

Xiao Hua said strangely: "Why should I go? This is a big land in Tibet. Isn't it the same where I go? Since everything is the same, why don't I stay here?"

"You just left, I thought you were gone!" Yuanya did not care how deep Xiaohua said, still open the way, "I feel a little lost in my heart, I feel that I will not see you in the future!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua blinked his eyes and listened to the words of the world, almost confession!

"I regret that you didn't ask you when you were there!" Yuan Ya, regardless of the goose bumps on Xiao Hua's body, went on to say, "Since you are back now, I must ask you!"

"What problem?" Xiao Hua was amazed. He really couldn't think of what he would ask himself.

"What can you say in the morning?" Yuan Ya eyes stared at Xiao Hua, asking one word at a time.

"What?" Xiao Hua frowned, wonder.

"The kind of boxing in your morning... can you really teach me?" Yuanya was not discouraged because of Xiaohua’s counter-question, and asked.

"This..." Xiao Hua is really stunned. In the morning, it is obviously a joke. He has never taught anyone in Beidou Shenquan, and he does not think that Yuanya can learn.

Seeing that Xiao Hua hesitated, he was in a hurry, but he was not like an ordinary person. He could observe the words and find Xiao Hua’s real thoughts from Xiao Hua’s hesitation, but he saw the end of the world’s “噗通” slamming on the ground, Shantou. Road: "Seeking Master to teach me the boxing method!"

"Master? Oh, you get up first!" Xiao Hua smiled and raised his hand.

"Yes, Master!" It didn't look as long as ordinary people, and it was awkward.

"You have a master. I am not your master!" Xiao Hua waved his hand. "And I have no plans to accept you as a disciple!"

"Yes, Master!" Yuanya is still this sentence.

Xiao Hua shook his head and was not prepared to correct this mistake. He just stared at Yuan Ya and asked: "If you want to learn this boxing method, you must tell me why you want to learn?"

"Why do you want to learn?" The end of the world was awkward, scratching his head and saying, "I have learned this boxing method, I can be more powerful, I naturally want to learn? Why not learn?"

Yuan Ya’s answer was straightforward and made Xiao Hua speechless.

Looking at Xiao Daochang, who fell on the table, Xiao Hua really thought that this was the arrangement of Xiao Daochang.

"Let's do this, tell your life and Xiaomou, since I want to worship Xiaomou as a teacher, how can I let Xiaomou know your origin?" Xiaohua thought for a moment.

"Yes, Master!" Yuan Ya respectfully said, "The disciple has no father and no mother since childhood. Since the beginning of the note, he has lived with a female wolf in the jungle..."

The experience of Yuanya is very sad, but in the mouth of the world is simple, but for a moment, Xiao Hua knows that Yuanya is the dark forest of Xuanzao who was born in the mainland of Tibet. Since childhood, he has been with the beasts in the jungle. For Wu, I have never touched the Terran. After the big one, the female wolf who died with him died and became the king of the wolves. Later, for some reason, he came out of the jungle and met a hunter. However, he did not live an ordinary life, because he was not tamed, he was sold to the arena by the hunters. In the arena, the end of the field was trained, and the name was also obtained in the arena. For his own survival, Yuanya has been fighting for three years in the arena. There was no regular victory in the gladiatorial field. In a duel, the edge was seriously injured by the opponent, and he almost died. At this time, he met Xiao Daochang, who was brought out from the arena by Xiao Daochang. As for the impoverished How Xiao Daochang persuaded the owner of the arena, it was not known at the time of the coma. Later, under the care of Xiao Daochang, the end of the world was finally healed. Later, along with Xiao Daochang, he drifted in the Tibetan continent. This Taoist view of Changsheng Town was also the result of the sudden passage of Xiao Daochang’s journey through the past few years, which stayed within the Taoist temple.

Ps: Saturday and Sunday are the replacements in May and June. The preparations for the flowering are bigger, the daily five chapters are outside, and the debts of the 71010401 are added. (To be continued.)

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