Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1933: Confucianism

"Hey, what do you know!" Slightly cold laughs, "It’s not worthwhile to have a long-term academy for a gambling contract. I can’t challenge the bottom line of Confucianism now, I can only develop the power of my Buddha! I will say again. This time, Changsheng Town has not only Laojiao and others, but Chongyunzong also sent several clerks to come over! The old man may not be able to win!"

"Ah? Is there a few clerks in Changsheng Academy?" Ming Yue Zen master was surprised. Look at the dust and the urgency. "Is there something big happening in Changsheng Town? Not only did the Buddha who came to my Buddha’s body come over, Also alerted the Confucian masters?"

"Ming Fa, come over!" The dust did not answer the question of Ming Yue Zen Master, but waved his hand to let Ming Fa come to him.

After the Mingfa was sitting on the futon in front of the dust, the dust put a finger on the eyebrows of Mingfa, and went straight through the tea. This opened the door: "Well, It seems that this Hao family's so-called monster, but it is a perfect rabbit, really nothing! But, Ming Fa, you are not waking yourself, you should take what medicine, to your Repair, you can't escape from the rabbit's hand!"

"Ah? That's..." Mingyue Zen Master was shocked, and he was also surprised by the Mingfaqi Road. "Is this sun coming out from the west? Xiao Jian of Jiang Chaoguan will actually reach out to help me Xiaojin Temple?"

"If that Xiao Jian does not, it must be another Taoist!"

"Impossible!" Ming Fa quickly shook his head. "It has always been Xiao Jian's shot. The Taoist is simply a follower!"

However, when it comes to this, Mingfa is somewhat awakened. Looking at Ming and Mingyue, it is also said: "However, from the point of view of Jiangchao in the past few days, this Taoist who is also the same surname Xiao is really possible. ?"

"Oh? What happened to Jiang Chaoguan?" The dust is coming again. "According to the old man, this has been broken. It has long been impossible to pose any threat to the Xiaojin Temple of Buddhism. How come so many things today? ?"

Ming Yue Zen Master naturally said what happened during the ten days.

"Hey. Do you still use it? It must be the hand and foot of the Taoist surnamed Xiao! He must be a panacea for Taoism!" The dusty smile, "the wake of Mingfa and others, and the rabbit's surrender." Related to this Xiao Dao Shi!"

"Yes, if this Xiao Daoshi wants to reconcile with Xiaojin Temple, he can't wake up Mingfa and others!" Ming Yue Chan nodded. "According to Xiao Jian's inferiority, he can only be a coma. People sent back to Xiaojin Temple. To humiliate my Buddha!"

"Amitabha, if that is the case..." Mingfa had already thought about it as early as the road. He heard the words of Mingyue Zen Master, his face was reddish and his hands were mixed. "The disciples made the abbots embarrassed! They are all disciples." shallow……"

"Oh. Nothing!" Mingyue Zen master glanced at the dust and laughed. "My Buddha has always treated people with compassion. Whether it is a secular person or a Confucianism and a Taoist, this seat is not and never really shot at the end." After all? Those little fights are just a joke with them. Since they are Jiangyue, they have released goodwill. Xiaojin Temple can’t be a small family, and it’s not good to wait for tomorrow. Oh. Say today, on the top of the Fairy Buddha ceremony, they only serve them softly, and spare them!"

"Mug!" I know, Ming Yue Zen master just finished, I thought that the dust will be palm, but the face is the cold face of the dust, "Ming Yue! You have been a small abbot in Xiaojin Temple for so many years! My Yunlin Temple teacher has high hopes!"

"Disciples, disciples..." Seeing the dust is so angry. Even the teacher did not call, Ming Yue Zen master was very panic, and hurriedly got up, "Please teach the uncle!"

"You don't understand the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism at all, but you don't understand the dispute between Buddhism and Confucianism. You don't even know the grandeur of my Buddhism! I don't know how to build a Yunlin Temple in the Xi State. Lin Temple sent you to Changsheng Town to live in Xiaojin Temple. What is it?" Sexually cold and cold, "I want to make my Buddha shine on the three continents. It is what I should wait for thousands of Buddhas. This is me." The obsession of lifelong! The compassion of your false and false righteousness can only be fooled by the mundane grievances, throwing the greatness of my Buddha into the **** sea! Today you let go of Jiang Chaoguan. You will let go of Changsheng College tomorrow. But what about them? When they show sharp fangs, they will drive you out of Changsheng Town, and the old man will see where you are going!"

"When the old lady saw you can use the old man to come to Changsheng Town, he made a fatal blow to the Taoist school of Jiang Chaoguan. I thought that you are a material that can be made, and I am happy. But after listening to what you just said... ”

Seeing the dust is so saying, Mingyue Zen master puts his hands together: "Amitabha, the teacher is not taught! The disciples are taught! The disciples will not dare to use their little compassion to cherish the great wish of the Buddha, and then dare not take the small favor of the world. Blocked the glory of my Buddha!"

"Well, you can make a mistake!" The dust changed his face and nodded. "In fact, your goal in Changsheng Town is far from Jiang Chaoguan. You must know it!"

"Yes, the disciple understands that Jiang Chaoguan is a cockroach than the Changsheng Academy!" Ming Yue Zen master bowed his head. "My Xiaojin Temple does not have the strength to compare with the Changsheng Academy!"

"Do you think that the Changsheng Academy promised to participate in the fight, and the so-called "Xianfo Grand Ceremony" held at Xiaojin Temple was Zhu Junfeng's intention?" The dusty right hand sneered, "He Changsheng Academy wants to see my Buddha's attitude towards Taoism." It is tolerance or cold! Don't forget, what is called the Fairy Buddha Ceremony! If you are tolerant today, not only will the Taoist school of Tao Chao be strengthened, but the Changsheng Academy will also bully you and trample on you! Fight... more than a tiger wolf!"

"Yes, yes, the disciple understands!" Ming Yue Zen master saw the sexual dust and took out the battle between the tiger and the wolf, and nodded hurriedly. "The next day, the teacher will be uncle! Since the long-term college has come, there must be In preparation, Jiang Chaoguan has another Xiao Daochang who can drop the demon, and it is not easy to deal with it!"

Speaking of this, Ming Yue Zen Master is obviously surprised, but no, he has come to the home of the dusty realm, the Changsheng Academy has come to the Confucianism of the realm of the Literary Masters, and even the Jiang Chaoguan, who can’t even see the eyes, has more. A person who can descend the demon! This... Isn't this the situation of the dragon fighting? He does not believe that these people are for a fairy buddha that the former Changsheng Town never paid attention to!

"Uncle Shi..." Ming Yue Zen master asked and asked, "Would you come to Changsheng Town for the Xianfo Grand Ceremony?"

"When the old man came, who knows that you will still hold the Fairy Buddha ceremony here?" The dusty smile, "If you want to participate in the Fairy Buddha Ceremony, will the old man not be in Yunlin Temple? Who is patient to run to your Xiaojin Temple?"

Hearing the old monk in the dust, he was a little embarrassed, and his tone was not so solemn. Ming Yue’s teacher was happy in his heart and smiled: “The disciple really couldn’t understand it. Changsheng Town has the eyes of the uncle. !"

"If it is the old man's intentions~" The dusty slanted the eye of Mingfa, faintly said, "It is related to what Miss Hao said!"

"Ah??" A glimpse of Mingfa, almost blurted out, "Is the rabbit actually saying it??"

"Silk..." When the words of Mingfa came out, Mingyue Zen Master and Mingcheng both took a breath of cold breath, and almost incredibly looked at the dust.

“Not bad!” said the faint scent: “I got the news from Yunlin Temple, and some monsters are playing the idea of ​​Changsheng Town!”

"No?" Ming Yue Zen master almost screamed out with some sadness. However, he paid a lot of effort in Xiaojin Temple. It was so hard to have such a weather. If the monster is playing the idea of ​​Changsheng Town, his **** heart. Not in vain?

"Changsheng Town...is one of the hundreds of towns and villages in the Xiguo. There is nothing to show off at all! What are the ideas of those demon objects playing in Changsheng Town?"

"The old man is not a demon, how do you know what they think?" Sexual dust does not claim to be old, and directly called the old man! Looks like a lot of grievances!

"The news that Shishu got... What is it?" Mingcheng was also afraid, whispered, "Maybe these news are nothing?"

"It’s not necessarily true!" Sexual dust shook his head. "Lian Chongyun Zong sent a literary master to the Changsheng College. This news must have been obtained by Confucianism! But... the reason why the old man came late is a few days. I looked around and looked for a few monks on the left side of the door. I even visited the Xiaozhu Temple in Jishun Town."

“What can I do?” Ming Yue’s teacher looked at the look of the dust and asked in a low voice.

"It seems that there is some movement, and it seems to catch the wind and catch the shadow~" The dust shook his head. "But there is no such thing as you think about it, or what the life of Miss Hao Jia said is a charcoal. I am afraid that some little demon wants to do blood sacrifices! What a big deal!"

"Blood sacrifice!!" Ming Yue Zen master is even more eyebrows, "Do they do blood sacrifices not to go to the mountains and forests? To the lively town of Changsheng, why do they have to use the tens of thousands of people in Changsheng Town to make sacrifices?" ”

"If you are a monster, you must know! Where do the old men know if they want to use more than ten thousand people to make blood sacrifices? Grandma's, but some news of catching the wind and catching the shadows, send the husband here! Oh, think about the old man. The invitation to the Fairy Buddha Ceremony! It’s all in vain!”

"Oh, Shi Shu, tomorrow, I have a fairy buddha ceremony in Xiaojin Temple, or you are old, don't you forget your old regret!"

"Shab!" The dust is almost to be picked up. However, just slamming the exit, I immediately wake up and hurriedly put my hands together. "Amitabha, the poor is wrong!"

Then I read a few verses, and I began to say: "Look at the incomprehensible downfall in front of you. I want the old man to preside over the Fairy Buddha ceremony. I really want to let the old man shame!"

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