Legend of the Cultivation God

: 20 pieces of foreign seals

"Hey, this is good to say, if it is not the key, how can the old man take a step back?"

Zhang Xiaohua saw that the two did not avoid themselves. They only regarded themselves as objects, and they also knew that their lives were also worry-free. Zhang Xiaohua didn’t feel that he was sitting on the ground and looked at the piece of Qiu Feng’s instrument. Stare straight! I don't know what I am thinking!

After a while, I only listened to Feng Shu and said: "Let's do it, explain the friend, the old man thought of a way, don't know if it is right!"

"Feng Shu, please, the old man is listening!"

"Well, this stove is the last resort for me to wait for the robbery. If I have safely robbed it, this stove will naturally not be used, so the old man wants to... fight with it now. It’s better to take this stove first, and wait until later!”

Explain and squint, nodded and said: "I am, but I am just waiting for the middle of the gods. There is still a period of catastrophe in the late period of the separation of the gods. At this time, what is your life and death? If you wait until later, you will arrive at the small When it’s time to rob, use it again!”

"And ... if the friend of the road is a successful robbery, do you not have to **** it for this?" Feng Shu’s little high hat was sent.

"Oh, let Feng Daoyou say goodbye!" The thought is also a smile: "And... I am waiting to be similar, but after all, it is not the same time. If it is... then, let me wait. Set up an agreement, who will first rob, this one will let the first use, if it is the success of the first robbery, then the stove will be left to the catastrophe! How do you see?"

"Oh, very good. Deep my heart!" Feng Shufu said: "This is the case!"

You can take a look at Zhang Xiaohua, Feng Shu is frowning again: "The future things can be agreed like this. But... now? The old man is going to let this go to my ascension, and the old man is busy with the magic valley. Just put him under the door, use the skills of this door to cultivate, and wait for the future to win, you can have a good foundation..."

"This..." It is also a dilemma. According to his thoughts, I naturally want to bring Zhang Xiaohua to her own Xianle School and cultivate it with the method of Xianle School. It’s also a matter of doing more with less!

Of course, at this time, the two of them will receive the same for Zhang Xiaohua. Zhang Xiaohua is a bad luck, but... How can they rest assured that the other party will accept it?

"Not as good as... Find another martial art and let him stay there?" Feng Shu proposed.

"Don't..." Explain the head and shake the head with the rattle: "This kind of good furnace, as long as it is placed in Xiaoyu mainland, but the monk who is going to rob the robbery. It must be robbed of the head, absolutely can not let any martial art know !"

Of course, there are still words in the elaboration that have not been said: "Who knows what other martial art has to do with you? How do you know if you do what you do? Maybe even if I first use the stove, I have to Fall in your trap!"

Having said that, this idea has no further discussion. The two are distrustful of each other, how can they be assured of other sects?

The two stood quietly face to face, and after a long while, they thought and urged: "Feng Daoyou, is there no other way? Is it difficult... just put this in a certain place? Or let this alone Practice in Xiaoyu mainland?"

Feng Liang’s eyes are bright. He said: "It is very good to explain what the Tao said, why not?"

"Hey? Feng Daoyou is going to imprison this place?"

"Oh. It's not good to be imprisoned. After all, this stove is for me to wait for the future. The length of imprisonment is not good for my future development..."

"Feng Daoyou will not throw him to Xiaoyu mainland!" The thoughts are incredible: "If you are discovered by others, where are the opportunities for me?"

"Hey, it’s hard to forget the Taoist friends. It’s hidden in the city, and it’s hidden in the wild. Even if you imprison this place somewhere, you will be discovered, and there will be many opportunities to discover. It’s better to let him directly. In the rainy continent, the monks in the rainy continent do not know how many people, who can know these low-minded monks? And...you and me have joined forces to ban this sinister Zhongdantian, except for the monks who smelt above the imaginary, who Can you find out? And how can these little monks in the micro-ends be discovered by monks who are higher than me? Even if this qualification is very good, you can... don’t wait until then, you can go to the small robbery. Is it?"

"Haha, Feng Daoyou really has more wisdom!" After thinking and thinking, he once again raised his hand, but it was Nahan again: "If there is no such thing as me, I will only start from the refining, afraid... Shouyuan is not enough!"

Feng Shu smiled: "Is it difficult to explain ... there is a better way to explain the Taoist friends? If the friends are not assured, then let the old husband bring back to Shengmeng?"

Explain, of course, is shaking his head. Then, Feng Shu rumored a few words. He explained the first horror, turned to look at Zhang Xiaohua, and then nodded slightly, saying: "If Feng Daoyou thinks so, then... the old man only agrees. It!"

Later, Feng Shu said, "In this case, you and I will swear by this. Since today, you and I must not disclose this to anyone, including your own disciple." And any disciple of Xianle School can't give any guidance to this! Where can I go, where to live, whether cultivation or cultivation, or nothing to do with me!"

"Well, that is to say, before I wait for a small day to rob, it is absolutely forbidden to have any contact with this cockroach. Only when one person is robbing, can we come together to take this!"

"Yes, if you and I want to do anything about this, we must negotiate with each other. Only two people agree that both of them are present at the same time to make a difference!"

"And, if this is discovered by others! I have to wait for the same time... I will cover this up, and I will kill the man by any means!"

"Well... if it is the old ghost of the robbery?"

"Oh, that's natural! Let's save our lives... for it!"

"And... if there is any change in this?"

"This... is unlikely?"

"I am afraid that if I am afraid of 10,000, I will be afraid of it! Do you say, let me say it first!"

"Well, if there is any change. I can wait for a little investigation! However, if you and I have one person to go, you must inform another person. You and I can't have anyone alone to find this! Or that sentence... ...this must not let others know the details!!!"

"Okay, according to Feng Daoyou!" Seeing the two people negotiating almost, and thinking and thinking for a moment, nodded again.

Immediately, both of them dripped a drop of blood, mixed together, and made a vow in the blood, and then handed the finger to the blood, the drop of blood split into two, and turned into two groups of weird runes. Fly to the forehead of the two. Disappeared!

"Explain the friend, your secret technique should be used!" Feng Shu saw an oath, and said a little flower, faintly said, "The memory of these days ... should not stay!"

"Well to say!" Explain and think about it, the 10,000-point broken firefly should come out, Zhang Xiaohua with this broken firefly is flying in the air. In the hands of the gods and monks, Zhang Xiaohua is simply an ant. He does not have any counterattack force. When the shattered hood is under the cover, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly feels a kind of sorrow, a kind of sorrow as a fish. A sorrow as an ant, this sorrow has not diminished in the ambiguity of consciousness.

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua's face like a gray face, Feng Shu is not surprised, looked at the left and looked at it. The ring of the storage was not flying into his hand. The bag that was dropped on the ground and the odd-shaped implement were also missing. Even Zhang Xiaohua’s clothes were taken away by Feng Bun. Then Feng Shu said to Zhang Xiaohua: "Oh, the little guy, originally wanted to keep you like pigs, but now there is no way, only sheep can be stocked. Your destiny has already been decided when we see us. Of course, you don't have no chance now. First, you can pray to God, let God spend less time in the old man and the empathy, let us spend it safely, the old man and the confession friend promised You, only when I waited for the thunder, I will let you go immediately! Second, hey, you can also practice diligently, as long as you are robbery before I wait, don’t worry, I don’t have to wait, the distracting little The robbery will definitely defeat this prohibition!"

Zhang Xiaohua only listened with a dull, straight eyes, it seems that there is no spirit!

"Well, or, just like you did, you don't want your own life, you will disarm yourself... Turn around and reincarnate!" Feng Shu ignored his reaction and said: "However, the old man wants to remind you if you are a military The old man and the banter in your ban on Dantian will immediately remind me to wait, and I will arrive soon. When your body is not cold, do some other hands and feet to ensure that... I will wait Can be used when robbery! Of course, this requires you to know who you are, remember the circumstances of today..."

Feng Shu seems to be still saying something, but Zhang Xiaohua’s consciousness is already blurred, it seems to fall into an ashes of space, there is no choice, no stove, no pain, no sadness...

"Feng Daoyou..." Seeing Xiao Hua’s face is not happy or standing in the air, thinking and laughing, “The poor road is not insulting! Now the seal is over, I don’t know if the Taoist first shot? Shoot?"

"Hey, you and I shot at the same time!" Feng Shu smiled faintly. "I just remembered something about the poor road! It seems that you are a fairy-tale, and there are half of the smashed squadrons of the two sacred sacred squadrons." Explain that you don’t have a good understanding!”

"Ha ha ha ~" 阐 淼 淼 , , , , 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 阐 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ”

"What's more!!" Feng Shu's eyes flashed a trace of twilight. "You and I not only want to seal this sly Zhongtian, but also seal his mudball palace, so that he can't practice normally! Even, Zhong Dantian's The seals show that the friends are dominant, and the seals of the mud pill palace are dominant. The two seals are used to contact each other with the two masks! Even if there is a robbery to destroy the seal, this is the case... ...and let him not eat and walk!"

"Okay! According to Feng Daoyou!" The thoughts are even more laughter, waving hands, countless magical shackles, and countless hurricanes rushing into his hands from the sky, gradually drawing countless white brilliance ! At the same time, that Feng beam is also the same, where the law is waving, countless black lines Guanghua are also born...

For a time, the world changed, and the looming thunder was born in mid-air. It seems that God is just entering the Xiaoyu mainland, and has not seriously taken a look at the beautiful scenery of Xiaohua!

"Boom..." After the loud noise, countless waves rushed around, seeing black and white clearly, and the two layers of seals that blended with each other were unstoppable and fell into Xiaohua’s Muwan Palace and Zhongdantian, explaining Si and Feng. The beam looked up and glanced at each other, and the face gave birth to a dignified weight. At the same time, the hand was lifted, and a brilliance like white silk was taken from Xiaohua Zhongdan Tianzhong, and it was extremely slow to swim in the mudball palace; there was also a mudball palace. If a brilliance of the same black line is born, come to the white silk!

Even the distraction of the two distracted monks, this time is also very serious, eyes staring at the black and white two, a trace of dare to neglect!

Surprisingly, the two hairsprings are like ants. Every time you walk an inch, the void will collapse. Every time you walk an inch, the two distractions will also be dimmed. It seems that at this time, it is as strong as two distractions. Supporting the seals of these fairy tales,

"Oh..." At the moment when the two filaments touched, a ghostly crying screaming screamed out, and a strong wave of swaying into the body of Zhang Xiaohua as the two filaments instantly turned into gray, rushed to the surroundings, high in the sky. The wind has changed again, and this seal actually ignited the sky!

"Brush..." Thousands of crystals shattered from the two distractions, explaining the distraction of the two distracted monks, and the whole light and shadow were rapidly dimmed, and then disappeared into the air. Among them!

"Booming ......" Just in the impact of the volatility, countless lightning and thunder have fallen from the sky, and there is a pouring rain and it falls, it seems that God is crying, and it is like the wrath of God. With the thunderstorm, the body of Zhang Xiaohua's fine light fell from the sky, and the face of the dementia still had two drops of crystal on the corner of his eye. I don't know if it was tears of God or his own tears.

After a few days of rain, Lei Guang flashed in the sky for a few days. The anger could not end without end. The anger was not vented. Gradually, the cloud opened, the rain stopped, and the seven-color iridescent slanted on the horizon. Hanging up, like an open giant, showing a deep pity!

Under the giant eyebrows, a dark spot in the distance gradually approached, and it was close, and it was the knives of the same boat. The weird thing is that there is no visible figure above the instrument, it seems to be a masterless instrument. But the instrument flew over a mountain, and the glare of the sun reflected the implement, and a monk dressed in a blue robe suddenly sat up from the implement! Yes, it is sitting up, actually stretched a long stretch! The monk looked at the daylight that was reflected by the mountain peaks. He said, "Oh, but it’s just a day before I close my eyes! It’s too short."

Speaking of this, the monk has stood up, sorted out the robe, and said to himself: "The old man went to the tens of days and waited outside the valley for so long... but still did not grab any good things! How did the Lingshi under the sun rush to the pockets of others? Why didn’t one of them go to Xiao’s storage bag? Is it necessary to return to Huanghualing empty today?”

The monks said that they were bored and talked about it. The previous rain was really big, the mountains were full of water, the streams were very muddy, the flow was everywhere, the sides of the mountains, many small trees and branches were blown off by the wind. There are still a lot of rocks crushed by lightning, rolling down from the top of the mountain, the mountains are everywhere!

"Oh, this is... a person?" A white flower suddenly appeared from the green leaves and reflected in the eyes of the monk. The monk screamed. This white flower is not the Zhang Xiaohua that is sealed? But it was with the rainy stream rushing into the mountains!

"This person is still alive!!!" The monk fell, and the **** read it immediately and found it, and did not feel frowning. "If it is dead, it is easy to do, and the poor road will be buried! This living person... Let’s take it back to Huanghualing and say it! Wait for him to wake up and send it down the mountain!”

Immediately, the monk took out a robe from the storage bag, arbitrarily draped over Zhang Xiaohua's body, and slammed into the flying boat. The flying boat rushed into the air and quickly went away. The story of Zhang Xiaohua in Xiaoyu mainland, along with the flying boat A little bit of swaying...

Ps: Xiao Hua's seal is finally explained clearly.

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