Legend of the Cultivation God

Vol 2 Chapter 1943: tragic

The students of Changsheng College are quite experienced. They all have laughs on their faces. They only say that there are some changes in the town. The teachers are going to deal with them. They don’t know the specific situation. They only say that everyone is waiting at Xiaojin Temple, and they will live for a while. Return, they can leave. After listening to this, those people are of course doubtful and arrogant, but they are also obedient and slowly move toward Xiaojin Temple.

However, compared with the students of the Changsheng Academy, the monks of Xiaojin Temple are not measured! After Ming Ming’s Zen master explained the cause of the matter to Ming Cheng and Ming Fa, they were also the only 30 disciples who were dispatched only to the discretion. Those disciples were more than ignorant and clear, and they first changed their faces and hurriedly urged them. All the people around the temple entered the temple. When the people asked, they also took the opportunity to show the emergency of the matter!

Everyone got the truth and fry the pot! Who is in the town of Changsheng without family members and no family property, how can they stay in Xiaojin Temple for refuge quietly? Even though the Xiaojin Temple screamed and broke his throat, he said that there was a Buddha blessing, saying that the teacher had already gone to deal with it...

It is a pity that they talked a lot, and no one listened. Many people simply ignored the blockade and explanation of the monks. They rushed down the hillside faster than the tide, and rushed along the mountain road towards Changsheng Town!

"This...this..." Ming Yue Zen Master and others are puzzled and look at the scattered people, really do not understand!

But fortunately, less than four of the nearly 2,000 people are calm, knowing that they can't play any role, and they have sent their lives. Although the heart is like a knife, they can still follow the ants on the hot pot. The arrangement of the students of the Changsheng College is going to Xiaojin Temple!

After this small change, the scene is clear at once, and everything that can make trouble is gone, it will not make trouble, and there is no need for guidance from the public and the students, although there is some confusion. Can enter the Xiaojin Temple. So the students of Changsheng College looked at the monks of Xiaojin Temple with some coldness. They were also the safety of the Shuxin Academy, and they also worried about the safety of their families in the town. However, they could not go to the sword and could only wait here.

Among the thousands of people in the Xiaojin Temple, the most calm and calm... I am afraid that Xiao Jian and Yuan Ya, who are watching the Buddha’s golden body in the Daxiong Hall, are in the world!

The two of them were staying at the small gate of Xiaojin Temple, and they changed their lives. Yuan Ya immediately gave birth to a vigilance. When he pulled Xiao Jian, he rushed into Xiaojin Temple. Xiao Jian was trying to pull the scorpion and scorpion into the car. Xiaohua’s voice came! Xiao Jian’s face changed a lot, and after a moment, the hand that pulled the reins was loose. Rush into the mountain gate faster than the edge! Within this few miles, the hillside where Xiaojin Temple is located is the highest, and the highest place in Xiaojin Temple is the Daxiong Hall. At this time, Xiao Jian will pay attention to what Buddha and Tao are different! The first one who did not care about it rushed in.

Just as Xiao Jian made a remark on Buddhism's golden body, Xiao Hua was urging the flying character to rush to Liao Jiang, but he is now lacking mana. I only feel that the body is heavier than the mountain. It is slower than the snail. It is not only impossible to catch up with Mo, but the dust is strange. I look at myself and fly away. Xiao Hua is depressed. pole!

No way, whether it is within the meridians or within the body. They are all congested with earthen crystal milk. This thing is very precious. Xiaohua, who is stingy, is not willing to wear out. It can only be refining a little bit, or quenching the body, or quenching it into a real element, or quenching it. Into the so-called awe-inspiring. It takes time. What is particularly strange is that although the days in Changsheng Town are not long, Xiao Hua has discovered that although he did not deliberately temper the soil crystal milk into a real yuan. The real yuan that can be produced still flows into the invisible Jindan. The invisible Jindan seems to be unsatisfied with the embarrassment, and how many real elements can be accommodated. It is not the bottleneck of the late Jindan that Xiao Hua thinks.

"Is it difficult...and there are 18 layers of Jindan?" This is Xiao Hua’s occasional thoughts. Of course, from the perspective of Xiao Hua’s hand in the jade, he also cultivated eighteen layers of refining and building foundations. According to the experience of the law, the eighteen layers of Jindan may not be big! Where can the problem be? All the previous exercises and experiences are not used. The problem that is hidden in front of Xiao Hua is a previously unknown problem. For Xiao Hua who never believed that there can be a practice in this world to practice in Tongtian. It is both a challenge and a chance!

However, now Xiao Hua blames his flight speed, and some are the kind of anger against the aquarium.

Yes, when the noise broke out, Xiao Hua’s thoughts and thoughts had already seen him witnessing the scene. Although Liao Jiang, who was eager to raise a lot of fishermen in Changsheng Town, suddenly rushed. More than a dozen feet of waves, the waves are much worse than the waves of the West Sea or the Bohai Sea. They can be overwhelmed, and they will be washed away by the simple dam near Liaojiang, and then toward the town at a speed of a thousand miles. Rushing away. This is an unprepared inland town. This river is only slightly raging. Everything in Changsheng Town near Liaojiang Sanli is transformed into Mizusawa.

Fortunately, in addition to the wave of the first wave of scouring, the river of Liaojiang was controlled by the aquarium. It seems that it is waiting for something, and it has not been vented.

It is just the scouring of this wave of waves, and the Sanli Mizusawa is already terrible!

Not to mention that the tattered roofs are floating in the water, not to mention that many poultry carcasses float in the water, not to mention that some bedding, window sills and tables are soaked in the water, that is, the villagers who cried in the water and shouted in the water have let Xiao Hua’s eyes caught fire.

At this time, the river that rushed into Changsheng Town was not too much. It probably only drowned the waist of ordinary people. Many villagers living on the riverside supported the old and carried away the desperate. In the midst of a mess, there are still many casualties. The water potential has slowed down and the water level is slowly falling. But even so, since there are poultry corpses, will the villagers’ bodies be less? A baby with a face down is swaying with the water, the white **** is rushing into the sky, and the corner of the belly is still on the baby's back. The bright red color is very glaring.

When Xiao Hua saw it, the baby’s corpse was hit by a long wooden column. The corpse was soft and sinking, then it floated again. Xiao Hua’s heart had no pain, and it was bitten with teeth. Your own lips.

Around three miles, the water is horribly raging, and it is really heartbreaking. But this is just a fuze. In the town of Changsheng, three miles away, those places with a slightly higher terrain are now detonating the panic. The shock and water sound caused the attention of hundreds of thousands of people. The water waves will see the calm and confidence of all these people shattered. They will not call for life, and they will not run to the town. The news of the aquarium town is like the wind blowing away in the town of Changsheng.

Everyone was panicked and blew up the mess! People step on people, people crowd, no one can care. Everyone wants to escape to a safe place before the second attack! It is precisely this panic that has already crushed many people's lives when Jiangshui has not come.

At this time, Xiao Hua, who had no time to take care of this, looked up to the distance, just at the edge of Changsheng Town, where there was a water wall with a few feet high. The water wall looked like a choppy, ten-person personality. The huge aquarium with dark scales is also the madness of the claws in the water wall!

"Silk ~" Xiao Hua sees this, his eyes are slightly stunned, and he hurries to look at both sides of the water wall, and he does not feel a cold breath! This water wall is not only getting higher and higher, but also it is extremely long. It doesn't need to be seen by God. It must be covered by this water wall in the ten miles of Changjiang Town. As long as the water wall is photographed, the water of Liaojiang will destroy the entire town of Changsheng as if it were ruined! Not to mention human life, that is, all the house buildings will not exist! Absolutely a human purgatory.

What Xiao Hua can see, people who are closer to the riverside can see that this water wall is a sword hanging over their heads. If they are delayed, they will fall down and ask for their lives!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua screamed, and the eyebrows began to flash a faint green color. In the face of the demon that would destroy the entire Changsheng Town, Xiao Hua would never be merciless.

Although the water wall was controlled by the aquarium, it could not be dropped for a while, but the sound of the waves inside was still harsh, and the sound of turbulent sounds was huge compared to the suffocating thunder. It not only concealed the cry of the cicadas who fled the villagers, but even The sound of people such as **** dust who had negotiated with the aquarium before flying to the water wall was also blocked.

The dust and other people flew faster than Xiaohua, and they arrived here one step earlier. In the process of their arrival, everything has already happened. The river has a length of ten miles, and the water is fierce, except for sexuality and sexuality. Saved two children, they can't do anything.

When the dust and other people see the waterfront, the water wall that is condensing, the first reaction is not to save people, but to prevent the formation of this water wall, to avoid the more violent river water once again hit the town of Changsheng.

And said that the dust flies high above the water wall, and after seeing the water wall a few feet high, seeing the water waves that are several miles high, the horror in the heart is even worse than before! He thought about the possibility of a variety of monster attacks, and naturally included the aquarium of Liaojiang. However, he never thought that the aquarium would directly destroy the town of Changsheng with the water of Liaojiang! After all, this is not only the strength of two aquariums, but also the things that Yuanli's second and third products can do! If there are so many aquariums, and have such high strength, what will happen to the harmless longevity town? Going directly to Jishun Town, there are many people there, there are many people, and it is not a star or a half more than the prosperity of Changsheng Town!

However, this one-on-one thought has now appeared in the real world, and the dust has to face the scalp.

"Mo Xianyou ~" Sexual dust to see the distance from their own unwillingness, smiled bitterly, "The old man does not know how to deal with this matter, but the old man knows that the old man has no ability to stop these aquariums, their strength exceeds me. Wait!"

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