Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1921: Miss Hao is difficult

Xiao Daochang sneered, look at the sky that still has some dark clouds, and said faintly: "This is the old man's good road! It is the **** of the sky to bless the old man! This thunder is not an ordinary monk... can be used! Xiao predecessors are of course It’s amazing, but if he can cultivate to this point, it’s impossible for a thousand years!”

Until then, Xiao Daochang did not seem to be able to associate the incredible magical powers of summoning Tianlei with the unrecognizable Xiao Hua.

"Yes, Master!" Yuanya did not understand these, only whispered.

"Right, Ya, you go to see what Xiao predecessors are doing!" Xiao Daochang suddenly woke up and hurriedly told him.

"Yes, Master!" The endless answer of the end of the world, rushed into the river tide view.

Just in the west wing room, a huge wooden barrel was used to clean the dog. At this time, the girl who was squatting was soaking in it, and there was a string of blisters in the clear water, which not only made a "beep" sound, but also showed signs of boiling.

As for Liu Yi, the star-shaped eyes are staring at the small closed eyes, and the little red face is slightly reduced, and the face is less anxious.

“Why?” Xiao Hua saw the edge of the rush into the west wing, did not look up, asked faintly, “Is it raining outside? Just thunderously?”

"Yes..." Yuan Ya faced Xiao Hua, it seems that the word "Master" has disappeared, the same habitual answer.

"Oh, that's good! Spring rain is as oily! Now is the season of sowing, more rain is good for the crop! Right, if it rains. Don't forget to collect the clothes!" Xiao Hua's answer is really far from the world. He thought, he did not understand what is called "spring rain is as expensive as oil."

"And... is anyone looking for your master's trouble? Use the old man to shoot?" Speaking here. Xiao Hua suddenly wakes up and asks in a hurry.

In the face of Xiao Hua’s sincere smile, the heart of the innocent heart is empty, and he said: “No need! Master has already sent those people!”

"Oh? That's good!" Xiao Hua brows a pick, some accidents, "Xiao Daochang can handle it himself, that is the best, the old man will give this little girl a look..."

Said. Xiao Hua stretched out his hand again, and the index finger and the **** were close together. It was placed in the pulse of Xiaoyan’s wrist. However, Xiao Hua’s eyebrows were close and difficult to see.

"Predecessors..." Yuan Ya opened his mouth and wanted to say something. I can talk to my mouth and I don’t know how to open it. I simply don’t ask more questions. I turned my head.

"Xianchang..." After the end of the journey, Liu Yi couldn't help but open the door. "How is she doing?"

"Weird! Really strange!!" Xiao Hua almost did not think about the answer, at the same time. The eye of the eyebrow is slowly open...

The torrential rain of Jiangchaoguan is very weird. Naturally, it is more thrilling than the heavy rain. That is the Tianlei who directly killed dozens of people by air! Xiao Jian did not have the guts to conceal this matter, even if he did not wait for the dawn, he personally came to the official residence of Changsheng Town to report! He doesn't dare to let these things happen, and the world can only make things worse!

The official residence of Changsheng Town is also attributed to the king of the country. There is also a set of rules! The bureaucrats got the news, and it was also like a thunder! The cloak can help in Changsheng Town for so many years. The underlying is there, how can the bureaucrat’s chief not know? I got Xiao Jian’s report and almost wanted to put Xiao Jian in jail for the first time! Fortunately, today's Jiang Chaoguan is no more than before, the bureaucrat's chief does not know, but the masters who are well-known to Changsheng Town are immediately discouraged! Everyone is dead, who will control the benefits he gave him during his lifetime? As a result, the bureaucrat's chief came to Jiang Chaoguan with the followers who did not wait for the dawn. I have checked all the ups and downs of Jiangchao Ridge! The place where Zheng Zheng and others fell is more than ten times! Even in the case of the suspicion of the Master and others, Zhu Fengfeng, the dean of the Changsheng College, was invited to the Jiang Chaoguan survey at dawn!

However, the situation of the thunderstorm killing a dozen people is really strange, but the subsequent heavy rain is also normal. Although Zhu Junfeng has extreme doubts about Zheng Hao’s death, he really does not think that this is a direct force. Even these supernatural powers beyond the ranks are the three Taoist monks of Jiang Chaoguan who can make it!

Of course, this conclusion is also derived after he saw Xiao Hua’s cultivation with the eye-catching technique! Moreover, he did not even think that the entire Xiguo, except those who had not seen anyone in the Zongmen, could have such cultivation, and others could not even think of it! The only possibility is that Zheng Hao and so on a dozen people are really unlucky, really because the evil is full, this is dead under the thunder!

Since the official residence of Jiangcheng Township has confirmed that Zheng Zheng was killed by Tianlei, even the director Zhu of Changsheng Town did not nod the default, then the biggest benefit is Xiao Jian Xiaodao!

Although he did not say that the cloak of Zheng Yi was looking for him to be arrogant, at night, the sword light like Hong was still seen by people who were lonely and idle at night! This shows what? Just a little contact, you can immediately get a statement with Zheng Yu's remarks... Jiang Chaoguan is taken care of by the famous Poseidon of the real people! A person who is idle can't hurt Xiao Daochang, the loner of this Taoist family!

Don't say that there is such definitive evidence. Even the rumors that were so ethereal can attract the scent of many good men and women. Now Jiang Chaoguan has been rumored, there is no reason that the incense is not strong!

In the early morning of the seventh day, from the beginning of the temptations of men and women, until the three days of the day, groups of men and women poured into the river tide view. Xiao Jian Xiaodao Chang Mo said that it is a long time to go to Changsheng Town to sell stalls. It is extremely difficult to get a booth in Jiangchao.

So he spent more than three days, until the evening of the ninth day, Xiao Jian suddenly received a sealed letter from the end of the heart! The letter was vermilion, and a small goose was attached to the outside. When Xiao Jian saw this letter, he frowned, because he knew that it was a hundred thousand fires to put a goose feather on the letter! He will open the first time he sees the letter!

However, what is there in this town of Changsheng that makes Xiao Jian Xiaodao burn his eyebrows? This is simply impossible! Therefore, Xiao Daochang did not care! After all, tomorrow is the match between Jiang Chaoguan and Xiaojin Temple! This is the day of the Fairy Buddha Ceremony! It is also a big thing for Xiaojin Temple and Jiangchao. After this day, there can only be one in the entire river town! Of course, Xiao Daochang definitely believes that... Xiaojin Temple must die under his own plan! Compared with the big things of the next day, this goose letter... is obviously insignificant! Even Xiao Daochang can see the smirk of the Xiaojin Temple bald in the goose feathers! ! !

The goose feather letter was thrown in the corner for an hour! Xiao Jian did not ask at all the question of how the goose letter was received. Just after Xiao Jian delivered the last pilgrim, saying that there was a more important challenge on the second day, the last pilgrim was given some money to go! Their wishes, even if Xiao Jian is willing to satisfy, fear that Xiao Zhenren will not open his face! Let the shackles of these pilgrims are comparable to the sands of the seaside... It is really a hundred times of supernatural power to Xiao Hua, and he is not likely to be satisfied!

Xiao Jian lying on the bed stretched out a long stretch, and could not turn the opposite side! Maybe it is the next day's fight, maybe what is still in my heart, so that he can't sleep for a long time! Waiting for him to see the goose letter in the corner, simply ignite the oil lamp, sit up, as the saying goes, do not blame it for its own defeat! Xiao Daochang has done a good job of not knowing anything and intends to take the goose letter apart!

However, after watching the inside, Xiao Jian suddenly jumped out of bed.

Because this letter on the goose letter only wrote a few big characters "My daughter has a flaw! Please also Xiaozhen people pity!" The payment is: Hao Jianzhong.

Although the name written in this goose letter is "Hao Jianzhong", Xiao Jian did not stay in the three words for a while! In his mind, he immediately appeared in the town of Changsheng, in the afternoon of the hot sun, sitting in the small sedan chair, the kind of Miss Hao, who was kind enough to give himself a copper coin!

With this idea, where can Xiao Jian stay in the east wing? A few copper coins in the afternoon, the few meat buns in the hungry, nothing to do with the charcoal in the snow! Among the cold words of others, among the disdainful eyes of others, the clear eyes of Miss Hao Jiada, the smile of the smile, which did not contain any question of charity, suddenly drove Xiao Jian’s exhaustion away. !

Miss Hao Jiada is in trouble, how can Xiao Jian stand by? What's more, he also told Xiao Hua that if there is anything difficult to overcome, he will go to the Miss Hao of the family! Now the help letter outside Hao’s staff is placed in front of his eyes. How can he not go?

But when he took something, he rushed out of the east wing, and the cold wind on his face blew his impulse away! Yes, the goose feathers said that Xiaozhen is a real person! It must be that Hao Yuan knew the miracle of Jiang Chaoguan and knew the magical power of Xiao Zhenren. This is what I think of myself between dangers! Can you be Xiaozhen himself? I am afraid that I will not dare to take the tide of myself.

"Miss Hao Jia has a sputum... If it is an ordinary condition, only the doctor of the medical hall can handle it. The Hao dynasty may not think of Jiang Chaoguan. But since people mentioned Xiao Zhenren, it is definitely a tricky thing. The old man is afraid of Negotiated with the predecessors of Xiao!" For a moment, Xiao Jian sneaked into the West wing!

There was no change in the west wing with a few days ago. The water in the big wooden barrel braved a kind of heat. The little cockroach was still lying inside, and did not wake up. It was as strong as Xiao Hua did not think of any good way to wake her up! In a corner of the west wing, Liu Yi has already huddled this little body and fell asleep! The child is full of energy, and the body is also deeply devastated by the cloak. Now, in front of Xiao Hua, there is no worry about where to support it? There are only two or three hours in a day that are awake and sleepy at other times.

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